



Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado:


Section 1. The Commissioner of Health and Civic Beauty of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, shall be the Inspector and Sealer of weights and measures, and the policemen of said city are hereby authorized and permitted to act, under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner of Health and Civic Beauty, as deputy inspectors and sealers of weights and measures, with power and authority hereinafter given to the Inspector and Sealer of weights and measures.


Section 2. The Inspector and Sealer of weights and measures shall inspect and examine all weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards, and other instruments and appliances used in the city for weighing and measuring, at least once in each year, except track scales and scales of capacity of more than three tons, which he shall inspect at least once in six months; he shall stamp or seal, with suitable seal, all weights, measures and scales which he shall find accurate and shall deliver to the owner thereof a certificate of their accuracy. He shall keep a record of all weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards, and other instruments used for weighing, inspected and sealed by him, in which he shall state the location and names of the owners of same and whether they are conformable to the standard of the State.


Section 3. The Inspector shall examine and inspect and seal all weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards, and other instruments used for weighing at stores and places where the same may be used; but in each case they, or any of them, shall not be conformable to the standard of the State, they shall be marked "condemned," and the owner thereof shall, within ten days thereafter, have the same properly adjusted and sealed, under a penalty of not more than ten dollars, and the Inspector may, after any time after the expiration of the time aforesaid, seize and destroy any and all such condemned weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards, and other instruments used for weighing and measuring found in use.


Section 4. It shall not be lawful for the Inspector to make charges for inspecting and examining weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards, or other instruments used for weighing.


Section 5. The inspector shall be supplied with correct and approved standards of weights and measures, of the standard adopted by the State of Colorado.


Section 6. Every person using weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steelyards, or any instrument in weighing or measuring any article intended to be purchased or sold in the city, or in weighing any person or animals for pay, shall cause the same to be inspected and sealed by the inspector in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.


Section 7. All itinerant peddlers using scales, balances, weights or measures, shall take the same to the office of the Inspector, before any use is made thereof, and having the same sealed and adjusted, and any such person failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense, and every day such person shall use such scales, balances, weights or measures, without having the same adjusted and sealed as hereinbefore provided, shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.


Section 8. No person shall practice deceit or fraud of any kind whatsoever in the sale of wood, coal, grain, berries, fruit, vegetables, liquids or fluids of any kind, or any other commodity or article of merchandise, whether sold by dry or liquid measurement, by selling or offering for sale any commodity or article of merchandise of any kind whatsoever in quantities of less weight or measure than the weight or measure represented by him, his agent or employee, upon such sale or offer for sale, and no person shall sell or offer for sale any article of dry measurement in other than a legal dry measure, or any article of liquid measurement in other than a legal liquid measure, or in any measure which has not been inspected and sealed by the inspector in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. No package containing butter, butterine, or oleomargarine shall be sold or offered for sale in this city the weight of the contents of which is less than sixteen ounces to the so-called pound package.


Section 9. All milk vessels, whether cans, bottles, glasses, or measures used in the sale or offering for sale of milk, skimmed milk, cream or buttermilk, shall be inspected once each year, and if found correct they shall be duly marked and a certificate of approval given, and if incorrect they shall be condemned and a written notice given to the owner thereof. Any person using any condemned vessel in the sale or offering for sale of any of said products shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense.


Section 10. No person shall use, maintain or operate in the city, in weighing or measuring as aforesaid, any weight, measure, scale beam, patent balance, steelyard or other instrument, which shall not be conformable to the standard of the State, nor shall use in weighing or measuring, as aforesaid, any scale beam, patent balance, steelyard or other instrument which shall be out of order or incorrect, nor which shall not balance.


Section 11. No person shall refuse to exhibit any weight, measure, scale beam, patent balance, steelyard or other instrument to the said Inspector, for the purpose of being so inspected and examined.


Section 12. No person shall in any way or manner obstruct, hinder, or molest the Inspector in the performance of his duties under this ordinance.


Passed and adopted this 25th day of March, A. D. 1919.


/s/ Chas E. Cherrington






/s/ Charles K. Holmburg


City Clerk.


I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance Concerning the Inspection of Weights and Measures," was introduced, read and ordered published at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, held on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1919, and that the same was published in full in The Daily News, a daily newspaper published and in general circulation in said city, at least ten days before its passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city, this 25th day of March, A. D. 1919.


/s/ Charles K. Holmburg


City Clerk.


Final publication, March 26, 1919.