



BE IT ORDAINED By The City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado:


Section 1. The following definitions define the meaning of certain words as appearing in this ordinance:


"STREET" - That part of the public highway intended for vehicles.


"MOTOR VEHICLES" - All vehicles propelled by any power other than muscular power, which do not run upon a rail.


"CHAUFFEUR" - Any person operating a motor vehicle for hire, or as the employe of the owner thereof.


"DRIVER" - Rider, driver or leader of a horse; a person who pushes, draws, propels, operates, or is in charge of a vehicle.


"VEHICLE" - All conveyances, except a baby carriage or a street car.


"HORSE" - Any draft animal or beast of burden.


"CONGESTED DISTRICT" - Shall include Main Street and Colorado Avenue, between the East side of Seventh Street and the West side of Second Street; also all streets intersecting Main Street so limited within a distance of 270 feet from said Street; also Second Street from Main Street to the North line of South Avenue.


"CURB" - The boundaries of a street, as defined above.


"PARKED" - A waiting vehicle, except vehicles stopped to load or unload.


"STREET INTERSECTION" - Any street which joins another at an angle, whether it crosses the street or not.


Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Affairs shall have control of traffic of every kind in streets and shall enforce regulations in regard thereto not inconsistent with the specific provisions of this ordinance.


Section 3. LIGHTS. During the period between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, and at all other times and places when and where there is insufficient light to clearly reveal all persons and objects 500 feet distant, all motor vehicles shall display one red light visible 300 feet only from the rear, and two white side or headlights, visible 300 feet ahead, except that street cars, and motorcycles are required to display only one headlight; and all other motor vehicles shall display one red light at the rear. All headlights shall be of white or amber light, or intermediate shades. Vehicles and street cars lighted with headlights shall have the right-of-way at crossings over vehicles not displaying headlights.


Section 4. PARKED VEHICLES. Parked motor vehicles, during the period between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, and at all other times when there is insufficient light to reveal the vehicle 150 feet from the rear, shall be required to display one red light, visible only from the rear, and when parked on streets where there is sufficient light to clearly reveal the vehicle from a distance of at least 150 feet no lights shall be required.


Section 5. ADJUSTMENT AND EQUIPMENT OF LIGHTS. Motor vehicle headlights shall produce sufficient light to reveal objects 150 feet ahead, and shall be permanently adjusted and equipped in such manner as will eliminate all glare.


Section 6. PROJECTING MATERIALS. All vehicles loaded with materials projecting from the rear shall carry a red signal light at the extreme rear point of such projecting materials.


Section 7. BRAKES. Every motor vehicle shall be provided with at least two adequate brakes, each of which works independently of the other, except motorcycles, which shall be provided with not less than one adequate brake.


Section 8. WARNING SIGNALS. Every motor vehicle shall be provided with at least one adequate horn or bell, in working condition.


Section 9. WHISTLES AND NOISES. Siren whistles or whistles operated by condensed air, exhaust gas or steam, shall not be used on any vehicle except those operated by the Police Department or Fire Department, when on emergency calls; also vehicles shall be prohibited from using the motor muffler cutout.


Section 10. SMOKE AND VAPOR. No motor vehicle shall be operated in such a way as to emit unnecessary smoke or offensive vapors.


Section 11. ACCIDENTS. In case of accident to or collision with a person or property upon any street, due to the driving or operation thereon of any vehicle, the driver of such vehicle shall stop and give such assistance as he can, and shall give his name and address to the person injured, or any other person requesting the same.


Section 12. SPEED. Every person operating a vehicle on the streets shall drive the same in a careful and prudent manner, at a rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and safe, having regard for the width, grade, curves, corners, traffic and use of the streets and all other attendant circumstances, so as not to endanger the life or limb or property of any person.

Driving at a speed in excess of twelve (12) miles per hour in the congested district and in excess of twenty (20) miles per hour on other streets of the City shall not be considered careful and prudent driving and is forbidden. Driving in streets adjacent to a school house between the hours of 8 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. on days when school is in session therein is forbidden at a greater rate than twelve (12) miles per hour.


Section 13. INTOXICATION. No person, while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, shall drive any kind of a vehicle on the streets.


Section 14. AGE LIMIT. No person under the age of fifteen (15) years shall drive any motor vehicle upon the streets or alleys of said City.


Section 15. RIGHT-OF-WAY. Vehicles of the Police Department Fire Department, Ambulances and of physicians and surgeons, when on emergency calls, shall have the right-of-way on any street and through any procession. On the approach of any fire apparatus, responding to a call and sounding the siren or bell, the driver of any vehicle shall immediately drive close to the right hand curb and stop. Every driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection of a street shall grant the right-of-way at such intersection to any vehicle approaching from the right, provided that wherever traffic officers are stationed they shall have full power to regulate traffic.


Section 16. STREET CARS. Street cars shall have the right-of-way except as herein otherwise provided, but the person in charge thereof shall exercise proper care not to injure pedestrians, vehicles, the occupants or contents thereof, and the driver or person in control of any vehicle in front of a street car shall immediately turn out on signal from the motorman or person in control of the street car.


Section 17. BLOCKADE. No vehicle shall be driven or parked so as to blockade or obstruct any street or alley and no vehicle shall be so overloaded that the horse or horses, or motor power shall be unable to move it readily.


Section 18. MOVING VEHICLES. Vehicles shall be driven in a single file, except when passing another, and shall keep to the right of the center of the street.


Section 19. DISTANCE FROM STREET CARS. The driver of any motor vehicle shall bring the same to a full stop at least ten (10) feet from the nearest end of any street car or interurban car which he is about to pass and which is stopping or has stopped for the purpose of taking on or discharging passengers, and shall remain standing until such car has taken on or discharged its passengers and again started, or is signalled to pass by the motorman or conductor. Where any street car or interurban car is waiting for time, or is stopping for any other purpose, than to take on or let off passengers, either the conductor or motorman on said car shall signal such waiting vehicle to pass.


Section 20. PEDESTRIANS. Pedestrians in congested district shall cross streets at a right angle at street intersections and at no other place. Where a traffic officer is stationed pedestrians shall cross with the released traffic.


Section 21. WAITING FOR CARS. Pedestrians must stand on the sidewalk while waiting for street cars until the street car is within 100 feet or less from the stopping place, and when alighting from street cars shall proceed immediately to the sidewalk.


Section 22. MEETING, PASSING AND OVERTAKING. Vehicles meeting shall pass to the right.


Section 23. Vehicles overtaking another vehicle shall pass to the left, and not pull over to the right until entirely clear of the overtaken vehicle, except in overtaking a street car, when the overtaking vehicle shall keep to the right.


Section 24. SIGNAL -TURNING TO RIGHT. Any vehicle turning into another street to the right, shall turn the corner as near the right-hand curb as practicable.


Section 25. SIGNAL - TURNING TO LEFT. Any vehicle turning into another street to the left, shall pass to the right of and beyond the center of the street intersection before turning.


Section 26. SIGNAL - TURNING. Any driver shall, before turning, make sure that such movement can be executed in safety, and shall give a plain, visible signal to others upon the street by a traffic signal device or by extending the hand in the direction in which it is intended to turn.


Section 27. TURNING. The driver of any vehicle shall before turning make sure that such movement can be executed in safety and shall give a plain, visible signal to others upon the street by traffic signal device or by extending the hand in the direction in which he is intending to turn. The driver of any vehicle in the congested district wishing to turn and proceed in the opposite direction to which he shall be going, shall not do so at any place except at a street intersection, nor shall he cross to the opposite side of the street in the congested district, except at intersection of streets.


Section 28. STOPPING. Before decreasing speed or stopping, drivers shall warn those following them of their intention so to do by extending the hand, or signal upward, or by giving warning of such intention in some other unmistakable manner.


Section 29. BACKING. Before backing, drivers of vehicles shall give ample warning, and while backing unceasing vigilance shall be exercised not to injure those behind.


Section 30. PERMITS. Permits for express stands and for autos for hire may be granted on all streets by the Commissioner of Public Affairs; provided, that the consent of the adjoining property owner must be secured before such permit is granted; and provided further that such permit may be revoked at any time by the Commissioner of Public Affairs, or by the City Council, if the person having such permit fails to observe any of the provisions of this ordinance or any rules issued thereunder.


Section 31. CURBLINE. On all streets all vehicles shall stand with the right front wheel as close to the curb as practicable, and with space enough between rear right wheel and the curbing to allow another vehicle to stand between said right wheel and curbing. Vehicles shall not stop with the left side to the curb.


Section 32. HYDRANTS - BUILDINGS. No vehicle shall be left standing at the curb within 15 feet of any fire hydrant, or in front of any entrance or exit of any theater, place of public amusement, school, hospital, church, or any other building where there are public gatherings.


Section 33. No vehicle shall be left standing at the curb within 25 feet of the corner of the sidewalk.


Section 34. OBSTRUCTION - REPAIR. No repairing shall be done on any sidewalk, street or alley, except for emergency repairs or changing of tires. No cleaning of vehicles shall be done on the paved streets of the city.


Section 35. STORAGE ON STREETS OR ALLEYS. No owner or occupant of any garage, livery stable, wagon, or blacksmith shop, salesroom, or other place of business, shall suffer any wagon, car, carriage, dray, or other vehicle, whether left for safe keeping, repair or otherwise, to be or remain on the sidewalk, street, or alley adjoining and in front of any such premises longer than reasonably necessary.


Section 36. CROSSWALKS - SPEED. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to cross any sidewalk, or to approach the entrance to an alley, or to emerge from any alley onto or across a sidewalk, or onto a street, at a speed faster than four miles an hour, and without giving warning to pedestrians and to other vehicles by sounding a horn or bell or other emergency alarm.


Section 37. LEAVING VEHICLE. No motor vehicle shall be left standing at the curb unattended unless the emergency brake is applied and left in that position, and the motor stopped, and in case of an electrically-driven vehicle the controller switch is locked.


Section 38. BACKING TO CURB. No vehicle shall remain backed up to the curb except it be actually loading or unloading and in no case longer than the actual loading or unloading requires.


If the vehicle be horse-drawn the horse or horses shall be turned at right angles to the vehicle and in the direction in which traffic on that side of the street is moving.


Section 39. HITCHING ON. No person shall hitch on to or climb upon any vehicle which is in motion.


Section 40. TAKING HOLD OF VEHICLES. No person shall lay hold of any part of any vehicle, street car or interurban car, while the same is in motion.


Section 41. BICYCLES. No person shall ride a bicycle on any street without having his hands on the handle bars.


Section 42. SIDEWALKS. No person shall ride a bicycle on any sidewalk.


Section 43. FANCY RIDING. It shall be unlawful for any person riding a motorcycle, bicycle or tricycle or velocipede, to curve to and fro on such vehicle, or to proceed by "coasting" with the feet of the rider removed from the pedals; or to practice any trick or fancy riding in any street; or to carry any person upon such vehicle unless the same is provided with two seats.


Section 44. TOWING DISABLED VEHICLES. No vehicle unless confined to tracks shall tow more than one other disabled vehicle, and the connection shall not be longer than sixteen feet.


Section 45. BACKING FOR POSITION. No vehicle shall be driven in a backward direction to make a turn on any street. No vehicle shall be driven in a backward direction farther than is absolutely necessary to avoid accident, or to put itself into such position as to enable it to properly proceed on its way.


Section 46. STREET CARS. Any street car motorman shall immediately stop his car, or give way, upon receiving warning of the approach of any Police or Fire Department vehicle, when on an emergency call. Street cars shall not be run or operated in a reckless or careless manner, and the speed at all times and places shall be reasonable and with proper regards for the width, traffic and use of the street and all attendant circumstances, so as not to endanger the life or limb or property of any person. Passengers shall only be permitted to enter or leave street cars on the right side thereof.


Section 47. BARRIERS. No vehicle shall drive over any newly made pavement where there is a barrier or sign warning persons not to drive over such pavement, or a sign stating that the street is closed.

Section 48. LITTER. No person shall throw, place or deposit in or upon any public street, alley or roadway, any nails, tacks, glass, crockery, scrap-iron, tin, wire, bottles, thorns or clippings, or any other article or thing of any nature whatsoever, likely to injure the tires of any vehicle.


Section 49. PARADES AND ASSEMBLAGES. The streets must not be used by anyone for any parade, procession or street assemblages without a permit from the Commissioner of Public Affairs.


Section 50. SIGNALS BY POLICE OFFICERS. Drivers and pedestrians must stop immediately upon request or upon the signal from a police officer; such signal to be made by the officer raising his hand, using a semaphore, blowing a whistle or in some other intelligible manner.


Section 51. SCATTERING ON STREET. No vehicle shall be so loaded that the contents thereof shall fall therefrom on the street thereby tending to litter the streets.


Section 52. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any of the rules and regulations of the Commissioner of Public Affairs, made as authorized herein, shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than two ($2.00) dollars nor more than three hundred ($300.00) dollars.


Section 53. Ordinance No. 234 of the City of Grand Junction, passed and adopted February 2, 1915, be and the same is hereby repealed.


Passed and adopted this 2nd day of December, A. D. 1919.


/s/ Chas E. Cherrington






/s/ Charles K. Holmburg


City Clerk.


I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance Regulating Street Traffic in the City of Grand Junction," was introduced, read and ordered published at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, held on the 18th day of November, A. D. 1919, and that the same was published in full in The Daily Sentinel, a daily newspaper published and in general circulation in said city, at least ten days before its passage


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city, this 2nd day of December, A. D. 1919.


/s/ Charles K. Holmburg


City Clerk.