Section 1. The following named officers and employees of the City shall receive the following monthly salaries beginning February 1st. 1922, payable at the close of each and every month, viz:


Chief of Department of Health and Parks


City Stenographer


Chief of Police





Passed and adopted this 15th. day of February A.D. 1922.



/s/ W.G. Hirons






President of the Council





/s/ Fred A. Peck






City Clerk



I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing ordinance entitled "An ordinance concerning salaries of certain City officers and employees", was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, held on the 15th day of February A.D. 1922, and that the same was published in full the Daily News, a daily news paper published and in general circulation in said city, at least ten days before it's passage.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City, this 15th day of February A.D. 1922.



/s/ Fred A. Peck






City Clerk









An ordinance providing for the regulation and licensing of public dance halls, ball rooms and dancing academies and public dances, and to prohibit and restrain all immoral or indecent dances, and defining what constitutes a public dance hall, ball room or dancing academy and what constitutes immoral or indecent dances and providing a penalty for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance.






Section 1. Before any person or persons shall conduct, carry on or engage in conduction or keeping or maintaining any public dance hall, bal room, dancing academy or place where dancing is regularly carried on or indulged in for hire or profit or is open to the general public without compensation or hire, he or they shall first obtain license from the Clerk of the City of Grand Junction and pay therefor to the City Treasurer the sum of twenty-five dollars for six months' license.



Section 2. No license shall be issued by the Clerk of the City of Grand Junction under this ordinance except upon order of the City Council and before any order authorizing the issuing of any such license shall be made the person or persons desiring such license shall make application in writing to the Council, stating the place where such public dance hall, ball room or dancing academy is to be carried on and the Council may, upon investigation of the circumstances and conditions surrounding the place where such dance hall, ball room or academy is to be carried on, or of the person applying for such license, in its discretion, refuse to issue any such license if within the judgment of the Council it is to the best interests of the city and the morals thereof to refuse the same.



Section 3. Any room or place where dancing is regularly carried on or conducted, or which is leased, let or rented for hire for the purpose of regularly carrying on therein dances, open to the general public, or where an admission is charged for attending any dance therein, either as a participant or spectator, shall under the provisions of this Ordinance be deemed a public dance hall, or ball room, and any hall or place where dancing lessons or instructions in dancing shall be given for hire or any money or stipend received therefor shall be deemed a dancing academy.



Section 4. Any person or persons who shall organize, permit or conduct any dance or ball for profit or who shall charge or receive any admission fees for attendance at such dance or hall, either for participators or spectators, or shall sell any ticket for the same, shall first obtain a license from the City Clerk to conduct such dance and pay for such license the sum of two dollars for each of such dances or balls. Provided, however, that licenses may, in the discretion of the City Manager, be granted without charge for dances given by any fraternal, charitable, religious or benevolent organization, having a regular membership associated primarily for mutual physical or mental welfare, to which admission is limited to members and guests.



Section 5. No person holding any license to conduct or operate any dance hall, ball room, dancing academy or dance, or who shall have charge or control for the time being of any such dance hall, ball room, dancing academy or dance, shall personally or by any agent, lessee or employee, allow or permit to be conducted or engaged in, in any such dance hall, ball room or dancing academy or at any such dance, any rag dance or dances which in its or their nature has or have or tend to have an immoral or lewd tendency, or which are offensive to common decency, or shall allow or permit any indecent, lewd or offensive conduct between persons of different sexes, or permit any intoxicated person or persons under the influence of intoxicating liquor to remain in any such place, or to take part in any dance therein, or shall allow any minor under the age of eighteen years to be or remain in or at any such dance hall, ballroom, dancing academy or dance, unless such minor shall while there be accompanied by the parent or parents or the duly and legally appointed guardian of such minor and no such minor shall be allowed to remain at any such place later than the hour of 12:00 o'clock P.M.



No minor under the age of eithteen years or other person shall misrepresent or mis-state to any person having charge or control of any such dance hall, ball room, dancing academy or dance, the age of any person or his or her relation thereto, in order to secure a permit for any such minor to remain at any such place, and no minor shall remain at such place, contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance.



Section 6. The Council of the City of Grand Junction reserves the right to, and it may, at any time after the issuance of any license under the terms of this Ordinance, upon investigation surrounding the operation of any dance hall, ball room or dancing academy, revoke any license issued for conduction of the same, whether any conviction for a violation of any of the terms of this Ordinance shall have been had against the person holding said license or not; provided, however, that where no conviction of the person holding such license has been made an order shall be made, returning to the holder of such license a pro rata share of the license fees paid for the unexpired portion of the time for which such license was issued.



Section 7. All dances shall be discontinued and all dance halls shall be closed on or before twelve o'clock midnight; provided, however, that upon application of a responsible person, organization or society, and investigation by the City Manager, he may grant such person, organization or society a permit to continue until a time specified in such permit, but no tickets shall be sold or accepted for admission to such dance hall or dance after the hour of twelve o'clock midnight. Provided, however, that no dance shall be held on Sunday.



Section 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail not to exceed ninety days.



Passed and adopted this 21st day of February, A.D. 1922.



/s/ W.G. Hirons






President of Council






/s/ Fred A. Peck






City Clerk



First pub. Feb. 11, 1922



Last pub. Feb. 23, 1922



I HEREBY CERTIFY, That the foregoing ordinance, entitled, "An ordinance providing for the regulation and licensing of public dance halls, ball rooms and dancing academies and public dances and to prohibit and restrain all immoral or indecent dances and defining what constitutes immoral or indecent dances and providing a penalty for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance," was introduced and read at an adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colo., held on the 8th day of February, A.D. 1922, and that the same was published in The Daily News, a daily newspaper and in general circulation in said city, at least ten days before its passage.



IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this 21st day of February, A.D. 1922.



/s/ Fred A. Peck






City Clerk