WHEREAS, the City of Grand Junction must take immediate action in the way of providing funds for the payment of the City Water Bonds.



 THEREFORE: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction:



Section 1. All persons who desire to use water from the city water mains shall before doing so make written application to the City Auditor.



 All water rent, whether based on the flat rate or meter rate shall be due and payable on the first of each month for water used during the previous month. If such rent is not paid within ten days thereafter the water shall be shut off. Whenever the water shall be shut off for nonpayment of water rent, the water shall not be turned on again until the back water rent has been paid, together with one dollar additional for the trouble and expense of shutting off and turning on the water. The owner of the property where the water is used shall be held responsible for the payment of rent for all water used thereon. No discount shall be given for advance payments of water rent. Upon the request of a consumer the City Auditor shall notify him of the amount of rent due, either by mail or telephone.



 Section 2. The monthly rates for the use of water from the City water works used within the city limits are hereby established, payable monthly, for each: Residence, hospital, sanitarium, hotel and office building of four rooms or less: $1.25 and 20 cents for each additional room over four rooms




Drug Store


Fire Hydrants, each


Street Sprinkling Wagons, all


City Parks, all


Bakery & Candy Factory, according to water used

2.00 to 3.00

Restaurant, according to water used

1.50 to 3.00

Soft Drink Parlors and Clubs according to water used

2.00 to 3.00

Store, not otherwise specified


Soda Fountain


Barber Shops, one chair


Each additional chair


Public Bath Room, one tub


Each additional tub


Photograph Gallery, according to water used

1.50 to 2.50

Hand Laundry, according to water used

2.00 to 3.00

Livery Stable, according to water used

3.00 to 10.00

Public Automobile Garage, according to water used

2.00 to 3.00

Dental Parlor, per chair


Vegetable Fountain




School houses in School District #1 per scholar, per year, payable monthly

.12 1/2

Water sold from hydrant, per tank


Each bottling establishment and brickyard, chemical laboratory, railway establishment, steam boiler, and all other concerns not mentioned, according to amount of water used; provided however, that the minimum monthly rent to any water user shall not be less than





 These rates shall apply to all places until services are metered.


 Section 3. The following monthly rentals for water used within the city limits and measured by meter shall be paid:



Minimum Rate (6,000 gal.) or less


For first 6,000 gallons

17 1/2¢ per 1000 gallons

For next 44,000 gallons

16¢ per 1000 gallons

For next 50,000 gallons

15¢ per 1000 gallons

For next 300,000 gallons

12¢ per 1000 gallons

For next 600,000 gallons

10¢ per 1000 gallons

For next 1,000,000 gallons

8¢ per 1000 gallons

For all above 2,000,000 gallons

5¢ per 1000 gallons


 The above rates and quantities shall apply to each individual meter.


 Meters shall be placed on all water service connections outside the city limits and the rates for water used shall be double the above rates.



 When a meter or indicator gets out of order or fails to register correctly the charge shall be made according to the average quantity of water used as shown by the meter when in order.



 Section 4. The city reserves the right at any time to attach meters to all service pipes at all places where water is used and to charge the quantity of water used at meter rates; provided however, that the charge for such places shall not be less than the minimum rate.



 The city shall also have the right to charge for such meters the sum of 20¢ for a 5/8" meter, 25¢ for a 3/4" meter, 30¢ for a 1" meter, 50¢ for a 1 1/2" meter, 75¢ for a 2" meter, $1.00 for a 3" meter, $2.00 for a 4" meter and $4.00 for a 6" meter for each and every month the meter is used.



 All meters which are now in service and for which the purchase price was deposited with the city shall remain the property of the person making the deposit, or upon the written request of the owner the city shall assume the ownership of the meter and place the deposit originally made to the credit of the owner. Said credit to be applied on the account of the previous owner for water used.



 All meters shall be furnished and maintained by the city. The type and size for each and every service to be determined by the City Manager.



 All meters shall be installed in such location and in such manner as shall be prescribed by the City Manager



 Upon the written request of a property owner for the installation of a meter to be placed on the water service connection which supplies water to his property, such meter shall be installed and thereafter the charge for water shall be by meter rates.



 Provided, however, that any water user may purchase his own meter, the size and type to be determined by the City Manager, for which no rental charge shall be charged by the city, but all charges for maintenance and replacements shall be paid by the owner.



 Section 5. As soon as possible after the passage of this ordinance the City Manager shall purchase and install meters on all water service connections where the rate charged under the above flat rate schedule is $30.00 or more per year. Services used by the Street, Park and Fire Departments of the city excepted.



 All water service connections where water is used for power purposes shall be metered.



 Section 6. The rates and rentals as in this ordinance provided shall become effective April 1st, 1922



 Section 7. That all ordinances and parts thereof in conflict with this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed.


 Section 8. In the opinion of the City Council a special emergency exists for the preservation of the public health and safety, and this ordinance shall therefore take effect upon its passage.



Passed and adopted this 22nd day of March, 1922.



/s/ W.G. Hirons






President of Council






/s/ Fred A. Peck






City Clerk



I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance entitled "An emergency ordinance concerning the water rates or rents and the collection thereof, and repealing all ordinances and parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance" was introduced read, passed and adopted as an emergency ordinance and numbered 313 by the City of Grand Junction, Colo. at a regular meeting held on the 22nd day of March A.D. 1922, and that the same was ordered published in the Daily New, a daily news paper published and in general circulation in the City of Grand Junction.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have this day set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city, this 23 day of March A.D. 1922



/s/ Fred A. Peck






City Clerk