Section 1. All service pipes laid or constructed in the City of Grand Junction, for the distribution of water, connected with the main in the street and extended to the stop box, which stop box shall be placed at a point one and one-half feet inside the curb line, shall be double extra strong lead pipe, and no other kind shall be used or laid.


 Section 2. The repairing, laying, or construction of service pipes for the distribution of water, connected with the main in the street and extended to the stop box inside the curb line of the street in front of property to be served, shall be performed only by the Water Department of the City of Grand Junction, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to repair, lay, or construct such service pipe.


 Section 3. Service pipes of suitable size will be furnished upon application to the Treasurer of the City of Grand Junction and the prepayment of the charges therefor as hereafter provided, and the Water Department shall furnish all labor and materials necessary for such construction, including tapping of mains, installation of brass corporation cocks, brass curb cocks and connections, stop box, and such double extra strong lead pipe as may be necessary. Where the laying of the lead service pipe and connections are necessitated by the paving of the street, the property owner will be given the option of paying the cost of same in cash or having it assessed against his property the same as the cost of the paving is assessed.


 Section 4. All charges for furnishing and laying such service pipe and connections shall be calculated as if the water main were laid in the center of the street in order that uniform charge may be made to the property abutting on the opposite side.


 Section 5. The rates to be charged for furnishing, constructing and laying such service pipes, of not exceeding one inch in size by the Water Department shall be fixed and established by the City Council by resolution and a schedule of said rates shall be posted on the bulletin board in the City Hall. Said rates shall be subject to change by resolution of the Council whenever necessitated by the change in the cost of labor or material, provided, however, that any change necessary on the account of an increase or decrease of the market price of such pipe, or of labor shall not be made until after five days notice thereof has been given, said notice to be published two consecutive times in the official newspaper of said City, and the time of said notice shall commence to run from the date of the first publication thereof. All services larger than one inch shall be considered commercial services and shall be charged for at actual cost plus 10%. No service larger than five-eighths inch shall be put in except where meters are installed.


 All stop boxes shall be placed at a point one and one-half feet back from the face of pavement curb or if no permanent curb is in place, then at a point one and one half feet back from proposed location of the face of the curb which shall be standard for all streets according to the width of same as follows:


 Width of Street      Width of Roadway between Curbs


 60 feet            30 feet


 80 feet            36 feet


 100 feet            56 feet



 When a street is paved, a greater width than the above standard, all stop boxes shall be moved and the lead pipe extended to conform to the extra width of roadway and such work shall be performed by the Water Department, and the cost of same charged to the property. The charge for same shall be the actual cost plus 10% for overhead expense.


 Where it becomes necessary to cut a pavement or cement sidewalk in order to install a service pipe and connections. The cost of same shall be charged to the property owner at cost plus 10%, for overhead expense.


 Section 6. All repairs to service connections between the water main and the stop box shall be made by the Water Department and the actual cost of same plus 10% for overhead expense shall be charged to the property owner.


 Where such old service connection shall be found to be more than 25% deteriorated, the same shall be replaced with a new lead service connection and the cost of same shall be paid by the property owner, as provided in Section 5 of this ordinance.


 Section 7. All service pipes within the premises of the water user and from the property line to the curb line, and from the curb line to the water main (where same is not constructed of double extra strong lead pipe) must be kept in repair and protected from freezing at the expense of the owner, lessee or agent, who shall be responsible for all damages resulting from leaks or breaks in such service pipes.


 Section 8. After double extra strong lead service pipe has been laid and constructed, the Water Department shall thereafter maintain and keep in repair all such service pipes between the main and curb cock, and shall repair or cause to be repaired any cuts or excavations in paved or unpaved streets in laying or repairing such service connections, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.


 Section 9. Should it be desired to discontinue the use of all water supplied to the premises for a portion of less than twenty days, notice in writing must be given, and payment in full of all arrears (if any there be) made at the Water Office. The water will then be turned off and turned on again on application, without charge; but no remission of rates will be made for a period of less than twenty days, or without the notice prescribed in this section; provided, however, that in the event the service had been shut off for non-payment of water rent, then the charges shall be made in accordance with Ordinance No. 267.


 Section 10. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.


 Section 11. Any person, association or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not less than $5.00, nor more than $100.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not exceeding 30 days.


Passed and adopted this 20th day of February A.D. 1924.


/s/ W.G. Hirons


President of Council



/s/ Fred A. Peck


City Clerk.


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, held the 6th day of February A.D. 1924, and that the same was published in the Daily Sentinel, a daily newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 21st day of February, A.D. 1924.


/s/ Fred A. Peck


City Clerk