The City Council of the City of Grand Junction is keenly aware of the importance of having a robust broadband capability to support economic prosperity and growth. The relationship has been amply demonstrated in other communities and the City Council is convinced that high speed internet is essential for the success of the citizens, businesses and community partners in growing, achieving and maintaining economic development in Grand Junction.

In April 2015, Grand Junction voters approved an override of Colorado Senate Bill 05-152 by 77%. That vote was the first step on the path of improvement in the speed and capability of the high-speed internet toward development of a reliable and forward-looking broadband system.

Next Century Cities is a free, membership organization that supports community leaders across the country as they seek to ensure the development and deployment of fast, affordable and reliable internet to its community members. In furtherance of that work the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to cause the City of Grand Junction to join the Next Centuries Cities organization and furthermore the City Council by and with this resolution does embrace the tenets of the Next Centuries Cities organization including its core principles which are as follows:

High-Speed Internet Is Necessary Infrastructure: fast, reliable, and affordable Internet – at globally competitive speeds – is no longer optional. Residents, schools, libraries, and businesses require next-generation connectivity to succeed.

The Internet Is Nonpartisan: because the Internet is an essential resource for residents and businesses in all communities, the provision of fast, reliable, and affordable Internet transcends partisanship. This collaboration welcomes leaders of all affiliations and beliefs who believe fast, reliable, and affordable high-speed Internet access is essential to secure America’s Internet future.

Communities Must Enjoy Self-Determination: broadband solutions must align with community needs—there is no perfect model that is universally appropriate. Towns and cities should have the right to consider all options – whether public, nonprofit, corporate, or some other hybrid – free from interference.

High-Speed Internet Is a Community-Wide Endeavor: building effective next-generation networks requires cooperation across communities. It is critical to involve and include multiple stakeholders and perspectives to succeed, including businesses, community organizations, residents, anchor institutions, and others. Everyone in a community should be able to access the Internet on reasonable terms.

Meaningful Competition Drives Progress: a vibrant, diverse marketplace, with transparency in offerings, pricings, and policies will spur innovation, increase investment, and lower prices. Communities, residents, and businesses should have a meaningful choice in providers.

Collaboration Benefits All: innovative approaches to broadband deployment present diverse challenges and opportunities to communities and regions. Working together, cities can learn from the experiences of others, lower costs, and make the best use of next-generation networks.

The City of Grand Junction joins Next Century Cities as the 90th member.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GRAND JUNCTION CITY COUNCIL that the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to take the necessary action(s), step(s) and to make the necessary commitment(s) to joining Next Centuries Cities for the purposes of advancing the city’s goals of enhancing broadband in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado.

PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 20th day of May, 2015.




/s/ Phyllis Norris    




/s/ Stephanie Tuin      
City Clerk