BE IT ORDAINED By the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado:


Section 1. DEFINITIONS. The following terms, whenever used in this ordinance, except as otherwise specifically indicated, shall be deemed to have and shall be held to include each of the meanings respectively set forth in this section, and any such terms used in the singular shall be held to include the plural, and words used in the masculine gender shall comprehend and include, as well, the feminine and neuter.


STREET. The term "Street" shall apply to that part of the public highway intended for vehicles, including boulevards, avenues, roadways and lanes used by or laid out for the use of vehicles.


STREET INTERSECTION. The term "Street Intersection" shall mean any street which joins another at any angle, whether or not it crosses the street.


CURB. The term "Curb" shall mean the lateral boundaries of that portion of a street designated or intended for the use of vehicles, whether marked by curbing construction of stone, cement, concrete, or other material, or not so marked.


VEHICLE. The term "Vehicle" shall apply to all vehicles propelled by any power other than muscular power and which does not run upon a rail.


CHAUFFEUR. The term "Chauffeur" shall apply to any person operating a motor vehicle for hire or as the employee of the owner thereof.


DRIVER. The term "Driver" shall apply to the rider, driver, or leader of a horse, or a person who pushes, draws, propels, operates or is in charge of a vehicle.


HORSE. The term "Horse" shall apply to any draft animal or beast of burden.


PARKED. The term "Parked" shall apply to a waiting vehicle, except vehicles stopped to lead or unlead.


SIDEWALK. The term "Sidewalk" shall apply to that part of the highway or park for the use of pedestrians.


CROSS-WALK. The term "Cross-walk shall apply to that part of the roadway, marked or understood, upon which pedestrians should cross.


ALLEY. The term "Alley" shall apply to any roadway not meant primarily as a substitute for a street, but only as a local accommodation to a limited neighborhood.


STREET CAR. The term "Street car" shall apply to any Public Service vehicle confined to rails on street or roadway.


ONE-WAY TRAFFIC. The term "One-Way Traffic" shall apply to traffic restricted to one direction.


BUSINESS DISTRICT. The term "Business District" or "Business Section" shall include that territory defined by Ordinance as within the "Fire Limits."


Section 2. SPEED. Every person operating a vehicle on the streets in the City of Grand Junction shall drive the same in a careful and prudent manner, at a rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and safe, having regard for the width, grade, curves, corners, traffic and use of the streets, and all other attendant circumstances, so as not to endanger the life or limb or property of any person. Driving in excess of fifteen miles an hour (in the business section of the City of Grand Junction); and driving in excess of twenty miles per hour on other streets of the City of Grand Junction, or driving at a less speed than ten miles per hour (except when actually starting or stopping) in traffic moving at the rate of more than ten miles per hour shall not be considered careful and prudent driving.


Section 3. SPEED IN FRONT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Wherever signs are displayed by order of the police department on streets in front of any public school or other school, or displayed at any other place as may be ordered by the Chief of Police or the City Manager, and such signs shall have written thereon "Slow Down", or "Slow", with the further terms, "School", or other terms designating the kind and place, it shall be the duty of the operator of every vehicle to slacken its speed at such places and to operate at such places at a speed not exceeding fifteen (15) miles per hour; provided, however, that the operators of all vehicles shall be under the constant duty to exercise the greatest caution and care in so operating at a very moderate speed at such places as not to endanger or injure any children going into or coming out of any such school, or other persons going into or coming out of any such places in front of which, such signs are erected. It shall be the further duty of the operator of any vehicle, when using the street in front of where hospital or school zone signs are established to so operate the said vehicles as not to unreasonably disturb the patients by the ringing of bells or sounding of horns, or otherwise creating unreasonable noises which may disturb or are likely to disturb any patients; that hospital or school zone signs shall be placed and erected under the orders of the Chief of Police or the City Manager of the City of Grand Junction, and shall have written thereon "Hospital Zone" or "School Zone", and the word "Quiet" in plain and legible letters.


Section 4. BRAKES. Every motor vehicle operated on the street of the City of Grand Junction shall be provided with at least two adequate brakes, each of which works independently of the other, except motorcycles, which shall be provided with at least one adequate brake; and the brakes of said motor vehicle shall be of sufficient power when applied to bring such motor vehicle, when running at the following speeds, to a full stop, from the point where such brake is applied, within the following distances:


10 miles per hour 10 feet.


15 miles per hour 21 feet.


20 miles per hour 37 feet.


Section 5. WARNING SIGNALS. Every motor vehicle operated on the streets of the City of Grand Junction shall be provided with at least one adquate horn in working condition, for giving warning of its approach.


Section 6. WHISTLES AND NOISES. Siren whistles, or whistles operated by condensed air, exhaust gas or steam, shall not be used on any vehicle except those operated by the Police Department, Fire Department or Sheriff and authorized public utility vehicles when on emergency calls; also, vehicles shall be and are hereby prohibited from using the motor muffler cut-out. No person shall, in public street, alley or other public place, allow the racing of the engine of a motor vehicle, or make any noise with the horn, bell or waning device of any motor vehicle, except to warn a pedestrian or other person or other vehicle in the path of such motor vehicle upon a public street or other public place of the approach of such motor vehicle and during the time between 10 o'clock P. M. and 7 o'clock A. M. it shall be unlawful for any person to make any loud noise with or by means of a motor vehicle except that which is absolutely necessary in the reasonable operation of such vehicle.


Section 7. QUIET ZONES. The Chief of Police (or the City Manager of the City of Grand Junction) may establish zones of quiet in the vicinity of hospitals, churches, schools or other public institutions and other places, and notices shall be conspicuously placed designating the limits of such zones, Every person in charge of a vehicle, street car, interurban car or railway train, or any other type of vehicle, shall exercise special care to approach and proceed through such zones as noiselessly as possible.


Section 8. SMOKE AND VAPOR. No motor vehicle shall be operated in such a way as to emit unnecessary smoke or offensive vapors within the City of Grand Junction.


Section 9. BLOCKADE. No vehicle shall be allowed to remain upon or be driven so as to wilfully blockade or obstruct any street or alley, and no vehicle shall be so overloaded that the horse or horses, or motor power shall be unable to move it readily.


Section 10. MOVING VEHICLES. All moving vehicles shall be driven in single file except when passing another, and shall keep to the right of the center of the street. Single file must be observed at street intersections, except where there is a traffic signal or traffic officer.


Section 11. KEEPING TO THE RIGHT. When requested or signalled to do so, the driver having possession, charge or control of any vehicle traveling on any street shall, as soon as practicable, turn to the right so as to allow any overtaking vehicle free passage to the left of the overtaken vehicle.


Section 12. DRIVING THROUGH PROCESSION. No vehicle shall be driven or persons pass through a parade, funeral or other procession except by the direction of a police officer, and electric traffic signals shall be disregarded while such parade or procession is passing.


Section 13. MUFFLERS. All automobiles, motorcycles, and other motor vehicles shall be provided with suitable mufflers and the same shall be kept closed at all times.


Section 14. RECKLESS DRIVING. Reckless driving shall be unlawful and shall include the following:


(a) CUTTING CORNERS. That is, where any driver of a vehicle turning into another street from the left, where left-hand turns are permitted, fails to pass to the right and beyond the center of the street intersection before turning.


(b) PASSING STREET CARS, That is, driving past the entrance or exit of a street car while taking on or discharging passengers, unless the same is protected by street car passenger safety zone.


(c) PULLING FROM CURB. That is, driving or backing away from curb where automobile or other vehicle was parked and failing to hold out hand as a warning or signal.


(d) DRIVING FROM ALLEYS. That is, vehicles failing to stop withing 10 feet of an alley walk, and drive slowly, at a speed of not more than four miles per hour, before entering, and sound horn before approaching or leaving alley, and must at all times enter or leave an alley by turning to the right.


(e) CONTROL. That is, driving any vehicle when it is not under control, especially at cross-walks and roadway intersections or junctions.


(f) INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR OR DRUG. That is, driving or operating any vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any narcotic.

Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of Paragraph (f) of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than three hundred (300) dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than one (1) day nor more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and for a second violation of any of the provisions of this section, within one year from the date of the first conviction, such person shall be fined not less than twenty (20) dollars nor more than three hundred (300) dollars, or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days or both; and for a third violation of any of the provisions of this section, within one year of the first conviction hereof, such person shall be fined not less than fifty (50) dollars nor more than three hundred (300) dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and it shall be unlawful for any court to suspend such fines and penalties imposed upon second and third convictions; and it shall be unlawful for the Chief of Police (or such other officer designated by local authority) or anyone under him, when second or third offense has been charged, to fail of refuse to file a complaint or prosecute said second or third offense in the police court, and the license of any such person who shall be convicted the third time shall be revoked for a period of six months and such person shall not operate a vehicle in the City of Grand Junction within such period.


Section 15. RULES TO BE OBSERVED. The driver of every vehicle driven or operated upon the streets, highways, and public places within the City of Grand Junction shall conform to and observe the following rules:


(a) CHIEF OF POLICE (or such other officer as may be designated by him or the City Manager) SHALL CONTROL. The Chief of Police (or such other officer, etc.) is hereby authorized, empowered and ordered to direct, control, restrict and regulate, and, when necessary, temporarily to divert or exclude, in the interest of public safety and convenience, the movements of pedestrians, animals, and vehicular traffic of every kind in streets, alleys and highways, and to adopt and enforce regulations in regard thereto, not inconsistent with specific provisions of this ordinance.


(b) REAR SIGNAL. All vehicles loaded with materials projecting from the rear shall, while dark or when there is insufficient light, carry a red signal light at the extreme rear point of such projecting materials; PROVIDED, that any and all oil and gasoline wagons, and vehicles used for transporting oil and gasoline within said City of Grand Junction shall not be required to carry such rear lights.


(c) A vehicle passing or being passed by another shall not occupy more than its fair share of roadway.


(d) A vehicle meeting another shall pass to the right.


(e) A vehicle overtaking another shall pass to the left, but must not interfere with traffic from the opposite direction or pull over to the right before entirely clear of the overtaken vehicle, but in overtaking a street car shall pass to the right.


(f) A vehicle turning into a street to the right shall keep close to the right-hand curb.


(g) A vehicle turning into a street to the left shall pass around the central point of intersection of the two roadways, except when directed by the traffic officer to pass in front of the central point of intersection and except when its turning radius will not permit passing around the central point of intersection without backing, PROVIDED the vehicle slows down or stops and signals effectively.


(h) A slow-moving vehicle shall keep as close as practicable to the right-hand curb; and the slower the speed, the nearer the curb.


(i) A vehicle on a street divided longitudinally by a parkway, walk, sunken way, viaduct, safety zone or cabstand, shall keep to the right of such division.


(j) A vehicle passing around a circle, oval or other form of centralized obstruction, shall keep to the right of such obstruction.


(k) Vehicles shall pass to the right of safety routing markers and shall operate at a slow rate of speed.


Section 16. PEDESTRIANS. Pedestrians must avoid careless walking, and especially observe the following directions to insure safety and avoid unnecessary interference with one another, as well as with vehicles.


(a) Keep to the right on the side-walk, cross-walk, roadway and passage-way; but in a highway without sidewalk keep to left so as to have clear view of approaching traffic.


(b) Observe traffic before stepping from curb and keep off roadway except when crossing.


(c) Cross roadway at right angles, except when marked otherwise, and always on a cross-walk, which are located in street intersections.


(d) When automatic signal lights are installed, pedestrians should remain on the sidewalk and wait until traffic is released by a signal light and move with traffic only.


(e) Stand on sidewalk or within safety zone while waiting for a street car or bus.


(f) Face and step toward front of street car when alighting.


(g) On alighting from a street car or other vehicle, observe traffic before moving.


(h) Enter and leave a "Car Stop Safety Zone" at cross-walk only.


Section 17. SIGNALS


(a) Drivers, to prevent accident, must observe traffic, exercise caution and signal by hand or by some other effective method before stopping, slowing, or backing; and before turning, especially to the left, must indicate the direction of the turn by signal.


(b) Driver, when approaching or entering a curve or highway intersection or junction or coming to the top of a hill, if roadway is obstructed, must use sound signal effectively and go slowly.


(c) Drivers, when crossing cross-walk, must go slowly, take care, and signal when necessary to insure safety.


(d) Police whistle signals indicate: by "one blast", that approaching traffic shall stop behind cross-walks; by "two blasts", that halted traffic shall proceed; by "Three or more blasts", approach of fire apparatus or other danger.


Section 18. Turning Signal. The operator of any vehicle turning into another street to the right, shall turn the corner as near the right-hand curb as practicable and hold out his left arm pointed upward.


Section 19. AUTOMATIC SIGNAL SYSTEM. By the term "Signal System", as used herein, is meant a system of controlling traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, by the use of lights, as follows: Red Lights, Green Lights, and Yellow Lights. The display of red signal lights means for pedestrians and vehicular traffic to stop. The display of yellow signal lights means to announce the pedestrians and vehicular traffic be at attention for movement until the green light is displayed, which green light means for pedestrian and vehicular traffic to properly move forward.


Section 20. STOPPING. Before decreasing speed or stopping, drivers shall warn those following them of their intention so to do, by extending the arm pointed downward.


Section 21. TURNING AROUND OR CROSSING IN MIDDLE OF BLOCK, Vehicles shall not make complete turn, or turn around or cross over from one side of street to the other in any part of a street between intersections.


Section 22. BACKING. Before backing, drivers of vehicles shall give ample warning, and while backing unceasing vigilance shall be exercised not to injure those behind, and drivers shall give ample warning with hand and horn.


Section 23. CROSS-WALKS--SPEED. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to cross any sidewalk, or to approach the entrance to an alley, or to emerge from any alley onto or across the sidewalk or onto a street, at a speed faster than four miles per hour and without giving warning to pedestrians and to other vehicles by sounding a horn or bell or other emergency alarm.


Section 24. HITCHING ON. No person shall hitch onto or climb upon any vehicle which is in motion, with or without the consent of the driver or operator of such vehicle.


Section 25. TAKING HOLD OF VEHICLES. No pedestrian or rider, driver, or occupant of any vehicle shall lay hold of any part of any other vehicle, street car or interurban car while the same is in motion.


Section 26. BICYCLES. No person shall ride a bicycle in the streets of the City of Grand Junction without having his hands on the handlebars.


Section 27. FANCY RIDING. It shall be unlawful for any person riding a motorcycle, bicycle, or tricycle or velocipede to curve to and fro on such a vehicle or to proceed in any street of the City of Grand Junction by force of momentum, or "Coast" with the feet of the rider removed from the pedals, or to remove both hands from the handlebars to practice trick or fancy riding in any street, or to carry any person upon such above named vehicle unless the same is provided with two seats.


Section 28. TOWING DISABLED VEHICLES. No vehicles, unless confined to tracks, shall tow more than one other disabled vehicle, and the connection shall not be longer than 16 feet.


Section 29. CIRCULAR ROADWAYS. A vehicle passing around a circular roadway shall keep to the right from the entrance or exit.


Section 30. BACKING FOR POSITION. No vehicle shall be driven in a backward direction to make a turn on any street in the City of Grand Junction, and no vehicles shall be driven in a backward direction further than is absolutely necessary to avoid accident or put itself into such position as to properly park or to enable it to proceed on its way.


Section 31. BARRIERS. No person shall drive any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement in any public street, across or around which pavement there is a barrier, or at, over or near which there is a person or a sign warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement, or a sign stating that the street is closed.


Section 32. LITTER. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, place or deposit in or upon any public street, alley or roadway, any nails, tacks, glass, crockery, scrap-iron, tin, wire, bottles, thorns, or clippings, or any other article or thing of any nature whatsoever likely to injure or puncture the tire of any vehicle.


Section 33. TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED TRAFFIC. Whenever in the judgment of the Chief of Police or City Manager (or such other officer as may be designated by either) of the City of Grand Junction it is deemed necessary for the preservation of order or to prevent the obstruction of any street during the time any gathering of people may be using the same for any lawful purpose, he may cause traffic to be temporarily suspended on any street or portion thereof during such time, and it shall be the duty of all persons owning or operating any vehicle, or using any such street so as to obstruct such parade or lawful gathering, to cease to use any such street and to remove any vehicle or animal therefrom.


Section 34. RIGHT OF WAY OF CERTAIN VEHICLES. The following vehicles, in the order named, shall have the right of way in use of all streets and public places within the City of Grand Junction, viz: Apparatus of the Fire Department, police patrol wagons, police automobiles and police motorcycles on official city business or when discharging proper police errands, ambulances responding to emergency calls, emergency repair wagons of the Electric Light, Gas and Street Railway Companies, and United States mail wagons when in service as such.


Street cars shall have the right of way between cross streets over all vehicles, except those hereinabove mentioned, and the driver of any vehicle, except those hereinabove mentioned, proceeding upon the track in front of a street car shall promptly turn out upon signal of the motorman, if possible to do so.


The driver of a vehicle, on the approach of apparatus of the Fire Dept, Police Department and emergency ambulances, shall immediately draw up said vehicle as near as possible to the right-hand curb and parallel thereto, and bring his vehicle to a stop. The motorman operating a street car shall, on the approach of apparatus of the Fire Department, Police Department or ambulances, immediately bring his car to a stop until said apparatus has passed.


Section 35. RIGHT OF WAY. Every driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection of a street, except when proceeding on "Through Traffic Streets," shall grant the right of way at such intersection to any vehicle approaching from the right, and when two vehicles approach the same intersection at the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall decrease the speed to ten miles per hour and have his car under control before crossing such intersection, and it shall be his duty to yield to the vehicle on the right.


In case of an accident or collision on such intersection it shall be no defense to the driver of the vehicle on the left that such vehicle had the right of way over the vehicle approaching from the right; provided, that wherever traffic officers are stationed they shall have the full power to regulate traffic.


Section 36. THROUGH TRAFFIC STREETS. The Chief of Police (or the City Manager) may designate certain streets and boulevards at the intersections thereof to be through traffic streets, and such street intersections shall be so marked with such kind or style of markings as may be determined by the Chief of Police (or the City Manager), and the driver of every vehicle, on approaching the said street intersections where so marked, shall bring his vehicle to a full stop before entering or crossing upon said streets, and must yield the right of way to any vehicle approaching from the left.


Section 37. Parking of unattended vehicles is prohibited in the following places:


In front of places occupied by theatres.


In front of entrances and exits to hotels.


Within ten feet of any fire hydrant.


In front of any building where there are public gatherings.


By the exits and entrances of garages and filling stations,


On any bridge, viaduct, or the approach thereof.


Section 38. LEAVING VEHICLE. No motor vehicle shall be left standing at the curb unattended unless the emergency brake is applied and left in that position and the motor stopped, and in case of an electrically driven vehicle the controlling switch is locked.


Section 39. BACKING TO CURB. No vehicle shall remain backed up to the curb except it be actually loading or unloading and in no case longer than the actual loading or unloading requires.


If the vehicles be horse-drawn, the horse or horses shall be turned at angles to the vehicle and in the direction in which traffic on that side of the street is moving.


Section 40. STOPPING IN SAFETY ZONES. No vehicle shall be left standing at the curb in places designated by the Chief of Police (or City Manager) as a Safety Zone.


Section 41. DOUBLE PARKING. Two vehicles shall not be permitted to stand side by side parallel to the curb. Bicycles, however, shall not be considered vehicles in this sense; provided, however, that vehicles may stop to load or unload passengers or merchandise as quickly as possible, and for no other purpose.


Section 42. LOCKING OF VEHICLES. It shall be unlawful to lock any vehicle, except a bicycle, or otherwise prevent its locomotion in such a manner as to prevent the towing or moving of the same, when necessary, by the Police or Fire Departments, and the locking of the wheels of machines, or the steering gears or other steering devices, is hereby prohibited.


Section 43. STORAGE ON STREET OR ALLEY. No owner or occupant of any livery stable, wagon or blacksmith shop, garage, salesroom, or other place of business, shall suffer any wagon, cart, carriage, dray or other vehicle, whether left for safekeeping, repair or otherwise, to be or remain on the sidewalk, street or alley adjoining and in front of any such premises.


Section 44. REPAIR. No vehicle shall be left standing in such manner as to obstruct any cross-walk, and no repair shall be done on any sidewalk, street, or alley, except for emergency repairs or changing tires.


Section 45. CURB LINE PARKING. The parking of all vehicles on all streets where street car tracks are located, except Main Street from Second to Twelfth, and on all paved streets having a center parking, shall be parallel to the curb. The right side of said vehicle shall be not to exceed one foot from the curb, but shall not extend over the curb. The distance between cars so parked shall be three feet. On other streets all vehicles shall be parked at an angle of 45 degrees to the curb, the right front wheel touching the curb. Where parking spaces are marked on the pavement, all vehicles shall park in the center thereof. No vehicles shall be left standing at the curb within ten feet from the property line of the cross street.


Section 46. LIGHTS. During the period between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, and during a fog or storm, and at all other times and places when and where there is insufficient light to clearly reveal persons or objects 500 feet distant, all motor vehicles shall display one red light visible 300 feet from the rear, and two white side or headlights, located on opposite sides of the car, visible 300 feet ahead, except the street cars, motorcycles and bicycles are required to display only one headlight; and all other vehicles on wheels or runners, including horse-drawn, motorcycles and bicycles, shall display one red light at the rear. It shall be a violation of this section to drive with only one headlight in operation. All headlights shall be of white or amber light, or intermediate shades. Vehicles and street cars lighted with headlights shall have the right of way at crossings over vehicles not displaying headlights. Members of the Police Department, Fire Department, Sheriff's office and all ambulances may carry on the front two red side lights or red headlights visible 300 feet ahead. The Chief of Police or City Manager shall have the authority to designate proper times and places for the inspection of all such lights.


Section 47. PARKED VEHICLES. Parked vehicles, during the period between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, and at all other times, when there is insufficient light to reveal the vehicle 150 feet from the rear, shall be required to display one red light visible only from the rear; and when parked on streets where there is sufficient light to clearly reveal the vehicle from a distance of at least 800 feet no light shall be required.


Section 48. ADJUSTMENT AND EQUIPMENT OF LIGHTS AND BRAKES. Motor vehicle headlights shall produce sufficient light to reveal objects 150 feet ahead and shall be permanently adjusted and equipped in such manner as will eliminate all glare.


Section 49. PARADES AND ASSEMBLAGES. The streets must not be used by anyone for any parade, procession (except funeral procession) or street assemblages without a permit from the City Manager.


Section 50. STREET CARS -- SPEED. Street cars shall not be run or operated in a reckless or careless manner, and the person in charge of such cars shall operate the same so as not to endanger the life, limb or property of any person and shall have such cars under control at all times.


Section 51. STOPPING ON SIGNAL. When any person signals to have a street car stopped, or in any manner requests a street car to stop at a street crossing, it shall be the duty of the person in charge of such car to bring the same to a full stop to allow the passengers to alight from or enter said car; Provided, however, that this shall not interfere with the operation of Express or Limited street cars, which only stop at certain street intersections, but when such signal is given or request made, said Express or Limited car shall stop at the intersections where it is scheduled to stop.


Section 52. STOPPING FOR PASSENGERS. Street cars shall stop on near side of street intersections, and interurban cars on far side of street intersections, to take on or discharge passengers, and where streets are paved shall stop so as not to obstruct the cross-walk.


Section 53. WAITING FOR CARS. Pedestrians must stand on the sidewalk while waiting for street cars until the street car is within 100 feet or less from the stopping place, and when alighting from street cars must not stand in the street, but shall proceed immediately to the sidewalk to the right, unless Safety Zones where pedestrians may stand while waiting for street cars are provided and properly marked by the Chief of Police or City Manager.


Section 54. OVERTAKING STREET CARS. A vehicle overtaking a street car, stopped or stopping to take on or let off passengers, shall stop and not pass or approach said street car nearer than 5 feet in any direction to the entrance or exit of said car, unless at a point where there is a Safety Zone.


Section 55. PASSING STREET CARS. A vehicle passing a street car shall pass to the right, provided that emergency vehicles may pass to the right or left, when such car is in motion, at their own risk.


Section 56. RIGHT OF WAY OF STREET CARS. Street cars shall have the preferential right of way, except as herein-otherwise provided, but the person in charge thereof shall exercise proper care not to injure pedestrians, vehicles, the occupants or contents thereof; and the driver incontrol of any vehicle in front of a street car shall immediately turn out on signal from the motorman or person in control of the street car, if possible to do so.


Section 57. STREET CARS, GONG OR BELL. Every street car or train of street cars or interurban car run or operated in the City of Grand Junction shall be provided with at least one gong or bell to be used as a signal or warning of the approach of such car or train, and it shall be the duty of the person controlling the motive power on any such car or train, when approaching any street crossing, to ring or sound such gong or bell, within a distance not exceeding 50 feet from such crossing; and it shall also be the duty of such person controlling the motive power of any street car or train, to sound or ring such gong or bell whenever such person shall reasonably believe that there is danger of such car or train colliding with or running against any person, vehicle, or any animal or obstruction.


Section 58. MOTORMAN OR CONDUCTOR. It shall be the duty of every motorman, conductor or other person in charge of a street or interurban car, while standing on any street for any reason or purpose, other than to take on or discharge passengers, to be at or near the entrance of said car and to signal or direct other vehicular traffic desiring to pass said car, and signal when car is about to make right or left-hand turn.


Section 59. NUMBERS ON MOTOR VEHICLES. Every motor vehicle shall, at all times while being used or operated upon the streets of Grand Junction, display the number plates assigned to it by the State of Colorado, one on the front and the other on the rear of said vehicle, both to be securely fastened to the vehicle so as to be plainly legible and so as to prevent said plates from swinging, and to be placed at least 16 inches above the ground. All letters, numerals, printing, writing and other identification marks upon said plates shall be kept clear and distinct and free from defacement, mutilation, grease and other obscuring matter, so that they shall be plainly visible at all times 100 feet from the front or rear. No number plates other than those furnished by the Secretary of State shall be used.


It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or use any licensed motor vehicle upon any street of Grand Junction after the transfer of ownership thereof, with the license plates issued to the vendor attached thereto; or to drive or use any motor vehicle upon any street of the City with only one license number plate thereon.


It shall be unlawful for any person to drive, use or operate any motor vehicle upon the streets of Grand Junction without the number plates specifically assigned to such vehicle by the Secretary of State for the then current year.


Section 60. OBEYING POLICE SIGNS. Drivers of vehicles of all kinds, and pedestrians, street car motormen and persons engaged in the operation of any street or interurban car must promptly comply with any direction by voice or hand or whistle of any member of the Police Department as to the manner of backing up, discharging passengers, or loading or unloading goods in any place, and as to stopping, starting, approaching or departing from any place or passing along or across any street.


Section 61. SAFETY ZONES. The Chief of Police or City Manager shall have power to create "Safety Zones." A "Safety Zone" shall be a zone where or place which is set aside for the use of pedestrians, by which pedestrians may go -- as in passing over street crossings and where pedestrians shall have the right of way. Safety Zones may also be created for the exclusive use of pedestrians.


Section 62. SIGNS. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or City Manager to see that suitable signs shall be made describing parking, Hospital Zones, School Zones, Speed Zones, and other Zones as may be required, and there shall be appropriated the necessary funds to provide for such signs. It shall also be the duty of the Chief of Police or City Manager, under this section, to install such signs wherever and whenever required.


Section 63. DEFACING OR REMOVING SIGNS. It shall be unlawful for any person to deface or remove any sign erected by the Police Department of the City of Grand Junction, or any agent or agency of the City of Grand Junction, which sets off or marks parking or reserved spaces, or any safety routing markers or any signal tower or indicator, or any sign erected by the Police Department or its agent or agency for the purpose of setting out any parking or traffic regulations governing the particular portion at which the sign is erected.


Section 64. REPORT OF INJURY. All persons who shall suffer or inflict any injury to person or property as the result of any automobile collision, shall render a report in writing to the Police Department within 48 hours after such collision, unless physical disability prevents, stating the facts in each case, such blank reports to be secured from the Police Department for such purpose.


When a collision occurs between two motor vehicles, it shall be unlawful for the driver of either vehicle not to stop immediately and render such assistance as is possible under the circumstances, and to make a report as is in this section provided.


Section 65. CLOSING STREETS. In any case where any street in the City of Grand Junction is being torn up or repaired or paved, or where any work is being done upon the same, making necessary the regulation of traffic thereon, the Chief of Police or City Manager is hereby authorized to prevent parking, either altogether or to any extent deemed wise by him for any certain period of time that may be necessary, or to close the street to traffic altogether for such period of time, -- in such case warning signs to be installed one block distant in either direction, stating "Street Closed Ahead."

Section 66. MAXIMUM LOADS. The following is a table of restricted loads:


Size of tire

Load per Inch (Maximum)










































This is the maximum load per wheel to be carried.


In case movement of vehicles of larger and heavier load than herein provided is desired, the Chief of Police or City Manager is empowered to issue a special permit to meet emergency conditions.


The drivers of any loaded, slow-moving truck or vehicle transporting merchandise shall keep as near as possible to the curb on the right-hand side of the street and such trucks shall not carry a heavier load or exceed the following speed limits while traveling over the streets of the City of Grand Junction:


Weighing 6,000 lbs. or less, including load\15 miles per hour.


Weighing 6,000 lbs., including load,\12 miles per hour.


Section 67. HEAVY TRAFFIC AND CHAINS. No vehicle shall be driven on the streets with chains or other metal non-skid contrivances on the wheels unless the street shall be slippery or covered with ice or snow.


Section 68. TRACTORS PROHIBITED. Traction engines and tractors having lugs or spikes on their wheels shall not be driven on hard surface streets, except upon planks affording sufficient protection to prevent injury to the pavement, without special permission from the City Manager.


Section 69. BICYCLES. No person shall ride a bicycle on any sidewalk, Provided, however, that mail carriers, messenger boys, and newsboys shall be permitted to ride on the sidewalks where the streets are muddy or impassable, but all such persons shall be required to secure a permit from the City Manager, who shall furnish to such person a license number, which shall be attached to the front of said bicycle so as to be plainly seen at all times. A charge of 50¢ per year shall be made for such license, the term of same to extend from January 1st to December 31st of each year.


Section 70. AGE. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of sixteen years to operate or drive a motor vehicle upon the streets of the City of Grand Junction, and it shall also be unlawful for the owner or for any person having in their charge or control any motor vehicle to knowingly permit any person under the age of sixteen (16) years to operate or drive same.


Section 71. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. That all physicians' and surgeons' cars be marked in such a manner, subject to the approval of the City Manager, that they may be distinguished from all other cars. That the drivers of such cars may exceed the speed limit in cases of emergency, but must keep the same under perfect control at all times and must conform to all other traffic regulations.


That special parking spaces shall be allotted to physicians and surgeons in which to park their cars and in which no other vehicles will be allowed to park between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 5 o'clock P. M. of each day.


Section 72. SPECIAL PARKING SPACES. That special parking spaces be allotted on permission from the City Manager and the owner of the adjacent property in which to park taxicabs and express and transfer vehicles and cars of physicians and surgeons.


That the users of special parking spaces shall purchase "No Parking" signs, the model and lettering of which must meet with the approval of the City Manager. And in the case of "No Parking" signs used by physicians and surgeons "From 9 A.M. to 5 P.M." shall be added.


Section 73. ROLLER SKATING AND COASTER WAGONS. That roller skating and coaster wagons shall not be permitted on Main Street between Second and Seventh Streets.


Section 74. PENALTY. Any person, association, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, other than those sections providing a specific penalty, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than three hundred (300) dollars or by imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both fine and imprisonment.


Section 75. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.


Section 76. That in the opinion of the City Council a special emergency exists for the preservation of the public safety and this ordinance shall therefore go into effect upon its passage.


Passed and adopted this 15th day of September, A. D. 1926.


/s/ Dr. J.E. Bell


President of City Council



/s/ C.P. Bliss


City Clerk


I Hereby Certify that the foregoing emergency ordinance entitled AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH, was introduced, read, passed, and ordered published by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of September, A. D. 1926, and numbered 405.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the said City, this 15th day of September, A. D. 1926.


/s/ C.P. Bliss


City Clerk




Published September 20th, 1926