
This ordinance amends the Zoning and Development Code (Title 21 of the Grand Junction Municipal Code), to remove a restriction on the location of loading docks within industrial zone districts.

The City Council desires to maintain effective development regulations that implement the vision and goals of the Comprehensive Plan while being flexible and responsive to the community’s desires and market conditions.

The City Council has also recently developed an Economic Development Plan and desires that development regulations be reviewed and amended where necessary and possible to facilitate economic development.

The amendments enhance the effectiveness of the Code and its responsiveness to changing business practices and community expectations and implement the Economic Development Plan by removing unnecessary barriers to development and business and streamlining development review processes.

After public notice and a public hearing as required by the Charter and Ordinances of the City, the Grand Junction Planning Commission recommended adoption of the proposed amendment, finding the proposed amendments consistent with the vision, goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.

Following public notice and a public hearing as required by applicable law, the Grand Junction City Council finds and determines that the proposed amendments implement the vision, goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, and that they are in the best interest of the community and its citizens, and should be adopted.


Subsection 21.03.080 is amended as follows:

(a)    I-O: Industrial/Office Park.

(1)    Purpose. To provide for a mix of light manufacturing uses, office park, limited retail and service uses in a business park setting with proper screening and buffering, all compatible with adjoining uses.

(2)    Street Design. Effective and efficient street design and access shall be considerations in the determination of project/district intensity.

(3)    Performance Standards.

(i)    Retail Sale Area. Areas devoted to retail sales shall not exceed 10 percent of the gross floor area of the principal structure, and 5,000 square feet on any lot or parcel.

(ii)  Vibration, Smoke, Odor, Noise, Glare, Wastes, Fire Hazards and Hazardous Materials. No person shall occupy, maintain or allow any use in an I-O district without continuously meeting the following minimum standards regarding vibration, smoke, odor, noise, glare, wastes, fire hazards and hazardous materials. Conditional use permits for uses in this district may establish higher standards and conditions.

(A)    Vibration. Except during construction or as authorized by the City, an activity or operation which causes any perceptible vibration of the earth to an ordinary person on any other lot or parcel shall not be permitted.

(B)    Noise. The owner and occupant shall regulate uses and activities on the property so that sound never exceeds 65 decibels at any point on the property line.

(C)    Glare. Lights, spotlights, high temperature processes or otherwise, whether direct or reflected, shall not be visible from any lot, parcel or right-of-way.

(D)    Solid and Liquid Waste. All solid waste, debris and garbage shall be contained within a closed and screened dumpster, refuse bin and/or trash compactor. Incineration of trash or garbage is prohibited. No sewage or liquid wastes shall be discharged or spilled on the property.

(E)    Hazardous Materials. Information and materials to be used or located on the site, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, that are required by the SARA Title III Community Right to Know shall be provided at the time of any City review, including site plan. Information regarding the activity or at the time of any change of use or expansion, even for existing uses, shall be provided to the Director.

(iii)  Outdoor Storage and Display. Outdoor storage and permanent display areas may be located beside or behind the principal structure. For lots with double or triple frontage the side and rear yards that are to be used for permanent display areas shall be established with site plan approval. Portable display of retail merchandise may be permitted as provided in GJMC 21.04.040(h).


(b)    I-1: Light Industrial.

(1)    Purpose. To provide for areas of light fabrication, manufacturing and industrial uses which are compatible with existing adjacent land uses, access to transportation and the availability of public services and facilities. I-1 zones with conflicts between other uses can be minimized with orderly transitions of zones and buffers between uses.

(2)    Street Design. Effective and efficient street design and access shall be considerations in the determination of project/district intensity.

(3)    Performance Standards.

(i)    Retail Sale Area. Areas devoted to retail sales shall not exceed 10 percent of the gross floor area of the principal structure, and 5,000 square feet on any lot or parcel.

(ii)  Vibration, Smoke, Odor, Noise, Glare, Wastes, Fire Hazards and Hazardous Materials. No person shall occupy, maintain or allow any use in an I-1 district without continuously meeting the following minimum standards regarding vibration, smoke, odor, noise, glare, wastes, fire hazards and hazardous materials. Conditional use permits for uses in this district may establish higher standards and conditions.

(A)    Vibration. Except during construction or as authorized by the City, an activity or operation which causes any perceptible vibration of the earth to an ordinary person on any other lot or parcel shall not be permitted.

(B)    Noise. The owner and occupant shall regulate uses and activities on the property so that sound never exceeds 65 decibels at any point on the property line.

(C)    Glare. Lights, spotlights, high temperature processes or otherwise, whether direct or reflected, shall not be visible from any lot, parcel or right-of-way.

(D)    Solid and Liquid Waste. All solid waste, debris and garbage shall be contained within a closed and screened dumpster, refuse bin and/or trash compactor. Incineration of trash or garbage is prohibited. No sewage or liquid wastes shall be discharged or spilled on the property.

(E)    Hazardous Materials. Information and materials to be used or located on the site, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, that are required by the SARA Title III Community Right to Know shall be provided at the time of any City review, including site plan. Information regarding the activity or at the time of any change of use or expansion, even for existing uses, shall be provided to the Director.

(iii)  Outdoor Storage and Display. Portable display of retail merchandise may be permitted as provided in GJMC 21.04.040(h).

(A)    Outdoor storage and displays shall not be allowed in the front yard setback;

(B)    Screening shall be maintained in the frontage adjacent to arterial and collector streets and along that portion of the frontage on local streets which adjoin any zone except I-1 or I-2;

(C)    Unless required to buffer from an adjoining district, screening along all other property lines is not required; and

(D)    Screening of dumpsters is not required.

(c)    I-2: General Industrial.

(1)    Purpose. To provide areas of heavy and concentrated fabrication, manufacturing and industrial uses which are compatible with adjacent uses, easy semi-tractor trailer access to the State highway system and/or railroads and the availability of public services and facilities. Conflicts between the I-2 district must be minimized with other uses by orderly transitions and buffers between uses.

(2)    Street Design. Effective and efficient street design and access shall be considerations in the determination of project/district intensity.

(3)    Performance Standards.

(i)    Retail Sale Area. Areas devoted to retail sales shall not exceed 10 percent of the gross floor area of the principal structure, and 5,000 square feet on any lot or parcel.

(ii)  Vibration, Smoke, Odor, Noise, Glare, Wastes, Fire Hazards and Hazardous Materials. No person shall occupy, maintain or allow any use in an I-2 district without continuously meeting the following minimum standards regarding vibration, smoke, odor, noise, glare, wastes, fire hazards and hazardous materials. Conditional use permits for uses in this district may establish higher standards and conditions.

(A)    Vibration. Except during construction or as authorized by the City, an activity or operation which causes any perceptible vibration of the earth to an ordinary person on any other lot or parcel shall not be permitted.

(B)    Noise. The owner and occupant shall regulate uses and activities on the property so that sound never exceeds 65 decibels at any point on the property line.

(C)    Glare. Lights, spotlights, high temperature processes or otherwise, whether direct or reflected, shall not be visible from any lot, parcel or right-of-way.

(D)    Solid and Liquid Waste. All solid waste, debris and garbage shall be contained within a closed and screened dumpster, refuse bin and/or trash compactor. Incineration of trash or garbage is prohibited. No sewage or liquid wastes shall be discharged or spilled on the property.

(E)    Hazardous Materials. Information and materials to be used or located on the site, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, that are required by the SARA Title III Community Right to Know shall be provided at the time of any City review, including site plan. Information regarding the activity or at the time of any change of use or expansion, even for existing uses, shall be provided to the Director.

(iii)  Outdoor Storage and Display. Portable display of retail merchandise may be permitted as provided in GJMC 21.04.040(h).

(A)    Outdoor storage and displays shall not be allowed in the front yard setback;

(B)    Screening shall be maintained in the frontage adjacent to arterial and collector streets and along that portion of the frontage on local streets which adjoin any zone except I-1 or I-2;

(C)    Unless required to buffer from an adjoining district, screening along all other property lines is not required;

(D)    Screening of dumpsters is not required; and

All other parts of Section 21.03.080 shall remain in full force and effect.

INTRODUCED on first reading the 20th day of May, 2015 and ordered published in pamphlet form.

PASSED and ADOPTED on second reading the 3rd day of June, 2015 and ordered published in pamphlet form.




 /s/ Phyllis Norris      

 President of the Council


/s/ Stephanie Tuin    

City Clerk