SECTION 1. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. There shall be an Electrical Inspector, who shall have supervision of the installation, use or maintenance of any wire or cable or other electrical fixture used or to be used and it shall be his duty to examine all new and old electric wiring, fittings, fixtures, apparatus and all electrical appliances used for light, heat or power, within the limits of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, and who, under the direction and control of the City Manager, shall have full power to control the affairs of that Department.


SECTION 2. QUALIFICATIONS OF INSPECTOR. The Electrical Inspector shall be a practical electrician who shall have been actively engaged in such profession for at least five (5) years, or a graduate Electrical Engineer. Such Electrical Inspector shall not have any interest whatever, in any electrical establishment or electrical business in the City of Grand Junction.


SECTION 3. OATH AND BOND. The Electrical Inspector, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall file his oath of office with the City Clerk, together with his bond in the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars to be approved by the City Council conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties.


SECTION 4. AUTHORIZATION AND POWERS. The Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to have general supervision over the arranging, supporting and stringing of all electric light, power, signal or other wires and the location and general construction of all poles, lines and electric appliances, so as to prevent radio interference, fire, accident or injury to persons or property. Further, it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to cause all such lines and equipment to be maintained, insulated and guarded as not to endanger life or property, and all such lines and equipment now existing as well as those hereafter constructed or placed shall be subject to such supervision. All electric lines hereafter constructed shall be in accordance with the rules and standards of the National Electrical Safety Code. Plans for proposed construction must be submitted to the Electrical Inspector for approval before the work is started, in such cases as are deemed necessary by him.


The Inspector or his assistants shall at all times have access to any building, structure or premises, in or on which electrical wiring is being done or in or on which such wiring has been done, or in or on which devices, appliances or wiring cause radio interference; provided that such inspection shall be made at reasonable hours.


SECTION 5. INTERPRETATION OF ORDINANCE. The Electrical Inspector shall be deemed the judge as to the proper interpretation of the rules and requirements of this ordinance pertaining to electrical construction and is hereby authorized to make such additional rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the proper protection of life and property. Such additional rules and regulations shall be made in writing and submitted to the City Council for approval. All licensed electrical contractors in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, shall be furnished with copy of same after approval of City Council.


Further provided, that said Electrical Inspector shall not be permitted to in any way modify the rules and regulations adopted by or incorporated in this Ordinance.


SECTION 6. INSPECTIONS OF OLD INSTALLATIONS. It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to inspect all electrical wiring and apparatus in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, as often as may be deemed necessary to ascertain whether such electrical wiring or apparatus is in any respect dangerous to life or property, and if any part of said electrical wiring or apparatus shall be found in a defective or dangerous condition, the Electrical Inspector shall notify, in writing, the owner of such wiring or equipment to have the defects corrected within such time as the Electrical Inspector shall deem necessary. If the owner of said defective wiring or equipment shall refuse or fail to comply with the requirements of the Electrical Inspector and correct all defects as directed, within the specified time, it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to notify the service company, firm or individual furnishing the electric current to such defective wiring or equipment to cease to supply electric current to same.


Upon receipt of such notice the service company, firm or individual furnishing electric current to such defective wiring or equipment shall immediately disconnect the service or feed wires as directed by the Electrical Inspector and cease to supply current to the defective installation until notified in writing by the Electrical Inspector that the defects have been corrected in a satisfactory manner.


SECTION 7. DANGEROUS WIRES. Every company, firm, co-partnership, corporation or individual owning or controlling electrical wires and apparatus for the transmission of light, heat or power shall in time of fire or case of severe storm, wherein lives or property of the citizens of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, may be endangered by the operation of such wires and apparatus, upon the request of the Electrical Inspector or the Chief of the Fire Department, disconnect such wires as are designated by said officials; such company, firms corporations or individuals neglecting to comply with such request shall be fined the sum of not less than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars or more than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each and every hour said request is not complied with.




(A). Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of, or desiring to engage in the business of installing electric wires, fixtures, appliances, or appurtenances inside of or on any building or buildings within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado (except central stations, power houses, sub-stations or car barns) for the purpose of transmitting electric current or energy of higher voltage than six (6) volts or installing electrical apparatus of any nature, kind, or description, using such electrical current or energy, shall first secure a license from the City Clerk of said City of Grand Junction, to conduct such business; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall apply to a public telephone, telegraph or messenger call, or power company operating under the regular franchise granted by the City of Grand Junction, installing their own apparatus.


Provided further, that before such license shall be granted said person, firm or corporation, there shall be paid to the City Treasurer, the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, which shall be the annual fee for said license. Be it further provided, that such license shall not be granted to any one not competent in the judgment of the Electrical Inspector, to properly install electric wiring and apparatus in accordance with the rules and regulations of this Ordinance. The Electrical Inspector shall make such examinations or investigations necessary to satisfy himself upon the qualifications of such applicant and report his recommendations in writing to the City Council.


Said person, firm or corporation shall also furnish a good and sufficient surety bond to be approved by the City Council, in the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance of all things required of them under the provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado. Said bond to be approved and filed with the City Clerk before issuance of such license.


All labor performed under the provisions of this ordinance must be so performed either by the contractor or a duly qualified journeyman electrician who has previously satisfied the Electrical Inspector as to his qualifications and holds a certificate to that effect. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit the use of helpers on the work, provided such helpers are at all times in sub-ordinate positions and never in responsible charge of any job or work.


(B). Any journeyman electrician or wireman desiring to work under any contractor in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, must first satisfy the Electrical Inspector by examination or otherwise, of his qualifications. If the Electrical Inspector is satisfied of the applicant's qualifications, he shall issue a certificate to that effect, to be countersigned by the City Clerk. Such certificate shall be issued annually, only upon the payment of an annual fee of One ($1.00) Dollar to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Junction.


SECTION 9. FAILURE TO CORRECT DEFECTS - PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of electrical construction and of the installation of wiring and apparatus for electric light, heat or power, in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, who shall fail to promptly correct any defect or defects in his work, after having been duly notified by the Electrical Inspector, shall not receive any further permits until such defect or defects have been corrected and any case in which any person shall continue to or persistently violate the ordinance of the City in regard to electrical affairs, or the order of the Electrical Inspector touching same, shall be subject to fine and further permit shall not be granted to such person, firm or corporation until they have complied with all of the rules and provisions of this ordinance to the satisfaction of the Electrical Inspector.


SECTION 10. PERMIT FOR WIRING - APPLICATION. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to do electric wiring in or on any building or buildings within the corporate limits of Grand Junction, Colorado, without first procuring a wiring permit from the Electrical Inspector for each and every installation. The term "electric Wiring" herein used is intended to mean the installation of electric wires, fixtures, appliances or apparatus used or to be used for the purpose of transmitting, regulating, controlling or utilizing electrical current for light, heat or power.


In order to procure a permit for the installation of electric wiring, the corporations or individuals shall, before beginning any electrical work, or any additions to old wiring, make written application to the Electrical Inspector on forms furnished for this purpose.




(a) In order to procure a permit for the installation of electric wiring or fittings, fixtures, apparatus and appliances used for light, heat or power, or for making alterations in or additions to present equipment of any existing electrical installations, the person firm or corporation applying for and receiving such permit shall pay to the City Treasurer the amount or amounts as required by the following schedule of fees; provided, however, that no permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation who is not a holder of the license obtained as required in Section 8 of this Ordinance, and provided further, that this Ordinance shall not be so construed as to prohibit any owner from doing electrical work in or about his own buildings in case he shall first obtain a permit and license, which license shall be issued upon the payment of a fee of One ($1.00) Dollar, and likewise satisfy the Electrical Inspector that he is competent to make such installations and repairs.


(b) The following schedule of fees is hereby provided for all electrical work in the City of Grand Junction:




For the first five outlets, one dollar ($1.00)

For each additional outlet, ten cents (10 cents)




For each aerial installation, one dollar (1.00)




For each sign having not more than twenty lights, one dollar ($1.00)


For each additional one hundred or fractional part thereof in excess of twenty, one dollar ($1.00).


For each motor or flasher used in connection with sign, fifty cents (50 cents).




For each generator or dynamo of less than one horsepower, used for light, heat or power purposes, including switchboard and connections thereto, two dollars ($2.00).


For each generator or dynamo of more than one horsepower, used for light, heat or power purposes, including switchboard and connections thereto, five dollars ($5.00).




For each motor having a rated capacity of one horsepower, one dollar ($1.00). For each of the next succeeding nine horsepower, twenty-five ($.25) cents. For each of the next succeeding fifteen horsepower, fifteen ($.15) cents. For each additional horsepower, two ($.02) cents per horsepower, and twenty-five ($.25) cents for each additional one hundred horsepower thereafter.


Motors of smaller rated capacity than one horsepower will be considered as an outlet for purposes of fees.




For each temporary motor used for building or construction purposes, one ($1.00) dollar; provided the same shall be wired with a view to safety and shall have been approved by the Inspector. No temporary work, motors, or wiring will be allowed for a greater length of time than sixty (60) days.




For one picture machine, complete, five dollars ($5.00)


For each additional picture machine in same booth, two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50).




For permits for electric heating apparatus or appliances, requiring special or new wiring, not hereinbefore provided for, a fee of one ($1.00) dollar shall be charged for each installation.


(c) The fee hereinbefore provided shall include not more than two inspections, and all additional inspections or re-inspections shall be charged for at the rate of fifty ($.50) cents each; provided that this shall not be construed to apply to the wiring or rewiring of large buildings where wires are to be concealed, and where non-inspection would delay the progress of the building operations.


(d) In case a person, firm or corporation takes out a permit to do the "body wiring" of any building or structure, he or they shall be allowed to install all fixtures thereof without extra fee.


(e) In case one contractor does the "body wiring" and a different contractor hangs the fixtures, the work so performed shall be considered as two distinct and separate jobs, and fees for each will be charged.




(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder or interfere with the Electrical Inspector of the City of Grand Junction, in the discharge of his duties.


(b) Any person, firm or corporation shall, on the immediate completion of any electrical work covered by any permit so to do, notify the Electrical Inspector in writing that such electrical work is ready to inspect, and it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector, or his qualified representatives, to inspect all such wiring within twenty-four (24) hours after the receipt of such notice. (Sundays and Holidays not included in this time).


(c) On inspecting any electric wiring for covering, if found to comply with all the provisions of this ordinance, a red tag shall be placed at the service, or at any other conspicuous place, but if the wiring is found to be defective, incomplete or otherwise not complying with the provisions of this ordinance, the person, firm or corporation doing such work shall be notified to change same, or commence to change same within forty-eight (48) hours after the receipt of such notice.



(d) All tags or labels shall bear the signature of the Electrical Inspector and the date of inspection.


(e) No electric current shall be turned on or connection made for use until final inspection has been made and a certificate of approval issued; provided, the Electrical Inspector may issue a temporary permit for use of electric current during the course of construction or alterations of any building or other structure, and said permit shall automatically expire when the work and materials are not being installed in conformity with the requirements of this ordinance.


(f) On completion of any work covered by any permit so to do, and in accordance with all the provisions of this ordinance, the Electrical Inspector shall issue a certificate of inspection.


(g) No person shall lath, or otherwise cover from view any wiring that has not been accepted by the Electrical Inspector or his qualified representative.


(h) All steam and gas fittings, furnace work, plumbing and any "signal" wiring which is to be concealed, shall be in place before the electric wiring for light, heat, or power is completed, and no such wiring shall be considered completed until the work referred to above is in place.


SECTION 13. CHANGES AFTER INSPECTION. It shall be unlawful for any tenant, firm, person, corporation or workman, not holding a permit for doing electrical work, to cut, damage, interfere, make additions to or alterations in any wiring, fixtures, fittings, etc., and that have been accepted by the Electrical Inspector or his qualified representatives. If in case the wiring is in such a position as to interfere with the completion of the building, as called for by the plans or as afterwards changed, the wiring contractor or owner must be notified when said electrical work is changed, and he or they in turn must notify the Electrical Inspector of any change having been made after said Electrical Inspector has accepted the work. After installation is approved no metal shall be brought closer than five (5) inches and no wood closer than one (1) inch to any fitting or conductor, unless conductor is encased in approved conduit or tubing.


SECTION 14. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRED BEFORE PERMIT. That the electrical contractor applying for wiring permit shall be required to furnish such plans and specifications for proposed work as may be deemed necessary by the Electrical Inspector before any permit for same shall be issued.


SECTION 15. AERIAL INSTALLATIONS. All persons desiring to install aerials or antenna for radio receiving sets must first secure a permit for such installation, having same inspected. Each such installation shall conform in all respects with provisions of the current issue of the "National Electrical Code".


SECTION 16. AERIALS PROHIBITED ON POLE OR STREET. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person or persons in the City of Grand Junction to install, place or maintain or permit or suffer to be placed or maintained any outdoor aerial connected with any radio receiving set of which said person or persons may be in possession or control, upon any poles, dross-arms, wires or any other part or parts of any overhead system belonging to any public utility company, including telegraph, telephone, street railway and electric light, power, distribution and transmission companies, or any municipally owned public utility, or over and across any street, alley, or public ground.


SECTION 17. WIRING IN FIRE LIMITS. (a) The construction or placing of all electric wires, used for light, heat or power, whether exposed or concealed in all old or new buildings, except such wiring as is required for pendant lights or for portable connections in the Fire Limits of the City of Grand Junction, shall be installed in approved rigid conduit or metal moulding.


(b) The use of armored cable may be permitted in exposed work within the Fire Limits only upon special written permission of the Electrical Inspector and then, only, in event that any other method is impractical.


(c) The class of wiring known as "open work" will not be allowed in the Fire Limits.




(a) All service wires used for light, heat and power, within the limits of the City of Grand Junction, shall be placed and maintained in approved rigid iron conduit, and shall be equipped with approved conduit outlets.


(b) In districts where distributing companies have placed their secondary feeders in conduit, service feeders must extend to within eight (8) inches of the outlet provided by the distributing company.


(c) Meter and handle of service switch shall not be more than six and one-half (6 1/2) feet from the floor.


(d) No wire used for service wire shall be less than 8 B & S gauge for two circuit installations.


(e) The connection within the meter connection box shall not be altered or tampered with by anyone except a representative of the distributing company.


No connections with the electric service of the distributing company shall be made by the owner of any building or structure, or by any person, firm or corporation making a wiring installation or service connection.


(f) Meters shall be installed preferably on the building wall, underneath the roof or back porch and shall not be installed in bed rooms, bath rooms, toilets, over stoves, or sinks, over doors or on supports subject to excessive vibration, or in basements and cellars, unless special permission, in writing, be obtained from the Electrical Inspector.


(g) In restaurant kitchens, mills, foundries, or other places where an accumulation of combustible matter is likely to gather on the meter, the same shall be enclosed in a cabinet.


(h) In office buildings, flats or apartment houses, meters must not be located in the individual offices, flats or apartments, as they are not accessible at all times, but should be grouped in meter cabinets or closets located in hallways, or meter rooms specially provided, or on the outside of buildings or under porches. All cabinets or closets must be of such dimensions that the regulation meter board can be installed. Where meters are grouped, a minimum spacing of fifteen (15) inches in any direction between centers of meters must be provided; for direct current meters the spacing must be increased to twenty-four (24) inches.


(i) In store buildings meters must not be located where they may be covered with merchandise, or where shelving will not permit of easy access thereto.


(j) All cutouts in any building shall be located at one convenient place, and shall not be scattered indiscriminately throughout the building; provided, however, that this shall not apply to larger buildings where cabinets may be placed on each floor.


(k) All electrical installations requiring cutouts shall have fuse blocks installed in metallic cabinets.


(l) In all buildings or other structures, except those classed as residences under this ordinance, the size of service conductors shall be figured to supply current for lighting and heating, at least twenty-five (25) per cent in excess of the proposed installation and the cabinet shall be of such dimensions as to accommodate any fuse blocks which it will be permissible to supply from the service.


(m) There shall be provided and maintained a suitable cutout and switch in an easily accessible place on the entrance side of all meters, where meters are grouped, and in no case shall said switch and cutout be located more than fifteen (15) feet from the point of entrance.


(n) There shall be provided and maintained suitable cutouts immediately on the house side of all meters, whether meters are grouped or otherwise.



SECTION 19. DAMAGED CONDITION TO EXISTING INSTALLATIONS. Any building wherein damage has been done to apparatus and fittings by fire, water or chemicals, to the extent of forty-five (45) per cent or more, shall be rewired in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, and the damaged fittings and apparatus shall be replaced with fittings and apparatus of approved construction.


SECTION 20. OUTLETS AND FIXTURE SUPPORTS. The person, firm or corporation doing the "roughing in" portion of any installation shall make and finish all connections except those necessary for fixtures, appliances, and fittings, and these connections must be left in good shape for the finishing of the installation. The person, firm or corporation installing the fixtures, appliances and fittings, will be held responsible for the proper leaving of unused outlet wires and boxes or plates. All fuses shall be furnished by the person, firm or corporation completing the work.


SECTION 21. ILLUMINATED SIGNS. No sign shall be considered an illuminated sign which does not have lights visible when facing sign and which does not throw some light upon the sidewalk or street; provided, that the privilege of attaching an illuminated sign to a building or buildings to extend over the sidewalk shall be granted on condition that the illuminated sign shall be illuminated for at least four hours in each twenty-four hours.


The size, shape, distance above the street level and manner of hanging all signs, billboards or advertising devices, electric or otherwise, shall conform to the provisions of the building ordinance, or any other ordinance of the City of Grand Junction, which may especially refer to the same.


Electric signs, billboards or advertising devices shall be wired so that not to exceed thirteen hundred twenty (1320) watts shall be supplied from one circuit or dependant upon one circuit. No wire smaller than No. 12 B & S gauge shall be used for any portion of any circuit supplying lighting of the same.


SECTION 22. ADOPTING NATIONAL CODE. All electrical construction, all material and all appliances used in connection with electrical work and the operation and arrangement of all electrical apparatus shall be in conformity with the rules and regulations set down in a certain document, three copies of which are on file with the City Clerk, and which is known as the "National Electrical Code" as the same is now established or may be from time to time hereafter added to, revised or amended, and the said rules and regulations and the amendments, revisions and additions thereto are hereby approved.


SECTION 23. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED BY THE CITY. This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person or persons, co-partnerships or corporation owning, operating or installing any electrical wires, appliances, apparatus, construction or equipment for the damage to anyone injured by any defect therein; nor shall the City or any agent thereof be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein, on the certificate of inspection issued by the Electrical Inspector.


SECTION 24. ORDINANCE DOES NOT APPLY TO CITY EMPLOYEES. None of the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to any person regularly employed by the City of Grand Junction, in doing such work for said City, under the supervision of the Electrical Inspector.


SECTION 25. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, for which a penalty is not herein otherwise provided, and any occupant or owner of premises where electric wiring or apparatus is used or to be used, who shall refuse to allow or shall prevent or interfere with the Electrical Inspector or assistants in the discharge of their duties under this ordinance, he or they shall, upon conviction for each offense, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than ten ($10.00) Dollars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) Dollars, and each and every day's continuance of any violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute and be deemed a separate offense.


SECTION 26. REPEAL. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.


Passed and adopted this 3rd day of December, A. D. 1930.


/s/ Fred A. Rogers

President of the Council




/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY That the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 479, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 19th day of November A. D. 1930, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City, this 3rd day of December, A. D. 1930.


/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


1st publication November 21st, 1930

Last Publication December 5th, 1930