SECTION 1. GENERAL REGULATIONS. All persons who desire to use water from the City water mains shall, before doing so, make written application to the Chief of the Department of Public Works.


All water rent, whether based on flat rate or meter rate, shall be due and payable quarterly in advance, on the first day of January, April, July, and October, respectively, and payable within ten days thereafter, which payment shall constitute the minimum for which the city water shall be furnished to any consumer.


All consumers of water furnished to premises, whether on meter rate or flat rate, shall on the first day of each quarter as hereinbefore provided, pay to the City Treasurer the minimum rate in advance for the succeeding quarter.


SECTION 2. SHUT OFF AND NON-PAYMENT OF RENTALS. All water rent shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer, and if not paid within ten days after the payment shall have become due, shall become delinquent and the water shall be shut off without notice.


Whenever the water shall have been shut off for non-payment of water rent, the water shall not be turned on again until the back water rentals have been paid, together with $2.00 additional for the trouble and expense of shutting off and turning on the water. The owner of the property where the water is used shall be held liable for the payment of rent for all water used thereon. No discount shall be given for advance payments of water rent.


SECTION 3. NOTICE TO DISCONTINUE. Any persons desirous of discontinuing the use of water must give notice in writing to the Chief of the Department of Public Works on or before the day to which the rent has been paid or they will be charged with water rent to the next rent day. No credit will be given for non-usage of water unless the water service has been shut off by the Department of Public Works.


SECTION 4. FLAT WATER RATES. The following monthly flat rates as set out hereafter in this section shall be applicable to all premises where meters are not installed by the city, and shall be payable quarterly in advance on the first day of January, April, July and October, respectively, of each year, except for water furnished by the barrel or tank, which shall be payable on delivery, but upon installation by the city of a meter for said premises such flat rates shall cease to be applicable and the meter rates established by this ordinance shall immediately become applicable to said premises.


For each service supplying water to dwellings having three rooms or less and not having a toilet or bath, a monthly minimum charge of $1.00, with an additional charge of 20¢ per room for each additional room over three rooms, and 30¢ per month each for the first toilet and/or first separate bath. If more than one each toilet or separate bath, then an additional charge of 20¢ each after the first such fixture.


Water sold from hydrant, 25¢ per tank.


SECTION 5. METER RATES. The following monthly rentals for water used within the city limits and measured by meter shall be as follows:


Minimum rate

3,000 gallons or less


For first

3,000 "

.35 per 1000 gals.

For next

47,000 "

.16 " " "

For next

50,000 "

.14 " " "

For next

300,000 "

.12 " " "

For next

600,000 "

.10 " " "

For next

1,000,000 "

.08 " " "

For all above

2,000,000 "

.05 " " "


The above rates and quantities shall apply to each individual meter.


Meters shall be placed on all water service connections outside of the city limits and the rates for water used shall be at least double the above rates, and will be permitted only when a special contract is entered into with the city upon forms furnished by the city.


When a meter or indicator gets out of order and fails to register correctly, a charge shall be made according to the average quantity of water used in a similar period as shown by the meter when in order.


SECTION 6. METER REGULATIONS. All store buildings, office buildings, manufactories, etc. other than dwellings, shall be metered on meters which shall be of a type approved by the Department of Public Works of the City of Grand Junction. The Department of Public Works shall furnish and install all meters and keep the same in repair free of charge to the consumer provided that such repairs are caused by ordinary wear and tear.


A suitable place safe from frost and other damage and accessible for examination must be provided for said meter at the expense of owner or occupant, and in all cases where the meter is injured by freezing or where it is otherwise damaged by the act of negligence of the occupant of the premises or his agent or servant, the cost of the repairs or replacing the same shall be paid by the owner or occupant, and in case of negligence or refusal to pay the same on demand, the water supply may be turned off or meter removed, or both, and shall not be again turned on until such costs and penalty of $2.00 for the turning off and on are paid.


The owner or occupant of premises where the water meter is located shall see that the meter is kept free from obstructions on or around the same, and conveniently accessible during all the reasonable hours of the day for the purpose of reading, inspecting or repairing such meter.


The city reserves the right at any time to attach meters to all service pipes at all places where water is used, and to charge the quantity of water used at meter rates; provided, however, that the charge for such places shall not be less than the minimum rate. Separate premises served by the same meter shall each be charged with the minimum in addition to the quantity of water used.


The city shall also have the right to charge for such meters the sum of 20¢ for a 5/8" meter, 25¢ for a 3/4" meter, 30¢ for a 1" meter, 50¢ for a 1 1/2" meter, 75¢ for a 2" meter, $1.00 for a 3" meter, $2.00 for a 4" meter and $4.00 for a 6" meter for each and every month the meter is used.


All meters which are now in service and for which the purchase price was deposited with the city shall remain the property of the person making the deposit, or upon the written request of the owner the city shall assume the ownership of the meter and place the deposit originally made to the credit of the owner. Such credit to be applied on the account of the previous owner for water used.


All meters shall be furnished and maintained by the City. The type and size for each and every service to be determined by the City Manager.


Upon the written request of a property owner for the installation of a meter to be placed on the water service connection which supplies water to his property, such meter shall be installed, and thereafter the charge for water shall be by meter rates.


Provided, however, that any water user may purchase his own meter, the size and type to be determined by the City Manager, for which no rental charge shall be charged by the city, but all charges for maintenance and replacements shall be paid by the owner.


SECTION 7. RATES FOR SUBURBAN SCHOOLS AND MANUFACTORIES. The rent for water used by all consumers of city water for manufacturing and school uses in connection with manufactories and schools located without the city limits of the City of Grand Junction but within a radius of four miles of Fifth and Main Streets in the City of Grand Junction, shall be three-tenths greater than the meter rates for like uses within the city limits of the City of Grand Junction, said water to be delivered to the consumers at the nearest city water main. Manufacturing uses and manufactories shall be construed to include greenhouses and hot beds when operated in connection with, and as a part of, such greenhouses.


SECTION 8. MUST NOT PERMIT OTHERS TO USE WATER. No consumer shall permit the owner or occupant of other premises to use water from his service, except by special permission from the Water Department.


Any consumer or consumers of water who shall permit others than members of his or their family to use water from his or their hydrant, faucets or other devices, without knowing that the proper permit has been issued, and anyone who shall thus obtain water without a permit from the city, shall be fined in the sum not less than one dollar or more than ten dollars, and the water shall be turned off.


SECTION 9. RATES EFFECTIVE. The rates and rentals as in this ordinance provided shall become effective April 1, 1931.


SECTION 10. REPEALING CLAUSE. That all ordinances and parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed.


SECTION 11. EMERGENCY CLAUSE. In the opinion of the City Council a special emergency exists for the preservation of the public health and safety, and this ordinance shall therefore take effect upon its passage.


Passed and adopted this 2nd day of April, A. D. 1931.


/s/Fred A. Rogers

President of the Council




/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the foregoing emergency ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE USE OF WATER FROM THE WATER MAINS OF THE CITY OF GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO, AND TO ESTABLISH RATES THEREFOR", was introduced, read, passed, numbered 486, and published by the unanimous vote of the members of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular adjourned meeting of the said Council held on the 2nd day of April, A. D. 1931.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of April, A. D. 1931.


/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


Published April 3rd, 1931