Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes

Regular Meeting – August 6, 2015




Meeting Location:      Parks & Recreation Administration Office


Roll Call

Board Members Present:    

Bob Wiig

Kyle Emert

           Scott Coleman

           Chris Kennedy

         Kristy Emerson

         Dr. Scott McBrayer

         Gary Schroen


Board Members Absent:    

         Nick Adams


Parks & Recreation Staff Present:  Rob Schoeber, Director

Darcy Austin, Sr. Administrative Assistant

Traci Wieland, Recreation Superintendent

Mike Mendelson,


Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Scott McBrayer at 12:02 p.m.


Item 2: Approval of Minutes

Bob Wiig moved to approve the July 9, 2015 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board minutes. Kyle Emert seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 7 No 0



Item 3: PRAB Bylaws

Scott Coleman, Bob Wiig and Gary Schroen will meet to review the bylaws and bring back changes/updates to the Board.


Item 4: GOCO Inspire Initiative

Traci Wieland presented information on the GOCO Inspire Initiative, which is part of the Outdoor Summit Program (View This initiative is to inspire children to move from the backyard to the back country and an opportunity for them to progress into Parks & Recreation careers, internships or volunteering opportunities. Traci Wieland stated she attended a workshop that discussed finding a HUB and tailoring the application to make connections with a group of kids in an area around their neighborhood (for Las Colonias it could be the population of children around Orchard Mesa and the Riverside Center). GOCO is starting with planning grants and Level 1 would be up to $100,000 for up to five different communities to participate as one of the five pilot communities. There is a second level for additional communities to get between $25,000 - $75,000, that aren’t positioned to serve as one of the pilot communities. Traci Wieland will be putting in an application, which is due by August 26, 2015. There are some requirements regarding matching funds from City Council and 25% has to come from a local coalition, which has already been formed and includes the Outdoor Wilderness Lab (OWL Program). More information will be available as we move forward.



Item 5: Whitman Park Update

Rob Schoeber showed one of the designs created by Ted Ciavonne for Whitman Park by the Whitman Park Stakeholders Committee and stated that multiple designs were brought before City Council. There are currently several other studies, relating to traffic and homelessness in the area that would prevent much movement on changes to the park at this time. Currently Mobility West (a consulting group) and CDOT are working on a traffic plan for the Grand & 4th portion, once it is determined what that corridor should look like it would be easier to proceed with future plans for Whitman Park.  


Item 6: Parks & Recreation Fees and Charges

Discussed the 2016 Fiscal Budget (please see attached). Mike Mendelson discussed the fiscal situation at the City golf courses (please see attached).



Gary Schroen moved to approve the 2016 Parks & Recreation Fees and Charges. Scott Coleman seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 7 No 0



Item 7: For the Good of the Community

•  Holding off on the DDA/Las Colonias Grant until December 2015


•  Scott McBrayer mentioned a safety concern at Canyon View Park and balls from the softball field going into the new playground area. Marc Mancuso is putting costs together to put up some netting that will be high enough so that children can’t climb on it.


Item 8: Adjourn


Meeting adjourned at 1:17 p.m.



Next Meeting: September 3, 2015



Respectfully submitted,


Darcy Austin

Sr. Administrative Assistant