Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes

Regular Meeting – September 3, 2015




Meeting Location:      Parks & Recreation Administration Office


Roll Call

Board Members Present:    

Bob Wiig

Kyle Emert

           Scott Coleman

           Chris Kennedy

         Kristy Emerson

         Dr. Scott McBrayer

         Gary Schroen

         Nick Adams


Parks & Recreation Staff Present:  Rob Schoeber, Director

Darcy Austin, Sr. Administrative Assistant


Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Scott McBrayer at 11:57 a.m.


Item 2: Welcome New Board Member Nick Adams


Item 3: Approval of Minutes

Bob Wiig moved to approve the August 6, 2015 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board minutes. Gary Schroen seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 7 No 0


Item 4: PRAB Bylaws

The Board reviewed the Bylaws and noted some additional changes. Rob Schoeber will take these to the City Attorney and bring back for final approval.


Item 5: Update on Las Colonias

Viewed Las Colonias Power Point presentation (see attached) and Rob Schoeber stated that City Council would be on September 26, 2015 to make final budget decisions.


Item 6: For the Good of the Community

•  Senior Games were the last weekend in August had 270 Athletes (which was 70 more than in 2014 and had Athletes from six states participate.

•  Phase 2 of North Avenue is 2/3 completed and 12th – 23rd will go to bid and then construction will take up to one year to complete.

•  Netting around the softball field at Canyon View Park has been out to bid.

•  The alcohol sales that took place at the softball tournament at Canyon View Park was received well by all the players and will be tested at a couple more tournaments before making a final decision on whether to offer it during league play and other events.



Item 8: Adjourn


Meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.



Next Meeting: October 1, 2015



Respectfully submitted,


Darcy Austin

Sr. Administrative Assistant