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 Purchasing Division




Date:    January 4, 2016

From:    City of Grand Junction Purchasing Division

To:      All Offerors

Re:  RFP-4137-15-SDH Downtown Broadband Pilot Project


Offerors responding to the above referenced solicitation are hereby instructed that the requirements have been clarified, modified, superseded and/or supplemented as to this date as hereinafter described.


Please make note of the following Question/Answers:

1.  Does the OSP design include the design into the building demarcation point?  Or is the fiber cable to be provisioned in the right-of-way, waiting for a service order from the customer?

Answer: The OSP design does not include design into the building demarcation point. The fiber cable would be provisioned in the right-of-way and design into the building’s demarcation point would be done after a service order from the customer is received.

2.  Have there been any discussions with local telecom providers for infrastructure leasing (underground ducts)?

Answer: No.

3.  What is city’s permitting requirements for construction?

Answer: The City’s permitting requirements can be found at:

4.  Are there city-mandated construction methods to be used? (Ex. directional boring/open cutting)

Answer: No.

5.  Are there city-mandated excavation/restoration requirements?   (type of backfill to be used) (timeline for restoration – how many days to fill open cut)  If open cut (rocksaw) is permissible what width surface restoration is required.  Just the 5"" cur or 1', 2'?

Answer: The specifications can be found in the Standard Contract Documents at:

6.  Is there a city-mandated timeline for excavation? (daytime only, specific hours, etc)

Answer: No

7.  What are the MOT (method of traffic) requirements – Ex.flagman required?

Answer: The requirement can be found in the Standard Contract Documents at:

8.  Will city Police Department (PD) assist in traffic control if needed at no charge?

Answer: No

9.  Is there a preference or requirement of aerial vs underground?

Answer: No. Where there is aerial utility plant in place today, fiber infrastructure may be installed. If there is not aerial utility plant within an area, then underground construction would be the preferred method.

10.  What is the distribution of single family home, multi-dwelling units and small, medium, and large businesses for both phase 1 and 2?

Answer: The Downtown Development Authority area consists primarily of businesses.

11.  What are the demographics of the population (population, median income, etc)

Answer: Here is census data for the City of Grand Junction, Colorado:

12.  What type of services are expected other than High Speed Internet? 

Answer: The primary goal of this RFP is to address advanced high speed Internet services.

13.  Is there a dedicated or favorite location for the Control Center and Service Provider hand off?

Answer: Not currently.

14.  Will the city provide or assist in providing the Control Center location?

Answer: The City of Grand Junction may negotiate to provide space in City owned facilities.

15.  Should we include the build cost for the overall study area and connecting the priority sites?

Answer: The purpose of the RFP is to seek public-private partnerships with the goal of offering advanced high speed Internet services. We have been very careful not to tell bidders how to respond to this RFP. If you believe it is helpful to provide the build costs for the overall study area and connecting the priority sites, please do so.



The original solicitation for the project noted above is amended as noted.


All other conditions of subject remain the same.




Scott Hockins, Project Manager

City of Grand Junction, Colorado