WHEREAS, A majority of the inhabitants of Blocks 1 to 12 inclusive, Slocomb's Addition to the City of Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado, who are qualified voters and taxpayers have made and filed with the City Council of said City a written petition and consent that said territory be annexed to and made a part of said City as provided by Section 302, Chapter 163, Colorado Statutes, Annotated, and


 WHEREAS, said territory is not embraced within the limits of said City, nor of any other municipal corporation, but adjoins same and has been by its owners laid out into lots, blocks, streets and alleys according to the recorded map or plat thereof, and


 WHEREAS, public notice for thirty days has been published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation published in said City, describing such territory and notifying the owners thereof that a special session of the Council would be held at 7:25 P.M. on January 24, 1940, at the City Hall in said City, for the purpose of considering objections that may be made to such proposed annexation, and


 WHEREAS, at such special session held pursuant to said notice, the Council met and duly weighed and considered all objections to such annexation and overruled the same.


 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado:


 Section 1. That Blocks 1 to 12 inclusive, Slocomb's Addition to the City of Grand Junction, as shown by the recorded plat thereof in the County Clerk and Recorder's office of Mesa County, Colorado, be and the same is hereby annexed to and made a part of the said City of Grand Junction.


 Passed and adopted this 7th day February, A. D. 1940.


/s/ O. E. Boston

President of the Council




/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 622, was introduced, read and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a special meeting of said Council held on the 24th day of January, 1940, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City at least ten days before its final passage.


 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City, this 28th day of February, A. D. 1940.


/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


1st publication January 26, 1940

Last publication Feb. 8, 1940