1     ATTACHMENT A RFP-4274-16-NJ      
2 Row Category Functional Requirements Importance Vendor Response Y/N/O Response Comments
5     Experience with simular systems in simular size and type organizations O    
6     Experience in public sector O    
7     Provide 3 public sector references (Colorado preferred) I    
9     HIPAA compliant R    
10     Compatible with active directory; use complex passwords R    
11     Adaptive licensing model O    
12     Full featured administration interface R    
13     Ability to control user access through group security management R    
14     Time defined user access; pre-date access availability O    
15     Track user access; document file revisions R    
16     No restrictions on concurrent user licensing O    
17     No restrictions on device connection licensing O    
18     Describe methods and safeguards in place to prevent the loss of recorded data I    
19     Provide comprehensive audit logging of user access and system activity R    
20     Diverse app security provisions for view-only, add, edit, delete, external sharing, e-mail attachment R    
21     Comprehensive debug audit and logging R    
22     API functionality R    
23     E-mail integration with encryption O    
24     Responsive web platform functionality O    
25     Overall program scaleability O    
26     Service Level Agreement (SLA) Support R    
27     Connectivity to similar systems at other organizations I    
28     Direct access to database with full administration access R    
29     Ability to join with external databases O    
30     Meeting and Agenda Management Module or Interface O    
33     Provide recent interactive history for searches, bookmarks, tasks, preferences, etc. R    
34     Provide user chat interface with ability to reference files and documents O    
35     Simple interface for adding, editting, annotating and duplicating files, images and index data R    
36     Save global preset layouts, views, print preferences independent of device or user O    
37     All-in-one user interface; minimal module separation O    
38     System-wide alert notification directly within application O    
39     Ability for users to flag & report errors directly within system O    
40     Ability to track usage time for business metrics O    
41     Ability to provide reporting service to users O    
42     Allow users to audit coworkers (QA/QC) O    
46     Conversion of existing EDMS content R    
47     Retention management schedule configuration interface w/ notification system R    
48     Notes window pane that can reference one or more documents O    
49     User controlled document annotation - post-it-notes, e-signatures, stamps, redaction R    
50     File redaction - through user control or semi-automated phrase search & redact R    
51     Optical character recognition & full text searches of document content R    
52     Document and/or image file metatag information retention & retrieval R    
53     Document workflow functionlity including e-mail notifications, signatures, edit history R    
54     Document transfer toolset (inport & export) - with file encryption R    
55     Dynamic file indexing system R    
56     Automated document indexing R    
57     Enhancement tools for scanned images R    
58     Ability to combine, reorganize, insert, delete, duplicate pages and/or files. R    
59     Provide for and display unique systemwide file ID R    
60     File check-in/ check-out from/to native application for editting purposes R    
61     Cross index searching & retrieval R    
62     File security by index or index combinations R    
63     Mobile toolset to include image capture, indexing & importing O    
67     Windows Server 2012 Operating System O    
68     Windows SQL Server 2012 Database Integration O    
69     Microsoft IIS Website or Web Application O    
70     Meet or exceed manufacturer's recommended requirements R    
74     Interface with Industry Standard Scanners (Currently using Fujitsu 5530C2 scanners) R    
75     Windows 7 (64-bit) & 10 desktop operating system compatibility R    
76     Thin client compatibility (VMWare) R    
77     Mobile device compatibility (Droid, Laptop, Surface Pro, iPad, iPhone) R    
81 Importance        
82 R   Required      
83 O   Optional/Preferred      
84 I   Information Requested      
86 Response        
87 Y Completely meets / "out of box" solution      
88 F Future (Specify Release Version / Date)      
89 3P Third Party Software Required      
90 M Modification (Change Using Built-in Toolset)      
91 C Custom development Required (Provide cost estimate in comments section)      
92 N Cannot be met / Not available      
94 Abbreviations        
95 NVMS   Network Video Management System      
