Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes

Regular Meeting – May 5, 2016




Meeting Location:  Parks & Recreation Administration Office


Roll Call

Board Members Present:  Dr. Scott McBrayer

Kyle Emert

 Kristy Emerson

 Marc Litzen

 Gary Schroen

 Chris Kennedy


Board Members Absent:  Scott Coleman

 Bob Wiig

Parks & Recreation Staff Present:  Rob Schoeber, Director

Allison Little, Administrative Specialist

Traci Wieland, Recreation Superintendent


 Additional Guests Present:  Vicki Woods, Principal Orchard Avenue Elementary

   Randall Reitz, parent Orchard Avenue Elementary

   Kimberly Langston, PLACE

   Alicia Pedroza, PLACE


Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Scott McBrayer at 12:02 p.m.


Item 2: Approval of Minutes

Gary Schroen moved to approve the April 4, 2016 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board minutes including the amendment showing Steve Moore, Emily Krause and Bruce Hill also in attendance at the meeting. Kyle Emert seconded. The minutes were approved, as amended, unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 5 No 0


Item 3: Orchard Avenue School Playground Request

Orchard Avenue Elementary has an aging playground, and there is a Great Outdoors Colorado grant available to assist with funding a replacement playground which requires partnership with a government agency. The playground would be utilized by the entire neighborhood. The grant request that Orchard Avenue Elementary would make will not compete with any other grant application the City would make or sponsor and does not require a cash commitment from the City. Marc Litzen moved to support the Orchard Avenue Elementary application to GOCO. The motion was seconded by Kyle Emert and carried unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 5 No 0




Item 4: Update: Community Center, People for Local Activities and Community Enrichment

Kimberly Langston with PLACE, talked with the Board about their group’s efforts to gather information and generate buzz in the community. The PLACE group’s ultimate goal is to gather enough information (including information obtained from a feasibility study) to place an initiative to fund a community center on the ballot for the Fall of 2017. The group will put a request in for placement on City Council workshop agenda in the near future.


Item 5: For the Good of the Community

•  Mark Litzen inquired about SCORE Camp and whether it was available for daily registration. All of the Parks and Recreation summer camps are set up for by the week registration at this time.

•  Scott McBrayer told the group that the new score boards and protective netting at Canyon View look great.

•  Rob Schoeber shared with the group that Tiara Rado has won two separate awards from ColoradoBiz. It was listed as one of the top Municipal Courses for 2016 and also as a winner of the “To – Die – For Scenic Gems” for 2016.

•  Traci Wieland gave the board a quick update about Las Colonias Amphitheater funding. The project was awarded $1.6M by DOLA bringing the total project funding to $3.5M. Staff is working on add alternates and one additional funding source to bring the project estimates in line with the funding secured.



Item 8: Adjourn


Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.



Next Meeting: June 2, 2016



Respectfully submitted,


Allison Little

Administrative Specialist