Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes

Regular Meeting – July 7, 2016


Meeting Location:  Lincoln Park Hospitality Suite


Roll Call

Board Members Present:  Kyle Emert

 Kristy Emerson

 Abby Landmeier

 Marc Litzen

 Scott McBrayer

 Sam Susuras

 Bob Wiig

 Chris Kennedy


Parks & Recreation Staff Present:  Rob Schoeber, Director

Allison Little, Administrative Specialist

Traci Wieland, Recreation Superintendent


City Staff Present  Greg Caton, City Manager

 Phyllis Norris, Mayor


Guests Present:  Jen Grunklee, PLACE

 Kimberly Langston, PLACE


Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Kristy Emerson at 12:03 p.m.


Item 2: Approval of Minutes

Bob Wiig moved to approve the June 2, 2016 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board minutes. Sam Susuras seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 7 No 0


Item 3: Introductions

Rob Schoeber introduced the two new board members, Abby Landmeier and Sam Susuras. They were appointed by City Council in June. Welcome Abby and Sam. The new City Manager, Greg Caton and Mayor Phyllis Norris introduced themselves as well.


Item 4: Community Center Survey Results – PLACE

Kimberly Langston gave a brief history of the People for Local Activities and Community Enrichment (PLACE) group, their creation and their goals. The group has conducted an informal survey via social media, focus groups and various email networks. Their goal was to obtain general information about priorities for a potential community center. The results lean towards support of a community center (not just a gym) and have varied suggestions about funding a project of that nature. PLACE is continuing to gather information by meeting with service clubs and having a booth at the Downtown Farmer’s Market and hopes to continue this grass roots effort to place an initiative on the Fall 2017 ballot. That timeline would require gathering enough signatures by early spring of 2017. Mayor Norris reminded the group that the Council has placed a high priority on finishing the projects it starts entirely and there are already a number of projects in progress at the moment.

Item 5: Board Bylaws

Rob Schoeber informed the board that City Attorney, John Shaver has reviewed the bylaws and the proposed change to the language allowing for attendance via telephone to create a quorum. Bob made a motion that the Board approve the revised language of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Bylaws. The motion was seconded by Kyle Emert and carried unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 7 No 0


Item 6: Board Future Topics

Rob Schoeber talked with the Board about future topics for their consideration including the Parks and Recreation Department Budget. In August, the Board will review a recap of the 2015 budget as well as a year to date update on 2016. In future meetings, the Board will be presented with capital projects that will be in the 2017 budget as well as a longer term view of the next two to five years. Staff is working to compile 2017 budget requests. The completed City budget is due to Council no later than October.


Item 7: Project Updates

•  Rob Schoeber talked with the board about the Centennial Band. The Parks and Recreation Department implemented a special event fee five years ago. That fee is charged to all groups who wish to schedule large events using park and river trail facilities. The band was made aware, in January, that there would be no Arts and Culture grants to cover the cost of their event in 2016.

•  Traci Wieland updated the board on the aRT Program. Staff has identified 5 locations that include 14 different paintable areas that will receive murals. CDOT will have a vetting process for the proposed murals which must meet certain guidelines (no profanity, gang related symbols, etc). Murals will be changed bi-annually. The Super Rad Art Jam organization will maintain the murals and fix or cover any tagging that may occur, though generally artists will not tag another artist’s work, and will also police each other and the murals.

•  Rob Schoeber updated the board on the purchase of the 14 acres at Matchett Park that was owned by the School District. The City has completed the purchase of that property.

•  Rob Schoeber also talked with the Board about a few other outstanding items. There was an article in the Mesa County Health Newsletter highlighting the fitness Area at the Canyon View playground. John Leane, whom that playground was built to honor, passed away in early June. There was a celebration of his life at the playground.

•  Steve Moore has appealed the Board’s decision regarding the process for selection of JUCO concessionaires. Marc Litzen will represent the Board at the appeal hearing.

•  The owner of the parcel of land on the eastern edge of Westlake Park has decided not to pursue an MOU or donate the land.


Item 8: Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 1:44 p.m. by acclimation.


Next Meeting: August 4, 2016



Respectfully submitted,



Allison Little

Administrative Specialist