Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes
Regular Meeting – August 4, 2016
Meeting Location: Parks and Recreation Administrative Conference Room
Roll Call
Board Members Present: Kyle Emert
Kristy Emerson
Abby Landmeier
Marc Litzen
Scott McBrayer
Sam Susuras
Bob Wiig
Chris Kennedy
Parks & Recreation Staff Present: Rob Schoeber, Director
Mike Vendegna, Parks Superintendent
Mike Mendelson, Head Golf Pro
Larry Manchester, Recreation Supervisor
Allison Little, Administrative Specialist
City Staff Present Phyllis Norris, Mayor
Guests Present: Jim Tarr, Commodore, Western Slope Model Yacht Club
Roy Schulz, member Western Slope Model Yacht Club
Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Kristy Emerson at 11:57 a.m.
Item 2: Approval of Minutes
Bob Wiig moved to approve the July 7, 2016 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board minutes. Marc Litzen seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 7 No 0
Item 3: Community Center Update
Rob Schoeber informed the board that City Manager Greg Caton met with the PLACE (People for Local Activities and Community Enrichment) group. The group continues to be interested in forwarding a ballot measure in support of a community recreation center and which election cycles might be appropriate (April of odd years, or November of any year). The group will continue to work on community outreach and will funnel information to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, recognizing the critical role that support of this board will play advancing such a measure.
Item 4: Western Slope Model Yacht Club
Jim Tarr, Commodore of the Western Slope Model Yacht Club spoke with the Board about the organization. The group sails models in the ponds at Canyon View Park. Mr. Tarr is concerned about the access to the water for some of the older members as well as the disabled veterans who sail with the club. His group suggests the addition of steps with a railing that reach the water to be added so that folks have an easier time launching and retrieving their boats from the water. Their organization is sanctioned by the American Model Yacht association and improved access to the water might allow him to host a regional or national regatta event.
Item 5: Budget Review
Rob Schoeber talked with the Board about the Parks and Recreation Department budget. He gave an overview of the revenue sources, outside the general fund, that the department uses to fund its operation as well as a high level overview of different types of expenses each division of the department incurs. He also talked with the board about each line item and what items are expensed there for each division (admin, recreation, parks and golf). Rob also gave the board members and overview of the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) that were completed in 2015 as well as the projects that are scheduled for 2016. CIP items are mostly funded by Conservation Trust Fund dollars and park development fees with very few general fund dollars making up the balance.
Item 6: Updates
• Rob Schoeber updated the board on the tragic incident at Whitman Park. The City’s insurance carrier is working with Risk Management and HR, as well as Parks and Recreation moving forward.
• Larry Manchester talked with the board about a very successful rescue by a lifeguard at the Lincoln Park Moyer pool. A guest was unconscious in the deep end, the lifeguard staff extricated the guest and worked to help him regain consciousness.
Item 7: Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. by acclimation.
Next Meeting: September 1, 2016
Respectfully submitted,
Allison Little
Administrative Specialist