


















Statement of Qualifications



Network and Phone System Support for Lincoln Park Stadium




January 31, 2017 Prior to 2:00 p.m.





Scott Hockins







This solicitation has been developed specifically intended to solicit competitive responses for this project, and may not be the same as previous City of Grand Junction solicitations. All offerors are urged to thoroughly review this solicitation prior to submitting.





1.1  Issuing Office: This Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) is issued by the City of Grand Junction (City).


1.2  Purpose: The City of Grand Junction is requesting qualifications from individuals or firms interested in providing network and phone system customer support for the Lincoln Park Stadium (aka Suplizio Field and Stocker Stadium).


1.5  Responses: Proposals are due by January 31, 2017 prior to 2:00pm:


1.6  Confidential Material: All materials submitted in response to this SOQ shall ultimately become public record and shall be subject to inspection after contract award. “Proprietary or Confidential Information” is defined as any information that is not generally known to competitors and which provides a competitive advantage. Unrestricted disclosure of proprietary information places it in the public domain. Only submittal information clearly identified with the words “Confidential Disclosure” shall establish a confidential, proprietary relationship. Any material to be treated as confidential or proprietary in nature must include a justification for the request. The request shall be reviewed and either approved or denied by the City Attorney. If denied, the proposer shall have the opportunity to withdraw its entire proposal, or to remove the confidential or proprietary restrictions. Neither cost nor pricing information nor the total proposal shall be considered confidential or proprietary.


1.7  Addenda: All Questions shall be submitted in writing to Any interpretations, corrections and changes to this SOQ or extensions to the opening/receipt date shall be made by a written Addendum to the SOQ by the City Purchasing Division. Sole authority to authorize addenda shall be vested in the City of Grand Junction Representative. Addenda will be issued electronically through the City’s website at by selecting the Bids link. Offerors shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda in their proposal.


1.8  Open Records: Proposals shall be received and publicly acknowledged at the location, date, and time stated herein. Offerors, their representatives and interested persons may be present. Proposals shall be received and acknowledged only so as to avoid disclosure of process. However, all proposals shall be open for public inspection after the contract is awarded. Trade secrets and confidential information contained in the proposal so identified by offer as such shall be treated as confidential by the City to the extent allowable in the Open Records Act.


1.9  Submission: Each proposal shall be emailed and marked clearly on the subject line “SOQ-4322-17-SDH Network and Phone System Support for the Lincoln Park Stadium.” For proper comparison and evaluation, the City requests that proposals be formatted as directed.


1.10  Venue: Any agreement as a result of responding to this RFP shall be deemed to have been made in, and shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the City, Mesa County, Colorado.


1.11  Ownership: All plans, prints, designs, concepts, etc., shall become the property of the Owner.


1.12  Compliance with Laws: Proposals must comply with all Federal, State, County and local laws governing or covering this type of service and the fulfillment of all ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements.


1.13  Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and Immigration Compliance: The Offeror certifies that it does not and will not during the performance of the contract employ illegal alien workers or otherwise violate the provisions of the Federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and/or the immigration compliance requirements of State of Colorado C.R.S. § 8-17.5-101, et.seq. (House Bill 06-1343).


1.14  Public Funds/Non-appropriation: Funds for payment have been provided through the City of Grand Junction/Mesa County budget approved by the City Council/Board of County Commissioners for the stated fiscal year only. State of Colorado statutes prohibit the obligation and expenditure of public funds beyond the fiscal year for which a budget has been approved. Therefore, anticipated orders or other obligations that may arise past the end of the stated City of Grand Junction/Mesa County fiscal year shall be subject to budget approval. Any contract will be subject to and must contain a governmental non-appropriation of funds clause.


1.15  OSHA Standards: All Offerors agree and warrant that services performed in response to this invitation shall conform to the standards declared by the US Department of Labor under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA). In the event the services do not conform to OSHA Standards, the Owner may require the services to be redone at no additional expense to the Owner.

1.16  Indemnification: Contractor shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the City of Grand Junction, State of Colorado, and all its officers, employees, insurers, and self-insurance pool, from and against all liability, suits, actions, or other claims of any character, name and description brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of any negligent act or fault of the Contractor, or of any Contractor’s agent, employee, subcontractor or supplier in the execution of, or performance under, any contract which may result from proposal award. Contractor shall pay any judgment with cost which may be obtained against the Owner growing out of such injury or damages.


1.17  Insurance Requirements: The selected Bidder agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, policy(s) of insurance sufficient to insure against all liability, claims, demands, and other obligations assumed by the Bidder pursuant to this Section. Such insurance shall be in addition to any other insurance requirements imposed by this Contract or by law. The Bidder shall not be relieved of any liability, claims, demands, or other obligations assumed pursuant to this Section by reason of its failure to procure or maintain insurance in sufficient amounts, durations, or types.


Bidder shall procure and maintain and, if applicable, shall cause any Subcontractor of the Bidder to procure and maintain insurance coverage listed below. Such coverage shall be procured and maintained with forms and insurers acceptable to the HDD. All coverage shall be continuously maintained to cover all liability, claims, demands, and other obligations assumed by the Bidder pursuant to this Section. In the case of any claims-made policy, the necessary retroactive dates and extended reporting periods shall be procured to maintain such continuous coverage. Minimum coverage limits shall be as indicated below unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions:


(a)  Worker Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by applicable laws for any employee engaged in the performance of work under this Contract, and Employers' Liability insurance with minimum limits of:


 ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) each accident,

 ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) disease - policy limit, and

 ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) disease - each employee


(b)  General Liability insurance with minimum combined single limits of:


 ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) each occurrence and

 ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) per job aggregate.


The policy shall be applicable to all premises and operations. The policy shall include coverage for bodily injury, broad form property damage (including completed operations), personal injury (including coverage for contractual and employee acts), blanket contractual, products, and completed operations. The policy shall include coverage for explosion, collapse, and underground hazards. The policy shall contain a severability of interests provision.


(c)  Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance with minimum combined single limits for bodily injury and property damage of not less than:


 ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) each occurrence and

 ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) aggregate


(d) Professional Liability & Errors and Omissions Insurance policy with a minimum of:


 ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) per claim


This policy shall provide coverage to protect the contractor against liability incurred as a result of the professional services performed as a result of responding to this Solicitation.


With respect to each of Bidder's owned, hired, or non-owned vehicles assigned to be used in performance of the Work. The policy shall contain a severability of interests provision. The policies required by paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) above shall be endorsed to include the City and/or County, and the City’s and/or County’s officers and employees as additional insureds. Every policy required above shall be primary insurance, and any insurance carried by the HDD, its officers, or its employees, or carried by or provided through any insurance pool of the HDD, shall be excess and not contributory insurance to that provided by Bidder. No additional insured endorsement to any required policy shall contain any exclusion for bodily injury or property damage arising from completed operations. The Bidder shall be solely responsible for any deductible losses under any policy required above.




2.1  Background: The City of Grand Junction is soliciting proposals to provide network and phone system customer support for the Lincoln Park Stadium (aka Suplizio Field and Stocker Stadium). The Stadium is used by a variety of partner organizations including Colorado Mesa University (CMU), School District 51 (SD51), Junior College World Series (JUCO), and the Grand Junction Rockies for events that require network, audio video, and/or phone service support. Depending on the event, support services may also be required for vendors and other guests of the facilities.


The City will provide the Internet Connection and all network and phone equipment required for this solicitation. The Service Provider will configure, operate and maintain the equipment and provide customer support services. Some equipment is already in place but the Service Provider may determine that additional equipment or components are necessary to provide all of the required services. The City will purchase any additional equipment required for this contract.


Many of the sporting events from CMU and SD51, and all of the JUCO games are streamed live using the Stadium Internet connection and have special, and time sensitive, customer support requirements.


2.2  Scope of Services:


Equipment Requirement: All equipment needed to provide network and phone services at the Stadium will be purchased by the City of Grand Junction and will remain property of the City. The Service Provider, in consultation with City’s Parks and Rec Department and the City’s I.T. Department, will identify any new equipment needs and determine the appropriate manufacture and models to be purchased.


Internet Connectivity: The City will provide the Internet Connection for the Stadium from the City Hall address and will be responsible for all the necessary infrastructure to connect it to the switch at the Stadium location. Initially, symmetrical 50Mbs Internet access will be dedicated for stadium use from the City’s symmetrical 1Gbs fiber connection at City Hall. The allowance can be increased as necessary on a temporary basis to meet Partner or customer needs for specific events. The Service Provider will manage the bandwidth for customer use at the Stadium using devices located at the Stadium and will be responsible for working with customers to ensure their needs are met. Bandwidth usage will be audited by the City’s I.T. department.


Technical Support Requirement: The selected Service Provider must be able to provide 24x7 support, including on-site support when necessary. Many of the events have a time sensitive broadcast requirement, so the Service Provider must respond to support calls within 10 minutes and provide on-site support within 30 minutes, if necessary to resolve the problem. The City maintains a 24x7 on-call service that is available to resolve Internet Connectivity issues at the City Hall location or at any other secure City site.


Equipment Maintenance: All equipment will be covered under a manufacturer’s or reseller’s Support Maintenance Contract. The Service Provider will be authorized to contact the maintenance provider directly for support and/or to request replacement parts. The Service Provider is responsible for maintaining equipment up-to-date and in good working order to ensure reliable operations. Preventive maintenance activities must be scheduled during the facilities down time (when facility is not booked for an event) and can be performed during normal business hours (Monday – Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM). System upgrades must be performed at least two days before an event and be fully tested for functionality and stability.


Streaming Broadcast Support: Currently, CMU, SD51 and JUCO sporting events require at least 12 Mb of dedicated bandwidth for streaming broadcasts. The Service Provider will ensure that equipment is properly configured to provide stable bandwidth to meet that need. As streaming broadcast requirements change, bandwidth requirements may increase. The Service Provider will contact City I.T. to arrange for increased bandwidth to meet new or special needs.


WiFi and/or wired Network Requirements: Network services are divided into two uses: Partner Use and Public Use. Attached is a map outlining coverage areas. Partner Use is defined as the use by sponsoring, participating, officiating, or managing organizations of the event. Public Use is defined as use by guests and spectators who are attending the event. Partner Use will have priority over Public Use. Any WiFi services provided for Partner or Public Use must be secured with a passcode. Partner and Public passcodes must not match. Public WiFi passcodes must be changed on at least a weekly basis. Event sponsors will decide if Public WiFi should be available for the event and they will be responsible for posting the appropriate passcode at locations appropriate for their event.


Administrative Accounts: The Service Provider will provide the City’s I.T. department with administrative account credentials on all network attached devices.


Phone Requirement: Phones are required or on-site communications during and in preparation for events. Baseball communications have special requirements that must be exactly met.


A phone switch must be on premise so that communication can continue if Internet or telecommunication services are lost.


The system does not need to support inbound call capability. Outbound calling capability must be provided as described below.


Phone equipment for baseball communications must NOT have access to In-bound or Out-Bound call functions.

JUCO and CMU Baseball communications require a hot station connection (two phones paired together where one rings when the other phone is picked up) configured as described below:


 1st base dugout connects to a designated phone in the baseball announcer’s booth

 3rd base dugout connects to a designated phone in the baseball announcer’s booth

 Commissioner’s box phone connects to a designated baseball announcer’s booth


Grand Junction Rockies baseball communications require a hot station connection for four phones configured as follows:


 1st base dugout connects to the 1st base bullpen

 3rd base dugout connects to the 3rd base bullpen

 Note: Bullpens are not currently wired for phone connections


All baseball communications must be secured so that no potential exists for a third party to tap into the conversation.


All other (non-Baseball Communication) press box locations may have a phone configured with outbound calling capability.


Partner Equipment Support: Partners may have specialty network, broadcast, or A/V equipment that must be connected to the stadium network to access the Internet. The Service Provider will assist Partner, as required, with equipment setup and configuration, and will assist the Partner with troubleshooting and resolving connectivity and communication issues. Partners are responsible for maintaining this equipment. When Partners are evaluating new technology for the facility, The Service Provider will participate in equipment evaluations to ensure that the equipment will function properly using the Stadium technology infrastructure.

2.3  Statement of Qualification (SOQ) Response Requirements:


A.  Qualifications: Provide qualifications for consideration and include prior experience with similar projects.


B.  Strategy and Implementation Plan: Describe your proposed strategy and/or plan for the project, and describe how your firm intends to meet the requirements for compliance.


C.  References: Provide a minimum of three references with their names, addresses and telephone numbers that can attest to your experience in projects of similar scope and size.


D.  Fee Schedule: Provide a complete list of fees including hourly rates.


2.4  Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference: A mandatory pre-proposal conference is required for all prospective offerors. The purpose of this visit will be to inspect and to clarify the contents of this document. Meeting location shall be at the Stadium South Stadium Entrance on January 24, 2017 at 9:00 AM MDT.



2.5  Facility Usage:


Stocker Stadium - 250-300 Events per year

CMU/SD 51 Track Practice, CMU/SD 51 Track Meets, City of GJ Recreation Programs, MCJFA Superbowl, WSYFL Superbowl, Graduations, Special Olympic Track Meet, Band Competitions, CMU/SD 51 Football


Suplizio Field - 130-150 Events per year

CMU baseball, SD 51 baseball, City of GJ Recreation Programs, Grand Junction Rockies


Hospitality Suite - 250-300 Events per year

CMU, SD 51, Grand Junction Rockies, City of Grand Junction Trainings, General Rentals from the Public


The Firm will be chosen based on all information provided and deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Grand Junction.


Attachments:  Wireless Access Points Diagram

       Stadium Connectivity Drawing