Section 1. That Section 6 of Ordinance No. 528 shall be and it is hereby amended, so that as amended, it shall read as follows:


 Section 6. DRIVER'S LICENSE. No such vehicle shall be driven or operated under such license except by a duly licensed driver as provided for herein. To obtain such driver's license the applicant must:


 (a) Be of the age of eighteen years or over;


 (b) Be of sound physique and good eyesight and not subject to epilepsy, vertigo, heart trouble or any other infirmity of the body or mind which might render him unfit for the safe operation of a public vehicle;


 (c) Be able to read and write the English language;


 (d) Be clean in dress and person and not addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors or drugs;


 (e) Produce on forms, to be provided by the City Clerk affidavits of good character from two reputable citizens who have known him personally and observed his conduct during one year preceding the date of his application, and a further testimonial on a form provided for that purpose from his last employer;


 (f) Fill out upon a blank form to be provided by the City Clerk a statement giving his full name, residence, place of residence for 5 years previous to moving to his present address, age, color, height, color of eyes and hair, place of birth, length of time he has resided in the city, whether a citizen of the United States, place of previous employment, whether married or single, whether he has ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or whether he has been summoned to court, whether he has previously been licensed as a driver or chauffeur, and, if so, when and where and whether his license has ever been revoked and for what cause, which statement shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant and filed with the City Clerk as a permanent record.


 The investigation of all applications for licenses under the provisions of this ordinance shall be conducted under the supervision of the Chief of Police; and no license shall be issued to any person who shall have been convicted of a felony.


 No license shall be issued to any such driver until after a test or examination shall have been passed by the applicant for such driver's license, proving to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police the ability of such applicant to drive such vehicle as in the application for the license may be applied for, and showing to the satisfaction of said Chief of Police such applicant to be a competent driver or operator of such vehicle.


 After such test or examination shall have been made and the Chief of Police shall find the driver to be a competent driver or operator of the kind of vehicle named, the City Clerk may issue a driver's license and badge to such applicant on the payment of a license fee in the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00).


 Each applicant for a driver's license must file with his application two recent photographs of himself of a size which may be easily attached to his license, one of which shall be attached to the license; and at all times when the vehicle for which the license is granted is being operated such photograph and license shall be kept on display in a conspicuous place in said vehicle so that said photograph and license may be easily seen by all passengers who might use said vehicle for hire, and the other of which shall be filed, together with the application with the City Clerk. Such photograph shall be so attached to said license that it cannot be removed and another substituted without detection. Each licensed driver shall, upon demand exhibit his license and photograph for inspection. When any application for a license is denied, such photographs shall be returned to the applicant by the City Clerk.


 Section 2. The City Council hereby finds that a special emergency exists; that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and that it shall take effect upon passage.


 Introduced, passed and adopted on this 27th day of December, 1946.


/s/ Porter Carson

President of the City Council




/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing emergency ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 528 CONCERNING TAXI CABS AND "FOR HIRE" VEHICLES," was introduced, read, passed, numbered 728, and ordered published by the unanimous vote of the members of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction at a regular adjourned meeting of said Council held on the 27th day of December, A. D. 1946.


 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City, this 27th day of December, A. D. 1946.


/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk