Bill of Rights Commemoration




There will be slides going on the screens and music playing. Once the honor guard is ready (hopefully at 5:00 ), Commander Pat Elsberry will lead the honor guard to the front where they will post the colors. Then Pat will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Welcome everyone to the City’s and County’s fourth annual commemoration of the Bill of Rights. Since we are broadcasting this event for the first time, I would like to welcome our viewing audience as well. Also I’d like to recognize other Councilmembers and County Commissioners in attendance - thank you for coming.


Jim Script:

This is an important day to remember; a day recognizing the countless hours our forefathers worked on both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and all the hundreds of thousands of individuals who have fought, suffered and sacrificed in order to protect these freedoms. These freedoms which protect democratic government and comprise the most extensive charter of liberties in the world today; yet many take these rights for granted.


I am pleased to see so many young people in attendance this evening. We have members from our City Youth Council and also this year we have representation from Mesa County’s Teen Leadership Commission. There are a number of scouts here too and we will be hearing from some of them. It is important that the youth of today are also taught to appreciate these tenets laid out by the founders. With that, it is with honor that I ask Mr. Tilman Bishop, the Chair of the Mesa County Commissioners to start us off with the proclamation.


[Tillie reads the proclamation.]


Thank you Chairman Bishop. Next we have Senior Girl Scouts Kate Connor, Megan Velarde and Shea Roberts with a few words.


[Girl Scouts read Did you know facts]


Thank you girls.


Our next speaker is a Webelos Scout from Pack #353, Max Watson.


[Max reads history]


Thank you Max.


Next up we have our Youth Council and Teen Leadership members reading the amendments themselves.


[CYC and TLC read the amendments]


Thanks guys. Our first presenter tonight is our local representative of the Veterans Committee, Colonel Roger Hagerty, United States Marine Corps, retired.


[Roger Hagerty]


Next, on behalf of the Western Slope Vietnam War Memorial Committee

(….whatever you want to say.)


[Jim Doody]


Next, I’d like to introduce Sandi Caskey who is this year’s president of the Pro Second Amendment Committee.


[Sandi Caskey]


Our next presenter is Lois Dunn, the chair of the Mesa County Republican party.


[Lois Dunn]


The Mesa County Democratic party is represented by this year’s chair Robert Traylor.


[Robert Traylor]


Past President of the League of Women Voters Diann Rice has a few words for us.


[Diann Rice]


Kids Voting Mesa County president Bill Liggett is here tonight.


[Bill Liggett]


From the Daughters of the American Revolution, Mt. Garfield Chapter, is Regent Anita Caldwell.


[Anita Caldwell]


Our last speaker tonight is a member of the Continental Congress representing the Sons of the American Revolution.


[Gary Brewer]


That concludes our speaker portion of the ceremony. I appreciate everyone’s participation tonight and to those who tuned in. At this time I would ask Commander Pat Elsberry to have her Honor Guard retire the colors and ask everyone to join us for refreshments in the lobby afterwards. Good night and thank you for coming.