Bill of Rights Commemoration




[There will be slides going on the screens and music playing. Once the honor guard is ready (hopefully at 5:00), Commander Pat Elsberry will lead the honor guard to the front where they will post the colors. Then Pat will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The Central High School Madrigal Singers will then sing the Star Spangled Banner.]


Thank you kids – that was great.


Welcome everyone to the City and County’s fifth annual commemoration of the Bill of Rights. Since we are broadcasting this event, I would like to welcome our viewing audience as well. Also I’d like to recognize other Councilmembers in attendance - Mayor Pro Tem Bonnie Beckstein, Councilmember Bruce Hill, Councilmember Linda Romer Todd and Councilmember Doug Thomason. Co hosting this event with me is County Commissioner Steve Acquafresca - thank you all for coming.



This is an important day to remember; a day recognizing the countless hours our forefathers worked on both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and all the hundreds of thousands of individuals who have fought, suffered and sacrificed in order to protect these freedoms. Freedoms which protect our democratic government and comprise the most extensive charter of liberties in the world today.

I am pleased to see so many here this evening. We have a number of different speakers this evening, including some students.


It is important that the adults of this community share with the youth the importance of these rights, written by our forefathers.


With that, it is with honor that I ask Mr. Steve Acquafresca, Commissioner for the County of Mesa to start us off by reading the proclamation.


[Steve reads the proclamation.]


Thank you Commissioner Acquafresca.


The theme for this year’s commemoration is “Life Without the Bill of Rights”. How often do we actually think about what our lives as Americans would be like if our founders had not put into place the Constitution and first ten amendments to the Constitution, which is known as the Bill of Rights? Freedoms such as: free speech, freedom of religion, protection from unlawful search and seizure, and protection from cruel and unusual punishment. These freedoms and protections, we as Americans, many times take for granted.


Our first speaker, addressing the First Amendment, is Ashley Mates. Ashley is the President of the Mesa State College Young Democrats and also 2nd Vice President of the Mesa County Democratic Party.


[Ashley Mates – first amendment]


Steve will thank her and introduce the next speaker – Sandi Caskey.

[Sandi Caskey – second amendment]


Thank you Sandi.


We had Colonel Hagerty scheduled as our third speaker but he was called away. We are pleased to have Colonel Creighton Bricker, US Air Force Retired, speaking in Colonel Hagerty’s place on the Third Amendment. He graciously volunteered to fill in for the Colonel.


[Creighton – third amendment]


Steve will thank Creighton and introduce Max


Very nice Max. Max was one of our speakers last year and he did a great job then too.


We now have another Watson, Amelia Watson, a Cadet from Girl Scout Troop #43.


[Amelia – fifth amendment]


Steve will thank Amelia and introduce Larry


[Larry – sixth amendment]


Thank you very much Larry.


Our next speaker is also pursuing a career in law, our own City Youth Council Mayor Shandie Case, speaking to Amendment Seven.


[Shandie – seventh amendment]


Steve will thank Shandie and introduce Asa


[Asa Graf – eighth amendment]


Thank you Asa.


For the Ninth Amendment, Gary Brewer President of the Sons of the American Revolution, is here to speak.


[Gary Brewer – ninth amendment]


Steve thanks Gary and introduces the last speaker General Hagemann.


[Harry Hagemann – tenth amendment]


What a way to finish! Thank you General.


That concludes our speaker portion of the ceremony. Thank you to all of our speakers tonight; I appreciate everyone’s participation. I want to thank Commissioner Acquafresca for joining me in hosting this event.


Ask Steve if he would like to say anything in conclusion.


And thanks very much to the Central High School Madrigal Singers. At this time I would ask Commander Pat Elsberry to have her Honor Guard retire the colors and ask everyone to join us for refreshments in the lobby afterwards. Good night and thank you for coming.


The color guard retire the colors. The madrigal singers will sing as folks are leaving.