Bill of Rights Commemoration




[There will be slides going on the screens and music playing. Once the honor guard is ready (hopefully at 5:00), Commander Pat Elsberry will lead the honor guard to the front where they will post the colors. Then Pat will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The Central High School Madrigal Singers will then sing the Star Spangled Banner.]


Jim will introduce you and ask you to read the proclamation.


[Steve reads the proclamation.]


Then Jim will talk about the theme and introduce the first speaker.


[Ashley Mates – first amendment]


Thank you Ashley. Sounds like you have a lot of background in this particular amendment.


The Second Amendment will be addressed by Sandi Caskey, President of the Pro Second Amendment Committee.


[Sandi Caskey – second amendment]


Jim will thank Sandi and introduce Creighton


[Creighton Bricker – third amendment]


Thank you very much Creighton (pronounced Cri-ton), your willingness to fill in tonight is very much appreciated.


Next we have Max Watson, a Boy Scout from Troop 303 to speak to the Fourth Amendment.

[Max Watson – fourth amendment]


Jim will thank Max and introduce Amelia


[Amelia – fifth amendment]


Amelia you sound like you are pursuing your law degree. Thank you.


Speaking of attorneys, our next speaker is an attorney, Larry Beckner, representing the Mesa County Republican Party and addressing the Sixth Amendment.


[Larry – sixth amendment]


Jim will thank Larry and introduce Shandie Case


[Shandie – seventh amendment]


Awesome Shandie.


For the eighth amendment, Asa Graf representing Kids Voting Mesa County.


[Asa Graf – eighth amendment]


Jim will thank Asa and introduce Gary Brewer


[Gary Brewer – ninth amendment]


Gary as usual you shared a good story, your knowledge of this period in our government is inspiring. Thank you.

Finally, we have Brigadier General Harry Hagemann, US Marine Corps Retired to speak to the last amendment in the ratified Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment.

[Harry Hagemann – tenth amendment]


Jim thanks Harry and makes concluding remarks.


Jim will ask Steve for any concluding remarks


Steve – whatever you would like to say…..


Then Jim will have the color guard retire the colors. The madrigal singers will sing as folks are leaving.