Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes

Regular Meeting – February 2, 2017


Meeting Location:  Parks and Recreation Administrative Conference Room


Roll Call

Board Members Present:  Chris Kennedy (by phone)

 Abby Landmeier

 Marc Litzen

 Scott McBrayer

 Gary Schroen

 Sam Susuras

 Bob Wiig


Board Members Absent:  Kyle Emert



Parks & Recreation Staff Present:  Rob Schoeber, Director

 Mike Vendegna, Parks Superintendent

 Traci Wieland, Recreation Superintendent

Allison Little, Administrative Specialist


Grand Junction Event Center

Community Action Committee:  Rick Kozuback

 Steve Reimer


Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by acclimation at 11:55 a.m.


Item 2: Approval of Minutes

Bob Wiig added a missed word in paragraph two of Item 5. The end of the first sentence should read “… for the construction of their headquarters.” Additionally, in Paragraph one of Item 6, the second sentence should begin “A $500 donation to the Grand Junction …” Bob Wiig made a motion to accept the minutes of the January 11, 2017 meeting as amended. The motion was seconded by Scott McBrayer. The motion carried unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 6 No 0


Item 3: Welcome, Gary Schroen

Gary Schroen is re-joining the board, filling the vacancy created by Kristy Emerson’s resignation. Welcome back Gary.


Item 4: Event Center Informational Presentation

Rick Kozuback and Steve Reimer of the Grand Junction Event Center Community Action Committee, gave a presentation to the Board outlining a proposal for an Event Center in downtown Grand Junction. The proposal renovates and incorporates the existing Two Rivers Convention Center, along with new construction, into an Event Center which could house meeting space, convention and trade show activities, minor or development league hockey and or basketball teams as well as concerts and other regional events. There is a question on the April ballot which would increase sales tax a quarter of a percent to fund construction.


Item 5: Project Updates

Traci Wieland reported that the beam is up at the amphitheater and the building is taking shape.


Item 6: For the Good of the Community

Rob Schoeber informed the Board that the by laws were adopted by the City Council at the January 18 meeting. The Aquatics division has received the “Gold International Aquatic Safety Award” for operating their aquatic facilities at a level that consistently exceeds industry standards in risk management.


Item 7: Election of Officers

Sam Susuras made a motion to nominate Marc Litzen for the office of Chair of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The motion was seconded by Bob Wiig. The motion carried unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 6 No 0


Scott McBrayer made a motion to nominate Bob Wiig to the office of Vice Chair of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The motion was seconded by Sam Susuras. The motion carried unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 6 No 0



Item 7: Adjourn

The meeting adjourned by acclimation at 1:17 p.m.


Next meeting: March 2, 2017 at 12:00pm



Respectfully submitted,



Allison Little

Administrative Specialist







