Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes

Regular Meeting – March 2, 2017


Meeting Location:  Las Colonias Amphitheater and Edgewater Brewery

Roll Call

Board Members Present:  Kyle Emert

 Abby Landmeier

 Marc Litzen

 Scott McBrayer

 Gary Schroen

 Sam Susuras


Board Members Absent:  Chris Kennedy

 Bob Wiig



Parks & Recreation Staff Present:  Rob Schoeber, Director

 Traci Wieland, Recreation Superintendent

Allison Little, Administrative Specialist


City Staff Present:  Trent Prall, Engineering Manager


Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by acclimation at 11:55 a.m.


Item 2: Amphitheater Tour

Board members toured the Las Colonias Park Amphitheater construction site. Staff expects the construction to be completed in mid-April and turned over to the Parks Division for completion of the landscaping. There is a community tree planting event planned for May 6th at the Amphitheater.


Item 3: Approve Minutes

Gary Schroen made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Scott McBrayer and carried unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 6 No 0


Item 4: Project Updates

Rob Schoeber filled the board in on some ongoing projects. Colorado Discoverability has reached their fundraising goal and is beginning the planning and design phase of their project. When construction begins it is expected to last 3 – 4 months.


Rob Schoeber reported that the Palisade Plunge project is moving forward with environmental studies. The 30 mile trail from the top of the Grand Mesa down to the Town of Palisade does cross property owned by the City of Grand Junction. Project organizers have worked with the current lease holders to establish a route which minimizes the impacts on their operations. The route is expected to be in use July through October.

Trent Prall talked with the Board about the Monument Road / Lunch Loop trail connector. There are 4 meetings the week of March 6 designed to gather input from the community.


Item 5: Executive Session to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of real, personal or other property interest under Colorado Revised Statutes section 24-6-402(4)(a) of the Open Meetings Law.

Sam Susuras made a motion to adjourn from the regular meeting into Executive Session to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of real, personal or other property interest under Colorado Revised Statutes section 24-6-402(4)(a) of the Open Meetings Law. No action will be taken during this session. The motion was seconded by Gary Schroen. The motion carried unanimously and the Board adjourned into Executive Session.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 6 No 0


Sam Susuras made a motion to adjourn from Executive Session to Regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The motion was seconded by Gary Schroen and carried unanimously.


Motion approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Yes 6 No 0



Item 7: Adjourn

The meeting adjourned by acclimation at 1:30 p.m.


Next meeting: April 6, 2017 at 12:00pm



Respectfully submitted,



Allison Little

Administrative Specialist







