Section 1. GENERAL REGULATIONS. All persons who desire to use water from the City water mains shall, before doing so, make written application to the Water Department of the City of Grand Junction.


 The provisions of this ordinance, so far as applicable, shall be considered as a part of the contract between said City and each property owner who is furnished with City water, and each property owner, by using City water or allowing City water to be used, shall be presumed to express his consent to be bound by all the provisions hereof, or such others as the City may hereafter adopt.


 All water rent shall be due and payable quarterly as follows:


 In Zone 1 on the first day of January, April, July and October, which shall comprise all that part of the City lying south of and including Colorado Avenue, together with all of Crawford Addition and all users outside of the City on Orchard Mesa and the City flowline.


 In Zone 2 on the first day of February, May, August and November, which shall comprise all that part of the City of Grand Junction lying between Gunnison Avenue and Main Street, including the properties facing on these said streets, but not including the said Crawford Addition.


 In Zone 3 on the first day of March, June, September and December, which shall comprise all that part of the City lying north of Gunnison Avenue, but not including the properties facing on Gunnison Avenue, and all users outside of the City which are not included in Zone 1.


 All consumers of water, before receiving service, shall pay to the City Treasurer an amount equal to one minimum quarterly charge as an advance payment on his account which shall be held and considered as his advance payment on succeeding quarters.


 Section 2. SHUT OFF AND NON-PAYMENT OF RENTALS. All water rent shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer, and if not paid within ten days after the payment shall have become due, shall become delinquent and the water shall be shut off without notice.


 Whenever the water shall have been shut off for non-payment of water rent, the water shall not be turned on again until the back water rentals have been paid, together with $2.00 additional for the trouble and expense of shutting off and turning on the water. The owner of the property where the water is used shall be held liable for the payment of rent for all water used thereon.


 Section 3. NOTICE TO DISCONTINUE: Any person desirous of discontinuing the use of water must give notice to the Water Department and the Water Department shall turn off the water. No credit will be given for non-usage of water unless the water service has been shut off by the Water Department.


 Section 4. METER RATES. The following monthly rentals shall apply to all water used and measured by a water meter:




Rate No. 1. Commercial Rate (within the city limits).




Minimum charge (3,000 gallons or less) per month $1.50






























































All over












 The above rates shall apply to all uses within the city limits, including multiple dwellings, duplex dwellings and apartment houses, but excluding single-family dwellings. It shall be the duty of all owners and/or operators of multiple dwellings, duplex dwellings and apartments to certify in writing to the City Water Department the location thereof and the number of family units therein.


 As used in this Ordinance, a family unit shall mean a building or part thereof occupied as a permanent abiding place by one or more individuals living and cooking on the premises as a single housekeeping unit.


 Rate No. 2 Residential Rate (within the city limits).


 Minimum charge (3,000 gallons or less per family unit) per month $1.50


 All over 3,000 gallons used per month @ .15 per 1,000 gal.


 The above rate shall apply to all single-family residential use within the city limits. Where more than one single-family dwelling is served thru a single meter, a minimum charge shall be made for each family dwelling thus served, with credit being given for a corresponding quantity of water on the total consumption. All excess water shall be at the rate of 15 cents per 1,000 gallons.







Rate No. 3. Suburban & Commercial Rate (outside city limits).




Minimum charge (3,000 gallons or less) per month $3.00






























































All over












 The above rate shall apply to all uses outside the city limits except suburban schools, manufactories, greenhouses and railroads located within a radius of four miles of 5th and Main Streets in the City of Grand Junction.


 Where more than one family unit or use is served thru a single meter, or where a group of individual family units are served by a party line thru a master meter, a minimum charge shall be made for each family unit or use thus served, with credit being given for a corresponding quantity of water on the total consumption. All excess shall be at the above suburban and commercial rate.


 It shall be the duty of all owners and/or operators of water service lines with more than one user to certify to the City Water Department the location thereof and the number of units or users thereon. No additional connections shall be made without application to and notice thereof to the City Water Department.




Rate No. 4 Suburban Schools & Manufactories.




Minimum charge (3,000 gallons or less) per month $1.50






























































All over












 The above rate shall apply to suburban schools, manufactories, greenhouses (including hot beds when operated in connection with, and as a part of such greenhouse) and railroad purposes, providing that the use is located within a radius of four miles of 5th and Main Streets in the City of Grand Junction.


 When a meter or indicator gets out of order and fails to register correctly, a charge shall be made according to the average quantity of water used in a similar period as shown by the meter when in order.


 Section 5. SERVICE CHARGE. (Within the city limits.) The following service charge shall be levied and collected upon all water meters installed within the city limits, except meters larger than 2-inch if owned, installed and maintained by the owner or consumer:





For 5/8" to 1 1/4" meters, inclusive





For a 1 1/2-inch meter





For a 2-inch meter





For a 3-inch meter





 All meters which are now in service and which are owned by the consumer, except meters larger than 2-inch, shall be purchased by the City of Grand Junction for a reasonable amount, based upon the cost of the meter installation, the age of the meter, and other factors. Payment for such meters shall be made, commencing January 1, 1951, by a reduction in the water bill over a period of not to exceed twelve quarters, or in cash in not to exceed three annual payments.


 Section 6. METER REGULATIONS. All water users shall be required to have a meter. All meters shall be installed, owned and maintained by the City of Grand Junction, except that all meters hereafter installed which are larger than two inches in size shall be purchased, installed and maintained by the consumer.


 Section 7. MUST NOT PERMIT OTHERS TO USE WATER. No consumer shall permit the owner or occupant of other premises to use water from his service except by special permission from the Water Department.


 Any consumer or consumers of water who shall permit others than members of his or their family to use water from his or their hydrant, faucets or other devices, without knowing that the proper permit has been issued, and anyone who shall thus obtain water without a permit from the City, shall be fined in the sum of not less than one dollar or more than ten dollars, and the water shall be turned off.


 Section 8. RATES EFFECTIVE. The rates and rentals as in this Ordinance provided shall become effective and shall apply to all water billed on and after June 1, 1951.


 Section 9. REPEALING CLAUSE. All ordinances and parts thereof in conflict with this Ordinance shall be and the same are hereby repealed.


 Passed and adopted this 2nd day of May, 1951.


/s/ A. G. Martin

President of the Council




/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 838, was introduced, read and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 18th day of April, 1951, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City at least ten days before its final passage.


 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of May, 1951.


/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


First Publication April 20, 1951


Final Publication May 4, 1951