Section 1. DEFINITIONS. Whenever used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the following meanings:


 (a) The term "trailer" is hereby defined to be a trailer, or house car, or any vehicle or structure mounted on wheels, and capable of being propelled from place to place, either by its own power or power supplied by some vehicle attached thereto, and being used for living or sleeping quarters, or for an office or place of business.


 (b) The term "trailer camp" is hereby defined as any lot or parcel of ground within the limits of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, where accommodation is provided for more than one automobile trailer or house car used as living or sleeping quarters.


 Section 2. PARKING OF TRAILERS. No person shall park, place or locate any trailer capable of being used for human habitation upon any street or avenue in the City of Grand Junction for a longer period than 24 hours, and such trailers shall be subject to all other and further regulations and limitations imposed by the traffic ordinance. Not more than one trailer shall be located on any one lot, tract or parcel of land in the City of Grand Junction, except in an established trailer camp.


 Section 3. LOCATION OUTSIDE OF TRAILER CAMPS. No person shall park, place or locate any trailer being used for human habitation outside of any trailer court or trailer camp, on any lot, tract or parcel of land in the City of Grand Junction for a period longer than 24 hours, unless the following requirements are met:


 (a) No trailer shall be parked, placed, located or used for human habitation anywhere in the City of Grand Junction except in areas zoned as "Residence D, and E" districts or in industrial districts, as set up in the zoning ordinance.


 (b) No trailer shall be located closer than six feet to any building, and each trailer shall also be located so as to comply with all requirements as to set back lines and side and rear yards as provided for buildings by the zoning ordinance.


 (c) Each trailer used for human habitation shall be of a modern type equipped with toilet and kitchen sink facilities, and such facilities shall be physically connected with the City water system and the City sewer system in accordance with the Plumbing Code and City Ordinances.


 (d) All trailers using gas, kerosene, gasoline, or fuel oil for heating or cooking purposes shall have their stoves properly vented with flues of adequate sizes and construction; and with the exception of a supply container for each trailer, no gasoline, kerosene or fuel oil shall be stored on the premises. Every connection between a liquified petroleum gas container and its appliance shall be of metal pipe or tubing. No liquified petroleum gas container shall be permitted inside of any trailer. All trailers shall comply with the regulations of the Colorado State Department of Public Health, controlling carbon monoxide poisoning in trailers.


 (e) No person shall make any electric connection to any trailer from any building or other source of electricity without the approval of the Electrical Inspector as to the methods of such connection.

(f) No trailer shall be occupied by a greater number of persons than that for which it is designed and every trailer shall be occupied only by the owner and shall not be rented.


 (g) No person shall deposit garbage, waste water or rubbish from any trailer on the premises where the trailer is situated or on adjoining premises, and each trailer shall be provided with an approved garbage can and a rubbish receptacle.


 Section 4. PERMIT. No trailer shall be so parked and used for human habitation for a period longer than 24 hours without first obtaining a permit therefor from the City Clerk, and before such permit is issued, an inspection shall be made to see that all of the requirements of this ordinance have been complied with. There shall be a charge of $1.00 for each permit. Any such permit may be revoked by the Municipal Court, after hearing, for any violation of this ordinance.


 Section 5. REMOVAL OF WHEELS OR BUILDING ADDITIONS. Any automobile trailer from which the wheels have been removed, except temporarily for the purpose of making repairs, and any trailer which has any room, lean-to or other addition connected thereto, or used in connection therewith, shall be deemed to be a permanent residence and shall be made to conform to all the requirements of the building ordinance and code.


 Section 6. LIMITATION ON LENGTH OF STAY. It shall be unlawful for any person to park, occupy or use any trailer at any location within the City of Grand Junction for longer than a period of 6 months.


 Section 7. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00 for each offense, and each day during which such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.


 Passed and adopted this 5th day of Sept., 1951.


/s/ Oscar Hanson, Jr.

President of the City Council




/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 841, was introduced read and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 15th day of August, 1951, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City at least ten days before its final passage.


 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City, this 6th day of September, 1951.


/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


First Pub Aug 20, 1951


Final Pub Sept 7, 1951