Section 1. That Section 4 of Chapter 85 of the 1953 Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, be amended to read as follows:


Section 4. AUTHORIZATION AND POWERS. The Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to have general supervision over the arranging, supporting and stringing of all electric light, power, signal or other wires and the location and general construction of all poles, lines, and electric appliances, so as to prevent radio interference, fire, accident or injury to persons or property. Further, it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to cause all such lines and equipment to be maintained, insulated and guarded as not to endanger life or property, and all such lines and equipment now existing as well as those hereafter constructed or placed shall be subject to such supervision. All electric lines hereafter constructed shall be in accordance with the rules and standards of the National Electrical Code, 1959 edition, published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Plans for proposed construction must be submitted to the Electrical Inspector for approval before the work is started, in such cases as are deemed necessary by him.


(a) The Inspector or his assistants shall at all times have access to any building, structure or premises, in or on which electrical wiring is being done or in or on which such wiring has been done, or in or on which devices, appliances or wiring cause radio interference; provided that such inspection shall be made at reasonable hours.


(b) The Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized to require the correction of any defects in any electric light, power, or communication installation or use thereof which are not in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance or which he deems to be dangerous to life or property.


(c) In cases of emergency, when necessary for safety to persons or property, or where electrical equipment may interfere with the work of the fire department, the Electrical Inspector shall have the authority to disconnect or cause the disconnection immediately of any electrical equipment.


Section 2. That Section 7 of Chapter 85 of the 1953 Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, be amended to read as follows:


Section 7. LICENSE FOR CONTRACTORS. (a) Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of, or desiring to engage in the business of manufacturing electrical equipment, installation of electric wires, fixtures, appliances or appurtenances inside of or on any building or buildings within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, shall first secure a license from the City Clerk of said City, to conduct such business; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall apply to a public telephone, telegraph, or messenger call, or power company operating under the regular franchise granted by the City of Grand Junction, installing their own apparatus.

(1) Providing further, that before such license shall be granted said person, firm or corporation, there shall be paid to the City Treasurer the sum of Twenty Five (25.00) Dollars, which shall be the annual fee for said license. The Electrical Inspector shall make such examinations or investigations necessary to satisfy himself upon the qualifications of such applicant and report his recommendations in writing to the City Manager.


(2) Such person, firm or corporation shall also furnish a good and sufficient surety bond to be approved by the Council, in the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance of all things required of them under the provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado. Said bond shall be approved and filed with the City Clerk before issuance of such license.


(3) Any person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in or work at the business of electrical wiring, or who shall do any electrical installations in connection with the dealing in or selling of electrical materials and supplies shall be required to have a master electrician, who shall have a Master Electrician's license, in charge at all times and who shall be responsible for the proper installation of such electrical materials and supplies.


(b) Any master electrician or journeyman electrician (as the same are defined by the Statutes of the State of Colorado) working under a contractor or otherwise within the City of Grand Junction shall first secure a license from the City of Grand Junction.


(1) All journeyman electricians and master electricians actually engaged in business as such at the time this ordinance goes into effect may, within sixty (60) days thereafter, procure a license as a Journeyman Electrician or a Master Electrician, as the case may be, without examination upon completion of such other conditions as herein required. A license in the City of Grand Junction may be issued to all persons holding a license with the State of Colorado without examination, at the discretion of the Electrical Inspector.


(2) Master Electrician licenses will be issued by the City Clerk to all master electricians after a certificate of approval from the Electrical Inspector, showing that he has the qualifications of a master electrician, together with a receipt for Ten ($10.00) Dollars from the City Treasurer before the annual license fee is presented.


(3) Journeyman Electrician licenses will be issued by the City Clerk to journeyman electricians in the employ, or seeking to be employed by a master electrician, after a certificate of approval from the Electrical Inspector together with a receipt for the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars from the City Treasurer before the annual license fee is presented.


(c) (1) All installations of electrical material or wiring under the provisions of this ordinance shall be in charge of a master electrician at all times who shall be responsible for the proper installation of all such work.


(2) No journeyman electrician, unless in the employ of a master electrician, will be permitted to do any electrical work without first having taken out a Master Electrician's license.


(3) No helper shall do any electrical work in assisting a master electrician or journeyman electrician, or otherwise, except under the supervision of and in the presence of a duly licensed electrician; and no person, firm or corporation shall engage or permit any helper to do any electrical work except as herein permitted and provided.


(d) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent licensed sign contractors, licensed music vendors or licensed heating contractors from installing and maintaining systems other than 120 volt or 220 volt systems. The rules as provided in the National Electrical Code for such systems shall govern and be enforced.


Section 3. That Subsection (a) of Section 12 of Chapter 85 of the 1953 Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, be amended to read as follows:


Section 12. PERMITS - FEES FOR. (a) In order to procure a permit for the installation of electric wiring or fittings, fixtures, apparatus and appliances used for light, heat or power, or for making alterations in or additions to present equipment of any existing electrical installations, the person, firm or corporation applying for and receiving such permit shall pay to the City Treasurer the amount or amounts, as required by the following schedule of fees; provided, however, that no permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation who is not a holder of the license required by this ordinance, and provided further that this ordinance shall not be construed as to prohibit any homeowner from himself doing electrical work in or about his own home, in case he shall first obtain a permit and license, which license shall be issued upon the payment of a fee of One ($1.00) Dollar and likewise satisfy the Electrical Inspector that he is competent to make such installation and repairs.


Section 4. That Section 20 of Chapter 85 of the 1953 Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, be amended to read as follows:




(a) All electrical equipment installed or used shall be reasonably safe to persons and property and in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. Conformity of electrical equipment with applicable standards of "Underwriters Laboratories, Inc." shall be prima facie evidence that such equipment is reasonably safe to persons and property.


(b) All installations of electrical wiring and communication circuits shall be reasonably safe to persons and property and in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. Conformity of installations of electrical wiring and equipment with applicable regulations set forth in the National Electric Code, as approved by the American Standards Association, shall be prima facie evidence that such installations are reasonably safe to persons and property.


(c) All service entrance wires shall be installed in approved rigid iron conduit, and service equipment, if located indoors, shall not be located more than fifteen (15) feet from the point of entrance.


(d) All electrical installations requiring cutouts shall have fuse blocks installed in metallic cabinets.

(e) Any portion of an interior wiring system which is located on the structure's exterior shall be installed in approved metal conduit. Conductors shall be required for wet locations.


(f) Service equipment shall not be installed in bed rooms, bath rooms, living rooms or dining rooms, over sinks, doors, stoves or in household cabinets, or behind shelving or in unfinished basements.


(g) Homes of seven hundred (700) square foot floor area, using outside dimensions, shall have at least an eight (8) circuit panel and a one hundred (100) amp min. Over seven hundred (700) square foot, sixteen (16) circuit panel and a one hundred twenty-five (125) amp. min. All homes shall have an outside disconnect.


(h) All motors operating automatically must have an overload protection.


(i) All convenience outlets in the kitchen shall be of the split circuit type wired with three (3) wire system.


(j) No over five (5) receptacles on one (1) circuit in the kitchen, and not over seven (7) receptacles on one (1) circuit in the rest of the house.


(k) Overload protection shall be of the non-tamperable type.


(l) Permanent lighting fixtures, wall switch controlled, shall be installed in living rooms, kitchens, halls, dining rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, and other habitable rooms.


(m) Switched convenience outlet or outlets may be substituted for permanent lighting fixtures in living rooms and bedrooms.


(n) An outside fixture, with interior wall switch control, shall be installed at each main and service doorway.


(o) Permanent lighting fixtures shall be installed to illuminate stairways connecting habitable rooms or halls of different elevations. Such lighting fixtures shall be multiple switch controlled from each elevation. Other lighting fixtures may serve as stairway fixtures when located to serve such dual purpose.


(p) A permanent lighting fixture shall be installed to illuminate properly basement stairs, and such fixture shall be switch controlled from the head of the basement stairs. Multiple switch controls shall be installed at both elevations when basements are provided with other exit doorways.


(q) Permanent lighting fixtures shall be installed in utility rooms, other areas requiring general illumination and to illuminate laundry trays. The number, type, and location of outlets in spaces such as garages, attics, and basements shall be such as are acceptable to the Electrical Inspector.


(r) The bathroom fixtures shall be controlled by a wall switch not readily accessible from tub or shower or shall be properly grounded.


(s) When installed, electric bathroom heaters and control switches shall not be readily accessible from tub or shower or shall be properly grounded. These shall be connected to separate outlets of the grounding type.


(t) At least one convenience outlet shall be installed over the counter work space in the kitchen with one such outlet for each six (6) linear feet, or major fraction thereof, of counter work space.


(u) In rooms not provided with ceiling or wall fixtures, a minimum of three (3) convenience outlets shall be installed.


(v) At least two (2) fifteen (15) ampere circuits serving all lighting outlets, and those convenience outlets not in the kitchen, dining, and laundry areas, shall be provided for the first five hundred (500) square feet of floor area, plus at least one circuit for each additional five hundred (500) square feet or fraction thereof. Provisions must be made for at least one future circuit. The floor area shall be measured from the outside of exterior walls.


PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of January, 1960.



/s/William W. Orr

President of the City Council




/s/Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1100 was introduced, read and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 6th day of January, 1960, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City, this 21st day of January, 1960.


/s/Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


Published Jan. 9, 1960

Final Pub. Jan. 23, 1960