WHEREAS, the City Council and Municipal Officers of the City of Grand Junction, in the State of Colorado, have complied with all the provisions of law relating to certain improve­ments in Sanitary Sewer District No. 22-67 in the City of Grand Junction, pursuant to Ordinance No. 178 of said City, adopted and approved June 11, 1910, as amended, being Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of said City, and pursuant to the various resolutions, orders and proceedings taken under said Ordinance; and


WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore caused to he published the Notice of Completion of said local improvement in said Sanitary Sewer District No. 22-67, and the apportionment of the cost thereof to all persons interested and to the owners of real estate which is described therein, said real estate comprising the district of land known as Sanitary Sewer District No. 22-67 in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, which said notice was caused to be published in the Daily Sentinel, the official newspaper of the City of Grand Junction (the first publication thereof appearing on January 19, 1968, and the last publication thereof appearing on January 21, 1968); and


WHEREAS, said Notice recited the share to be apportioned to and upon each lot or tract of land within said District assessable for said improvements, and recited that complaints or objections might be made in writing to the Council and filed with the Clerk within thirty (30) days from the first publication of said Notice, to-wit: On or before and up to 5:00 o'clock P.M. on the 18th day of February, 1968, and recited that such complaints would be heard and determined by the Council at its first regular meeting after said thirty days and before the passage of any ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements; and


WHEREAS, pursuant to said Notice written protests were received from:


 Ralph and Florence Collins, 1321 Wellington Avenue

 Mrs. Florence Shirk, 1314 Wellington Avenue

 Charlie Walker, 2708 F Road

 Lela M. Ellis, 1250 Bookcliff Avenue

 Henry E. Snyder, 1405 Wellington Avenue

 Hattie Senter, 1308 Wellington Avenue

 E. Fay Carpenter, 1340 Wellington Avenue

 Mrs. Warren Ashurst, 1350 Wellington Avenue

 Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Massard, 1452 Wellington Avenue

 Delmer F. Born, 2628 1/2 North 12th Street

 William G. Blakeslee, 2705 Patterson Road

 George L. Kruse, 1324 Wellington Avenue

 St. Matthews Episcopal Church


which protests were rejected with the exception of those of:


 Delmer F. Born, 2628 1/2 North 12th Street

 Ralph and Florence Collins, 1321 Wellington Avenue

 E. Fay Carpenter, 1340 Wellington Avenue

 George L. Kruse, 1324 Wellington Avenue


which are to receive further consideration on their complaints other than as to assessments levied against their properties; and


WHEREAS, the City Council has duly confirmed the statement prepared by the City Engineer and certified by the President of the City Council showing the whole cost of said improvements and the apportionment thereof heretofore made as contained in that certain Notice to property owners in Sanitary Sewer District No. 22-67, duly published in the Daily Sentinel, t he official newspaper of the City, and has duly ordered that the cost of said improvements in said Sanitary Sewer District No. 22-67 be assessed and apportioned against all of the real estate in said District in the portions contained in the aforesaid notice; and


WHEREAS, from the statement made and filed with the City Clerk by the City Engineer, it appears that the whole cost of said improvements is $144,765.29, said amount including $0.01 per square foot for trunk and future development and interest on the bonds of said district to January 1, 1968, on the portion of such amount to be assessed and paid, but does not include six per centum additional for cost of collection and other incidentals; and


WHEREAS, from said statement, it also appears that the City Engineer has apportioned a share of the whole cost to each lot or tract of land in said District in the following proportion and amounts, severally, to-wit:


That portion of said cost to be assessed against the sub-districts within the district, but paid upon development within such sub-districts only, has been determined to be $39,593.49, which amount includes the $0.01 per square foot trunk and expansion fee but not the 6 per centum for cost of collection and other incidentals, and has been apportioned and assessed as follows:


1-29A  All of Lot 9 Block 2 Eagleton Subdivision $ 180.54


2-01A  Beg 30 feet North and 256.4 feet East of the

   SW cor Sec 1 T1S R1W North 179.4 feet East 208

   feet South 179.4 feet East 103.88 feet North

   179.4 feet East 75 feet North 130.6 feet East

   16.72 feet North 290 feet West 620 feet South

   300 feet East 216.4 feet South 300 feet to

   beginning Except beg 30 feet North and 464.4

   feet East of the SW cor of Sec 1 T1S R1W of the

   Ute Meridian, thence North 150 feet, thence

   East 103.88 feet, thence South 150 feet, thence

   East 103.88 feet to beginning Also Except beg

   at a point 300 feet North and 40 feet East of

   the SW cor of Sec 1 T1S R1W of the Ute Meridian,    thence North 300 feet, thence East 620 feet,

   thence South 150 feet, thence West 470 feet,

   thence South 150 feet, thence West 150 feet to

   the point of beg.

   All in Mesa County, Colorado 2,457.28


2-02A  Beg 30 feet N and 40 feet E of SW cor Sec 1

   T1S R1W of the Ute Meridian, thence East

   216.4 feet, thence North 300 feet, thence

   West 216.4 feet, thence South 300 feet to

   beginning Except beg 30 feet North and 40

   feet East of the SW cor Sec 1 T1S R1W of

   the Ute Meridian, thence East 216.4 feet,

   thence North 150 feet, thence West 66.4 feet,

   thence North 150 feet, thence West 150 feet,

   thence South 300 feet to point of beg.

   All in Mesa County, Colorado 203.88


2-03A  Beg 256.4 feet East of SW Cor Sec 1 T1S R1W

   East 208 feet, thence North 209.4 feet,

   thence West 208 feet, thence South to beg

   Except the South 150 feet thereof 125.17


2-05A  Beg 643.28 feet East and 30 feet North of the

   SW cor of Sec 1 T1S R1W of the Ute Meridian,

   thence East 130.35 feet, thence North 310 feet,

   thence West 130.35 feet, thence South to beg

   Except the South 150 feet thereof 1126.92


2-04A  Beg 30 feet North and 568.28 feet East of the

   SW cor Sec 1 T1S R1W East 75 feet North 179.4

   West 75 feet South to beg Except the south

   150 feet 45.14


2-06A  Block 14 Fairmount Sub Sec 1 T1S R1W Except

   South 310.00 feet of the West 112.75 feet

   thereof Except the 30.00 feet adjacent to

   the North 290.00 feet of said Block 14 on

   the West; Also Except the South 150.00

   Feet of the West 296.37 feet of the above

   described property 6,106.51


3-02A  Beg 10 feet West and 111 feet South of the

   NW cor of Block 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

   T1S R1W thence South 99 feet, thence East

   175 feet, thence North 14 feet, thence East

   125 feet, thence North 85 feet, thence

   West to beg, Except the West 150.00 feet

   of the above described tract 268.15


3-03A  Beg 10.00 feet West and 210.00 Feet South

   of the NW cor of Block 11 Fairmount Sub

   Sec 12 T1S R1W thence South 70.00 feet,

   thence East 175.00 feet, thence North

   70.00 feet, thence West to beg Except the

   West 150 feet of the above described tract 35.82


3-04A  Beg 10.00 feet West and 235.00 feet North

   of the SW cor of Lot 37 Block 11 Fairmount

   Sub See 12 T1S R1W;, thence North 85.00 feet,

   thence East 185.00 feet, thence South 85.00

   feet, thence West to beg Except the West

   150 feet thereof 43.50


3-05A  Beg 10.00 feet West and 150.00 feet North

   of SW cor Block 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S

   R1W East 175.00 feet North 85.00 feet West

   175.00 feet South to beg Except the West 150

   feet thereof 43.50


3-09A  Beg 150 feet North of the SE cor of Lot 37

   Block 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence

   N 254.00 feet, thence W 125.00 feet, thence S

   404.00 feet, thence East 50.00 feet, thence N

   150.00 feet thence East 75.00 feet to beg

   Except the South 150.00 feet thereof 649.91


3-10A  None


3-11A  Beg at the SW cor of Lot 40 Block 11 Fairmount

   Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence East 100.00 feet,

   thence North 217.8 feet, thence West 100.00

   feet, thence South to beg Except the South

   150.00 feet of the above described tract 138.78


3-12A Beg at a point 100.00 feet East of the SW cor

of Lot 40 Block 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W

thence North 217.8 feet, thence East 100.00 feet, thence South 217.8 feet, thence West to beg

Except the South 150.00 feet of the above

described tract 138.78

3-13A Beg 200.00 feet East of SW cor of Lot 40 Block

11 T1S R1W Sec 12 North to North line of said

Block 11 East 130.00 feet South to South line

of said Block 11 West 130.00 feet to beg Except

the South 150 feet thereof 79.32


3-14A Beg 18,00 feet West of the SW cor of Lot 41

Block 12 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence

East 125.00 feet, thence North 230.00 feet,

thence West 125.00 feet, thence South to beg

Except the South 150.00 feet thereof 204.70


3-15A Beg 125.00 feet East of the SW cor Lot 41

Block 12 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence

East 75.00 Feet thence North 230.00 feet,

thence West 75.00 feet, thence south to beg

Except the South 150 feet thereof 122.82

3-16A Beg 322.00 feet West of the SE cor of Block 12 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence West 96.00

feet, thence North 230.00 feet, thence East

96.00 feet, thence South to beg Except the South 150.00 feet 157.21


3-17A Beg 226.00 feet West of the SE Cor of Block 12 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence West 96.OO

feet, thence north 230.00 feet, thence East

96.00 feet, thence South to beg Except the South

150 feet 157.21


3-18A Beg 130.00 feet West of the SE cor of Block 12 Fairmount Sub See 12 T1S R1W thence West 96.00

feet, thence north 230.00 feet, thence East

96.00 feet, thence South to beg Except the South

150.00 feet 157.21


3-19A Beg at the SE Cor of Block 12 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W thence West 130.00 feet, thence north 230.00 feet, thence East 130.00 feet, thence South to beg Except the south 150.00 feet 212.89


3-20A West one-half of Beginning 217.8 feet North of the

SW cor of Lot 40 Block 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S

R1W thence East 100.00 feet North to North line said Block 11, thence West 100.00 feet, thence South to beg Except the North 150.00 feet 237.45


3-21A Beg 217.8 feet North and 50.00 feet East of the SW

cor of Lot 40 Block 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W

thence East 50.00 feet, thence North to the North

line said Block 11, thence West 50.00 feet, thence South to beg Except the North 150.00 feet 237.45


3-22A Beg 217.8 feet North and 100.00 feet East of the SW

Cor of Lot 40 Block 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W

East 50.00 feet, thence North 382.2 feet to the North

line of said Block 11 thence West 50.00 feet, thence

South to beg Except the North 150.00 feet thereof237.45

3-23A East 50.00 feet of Beginning 217.8 feet North 100.00 feet East of the SW cor of Lot 40 Block 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence East 100.00 feet, thence North to North line of said Block 11, thence West 100.00 feet, thence South to beg Except the North 150.00 feet thereof 237.45


3-24A Beg 230.00 feet North of the SE cor of Block 12 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W North to NE cor of

said Block 12 thence West to a point 30.00 feet

West of the NW corner of said Block 12 thence

South to a point 30.00 feet West of the SW cor of

said Block 12 thence East 12.00 feet, thence north

230.00 feet, thence East to beg 4,827.99


4-03A Beg 150.00 feet South and 10.00 feet West of the

NW cor of Block 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W

thence East 160.00 feet, thence South 75.00 feet, thence West 160.00 feet, thence North to beg

Except the West 150 feet 13.31

4-04A Beg 225.00 feet South and 10.00 feet West of the

NW cor of Lot 30 Block 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S

R1W thence East 160.00 feet, thence South 183.00

feet to the Grand Valley Canal, thence Northwesterly along the said Canal to the East line of 12th Street thence North to beg Except the most Westerly 150 feet of the above described tract 15.35


4-10A That part of Block 10 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W

North of the Grand Valley Canal Except the West 10.00 feet thereof 3671.45


4-11A Beg 150.00 feet East of the NW cor Block 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence East 70.00 feet, thence South 381.00 feet to the Grand Valley Canal, thence Westerly along said Canal to a point South of the

Beg then North 381.00 feet to Beginning Except the North 150.00 feet of the above described property 331.00


4-12A Block 9 Fairmount Sub North of Grand Valley

Canal Sec 12 T1S R1W Except the West 220 feet

and except the East 308.00 feet thereof Except

the North 150 feet of the above described tract 421.84


4-13A Beginning 318.00 feet East of the NW cor of

Block 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W East 113.9

feet South 348.00 feet to North Bank Grand Valley

Canal South 80o31' West along Canal 115.4 feet

North 367.00 feet to beg Except the North 150.00

feet of the above described tract 482.92


4-14A Beg 426.9 feet East of the NW cor Block 9

Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence East

104.1 feet then South 350.00 feet to the

North Bank of the Grand Valley Canal, thence

North 88o 54' West along Canal 104.1 feet,

thence North 348.00 feet to beg Except the

North 150.00 feet of the above described tract 423.64


4-15A That part of Lot 33 Block 10 Fairmount Sub Sec

12 T1S R1W South of the Grand Valley Canal 497.41


4-17A Beg 40.00 feet East of the NE cor of Block 9

Fairmount Sub See 12 T1S R1W thence West 100.00

feet, thence South 350.00 feet to the Canal

   thence East along said canal to a point due

South of beginning North to beg Except the

North 150.00 feet of the above described tract 409.39


5-01A Lot 14 Block 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W

Except the South 50.00 feet of the West 240.00

feet thereof Except West 150.00 feet of the

above described tract and also except the

North 150 feet of the East 140 feet thereof 337.75


5-02A Beg at the SW cor of Lot 14 Block 5 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence North 50.00 feet,

thence East 240.00 feet, thence South 50.00

feet, thence West to beg Except the West

150.00 feet thereof 92.11


5-03A Beg at the NW cor of Lot 13 Block 5 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence East 230.00 feet,

thence South 75.00 Feet, thence West 230.00

feet, thence North to beg Except the West

150.00 feet thereof 122.82


5-04A Lot 13 and 16 Block 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W Except the North 75.00 feet of the

West 230.00 feet and Except the South 115.00

feet of said Lot 13 also Except the East

18O.00 feet of the South 150.00 feet of said

Lot 16 also Except the East 120.00 feet of

the North 130.00 feet of the South 280.00

feet of said Lot 16 Except beginning at the

SE cor of Lot 13 Block 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W thence North 150.00 feet, thence East

120.00 feet, thence South 150.00 feet thence

West 120.00 feet to beg also Except beginning

at a point 115.00 feet North and 10.00 feet

East of the Southwest cor of Lot 13 Block 5

of Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence North

110.00 feet, thence West 150.00 feet, thence

South 110.00 feet, thence West 150.00 feet to

beginning 1,009.16


5-06A The West 190.5 feet of Lot 15 Block 5

Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W Except the

North 150.00 feet thereof 584.92


5-07A Lot 15 Block 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 TlS R1W

Except the West 190.5 feet thereof Except the

North 150.00 feet thereof 336.22


6-O1A All that part of Lot 19 Block 6 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W South of Grand Valley Canal

right-of-way Except the South 180.00 feet

thereof Also Except the North 118.00 feet

of the East 150.00 feet 362.31


8-01A The North 379.00 feet of the East 1/2 of the

SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 2 T1S R1W East of Center

line L.B.R./W. Except the East 110.00 feet

of the North 360.00 feet thereof Also Except

the East 150.00 feet of the above described

property 2,986.37


8-02A Beg 324.67 feet West of the SE cor of Sec 2

T1S R1W thence North 330.56 feet, thence West

324.95 feet, thence S 21o58' W 215.43 feet,

thence S 28o 46' W 149.18 feet, thence East

477.23 feet to beg Except the South 150.00

feet thereof 1,088.11


8-03A The East 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of

Sec 2 T1S R1W East of Center of L.B.C. Ry

R/W also R/W of former L.B.C. and Gr. V.

Railroads Except Road on East Also Except

Beginning 324.67 feet West of the SE cor of

said Sec 2 thence North 330.56 feet, thence

West 324.95 feet, thence S 21o 58' W 215.43

feet, thence S 28o 46' W 149.18 feet, thence

East 477.23 feet to beg also except the North

379.00 feet thereof Except the South 150.00

feet from the above described description 5,677.20


9-01A Beg at the NE cor of Sec 11 T1S R1W thence S

0o 12' E 203.5 feet, thence N 89o 50' W 210.10

feet, thence N 9o 27' E 202.10 feet, thence N

89o 48' E 206.30 feet to the point of beg

Except the West 150.00 feet thereof 99.16


9-02A Beg 203.50 feet South of the NE cor of the NE

1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec 11 T1S R1W thence West

200 feet, thence South 100.00 feet, thence East

200.00 feet, thence North 100.00 feet to the

point of beg Except the West 150.00 feet and

except the East 30.00 feet 40.94


9-03A Beg 303.5 feet South of Northeast cor Sec 11

T1S R1W thence West 200 feet, thence South

120.00 feet, thence East 200.00 feet, thence

North to beg Except the West 150.00 feet also

except the East 30.00 feet of the above described

tract 49.13


9-O4A Beg 423.50 feet South of the NE cor of Sec 11

T1S R1W thence South 55.00 feet, thence West

200.00 feet, thence North 55.00 feet, thence

East to beg Except the West 150.00 Feet also

except the East 30.00 feet 22.52


9-05A The West 20.00 feet of the East 50.00 feet of

the following described property: Beg 478.50

feet South of the NE cor of Sec 11 T1S R1W

thence South 70.00 feet, thence West 120.00

feet to the East line of Grand Valley Canal,

thence N 48o 49' W along Canal 106.30 feet,

thence East 200.00 feet to beg 28.66


10-01A Beg 150.00 feet North of the SE corner of

Lot 4 Capital Hill Sub Sec 11 T1S R1W thence

West 175.00 feet, thence North 10.00 feet,

thence West 25.00 feet, thence North 170.00

feet, thence East to Grand Valley Canal, thence Southeasterly to the East line of said Lot 4,

thence South to beg Except ditch right-of-way

on the North also except the East 150.00 feet

thereof 179.11


9-O8A Beg 206.30 feet West of the NE cor Sec 11 T1S

R1W thence South 172.1 feet, thence East 10.00

feet, thence South 100.00 feet, thence West

60.00 feet, thence N 73o 02' W 232.5 feet,

thence N 49o 45' W 93.34 feet, thence North

180.64 feet, thence East 335.10 feet to the

point of beg Except the North 30.00 feet

thereof used for road purposes 1,565. 54


9-09A Beg 691.4 feet West of Northeast cor of Sec

11 T1S R1W thence South 180.46 feet, thence

N 49o 45' W 196.5 feet, thence North 50.46

feet, thence East 150.00 feet to point of beg

Except the North 30.00 feet thereof 293.13




That portion of said costs to be assessed against the balance of the lands in said district has been determined to be $111,492.07, which sum includes the said $0.01 per square foot trunk and expansion fee, interest on the bonds of the district to January 1, 1968, and 6 per centum additional for cost of collection and other incidentals, and has been apportioned and assessed as follows:


1-01 Lot 1 Blk 2 Eagleton Sub 597.50

1-02 Lot 2 Blk 2 " 347.49

1-03 Lot 3 Blk 2 " 394.32

1-04 Lot 4 Blk 2 " 420.15

1-05 Lot 5 Blk 2 " 413.26

1-06 Lot 6 Blk 2 " 396.04

1-07 Lot 7 Blk 2 " 430.48

1-08 Lot 8 Blk 2 " 466.36

1-09 Lot 20 Blk 1 " 466.36

1-10 Lot 19 Blk 1 " 430.48

1-11 Lot 18 Blk 1 " 430.48

1-12 Lot 17 Blk 1 " 430.48

1-13 Lot 16 Blk 1 " 430.48

1-14 Lot 15 Blk 1 " 430.48

1-15 Lot 14 Blk 1 " 430.48

1-16 Lot 13 Blk 1 " 430.48

1-17 Lot 12 Blk 1 " 430.48

1-18 Lot 11 Blk 1 " 466.36

1-19 Lot 1 Blk 1 " 466.36

1-20 Lot 2 Blk 1 " 430.47

1-21 Lot 3 Blk 1 " 430.47

1-22 Lot 4 Blk 1 " 430.47

1-23 Lot 5 Blk 1 " 430.47

1-28 Lot 6 Blk 1 " 430.47

1-24 Lot 7 Blk 1 " 430.47

1-25 Lot 8 Blk 1 " 430.47

1-26 Lot 9 Blk 1 " 430.47

1-27 Lot 10 Blk 1 " 466.36


2-01 Beg 30' N & 256.4' E of SW Cor Sec 1 T1S R1W N

179.4' E 208' S 179.4' E 103.88' N 179.4' E 75'

N 130.6' E 16.72' N 290' W 620' S 300' E 216.4'

S 300' to Beg Except Beg 209.4' N & 256.4' E of

SW Cor of Section 1 T1S R1W Thence East 208'

thence South 29.4' Thence East 103.88' thence

North 29.4' Thence East 75' thence North 130.6'

thence East 16.72' thence North 140' thence West

470' thence South 150' thence East 66.4' thence

South 120.6' to point of beg $7,523.76


2-02 Beg 30' N & 4O' E of SW Cor Sec 1 T1S R1W E

216.4' N 300' W 216.4' S 300' to beg except

beg at a pt 190' East and 330' North of the

SW cor of Sec 1 T1S R1W Ute Meridian thence

East 66.4' thence South 150' thence West 66.4'

thence North 150' to the point of beg 3,154.56


2-03 Beg 256.4' E of SW Cor Sec 1 T1S R1W E 208'

W 209.4' W 208' S to beg except the north

29.4' thereof 1,790.79


2-04 Beg 30' N & 568.28' E of SW Cor Sec 1 T1S R1W

E 75' N 179.4' W 75' S to beg, except the

North 29.4' thereof 645.72

2-06 Blk 14 Fairmount Sub Sec 1 T1S R1W Exc S 310'

of W 112.75' thereof also 30' Adj N 290' of Sd

Blk 14 on West Except Beg at the SE Cor of

Block 14 Fairmount Sub Sec 1 T1S R1W thence

N 600' Thence W 630' thence S 290' thence East

113.63' Thence S 160' thence East 296.37'

thence S 150' thence E 220' to point of beg 2,551.60


2-05 Beg 643.28' E & 30' N of SW cor Sec 1 T1S R1W

E 130.35' N 310' W 130.35' S to beg except the

north 160' thereof 1,122.23


3-01 Beg 10' W of NW Cor Blk 11 Fairmount Sec 12

T1S R1W S 111' E 300' N 111' W 300' to Beg 1,911.34


3-02 Beg 10' W & 111' S of NW cor Blk 11 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W S 99' E 175' N 14' E 125'

N 85' W to beg except the East 150' thereof 852.36


3-03 Beg 10' W & 210' S of NW Cor Blk 11 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W S 70' E 175' N 70' W to beg

except the East 25' thereof 602.67


3-04 Beg 10' W & 235' N of SW Cor Lot 37 Blk 11 Fair-

mount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W N 85' E 185' S 85' W

to beg except the East 35' thereof 731.81


3-05 Beg 10' W & 150' N of SW Cor Blk 11 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W E 175' N 85' W 175' S to Beg

except the East 25' thereof 731.81


3-06 Beg 90' N & 10' W of SW Cor Lot 37 Blk 11 Fair-

mount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W N 60' E 100' S 60' W to Beg 344.38


3-07 Beg 165' E of SW Cor Blk 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W N 150' W 75' S 150' E to Beg 645.72


3-08 Beg 10' W of SW Cor Lot 37 Blk 11 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W N 90' E 100' S 90' W to beg 516.58


3-09 Beg 150' N of SE Cor Lot 37 Blk 11 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W N 254' W 125' S 404' E 50' N 150'

E 75' to beg 430.48


3-10 Beg at SE Cor W 1/2 Blk 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W W 75' N 150' E 75' S 150' to beg 645.72


3-11 Beg at SW cor Lot 40 Blk 11 Fairmount Sub Sec

12 T1S R1W E 100' N 217.8' W 100' S to beg

except the North 67.8' thereof 860.96


3-12 Beg at a pt 100' E of SW Cor Lot 40 Blk 11

Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W N 217.8' E 100'

S 217.8' W to Beg except the north 67.8' thereof 860.96


3-13 Beg 200' E of SW Cor of Lot 40 Blk 11 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W N to N line Sd Blk 11 E 130'

S to S line Sd Blk 11 W 130' to beg except the

south 300' of the north 450' thereof 2,238.50


3-14 Beg 18' W of SW Cor Lot 41 Blk 12 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W E 125' N 230' W 125' S to beg

except the north 80' thereof 1,076.20


3-15 Beg 125' E of SW cor Lot 41 B1k 12 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W E 75' N 230' W 75' S to beg

except north 80' thereof 645.72


3-16 Beg 322' W of SE Cor Blk 12 Fairmount Sub Sec

12 T1S R1W W 96' N 230' E 96' S to beg except

the north 80' thereof 826.52


3-17 Beg 226' W of SE Cor Blk 12 Fairmount Sub Sec

12 T1S R1W W 96' N 230' E 96' S to beg except

the north 80' thereof 826.52


3-18 Beg 130' W of SE Cor Blk 12 Fairmount Sub Sec

12 T1S R1W W 96' N 230' E 96'S to beg Except the

North 80' thereof 826.52


3-19 Beg at SE Cor Blk 12 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S

R1W W 130' N 230' E 130' S to beg Except the

North 80' thereof 1,119.25


3-20 W 1/2 of: Beg 217.8' N of SW Cor Lot 40 Blk

11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W E 100' N to N

line Sd Blk 11 W 100' S to beg except the

South 232.2' thereof 430.48


3-21 Beg 217.8' N and 50' E of SW Cor Lot 40 Blk

11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W E 50' N to N

line Sd Blk 11 W 50' S to beg except the south

232.2' thereof 430.48


3-22 Beg 217.8' N & 100' E of SW Cor Lot 40 Blk 11

Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W E 50' N 382.2' to

N line Sd Blk 11 W 50' S to beg except the

South 232.2' thereof 430.48


3-23 E 50' of: Beg 217.8' N 100' E of SW Cor Lot 40

Blk 11 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W E 100' N to

N line Sd Blk 11 W 100' S to beg Except the

South 232.2' thereof 430.48


4-01 Beg 10' W of NW Cor Lot 30 Blk 9 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W E 160' S 75' W 160' N 75' to beg 645.72


4-02 Beg 75' S & 10' W of NW cor Blk 9 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W E 160' S 75' W 160' N to beg 645.72


4-03 Beg 150' S & 10' W of NW Cor Blk 9 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W E 160' S 75' W 160' N to beg

except the East 10' thereof 645.72


4-04 Beg 225' S & 10' W of NW Cor Lot 30 Blk 9 Fair-

mount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W E 160' S 183' to Grand

Valley Canal NWLY alg Sd canal to E line 12th St

N to beg except the East 10' of the North 75' of

the above described property 904.01


4-05 W 155' of Lot 29 Blk 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W S of Grand Valley Canal 1,258.83


4-06 The South 150' of the following described tract:

E 135' of Lot 29 Blk 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 TlS

RIW South of Grand Valley Canal 945.34


4-07 The South 150' of the following described tract:

W 97' of Lot 32 Blk 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S

R1W S of Grand Valley Canal 776.64


4-08 The South 150' of the following described tract:

Lot 32 Blk 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W S of

Grand Valley Canal Exc E 50'& Exc W 97' thereof 1,374.49


4-09 The South 150' of the following described tract:

Beg 30' E of SE Cor Lot 32 Blk 9 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W W 80' N to Grand Valley Canal

Sely along Sd canal to a pt north of beg south

to beg 772.28


4-10 The North 150' of the following described tract:

that part of Blk 10 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W

N of Grand Valley Canal exc W 10'thereof 5,079.67


4-11 Beg 150' E of NW cor Blk 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W E 70' S 381' to Grand Valley Canal Wly

along Sd canal to a pt S of beg N 381' to beg

except the South 231' thereof 602.67


4-12 The North 150' of the following described tract:

Blk 9 Fairmount Sub N of Grand Valley Canal Sec

12 T1S R1W exc W 220' & Exc E 308' thereof 792.08


4-13 The North 150' of the following: Beg 312' E of

NW Cor Blk 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W E

113.9' S 348' to North Bank Grand Valley Canal

S 80o 31' W along Canal 115.4' N 367' to beg 978.91


4-14 The North 150' of the following: Beg 425.9' E

of NW cor Blk 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W E

104.1' S 350' to N bank Grand Valley Canal N

88o54' W along Canal 104.1' N 348' to Beg 895.40


4-17 The North 150' of the following described tract:

Beg 40' E of NE Cor Blk 9 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W W 100' S 350' to Canal E Along Sd Canal

to a pt due S of beg N to beg 860.96


5-01 Lot 14 Blk 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W Exc

S 50' of W 240' thereof also except the South

150' of the East 140' 3,357.75


5-02 Beg at SW Cor Lot 14 Blk 5 Fairmount Sub Sec

12 T1S R1W N 50' E 240' S 50' W to beg except

the east 90' thereof 430.48


5-03 Beg at NW Cor Lot 13 Blk 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W E 230' S 75' W 230' N to beg except the

east 80' thereof 645.72


5-04 Lots 13 & 16 Block 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S

R1W except the North 75' of the West 230' and

except the South 115' of Said Lot 13 also except

the East 180' of the South 150' of said Lot 16

also except the East 120' of the North 130' of

the South 280' of said Lot 16 excepting from the

above described tract the following beginning

115' North of the SE Cor of Lot 13 Block 5

Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W thence N 35'

thence E 180' thence N 130' thence E 120' to a

pt on the E line of Lot 16 Blk 5 Fairmount Sub

thence N 20' to the NE Cor of said Lot 16 thence

W 360' along the N line of said Lots 16 and 13

to a pt 60' W of the NE cor of Lot 13 thence S

75' thence W 80' thence S 110' thence E 140' to

the pt of beginning 1,980.21


5-05 S 115' of Lot 13 Blk 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W 1,914.20


5-06 W 190.5' of Lot 15 Blk 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W except the south 150' thereof 1,640.13


5-07 Lot 15 Blk 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W Exc

W 190.5' thereof also Except the South 150' of

the East 109.5' of Lot 15 Blk 5 Fairmount Sub 942.76


5-08 Beg at SE Cor Lot 16 Blk 5 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W W 60' N 150' E 60' S to beg 516.56


5-09 W 60' of E 120' of S 150' of Lot 16 Blk 5

Fairmount Sub Sec 12 TIS RlW 516.58


5-10 Beg 12O' W of SE Cor Lot 16 Blk 5 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W W 60' N 150' E 60' S to beg 516.58


6-01 All that part of Lot 19 Blk 6 Fairmount Sub Sec

12 T1S R1W S of Grand Valley Canal R/W Exc S 182'

thereof and the West 1501 of the North 118' thereof 1,015.94


6-02 Beg 142' N & 150' W of SE Cor Lot 19 Blk 6

Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W W 150' N 401 E

150' S to beg 344.38


6-03 Beg 142' N & 150' W of SE Cor Lot 19 Blk 6

Fairmount Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W W 150' S 50' E

150' N to beg 430.48


6-04 Beg 215' W of SE Cor Lot 19 Blk 6 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W N 92' W 85' S 92' E to Beg 448.85


6-05 Beg 165' W SE Cor Lot 19 Blk 6 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W N 92' W 50' S 92' E 50' to beg

exc S 20' for R/W 264.02


6-06 Beg 100' W of SE Cor Lot 19 Blk 6 Fairmount

Sub Sec 12 T1S R1W N 76' W 50' N 161 W 15' S

92' E 65' to Beg 297.32


6-07 Beg at SE Cor Lot 19 Blk 6 Fairmount Sub Sec

12 T1S R1W N 76' W 100' S 76' E to beg 436.22


6-08 Beg 76' N of SE Cor Lot 19 Blk 6 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W W 150' N 56' E 150' S to beg 482.14


6-09 Beg 132' N of SE Cor Lot 19 Blk 6 Fairmount Sub

Sec 12 T1S R1W 150' N 50' E 150' S to beg 430.48


7-01 Beg at NW Cor Lot 2 Blk 1 Fairmount Sub Sec 12

T1S R1W E 70' S 93.2' W 70' N to beg 374.46


8-01 The East 150' of the following described tract:

N 379' of E 1/2 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 2 T1S R1W E

of Center line L B R/W exc E 40' of N 360' thereof 3,263.04


8-02 The South 150' of the following described tract:

Beg 324.67' W of SE Cor Sec 2 T1S R1W N 330.56'

W 324.95' S 21o 58' W 215.43' S 28o 46' W 149.18'

E 477.23' to beg except 30' on the south side of

the above described property for R/W 3,616.79


8-03 The East 150' of the following: E 1/2 SE 1/4

SE 1/4 Sec 2 T1S R1W E of Center of L B C Ry

R/W also R/W of former L B C & G R V Railroads

   Exc Road on E also Exc Beg 324.67' W of SE Cor

Sd Sec 2 N 330.56' W 324.95' S 21o 58' W 215.43'

S 28o46' W 149.18' E 477.23' to beg also exc N

379' thereof also except the East 40' of the

above described tract for R/W 6,669.59


8-04 Commencing at the SE Cor of Sec 2 T1S R1W Ute

Meridian thence N 300' thence W 180' thence

South 300' thence East 180' To the point of

beginning except that portion of R/W on 12th Street 2,169.62


9-01 Beg at NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W S 0o12' E 203.5'

N 89o50' W 210.1' N 0o27' E 202.1' N 89o48' E

206.3' to beg except the East 56.3' thereof 1,481.71


9-02 Beg 203.5' S of NE Cor NE 1/4 NE 1/4 W 200' S

100' E 200' N 100' to Beg Except the East 50'

thereof All being in Sec 11, T1S R1W Ute

Meridian Mesa County 860.96


9-03 Beg 303.5' S of NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W W 200'

S 120' E 200' N to Beg except the East 50'

thereof 1,033.15


9-04 Beg 423.5' S of NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W S 55'

W 200' N 55' E to Beg Except the East 50'

thereof 473.53


9-05 Beg 478. 5' S of NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W S 70'

W 120' To East line Grand Valley Canal N 48o

49' W along Canal 106.3' E 200' to beg except

the East 50' thereof 522.32


9-06 Beg at a pt 553' S of NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W

on E line Sd Sec thence W to E line of Grand

Valley Canal R/W Sely along Sd R/W to inter-

section with E line of Sec 11 N along E line

Sec 11 to Beg except the East 30' thereof 749.04


9-10 Beg 691' W of NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W S to Nely

line Grand Valley Canal Nwly along Sd canal to

int with N line Sd Sec 11 E to beg Exc L B C

RY R/W 1,321.12


9-09 Beg 691.4' W of NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W S 249'

to Grand Valley Canal R/W Sely along Sd R/W

196.5' to a pt S of A pt 150' E of Beg N

376' W 150' to beg except beg 691.4' W of NE

Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W South 150' thence N 49o45'

W 196.5' thence North 20.46' thence East 150'

to point of beg 1,691.51


9-08 Beg 206.3' W of NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W S 202.1'

E 10' S 100' W 60'  S to Grand Valley Canal R/W

NWly along Sd R/W to A pt S of A pt 335.1' W

of beg N 376' E 335.1' to beg except beg

206.3' W of NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W thence South

172.1' thence East 10' thence South 100' thence

West 60' thence N 73o02' W 232.5' thence N 49o

45' W 93.34' Thence North 150' thence East

335.1' to beg 2,573.75


9-07 Beg 303.51 S & 200' W of NE Cor Sec 11 T1S R1W

S 180' to Grand Valley Canal Nwly alg canal 70'

N 147' F 60' to Beg 563.07


10-01 Beg 150' N of SE Cor Lot 4 Capt Hill Sub Sec 11

T1S R1W W 175' N 10' W 25' N 170' E to Grand

Valley Canal Sely to E line Sd Lot 4 S To Beg

except Ditch R/W on N except the West 50'

thereof   1,549.73


10-12 Beg at SE Cor Lot 4 Capt Hill Sub Sec 11 T1S

R1W N 150' W 125' S 150' E to beg except S 15'

for Road 968.59


10-03 Beg 125' W of SE Cor Lot 4 Capt Hill Sub Sec

11 T1S R1W N 150' W 50' S 150' E to beg 387.43




Section 1. That the whole cost and apportionment of share, as hereinbefore set forth, is hereby assessed against all the real estate in said District, and to and upon each lot or tract of land within said District, and against such persons and in the portions and amounts which are severally hereinbefore set forth and described.


Section 2. That said assessments, together with all interest and penalties for default in payment thereof, and all cost of collecting the same, shall from the time of final publication of this ordinance, constitute a perpetual lien against each lot or tract of land described, on a parity with the tax lien for General, State, County, City or School taxes, and no sale of such property to enforce any General, State, County, City or School Tax or other lien shall extinguish the perpetual lien of such assessment.


Section 3. That said assessment shall be due and payable within thirty days after the final publication of said ordinance without demand (except as to those lands deferred from immediate payment); provided that all such assessments may at the election of the owner, be paid in installments with interest as hereinafter provided. Failure to pay the whole assessment within the said period of thirty days shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such instrument All persons so electing to pay in installments shall be conclusively considered and held as consenting to said improvements, and such election shall be conclusively considered and held as a waiver of any and all rights to question the power and jurisdiction of the City to construct the improvements, the quality of the work, and the regularity or sufficiency of the proceedings, or the validity or correctness of the assessment.


Section 4. That in case of such election to pay in installments, the assessments shall be payable in ten equal annual installments of the principal with interest upon unpaid installments payable annually at the rate of six per centum per annum. The first of said installments of said principal shall be due and payable on the first day of January, 1969, and the remainder of said installments shall be due on the 1st day of January each year there­after until all of said installments are paid in full.


Section 5. That the failure to pay any installment, whether of principal or interest, as herein provided, when due, shall cause the whole unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of eight per centum per annum until the day of sale, as by law pro­vided, but at any time prior to the day of sale, the owner may pay the amount of such delinquent installment or installments, with interest at six per centum per annum as aforesaid, and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon he restored to tile right thereafter to pay in install­ments in the same manner as if default had not been suffered. The owner of any piece of real estate not in default as to any installment, may at any time pay the whole of the unpaid prin­cipal, with interest accrued.


Section 6. That payment may he made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty days after the final publication of this ordinance, and an allowance of the 6% added for cost of collection and other incidentals shall be made on all payments made during said period of thirty days.


Section 7. That monies remaining in the lines of the City Treasurer as the result of the operation and payments under Sanitary Sewer District No. 22-67 after the retirement of all bonds and proper payments of monies owing by the District, shall be retained by tile Treasurer and shall be used thereafter for the purpose of further funding of past or subsequent improvement districts which may or nay become in default or for such other purposes as the City Council may from time to time direct.


Section 8. That all provisions of Ordinance No. 178 of the City of Grand Junction, as amended, being Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, shall govern and be taken to be a part of this ordinance with respect to the creation of said Sanitary Sewer District No. 22-67, the construction of the improvements therein, the apportion­ment and assessment of the cost thereof and the collection of such assessments.


Section 9. That this ordinance, after its introduction and first reading, shall be published once in full in tile Daily Sentinel, the official newspaper of the City, at least ten days before its final passage, and, after its final passage, it shall be numbered and recorded in the City ordinance record, and a certificate of such adoption and publication shall be authenticated by the Certificate of the publisher and the signature of the president

of the Council and the City Clerk, and shall be in full force and effect on and after the date of such final publication, except as otherwise by the Charter of the City of Grand Junction provided.


Introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, held on the sixth day of March, 1968.


ADOPTED AND APPROVED THE 3rd day of April, 1968.


Authenticated and approved the 3rd day of April, 1968.


/s/ Ray A. Meacham

President of the Council




/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk




I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1283 was intro­duced, read and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 6th day of March, 1968, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City, this 4th day of April, 1968.


/s/ Helen C. Tomlinson

City Clerk


Published: March 11, 1968

Published: April 8, 1968