WHEREAS, the City Council and Municipal Officers of the City of Grand Junction, in the State of Colorado, have complied with all the provisions of law relating to certain improvements in Sanitary Sewer District No. 31-74 in the City of Grand Junction, pursuant to Ordinance No. 178 of said City, adopted and approved June 11, 1910, as amended, being Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of said City, and pursuant to the various resolutions, orders and proceedings taken under said Ordinance; and


WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore caused to be published the Notice of Completion of said local improvements in Sanitary Sewer District No. 31-74, and the apportionment of the cost thereof to all persons interested and to the owners of real estate which is described therein, said real estate comprising the district of land known as Sanitary Sewer District No. 31-74 in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, which said Notice was caused to be published in the Daily Sentinel, the official newspaper of the City of Grand Junction, the first publication thereof appearing on November 7, 1975, and the last publication thereof appearing on November 9, 1975; and


WHEREAS, the said Notice recited the share to be apportioned to and upon each lot or tract of land within said District assessable for said improvements, and recited that complaints or objections might be made in writing to the Council and filed with the Clerk within thirty (30) days from the first publication of said Notice, to wit: On or before and up to 5:00 o'clock P.M. on the 8th day of December, 1975, and recited that such complaints would be heard and determined by the Council at its first regular meeting after said thirty days and before the passage of any ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements; and


WHEREAS, pursuant to said Notice, no written complaints or objections have been filed with respect to the proposed assessment of the cost of said improvements; and


WHEREAS, the City Council has duly confirmed the statement of the City Engineer and certified by the President of the City Council showing the assessable cost of said improvements and the apportionment thereof heretofore made as contained in that certain Notice to property owners in Sanitary Sewer District No. 31-74, duly published in The Daily Sentinel, the official newspaper of the City, and has duly ordered that the cost of said improvements in said Sanitary Sewer District No. 31-74 be assessed and apportioned against all of the real estate in said District in the portions contained in the aforesaid Notice; and


WHEREAS, from the statement made and filed with the City Clerk by the City Engineer, it appears that the assessable cost of said improvements is $499,695.62 said amount including six per centum additional for cost of collection and other incidentals and including interest on the bonds of said District to December 31, 1975, at the rate of 6.9533 per cent per annum on the bonds heretofore sold to raise funds for construction of said improvements; and


WHEREAS, from said statement, it also appears that the City Engineer has apportioned a share of the assessable cost to each lot or tract of land in said District in the following proportions and amounts, severally, to wit:






2945-234-00-017Beg 120 ft E of SW Cor Lot 4 Sec 23 1S 1W N 379.8 ft E 1026.8 ft S 379.8 ft W 1026.8 ft to Beg.$1367.78



2945-234-00-021Beg 30 ft N & 95.2 ft W of SE Cor Sec 23 1S 1W W 93 ft N 150 ft E 83 ft S 150 ft to Beg.1367.78



2945-243-00-084Beg 30 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W E 76 ft N 130 ft W 76 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-085Beg 30 ft N & 152 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 264 ft E 146 ft S 264 ft W to Beg1367.78



]934-]32-00-086Beg 30 ft N & 356 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 176 ft E 64 ft S 176 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-087Beg 30 ft N & 292 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 264 ft E 128 ft S 88 ft W 64 ft S 176 ft W 64 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-088Beg 30 ft N & 292 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 264 ft for Beg N 264 ft E 128 ft S 264 ft W 128 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-090Beg 790 ft E & 558 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 66 ft W 15 ft N 3 ft W 150 ft N to Colo R Wly Alg R to a Pt 460 ft E of W Li Sec 24 S to a Pt 558 ft N of S Li Sec 24 E 330 ft to Beg & ROW Beg 775 ft E & 627 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 N 20 ft W 150 ft S 20 ft E to Beg2735.56



2945-243-00-020Beg 30 ft N & 95.2 ft W of SE Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 150 ft W 83 ft N 122.25 ft E 160 ft S 272.25 ft W 77.9 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-091Beg 460 ft E & 294 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 264 ft E 165 ft s 264 ft W to Beg2735.56



2945-243-00-093Beg 30 ft N & 666.25 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 132 ft E 61 7/8 ft S 132 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-094Beg 30 ft N & 728 1/8 ft E of SW Cor Lot 5 Sec 24 1S 1W N 132 ft E 61 7/8 ft S 132 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-095Beg 790 ft E & 162 ft N of SW Cor SW4SW4 Sec 24 1S 1W W 123.75 ft N 66 ft E 123.75 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-096Beg 790 ft E & 228 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W W 123.75 ft N 66 ft E 123.75 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-097Beg 790 ft E & 294 ft N of SW Cor of SW 4 Sec 24 1S 1W W 165 ft N 76 ft E 165 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-098Beg 370 ft N & 790 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W W 165 ft N 66 ft E 165 ft S 66 to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-099Beg 790 ft E & 436 ft N of SW Cor Lot 5 Sec 24 1S 1W W 165 ft N 66 ft E 165 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-100Beg 790 ft E & 502 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 56 ft W 165 ft S 56 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-120Beg 99 ft W & 30 ft N of SE Cor SW4SW4 Sec 24 1S 1W W 62.5 ft N 132 ft E 62.5 S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-121Beg 1222.5 ft E & 30 ft N of SW Cor Lot 5 Sec 24 1S 1W N 132 ft E 99 ft S 132 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-122Beg 1160 ft E & 162 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 90 ft E 161.5 ft S 90 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-123Beg 1160 ft E & 252 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W E 161.5 ft N 108 ft W 161.5 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-124Beg 360 ft N & 1160 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W E 161.5 ft N 189 ft W 161.5 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-125Beg 549 ft N & 1160 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W E 161.5 ft N 75 ft W 161.5 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-126Beg 1160 ft E & 624 ft N of SW Cor SW4SW4 Sec 24 1S 1W N 75 ft E 161.5 ft S 75 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-180Beg SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 30 ft & E 460 ft for Beg N 264 ft E 165 ft S 264 ft W 165 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-243-11-011Lot 1 Williams Sub Sec 24 1S 1W1367.78



2945-243-00-110Beg 510 ft N & 955 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W E 165 ft N 114 ft W 165 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-111Beg 360 ft N & 955 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W E 165 ft N 150 ft W 165 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-112Beg 830 ft E & 294 ft N of SW Cor SW4 Sec 24 1S 1W N 264 ft E 125 ft S 264 ft W 125 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-113Beg 1120 ft E & 294 ft N of SW Cor of SW 4 Sec 24 1S 1W W 165 ft E 165 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-114Beg 162 ft n & 955 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 132 ft E 165 ft S 132 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-116Beg 30 ft N & 830 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 132 ft E 62.5 ft S 132 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-117Beg 30 ft N & 892.5 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 132 ft E 62.5 ft S 132 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-118Beg 30 ft N & 955 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 132 ft E 80.5 ft S 132 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-119Beg 30 ft N & 1037.5 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 132 ft E 82.5 s 132 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-101Fr SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W E 790 ft N 624 ft W 15 ft N 3 ft for Beg N to Colo R Wly Alg R to a Pt 625 ft E of W Li Sec 24 S to a Pt 150 ft W of Beg E to Beg Exc S 20 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-243-00-103Beg 965 ft E & 924 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 75 ft E 155 ft S 75 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-104Beg 965 ft E & 849 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 75 ft E 155 ft S 75 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-105Beg 965 ft E & 775 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 75 ft E 155 ft S 75 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-106Beg 965 ft E & 699 ft N of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W N 75 ft E 155 ft S 75 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-107Beg 965 ft E & 624 ft N of SW Cor Lot 5 SW4SW4 Sec 24 1S 1W N 75 ft E 155 ft S 75 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-108Beg 830 ft E & 624 ft N of SW Cor Lot 5 Sec 24 1S 1W N 110 ft E 135 ft S 110 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-243-00-109Beg 924 ft N & 955 ft E of SW Cor Sec 24 1S 1W W 125 ft S 66 ft E 125 ft N to Beg1367.78



2945-243-11-005Lots 4 & 5 Williams Sub Sec 24 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-00-001Beg NE Cor W 285 ft of NW4NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W W 75 ft S 155 ft E 75 ft N to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-002Beg 285 ft E of NW Cor Sec 25 1S 1W E 155 ft S 228 ft W 155 ft N to Beg Exc E 30 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-003Beg 285 ft E & 228 ft S of NW Cor Sec 25 1S 1W S 86.4 ft E 125 ft N 86.4 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-100Beg 285 ft E & 314.4 ft S of NW Cor Sec 25 1S 1W S 86.4 ft E 125 ft N 86.4 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-007Beg 285 ft E & 430.2 ft S of NW Cor Sec 25 1S 1W S 114.9 ft E 155 ft N 114.9 ft W to Beg Exc E 30 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-009Beg 670 ft W of NE Cor S2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 75 ft W 182.3 ft N 75 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-012Beg 470 ft E & 426 ft S of NW Cor Sec 25 1S 1W S 78 ft E 155 ft N 78 fT W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-013Beg 470 ft E & 348 ft S of NW Cor Sec 25 1S 1W E 155 ft S 78 ft W 155 ft N to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-016Beg 287 ft W of NE Cor W3/4N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 230 ft W 78 ft N 230 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-017Beg 180 ft W of NE Cor W3/4N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 180 ft W 107 ft N 180 ft E to Beg2735.56



2945-252-00-018Beg 180 ft W & 180 ft S of NE Cor W3/4N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 100 ft W 185 ft N 50 ft E 78 ft N 50 ft E 107 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-019Beg 180 ft W & 280 ft S of NE Cor of W3/4N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 125 ft W 185 ft N 125 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-020Beg 405 ft S & 180 ft W of NE Cor of W3/4N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 255 ft W 185 ft N 255 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-021Beg NE Cor W3/4N2NW4NS4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 240 ft W 180 ft N 240 ft E to Beg Exc N 30 ft for Rd & Exc E 75 ft of N 180 ft1367.78



2945-252-00-022Beg NE Cor W3/4N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 180 ft W 75 ft N 180 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-025Beg 386 ft S of NE Cor W3/4N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 64 ft W 150 ft N 64 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-026Beg 450 ft S of NE Cor W3/4N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 210 ft W 180 ft N 210 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-027Beg 393 ft N of SW Cor NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 438 ft to DN Nwly Alg DN to Inters Wi W Li of Sec 25 S to Beg Exc W 30 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-028]Beg 728 ft E of SW Cor NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W N 224 ft to DN Sely Alg DN to Inters Wi S Li NW4NW4 W 390 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-029Beg NE Cor NW4SW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 330 ft W 132 ft N 330 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-030Beg 238 ft E of NW Cor SW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 290 ft S 330 ft W 290 ft N to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-031Beg NW Cor SW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 238 ft S 135 ft W 238 ft N to Beg Exc W 30 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-032Beg 153 ft S of NW Cor SW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 150 ft S 55 ft W 150 ft N to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-033Beg 135 ft S of NW Cor SW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 238 ft S 195 ft W 238 ft N to Beg Exc Beg 153 ft S of NW Cor E 150 ft S 55 ft E 15 ft S 89 ft W 165 ft N 144 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-034Beg 30 ft E & 208 ft S of NW Cor SW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 135 ft S 89 ft W 135 ft N to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-036That Pt of SW4SW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W N of Hwy 50 Exc Beg NE Cor SW4SW4NW4 S 237 ft to Hwy Nwly Alg Hwy 180 ft Nely to a Pt 105 ft W of Beg E to Beg & Exc Beg SE Cor Lot 4 Blk 2 Artesia Heights W 208.4 ft Swly Alg Hwy 180.3 ft N 30° 13' E 87.6 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-038Beg NE Cor SW4SW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 237 ft to Hwy 50 Nwly Alg Hwy 90 ft Nely to a Pt on N Li SW4SW4NW4 55 ft W of Beg E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-046Beg SE Cor W4NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W N 112 ft W 177.5 ft S 12 ft W 152.5 ft S 100 ft E to Beg Exc E 25 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-047Beg 112 ft N & 25 ft W of SE Cor W4NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W W 152.5 ft S 12 ft W 152.5 ft N 100 ft W 305 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-048Beg 200 ft N of SE Cor W4NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W N 200 ft W 330 ft S 200 ft E to Beg Exc E 25 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-049Beg 400 ft N of SE Cor W4NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W N 125 ft W 330 ft S 125 ft E to Beg Exc E 25 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-050Beg 525 ft N of SE Cor W4NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W N 75 ft W 330 ft S 75 ft E to Beg Exc E 25 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-051Beg 648.75 ft S of NW Cor NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 330 ft S 71.25 ft W 330 ft N to Beg Exc E 25 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-052Beg 577.5 ft S of NW Cor NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 330 ft S 71.25 ft W 330 ft N to Beg Exc E 25 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-054Beg 148.5 ft E & 367.5 ft S of NW Cor NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 181.5 ft S 70 ft W 181.5 ft N to Beg Exc E 25 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-055Beg 286.5 ft S of NW Cor NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 291 ft E 148.5 ft N 411 ft W 128.5 ft S 120 ft W 20 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-056Beg 148.5 ft E & 297.5 ft S of NW Cor NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 181.5 ft S 70 ft W 181.5 ft N 70 ft to Beg Exc E 25 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-057Beg 148.5 ft E of NW Cor NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 227.5 ft E 181.5 ft N 227.5 ft N to Beg Exc E 25 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-058Beg NW Cor W4NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 148.5 ft S 166.5 ft W 148.5 ft N 166.5 ft to Beg Exc W 20 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-060Beg 80 ft E of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 310 ft E 75 ft N 310 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-061Beg 85 ft W of NE Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 240 ft W 90 ft N 240 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-063Beg 240 ft S of NE Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W W 175 ft S 70 ft E 175 ft N to Beg Exc 20 ft on E for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-064Beg 310 ft S of NE Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W W 250 ft S 70 ft E 250 ft N to Beg Exc 20 ft on E for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-065Beg 380 ft S of NE Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W W 160 ft S 85 ft E 160 ft N 85 ft to Beg Exc E 20 ft1367.78



2945-252-00-067Beg 10 ft E & 465 ft S of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 75 ft E 150 ft N 75 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-068Beg 10 ft E & 615 ft S of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 150 ft N 75 ft W 150 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-069Beg 680 ft S & 10 ft E of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 40 ft E 320 ft N 170 ft W 170 ft S 65 ft W 150 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-071Beg 720 ft S & 155 ft E of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 60 ft E 175 ft N 60 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-072Beg 780 ft S & 155 ft E of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 62 ft E 175 ft N 92 ft W to Beg Exc E 20 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-073Beg 782 ft S of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 120 ft E 155 ft N 120 ft W to Beg Exc Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-074Beg 902 ft S & 155 ft E of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W N 60 ft E 175 ft S 60 ft W to Beg Exc E 20 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-075N 100 ft of S 168 ft of Foll Beg 720 ft S of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 350 ft E 330 ft N 350 ft W to Beg Exc E 20 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-077Beg 20 ft W & 125 ft N of SE Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W N 125 ft W 155 ft S 125 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-078Beg 125 ft N & 175 ft W of SE Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W W 155 ft N 125 ft E 155 ft S to Beg Exc W 10 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-079Beg 175 ft W of SE Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W N 125 ft W 155 ft S 125 ft E to Beg Exc Rd1367.78



2945-252-00-080Beg SE Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W W 175 ft N 125 ft E 175 ft S to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-082Beg 148.5 ft E & 227.5 ft S of NW Cor NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 70 ft E 156.5 ft N 70 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-083Beg 255 ft S of NW Cor E4NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 75 ft E 125 ft N 75 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-084Beg NW Cor E4NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 125 ft S 180 ft W 125 ft N to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-085Beg 75 ft W of NE Cor of W 285 ft N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 155 ft W 75 ft N 155 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-086Beg 180 ft S of NW Cor E2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 75 ft E 125 ft N 75 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-088Beg 240 ft S of NE Cor W3/4N2NW4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 82 ft W 180 ft N 82 ft E 180 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-092Beg 10 ft E & 175 ft S of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 70 ft W 205 ft W 70 ft N 205 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-093Beg 10 ft E of NW Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W E 70 ft S 175 ft W 70 ft N 175 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-094Beg 380 ft S & 160 ft W of NE Cor E2W2NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W 160 ft S 85 ft E 160 ft N to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-096Beg 148.5 ft E & 507.5 ft S of NW Cor NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 70 ft E 156.5 ft N 70 ft W 156.5 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-097Beg 148.5 ft E & 437.5 ft S of NW Cor NE4NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 70 ft E 156.5 ft N 70 ft W 156.5 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-098Beg S 89° 50' E 135 ft & S 30 ft Fr NW Cor Sec 25 1S 1W S 125 ft E 29.18 ft S 50.13 ft W 134.18 ft N 175.43 ft S 89° 59' E 105 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-100Beg 285 ft E & 314.4 ft S of NW Cor Sec 25 1S 1W S 116.4 ft E 125 ft N 116.4 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-00-951Beg 470' E of NW Cor NW4 Sec 25 1S 1W S 340 ft E 155 ft N 340 ft W to Beg1367.78



2945-252-01-001W 78.71 ft of Lot 1 Blk 2 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-01-002E 50 ft of Lot 1 & E 50 ft of N 19.07 ft Lot 2 Blk 2 Ferguson Sub Sec 25 1S 1W



2945-252-01-003Lot 2 Exc E 50 ft of N 19.07 ft & N 10 ft of Lot 3 Blk 2 Ferguson Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-01-005Lot 5 Blk 2 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-01-006Lot 6 Blk 2 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-01-007Lot 7 Blk 2 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-01-008Lot 8 Blk 2 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-01-009Lot 9 Blk 2 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-01-010Lot 3 Blk 2 Fergusons Sub Exc N 10 ft1367.78



2945-252-02-001Lot 1 Blk 1 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-02-003Lot 3 Blk 1 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-02-004Lot 4 Blk 1 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-02-005Lot 5 Blk 1 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-02-007Lot 7 Blk 1 Fergusons Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-03-001Lot 1 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-03-002Lot 2 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-03-003Lot 3 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-03-004Lot 4 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-03-005Lot 5 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-03-006Lot 6 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-03-007Lot 7 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-03-008Lot 8 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-009Lot 9 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-010Lot 10 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-011Lot 11 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-012Lot 12 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-013Lot 13 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-014Lot 14 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-016Lot 16 Exc N 10 ft Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-017Lot 17 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-018Lot 18 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-019Lot 19 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-020Lot 20 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-021Lot 21 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-022Lot 22 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W Exc N 75 ft1367.78



2945-252-04-023N 75 ft of Lot 22 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-024Lot 23 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-025Lot 24 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-04-026Lot 25 Schmidt Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-06-001Lot 1 Replat Blk 1 Dixon Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-06-002Lot 2 Replat Blk 1 Dixon Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-06-003Lot 3 Replat Blk 1 Dixon Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-07-001Lot 1 Blk 1 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-07-002Lot 2 Blk 1 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-07-003Lot 3 Blk 1 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-07-004Lot 4 Blk 1 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-07-005Lot 5 Blk 1 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-07-006Lot 6 Blk 1 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-07-007Lot 7 Blk 1 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-07-008Lot 8 Blk 1 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-08-001Lot 1 Blk 2 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-08-002Lot 2 Blk 2 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-08-003Lot 3 Blk 2 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-08-004Lot 4 Blk 2 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-08-005Lot 5 Blk 2 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-08-006Lot 6 Blk 2 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-08-007Lot 7 Blk 2 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-08-008Lot 8 Blk 2 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-09-001Lot 1 Blk 3 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-09-002Lot 2 Blk 3 Cyphers Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-10-001W2 of Lots 1 and 2 Blk 1 Artesia Heights1367.78



2945-252-10-002E2 of Lots 1 and 2 Blk 1 Artesia Heights1367.78



2945-252-10-003Lot 3 Blk Artesia Heights1367.78



2945-252-10-004Lot 4 Blk 1 Artesia Heights1367.78



2945-252-10-005Lot 5 Blk 1 Artesia Heights1367.78



2945-252-10-007Lot 7 Blk 1 Artesia Heights1367.78



2945-252-10-008Lot 8 Blk 1 Artesia Heights1367.78



2945-252-11-001Lot 1 & W 50 ft of Lot 2 Blk 2 Artesia Heights & Beg 20 ft W of SE Cor Lot 2 S 16.7 ft to Hwy ROW Nely Alg ROW 41.2 ft to S Li Lot 2 E 38.4 ft to Beg being in Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-11-002E 20 ft of Lot 2 & W 50 ft of Lot 3 Blk 2 Artesia Heights & Beg 50 ft E of SW Cor Lot 3 S 46° 06' W 48 ft to Hwy ROW Nwly Alg ROW 39.1 ft N 16.7 ft to S Li Lot 2 E 70 ft to Beg being in Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-11-005E 25 ft Lot 3 & all Lot 4 Blk 2 Artesia Heights Sub & Beg SE Cor SD Lot 4 W 100 ft S 46° 06' W 48 ft to Nly Li Hwy 50 Sely Alg Hwy 100 ft N 30° 13' E 87.6 ft to Beg Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-11-006Beg NE Cor Lot 8 Blk 2 Artesia Heights Sub S 0° 07' W 190.37 ft N 89° 53' W 55 ft S 7° 43' W 201.05 ft N 64° 53' W 90 ft N 19° 56' 30" E 171.4 ft N 11° 48' E 148.09 ft Thence 88.42 ft Alg Arc of a curve to the left. The Chord bears N 58° 57' 20" E 87.65 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-12-001Lot 1 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-002Lot 2 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-003Lot 3 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-004Lot 4 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-005Lot 5 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-006Lot 6 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-007Lot 7 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-008Lot 8 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-010Lots 10-11-12 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-011Lot 13 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-012Lot 14 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-013Lot 15 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-014Lot 16 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-015Lot 17 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-016Lot 18 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-017Lot 19 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-018Lot 21 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-12-019Lot 20 Blk 4 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-13-001Lot 1 Blk 5 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-13-002Lot 2 Blk 5 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-13-003Lot 3 Blk 5 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-13-004Lot 4 Blk 5 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-13-005Lot 5 Blk 5 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-13-006Lot 6 Blk 5 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-13-007Lot 7 Blk 5 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-13-008Lot 8 Blk 5 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-14-001Lot 1 Blk 3 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-14-002Lot 2 Blk 3 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-14-003Lot 3 Blk 3 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-14-004Lot 4 Blk 3 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-14-005Lot 5 Blk 3 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-14-006Lot 6 Blk 3 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-14-007Lot 7 Blk 3 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-14-008Lot 8 Blk 3 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-14-009Lot 9 Blk 3 Artesia Heights Replat Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-15-003Lot 6 to 11 & that pt of Lots 12 & 13 W of W Bdry Fischer Ave & N of Hwy ROW Blk 6 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-17-007Lot 13 Blk 8 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-17-009Lot 15 Blk 8 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-17-011Lot 17 & 18 Blk 8 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-17-015Tr D Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-17-016Lots 4 & 5 Blk 8 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-17-017Lots 1 to 3 Inc Blk 8 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-18-001Lot 1 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-18-003Lot 3 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-18-004Lot 4 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-18-006Lot 6 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-18-007Lot 7 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-18-009Lot 9 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-010Lot 10 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-18-011Lot 11 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-18-012Lot 12 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-18-022Lots 13, 14, 15 & 20 Blk 7 Parkview Sub Sec 25 T1S R1W1367.78



2945-252-24-005Lot 6 Blk 2 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-24-006Lot 7 Blk 2 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-00-004E 560.98 ft of SE4NE4 Sec 26 1S 1W N of Hwy Exc E & N 30 ft for Rds1367.78



2945-261-00-005Fr NE Cor SE4NE4 Sec 26 1S 1W S 20 ft N 89° 48' 560.98 ft for Beg S 309.33 ft to N Li Hwy 50 N 64° 53' W Alg N Li 331.33 ft N 169.73 ft S 89° 48' E 300 ft to Beg Exc N 10 ft1367.78



2945-261-00-006Fr NW Cor SE4NE4 Sec 26 1S 1W S 30 ft S 89° 48' E 369.1 ft for Beg S 117.85 ft to N Li Hwy 50 N 64° 53' W 303.70 ft S 89° 48' E 275 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-261-00-008Beg SW Cor SE4NE4NE4 Sec 26 1S 1W E 165 ft N 264 ft W 165 ft S to Beg Exc S 30 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-261-00-009Beg 165 ft E of SW Cor SE4NE4NE4 Sec 26 1S 1W E 330 ft N 264 ft W 330 ft S to Beg Exc S 30 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-261-00-011Beg a Pt 174 ft N of SE Cor SE4NE4NE4 Sec 26 1S 1W W 165 ft N 90 ft E 165 ft S 90 ft to Beg Exc N 10 ft & E 30 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-261-00-012Beg NE Cor SE4NE4NE4 Sec 26 1S 1W S 196 ft W 165 ft N 196 ft E to Beg Exc E 15 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-261-00-015Beg 30 ft S & 30 ft W of NE Cor Sec 26 1S 1W S 150 ft W 150 ft N 150 ft E to Beg1367.78



2945-261-00-018Beg 264 ft N of SE Cor SE4NE4NE4 Sec 26 1S 1W 150 ft N 70 ft E 150 ft S to Beg Exc E 30 ft for Rd1367.78



2945-261-00-019Fr NW Cor SE4NE4 Sec 26 1S 1W S 30 ft S 89° 48' E 459.1 ft for Beg S 159.73 ft to N Li of Hwy 50 N 64° 53' W 99.4 ft N 117.85 ft S 89° 48' E 90 ft to Beg2735.56



2945-261-03-002Blk 8 Perkins Sub, First Add Replat No. 11823.70



2945-261-03-007All Blks 7 & 9 Perkins Sub 1st Add Replat 1 & all Blk 3 Replat of Pt of Blks 2, 3 & 4 of Perkins Sub 1st Add Replat 1 & Replat of Perkins Sub2735.56



2945-261-04-003Lots 1 to 6 Inc Blk 4 Parkins Sub 1st Add Replat No. 11367.78



2945-261-05-002Lots 1 & 2 Blk 6 Perkins Sub 1st Add Replat No. 11367.78



2945-261-08-001Lot 1 Munfrada Sub Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-08-002Lot 21 Munfrada Sub Sec 26 1S 1W Exc S 1.58 ft1367.78



2945-261-08-004Lot 4 Munfrada Sub Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-08-010Lot 10 Munfrada Sub Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-08-011Lot 11 Munfrada Sub Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-08-012Lot 12 Munfrada Sub Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-08-013Lot 13 Munfrada Sub Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-08-030Lots 5 to 8 Inc Munfrada Sub Sec 26 1S 1W2735.56



2945-261-09-001Lot 1 Linden Acres Sub Replat Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-09-002Lot 2 Linden Acres Sub Replat Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-10-004Lot 10 Linden Acres Sub Replat Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-004Lot 4 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-005Lot 5 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-006Lot 6 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-007Lot 7 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-009Lot 9 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-010Lot 10 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-011Lot 11 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-012Lot 12 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-013Lot 13 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-015Lot 15 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-016Lot 16 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-017Lot 17 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-018Lot 18 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-001Lot 1 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-002Lot 2 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-003Lot 3 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-004Lot 4 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-005Lot 5 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-006Lot 6 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-007Lot 7 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-008Lot 8 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-009Lot 9 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-010Lot 10 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-011Lot 11 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-012Lot 12 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-013Lot 13 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-015Lot 15 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-016Lot 16 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-017Lot 17 Blk 1 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-24-002Lot 3 Blk 2 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-24-003Lot 4 Blk 2 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-23-004Lot 5 Blk 2 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-003Lot 3 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-005Lot 5 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-007Lot 7 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-008Lot 8 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-009Lot 9 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-15-004Lots 1 to 5 Inc Blk 6 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W6838.90



2945-252-16-001Lots 1 to 4 Inc & N 32.96 ft of Lot 5 Blk 7 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W5471.12



2945-252-16-005Lot 13 Blk Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-16-011Beg SE Cor Lot 15 Blk 6 Artesia Heights N Alg E Li Lot & across Vac Fischer Ave between Lots 14 & 15 Blk 6 & lot 10 Blk 7 SD Sub & Alg E Li Lots 5 to 10 Inc Sd Blk 7 to a Pt 523.74 ft N of Beg S 125.36 ft to E Li Fischer Ave S Alg E Li & W Li Blk 7 & across Vac Ave & Lots 13 & 14 Blk 6 Sub to Swly Li Lot 14 Sely 10 ft to S Li Lot 14 E 115.7 ft to Beg1367.78



2945-252-17-003Lot 7 Blk 8 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-17-004Lots 8, 9 & 10 Blk 8 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-17-005Lot 11 Blk 8 Artesia Heights Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-011Lot 11 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-012Lot 12 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-014Lot 14 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-015Lot 15 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-016Lot 16 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-017Lot 17 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-19-019Lot 19 Blk 6 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-20-001Lot 1 Blk 5 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-20-005Lot 5 Blk 5 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-20-007Lot 7 Blk 5 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-20-009Lot 9 Blk 5 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-20-011Lot 11 Blk 5 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-20-013Lot 18 Blk 5 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-20-0951Lot 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 & 21 Blk 5 Parkview Sub Sec 25 T1S R1W1367.78



2945-252-21-001Lot 1 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-002Lot 2 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-003Lot 3 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-004Lot 4 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-005Lot 5 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-007Lot 7 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-009Lot 9 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-011Lot 11 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-012Lot 12 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-013Lot 13 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-014Lot 14 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-015Lot 15 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-016Lot 16 Blk 4 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-21-019Lot 10 & that pt of Lot 8 Blk 4 Parkview Sub DAF that pt of Lot 8 which would lie within Lot 10 by the extension E of the S Li Lot 10 43.5 ft M-L to Inters with the Ely Li Lot 10 extended in a Sly Dir1367.78



2945-252-22-001Lot 1 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-002Lot 2 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-252-22-003Lot 3 Blk 3 Parkview Sub Sec 25 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-10-005Lot 11 Linden Acres Sub Replat Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78



2945-261-10-006Lot 12 Linden Acres Sub Replat Sec 26 1S 1W1367.78










Section 1. That the assessable cost and apportionment of same, as hereinbefore set forth, is hereby assessed against all of the real estate in said District, and to and upon each lot or tract of land within said District, and against such persons and in the portions and amounts which are severally hereinbefore set forth and described.


Section 2. That said assessments, together with all interest and penalties for default in payment thereof, and all cost of collecting the same, shall from the time of final publication of this Ordinance, constitute a perpetual lien against each lot or tract of land described, on a parity with the tax lien for General, State, County, City or School taxes and no sale of such property to enforce General, State, County, City or School tax or other lien shall extinguish the perpetual lien of such assessment.


Section 3. That said assessment shall be due and payable within thirty days after the final publication of said Ordinance without demand; provided that all such assessments may at the election of the owner be paid in installments with interest as hereinafter provided. Failure to pay the whole assessment within the said period of thirty days shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments. All persons so electing to pay in installments shall be conclusively considered and held as consenting to said improvements, and such election shall be conclusively considered and held as a waiver of any and all rights to question the power and jurisdiction of the City to construct the improvements, the quality of the work and the regularity or sufficiency of the proceedings, or the validity or correctness of the assessment.


Section 4. That in case of such election to pay in installments, the assessments shall be payable in ten equal annual installments of the principal with interest upon unpaid installments payable at the rates following:






Bond No.MaturityAmount;2;Coupon Rates






































* "B" interest coupons on bonds with estimated maturity 12-1-75 will run from 1-1-75 to 12-1-75


"B" interest coupons on bonds with estimated maturity 12-1-76 through 12-1-84 will run from 1-1-75 to 6-1-76.


The first of said installments of said principal shall be due and payable within ninety days after the final publication of this Ordinance and the remainder of said installments shall be due on the first day of January of each year thereafter until all of said installments are paid in full.


Section 5. That the failure to pay any installment, whether of principal or interest, as herein provided, when due, shall cause the whole unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten per centum per annum until the day of the sale, the owner may pay the amount of such delinquent installment or installments, with interest as aforesaid, and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not been suffered. The owner of any piece of real estate not in default as to any installment, may at any time pay the whole of the unpaid principal, with interest accrued.


Section 6. That payment may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty days after the final publication of this Ordinance, and an allowance of six per cent added for cost of collection and other incidentals shall be made on all payments made during said period of thirty days.


Section 7. That monies remaining in the hands of the City Treasurer as the result of the operation and payments under Sanitary Sewer District No. 31-74 after the retirement of all bonds and proper payments of monies owing by the District, shall be retained by the Treasurer and shall be used thereafter for the purpose of further funding of past or subsequent improvement districts which may or may become in default or for such other purposes as the City Council may from time to time direct.


Section 8. That all provisions of Ordinance No. 178 of the City of Grand Junction, as amended, being Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, shall govern and be taken to be a part of this Ordinance with respect to the creation of said Sanitary Sewer District No. 31-74, the construction of the improvements therein, the apportionment and assessment of the cost thereof and the collection of such assessments.


Section 9. That this Ordinance, after its introduction and first reading, shall be published once in full in The Daily Sentinel, the official newspaper of the City, at least ten days before its final passage, and after its final passage, it shall be numbered and recorded in the City Ordinance record, and a certificate of adoption and publication shall be authenticated by the certificate of the publisher and the signature of the President of the Council and the City Clerk, and shall be in full force and effect on and after the date of such final publication, except as otherwise by the Charter of the City of Grand Junction provided.


Introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, held on the 17th day of December, 1975.


ADOPTED and APPROVED this 7th day of January, 1976.


Authenticated and approved the 7th day of January, 1976.


Lawrence L. Kozisek


President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1600, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 17th day of December, 1975, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 8th day of January, 1976.


Neva B. Lockhart


Neva B. Lockhart

City Clerk


Published: December 19, 1975


Published: January 9, 1976


Effective: February 8, 1976