That the following Subsection of Chapter 32 of the Code of Ordinances be repealed and reenacted as follows:


"SECTION 3. Zone Classifications


A. Use Groups:


(1) Residential Use


1.8 Residential Bulk Development


1) Intent - The residential bulk development is a method for providing variation and diversity in the residential development of a single parcel of land through varying setbacks, parcel frontages, and minimum floor area, in order that maximum long range benefits can be gained and unique features of a site may be preserved and enhanced in harmony with the surrounding neighborhood. It is also the intent of this ordinance to expedite the development process and to encourage creative proposals. It is not the intent to permit the Residential Bulk Development to be used as an option to avoid Planned Development or Subdivision Regulations.


2) Maximum size of a bulk development is limited to two acres.


3) The entire bulk development proposal shall be the responsibility of a single developer or firm until completion.


4) Dwelling unit density and heights in the proposed Bulk Development shall not exceed the net density and heights of the parcel(s) permitted by the zone(s) in which the Bulk Development is located.


5) Planning Requirements:


A. Site Planning and External Relationships - Site Plans shall provide for protection from potentially adverse surrounding influences and also provide for protection of the surrounding area from adverse influences from within the development.


B. Screening - Fence, wall, or vegetative screening shall be provided.


C. Landscaping - Existing trees and other terrain features should be retained and protected. New plant material shall be added as agreed to.


6) Administrative Procedures - A petitioner shall apply for approval by completing an application and supplying the City Planning Department with 15 copies of the completed application, site plan, and supporting documentation as required by the following paragraphs.


A. General information required - The following information will be submitted at a scale not less than 1"-20' on 24" x 36" sheets containing the following:


1) Time of Development.


2) Statement of Ownership of Record, Option Holder, and Developer.


3) Legal Description.


4) Existing zoning of property.


5) Location/Vicinity sketch shall be one square mile with the proposed Bulk Development at the center.


6) Locations and dimensions of all structures of the proposed site; this includes dimensions of the structure, foot print of buildings, and approximate heights of buildings.


7) Provide front back and side elevation for all structures.


8) Location, dimensions of all drives, bikeways, walkways, parking, curb cuts, and building and all other amenities; e.g., bike racks, recreational vehicle storage.


a. Total number of units on the proposed site, parking specifications, percent of land in major use.


b. Grading and soil testing.


9) Drainage plan.


10) Specific type, size, and location of existing and proposed landscaping, fencing, and screening.


11) Construction shall begin within six months from Council approval.


12) Space for certification of approval by President of Council, Chairman of Planning Commission, and Senior City Planner.


B. Utilities and Roadways


1) Designation of streets and other rights-of-way including dimensions and names.


2) A composite utility and roadway plan for both public and private roads showing the following:


a. Location and line size of all sewer and water lines, man holes, fire hydrants, and their relationship to rights-of-way and easements. This shall include all off site lines which have a bearing on the development. In addition, all existing and proposed easements shall be addressed and identified on the site plan.


b. Representative street cross-sections with dimensions locating traffic lanes, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bikeways, and utility lines for public and private streets.


C. Site Limitations


1) A radiation survey shall be conducted meeting minimum standards established by the State Health Department.


2) Site limitation such as ditches, canals, steep slopes, soils, other geological concerns, i.e., flood hazard area shall be identified on the site plan and easements proposed for building protection.


D. Notification of Bulk Development


1) One copy of the names and addresses of all property owners and tenants adjacent to or within 400 feet of the site plan and any options held by the submittor(s). This will be for inhouse staff use.


2) Abutting property owners, including properties across streets and alleys, will be notified of the proposed Bulk Development. The property shall be posted.


E. Filing and Changes


1) It shall be the discretion of the City Planning Staff to determine the applicability of any of the site planning requirements of this ordinance.


2) Upon final approval of the bulk development site plan by the Grand Junction City Council, the petitioner shall submit the original of the site plan on a mylar or polyester base, with all changes and corrections as required by the City Council approval to the City Planning Staff. The staff shall obtain the proper signatures and file the signed site plan with the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder's office. Building permits may be issued after filing of the site plan. If the time limit of the development schedule has expired and construction has not commenced, a letter of explanation is required and an extension may or may not be granted by the Planning Commission. All improvements serving the Bulk Development agreed to shall be completed prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. If the Bulk Development is to be constructed in stages, all agreed to improvements shall be completed to each unit prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.


a) Minor changes in location, siting, and height of buildings, structures, and landscaping may be authorized by the City Planner if required by engineering or other circumstances not foreseen at the time the final plan was approved. No changes authorized by this section may increase the dimension of any buildings or structure by more than 10% or increase the height beyond that allowed by the zone in which it is located.


b) All other changes in use, relationship of uses, any changes in the provision of common open space, and any other changes in the approved Residential Bulk Development must be approved by Planning Commission and City Council under the procedures authorized by this ordinance.


(Note: See Section 14 for filing and processing procedures for Bulk Development.)"


PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of January, 1978.


Lawrence L. Kozisek


President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1721, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 21st day of December, 1977, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 19th day of January, 1978.


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: December 27, 1977


Final Publication: January 20, 1978


Effective: February 19, 1978