1. That Section 18-19 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction be amended to read as follows:


"Section 18-19. Assessments in Sewer Districts. Assessments in sewer districts shall be as follows:






Water Service SizeCapital Improvement ChargePlant Investment Fee (P.I.F.)Total Tap Fee (T.T.F.)



1" or less$1050+P.I.F.+T.T.F.



1 1/2"1400+P.I.F.+T.T.F.

















Plant Investment Fee P.I.F. shall be as determined in Chapter 25 of the Code of Ordinance.


Total tap fee shall be as determined above by the addition of the Capital Improvement Charge and the Plant Investment Fee.


Such assessment shall be made against all of the improved property in the district at the time of the installation of the sewers in the district.


Connection to the city's sewerage system other than in a district shall be as stated in Chapter 25 of this Code."


2. That Chapter 25 of the Code of Ordinances be amended by the addition of an Article XII to read as follows:




Section 25-70. Purpose of Fee.


The intent of the plant investment fee shall be to recover the cost of construction of main interceptor lines and sewage treatment works as described in the Grand Junction and Mesa County pre-design report for Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Interceptor Sewers dated August, 1977.


Section 25-71. Payment of Fee.


Prior to connection of any building, premises or lot to any sewer system which utilizes the sewage treatment works or sewage transportation system of Grand Junction, the owner of that building, premise or lot shall pay a plant investment fee to said City.


Section 25-72. Time of Payment.


Plant investment fees shall be paid within 150 days prior to actual connection of the building, premise or lot to the sewer system and no prepayment shall be allowed except with the permission of the City Manager.


Section 25-73. Amount of Fee.


The plant investment fee shall be $500.00 per single family residence. The plant investment fee for any building, lot or premise, other than a single family residence shall be computed using the following formula. However, the minimum plant investment for any building, lot or premise shall be: Not less than the basic plant investment fee:


Formula for Plant Investment (P.I.F.)


The basic plant investment fee (B.P.I.F.) + $500.00

P.I.F. = (B.P.I.F.) x (E.Q.U.) where (E.Q.U.) = Equivalent Residential Units

The Equivalent Residential Units (E.Q.U.) is determined by using the following values as applied for the type of use in which the building, premise or lot is to be used:



A. Any single family abode 1.00

B. Multiple family dwellings 0.72 x no. of single family units E.Q.U.

C. Hotels and motels:

a. No restaurants or kitchens 0.36 x number of rooms E.Q.U.

b. With kitchenettes 0.43 x no. of rooms E.Q.U.

c. With restaurants - use above then add restaurants from below

D. Restaurants:

a. 24-hour operation 0.21 x no. of seats E.Q.U.

b. 12-hour or less operation 0.14 x number of seats E.Q.U.

c. Bar, no food 0.04 x no. of seats E.Q.U.

E. Schools:

a. No food or showers 0.04 x number of student capacity E.Q.U.

b. Add to a. for cafeterias 0.02 x number of student capacity

c. Add to a. for showers 0.02 x number of student capacity

d. Boarding schools 0.27 x number of student capacity E.Q.U.

F. Service stations: without wash rack 1.00 E.Q.U.

with wash rack 2.3 per rack E.Q.U.

G. Shopping centers and stores:

.35 x number of thousand square feet of store space E.Q.U.

H. Travel trailer park (K.O.A., etc.):

.49 x number of trailer parking spaces E.Q.U.

I. Churches and assembly halls, theaters:

and arenas

0.01 x number of seating capacity E.Q.U.

J. Drive in theaters:

0.02 x number of car spaces E.Q.U.

K. Factory, warehouses and offices:

(not including industrial waste)

0.05 x number of employees E.Q.U.

L. Hospital:

0.89 x number of bed spaces E.Q.U.

M. Institution - nursing home:

0.36 x number of residences E.Q.U.

N. Laundry - coin operated:

1.34 x number of washing machines E.Q.U.

O. Mobile home parks:

0.67 ;times number of lots or spaces E.Q.U.

P. Car wash:

2.3 x number of bays

Q. Fast food take out - (walk up or drive up):

open 12 hours or more each day

0.10 x number of employees E.Q.U.

open less than 12 hours per day

0.06 x number of employees E.Q.U.


Where recycling of water is used or other conditions prevail which cause the above listed non-residential users to produce more or less average daily sewage flow than that computed by the above formula when the E.Q.U. is multipled by 280 gallons per day, the City Manager or his appointee may establish the E.Q.U. using the formula set in the following paragraph. Where the City Manager or his appointee deem necessary the plant investment fee may be charged according to the above formula. Then, after the first twelve months of full operation have passed, where actual water use is observed, the purchaser of the plant investment fee may be remitted down to the plant investment fee computed based on actual water use.


Plant investment fees shall be computed for non-residential user which does not apply to the above by computing the hydraulic flow expected from the establishment. The E.Q.U. can be computed by dividing the expected flows by 280 G.P.D. or by dividing the expected organic load in pounds of B.O.D. (5) per day by 0.47 pound of B.O.D. (5). The higher E.Q.U. obtained by the two methods shall be used in computing the plant investment fee."


PASSED and ADOPTED this 1st day of November, 1978.


Karl M. Johnson


President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1779, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 18th day of October, 1978, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of November, 1978.


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: October 20, 1978


Final Publication: November 3, 1978


Effective: December 3, 1978