1. The following Sections of Chapter 7 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction are amended to read as follows (deleted material is lined through, while new material is underlined):


Sec. 7-16. City to be represented.


Before entering upon any street, alley or public ground with any building, the licensed house mover shall notify the city manager or building inspector, who will furnish to such licensed mover or representative of the public works department of the city public works director of the city, whose duty it shall be to see that due care is taken to prevent damage to any street, alley, or public ground and to report any damage to the city manager. The cost of said representative must be paid by the licensed house mover. (1953 Comp. Ords., Ch. 84 Section 36)


Sec. 7-19. Obstructing streets, railroads.


No building or part thereof shall be allowed to stand still on any public street or on any public ground within the city for more than twenty--four consecutive hours without the expressed permission of the city traffic engineer, nor shall the same be allowed to obstruct any railway for any period of time whatever without consent of the agent of such railway competent to grant such consent.


Sec. 7-30. Building official defined.


The "chief building official", within the meaning of this article, is the building inspector. The words "building official" shall be used in this article to mean either the chief building official or one of his deputies. (Ord. No. 1000, Section 3, 3-6-57).


(A) The chief building official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all the provisions of this chapter. For such purposes, he and his deputies shall have the powers of law enforcement officers.


Sec. 7-31(c)(3).


(3) Owners making non-structural repairs or changes maintenance in their buildings where a contractor is not employed, except as such owner is governed by subsection (B) hereof. (Ord. No. 1000, Section 3, 3-6-57; Ord. No. 1286, Section 1, 4-3-68; Ord. No. 1518, 8-7-74)


Sec. 7-32. Contractors classified.


For the purposes of this article, contractors shall be divided into the following classifications for definitions:


(A) Contractor Unlimited. A contractor on an unlimited type or size of structure, as may by ordinance be permitted, shall be known as a "contractor unlimited".


(B) Contractor not to exceed $750,000. A contractor on a type or size of structure, as may by ordinance be permitted, on which the total value of all labor and materials used shall not exceed seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00), shall be known as a "contractor not to exceed $750,000.00".


(C) Contractor not to exceed $250,000.00. A contractor on a type or size of structure, as may by ordinance be permitted, on which the total value of all labor and materials used shall not exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00), shall be known as "contractor not to exceed $250,000.00".


(D) Contractor not to exceed $100,000.00. A contractor on a type or size of structure, as may by ordinance be permitted, on which the total value of all labor and materials used shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), shall be known as a "contractor not to exceed $100,000.00".


(E) Contractor not to exceed $50,000.00. A contractor on a type or size of structure, as may by ordinance be permitted, on which the total value of all labor and materials used shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), shall be known as a "contractor not to exceed $50,000.00".


(F) Contractor not to exceed $25,000.00. A contractor on a type or size of structure, as may by ordinance be permitted, on which the total value of all labor and materials used shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), shall be known as a "contractor not to exceed $25,000.00".


(G) Contractor not to exceed $10,000.00. A contractor on a type or size of structure, as may by ordinance be permitted, on which the total value of all labor and materials used shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), shall be known as a "contractor not to exceed $10,000.00".


(H) Contractor not to exceed $5,000.00. A contractor on a type or size of structure, as may by ordinance be permitted, on which the total value of all labor and materials used shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), shall be known as a "contractor not to exceed $5,000.00".


(I) Special contractor. A person who contracts for labor or for labor and material involving only one trade or one particular kind of work with the building industry shall be known as a "special contractor". The following categories of special contractor are established based upon the contract amount of the total of labor and material for the performance of the specialty:


(1) Special contractor unlimited


(2) Special contractor not to exceed $750,000.00


(3) Special contractor not to exceed $250,000.00


(4) Special contractor not to exceed $100,000.00


(5) Special contractor not to exceed $50,000.00


(6) Special contractor not to exceed $25,000.00


(7) Special contractor not to exceed $10,000.00


(8) Special contractor not to exceed $5,000.00


(Ord. No. 1000, Section 3, 3-6-57; Ord. No. 1286, Section 2, 4-3-68; Ord. No. 1518, 8-7-74)


Sec. 7-33. Board created; membership.


There is hereby created a building and contractor's licensing board consisting of seven members, viz: the city engineer; the director of development; the building inspector, who shall be secretary of the board; and the remainder of the board shall be composed of architects, civil or structural engineers, contractors or laypersons, with not more than two (2) members from any one category. (Ord. No. 1000, Section 1, 3-6-57; Ord. No. 1803, 3-21-79)


Sec. 7-34. Term of board; vacancies.


The city engineer, the director of development, and the building inspector shall occupy positions on the board during their terms of appointment or of office. The other members of the board shall be appointed by the city council for two year terms each, except that upon the initial appointment who shall be appointed with terms to expire on January 1, 1958, and two with terms to expire on January 1, 1959. If vacancies occur on the board for any cause, the same shall be filled by appointment in the categories as the original composition of the board. Each member shall hold over after expiration of his term until his successor has been appointed. A member may be appointed to succeed himself.


Sec. 7-39. License fees.


For the purpose of providing for the regulation and licensing of contractors and special contractors, such contractors and special contractors are divided into the following classifications and shall pay as an annual license fee the amounts indicated:


(A) Contractor or special contractor unlimited shall pay an annual license fee of one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00).


(B) Contractor or special contractor not to exceed $750,000.00 shall pay an annual license fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00).


(C) Contractor or special contractor not to exceed $250,000.00 shall pay an annual license fee of eighty-five dollars ($85.00).


(D) Contractor or special contractor not to exceed $100,000.00 shall pay an annual license fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00).


(E) Contractor or special contractor not to exceed $50,000.00 shall pay an annual license fee of sixty dollars ($60.00).


(F) Contractor or special contractor not to exceed $25,000.00 shall pay an annual license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).


(G) Contractor or special contractor not to exceed $5,000.00 $10,000.00 shall pay an annual license fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).


(H) Wrecker. A wrecking contractor shall pay an annual license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). (Ord. No. 1000, Section 5, 3-6-57; Ord. No. 1006, Section 2, 6-5-57; Ord. No. 1286, Section 3, 4-3-68; Ord. No. 1518, 8-7-74)


Sec. 7-47. Bond required.


Before any license shall be issued for engaging in a business as a contractor or special contractor, the applicant, in the event he is a special contractor not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) as herein defined, shall file a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), payable to the city, to be approved by the city council, condition that he will save and keep harmless the city and all persons therein of and from all damages on the account of failure of such special contractor property to build, construct, alter, repair, remodel, or demolish any size or type of structure within the city in a manner provided by the uniform building code or any amendments thereto which have been or may be, approved by the city; all other contractors or special contractors as defined herein shall file such a bond so conditioned in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). (Ord. No. 1000, Section 9, 3-6-57; Ord. No. 1006, Section 3, 6-5-67; Ord. No. 1224, Section 2, 11-2-66; Ord. No. 1518, 8-7-74)


Sec. 7-47. Bond required.


Before any license shall be issued for engaging in a business as a contractor or special contractor, the applicant shall file a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) payable to the city, to be approved by the city council, condition that he will save and keep harmless the city and all persons therein of and from all damages on account of the failure of such contractor to properly build, construct, alter, repair, remodel or demolish any size or type of structure within the city in a manner provided by the uniform building code or any amendments thereto which have been, or may be, adopted by the city.


2. The following Sections of Chapter 7 of the Code are amended by the addition of new material as follows:


Sec. 7-62(a) is amended by the addition of subsections 8 through 17 as follows:


(8) Section 101.1, Foreward. Incorporated by reference in this code is the foreward, which contains a concise general statement of the basis and purpose of the code, including an analytical evaluation of the scientific and technological rationale justifying the code. Subsequent statements of basis and purpose for amendments adopted in 1978 and 1979 are also incorporated by reference in this code, and are on file with the Office of the Secretary of State.


(9) Section 103.0, Scope. This code sets forth minimum requirements for the design of new buildings and structures or portions thereof and additions to existing buildings that comply with occupancy types other than types H, I, or J, as defined in the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, or types M, R-1, or R-3, as defined in the Uniform Building Code, 1976 and 1979 Edition, regulating their exterior envelopes and selection of their HVAC, service water hearing, electrical distribution and illuminating systems and equipment for effective use of energy. Buildings shall be designed to comply with the requirements of either Section 4, 5, or 6 of this code.


(10) Section 103.2, Additions, alterations, or repairs of existing buildings.


(a) Additions to existing buildings or structures may be made to such buildings or structures without making the entire building or structure comply, except as hereinafter provided. The new addition shall conform to the provisions of this code as they relate to the new construction only.


(b) Any revocation, alteration or repair which results in, or is likely to result in, 50 percent or greater increase in replacement value, as determined by the County Assessor, shall require such building or structure to conform to the following requirements:


1. The combined thermal transmittance value (Uo) for the roof/ceiling shall not exceed that specified in Section 502.2, Table 5-1, Colorado Energy Conservation Standards; and exterior joints around windows and door frames; openings between walls and foundations; openings at penetrations of utility services through walls, floors and roofs; and all other such openings in the building envelope shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped, or otherwise sealed against leakage in an acceptable manner; and


If in the course of renovation, change of occupancy or use, the mechanical equipment identified in Section 503 through 510 of the Colorado Energy Conservation Standards is replaced, replacement equipment shall conform to the requirements specified in those Sections: OR


2. Computations submitted, stating that the total fossil fuel or electrical energy required in the renovated building through design, utilization of nondepletable energy resources or otherwise, equals or is less than the total fossil fuel energy used if the building is renovated according to paragraph (1) above, shall be considered an acceptable alternative for conformance with the standards set forth in paragraph (1) above. Computations shall be considered acceptable when calculated by acceptable engineering procedures. Where state statutes required design by an architect or engineer, the statement of compliance shall be prepared by an architect, or engineer.


(11) Section 103.3, Change of occupancy. Any change of occupancy or use of any building or structure, as specified in the Uniform Building Code, which would require an increase in demand for either fossil fuel or electrical energy supply, shall not be permitted unless such building or structure is made to comply with the requirements of Section 103.2.


(12) Section 502.1.


(c) The proposed design of a subterranean building may take into consideration the insulating values of undisturbed earth or fill as approved by the building official.


(13) Section 508.1.


(d) Combination service water heating/space heating boilers. Service water heating equipment shall not be dependent on year round operation of space heating boilers (that is, boilers that have as another function winter space heating).




1. Exempt from these requirements are systems with service/space heating boilers having a stand-by loss Btu/h less than:


13.3 pmd + 400/n


pmd = probable maximum demand in gallons/hour as determined in accordance with Chapter 37 of Std RS-11.


n = fraction of year when outdoor daily mean temperature exceeds 64.9F.


The stand-by loss is to be determined for a test period of 24 h duration while maintaining a boiler water temperature of 90F above ambient.


2. Exempt from these requirements are systems with service/space heating boilers where the Btu requirement for a service water heating exceeds the Btu requirements for space heating.


(14) Section 508.6.


(e) Lavatories in restrooms of public facilities shall:


1. Be equipped with outlet devices which limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 0.5 gpm, or be equipped with self-closing valves that limit delivery to a maximum of 0.25 gallons of hot water.


2. Be equipped with devices which limits the outlet temperature to a maximum of 110F.


Exception: Separate lavatories for physically handicapped persons shall not be equipped with self-closing valves.


(15) Section 510.5, Calculation procedure. To establish a lighting power budget, the following procedures must be used. To reduce calculation effort and where applicable, the IES Unit Power Density Procedure may be used as an alternate to the standard procedure described here.


(16) Section 510.5.


(a) Determining illumination levels and areas.


3. Calculate the total task areas to be illuminated to the same level by multiplying the number of work locations by 50 square feet per work location. If actual task area is greater than 50 square feet, the actual area shall be used. If the sum of all task areas is greater than 50 percent of the total space area, then the task area per work location shall be reduced proportionally, so that the total task area is limited to one-half the total space area. If special task lighting or localized lighting is to be employed, use actual task areas and point calculation procedures.


(17) Section 701.0.


RS-15 1979 ASHRAE Handbook and Product Directory, Equipment Volume.


RS-16 Heating and Air Conditioning Systems - Installation Standards for One and Two-family Dwellings and Multi-family Housing, NESCA/SMACNA, 1st Edition, 1977.


RS-19 Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards, SMACNA, 5th Edition, 1979.


SMACNA refers to the Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc., 82240 Old Courthouse Road, Tyson's Corner, Vienna, VA 22180.


Sec. 7-62(b) is amended by the addition of subsections 3 through 6 reading follows:


(3) Section 103.0 Appendix B, Scope. This code sets forth minimum requirements for the design of new buildings and structures or portions thereof and additions to existing buildings that provide facilities or shelter for occupancy types H and I, as defined in the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, or occupancy types R-1 or R-3, as defined in the Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition and 1979 Edition (residential occupancies); regulating their exterior envelopes and selection of their HVAC, service water heating, electrical distribution and illuminating systems, and equipment for effective use of energy. Buildings shall be designed to comply with the requirements of either Sections 4, 5 or 6 of this code.


Exception: The statutory definitions of "residential" and "non-residential" buildings do not include new construction or renovation of hotels, motels, or apartment buildings over three stories. Local governmental entities are strongly encouraged to include hotels, motels, and apartment buildings over three stories in their locally adopted energy conservation building code.


(4) Section 103.2. Appendix B, Addition, Alterations, or Repairs to Existing Buildings.


(a) Additions to existing buildings or structures may be made to such buildings or structures without making the entire building or structure comply, except as hereinafter provided. The new addition shall conform to the provisions of this code as they relate to the new construction only.


(b) Any renovation, alteration or repair which results in, or is likely to result in, 50 percent or greater increase in replacement value, as determined by the building official, shall require such building or structure to conform to the following requirements:


1. The combined thermal transmittance value (Uo) for the roof/ceiling shall not exceed that specified in Section 6-7-105(2)a, Table 2, CRS 1973, as amended (Residential Building Energy, Conservation Act), or in the Section 502.2, Table 5-2, Appendix B, Colorado Energy Conservation Standards; and


Exterior joints around windows and door frames; openings between walls and foundations; openings at penetrations of utility services through walls and foundations; openings at penetrations of other such openings in the building envelope shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed against leakage in an acceptable manner; or


2. Computations submitted, stating that the total fossil fuel or electrical energy required in the renovated building through design, utilization of nondepletable energy resources or otherwise, equals or is less than the total fossil fuel energy used if the building is renovated according to paragraph (1) above, shall be considered an acceptable alternative for conformance with the standards set forth in paragraph (1) above. Computations shall be considered acceptable when calculated by acceptable engineering procedures. Where state statutes require design by an architect or engineer, the statement of compliance shall be prepared by an architect or engineer.


(5) Section 103.3. Appendix B, Change of occupancy. Any change of occupancy or use of any building or structure, as specified in the Uniform Building Code, which would require an increase in demand for either fossil fuel or electrical energy supply, shall not be permitted unless such building or structure is made to comply with the requirements of Section 103.2, Appendix B.


(6) Section 502.1. Appendix B.


(c) The proposed design of a subterranean building may take into consideration the insulating values of undisturbed earth or fill as approved by the building official.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 5th day of November, 1980.


Jane S. Quimby


President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1917, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the first day of October, 1980, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 6th day of November, 1980.


Neva B. Lockhart


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: October 3, 1980


Published: November 7, 1980


Effective: December 7, 1980