1. This plan is established pursuant to Ordinance No. 1996, adopted by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction on the 2 day of September, 1981.


2. This plan provides that sick pay and sick payments are to be made from a separate sick pay account from the Administration account of the budget.


3. Remuneration paid which may be excluded from wages under this plan shall be limited to payments made only on account of (1) retirement, or (2) sickness or accident disability, or (3) medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, or (4) death. The City of Grand Junction, State of Colorado, will keep records that will enable it to identify those payments which are made for the foregoing and to identify payments which are made for other reasons.


4. The existence of the plan is made known to employees by:


(a) giving all current and future employees a copy of the plan,


(b) posting of plan on employee bulletin boards,


(c) publication of the plan in the employee newspaper.


5. The employees of the City are made aware of the fact that:


(a) payments made for reasons enumerated in paragraph numbered 3 above will be excluded from wages for social security coverage purposes and that


(b) social security contributions will not be withheld and reported on such amounts, and that


(c) such amounts will not be reported and credited to the employee's lifetime social security earnings records by the Social Security Administration by sending to each employee, in writing, a notice of the provisions of referenced paragraph 3; by the employee newspaper and by briefing new employees at the time of employment. Also Personnel and Procedures Manuals distributed to each employee will contain the language as set forth in the above paragraph numbered 3.


6. This plan covers all employees except those employees paid on an hourly basis.


7. Employees become eligible to participate in the plan upon completing 30 days of employment.


8. The minimum duration of sick payment is the equivalent of the unused sick leave accumulated by the employee.


9. The minimum amount of sick pay to be paid to an employee under the plan is the employee's regular rate of pay for the period of absence due to sickness.


10. Payments will be made to or on behalf of an employee or any of his/her dependents.


11. The Director of Personnel of the City of Grand Junction, State of Colorado, is responsible for compliance with its social security coverage agreement with the State of Colorado and is specifically cognizant of and will comply with the laws, rules and regulations and reporting requirements contained in the Handbook for Colorado Local Social Security Administrators, as amended, and by his/her signature attached hereto, attest to this representation.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 2 day of September, 1981.


Louis R. Brach


President of the Council




Theresa F. Martinez


Deputy City Clerk


APPROVED by the Division of Employment and Training of the Department of Labor and Employment pursuant to 24-51-704(5), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended (1975 Supp.).






DATED: ________


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 1997, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 19 day of August, 1981, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this 3 day of September, 1981.


Theresa F. Martinez


Theresa F. Martinez

Deputy City Clerk


Published: August 21, 1981


Published: September 4, 1981


Effective: October 4, 1981