1. That Chapter 13 of Chapter 32 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction be amended by adding the following as definitions to Chapter 13, to wit:


A. DUST FREE - A minimum treatment of the native soil with a covering of asphalt, concrete, wood, masonry, granite, gravel, oil penetration or soil-cement.


B. MOTOR HOME - A vehicular designed unit built on or permanently attached to a self-propelled vehicle chassis, van or chassis cab, which is an integral part of the complete vehicle, to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use.


C. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE - A vehicular or portable unit mounted on a chassis and wheels not more than eight feet (8') in width and forty feet (40') in length. A recreational vehicle is primarily designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use, and which either has its own motive power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle such as: travel trailers, truck campers, camping trailers and motor homes. Total width of a recreational vehicle once sited for occupancy, including all tip-outs and/or slide-outs, shall not exceed fourteen feet (14'). For purposes of measuring length, the trailer hitch and/or trailer tongue shall be excluded.


D. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AWNING - A lightweight overhead structure used in conjunction with a recreational vehicle for the purpose of shading or weather protection of areas such as carports, patios, porches and windows. Said awnings shall not be permitted to have attached siding.


E. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE RESORT - An integrated development where recreational vehicles are used for temporary residential purposes in conjunction with recreational and social centers designed to provide a significant portion of the recreational and social needs of the occupants of the resort.


F. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SPACE - A parcel of land within an approved recreational vehicle park, which is shown in the records of the City of Grand Junction Planning Department, and which was designed and intended for the accommodation of one (1) recreational vehicle.


G. TIP-OUT OR SLIDE-OUT - A recreational vehicle component which rides within the main structure of the recreation vehicle while traveling and either tips or slides out at the site for use as a living area. Said tip-out or slide-out shall be structurally anchored to the ground.


H. TRAVEL TRAILER - A vehicle or portable unit mounted on its own chassis and wheels which does not exceed eight feet (8') in width and/or forty feet (40') in length and is drawn by a motor vehicle to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use.


I. TRUCK CAMPER - A portable unit consisting of a roof, floor and sides designed to be loaded onto and unloaded from the bed of a pickup truck, to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use.


2. That Section 7-2 of said Chapter be amended by the addition of a subsection 6, reading as follows:




The purpose of this zone is to provide for the development of Recreational Vehicle Resorts where recreational vehicles are used for temporary residential purposes in conjunction with recreational and social centers designed to serve the occupants of the resort.


The intent of this zone is to encourage development of a unified project with adequate open space provisions to preserve the residential character of the area and to prohibit uses that are incompatible with surrounding areas and developments. Occupancy of any unit in a PRVR may not exceed 270 consecutive days. PRVR's may be developed with rental or lease spaces (see Section 7-2-6C) or subdivided for individual lot ownership (see Section 7-2-6D) or a combination of both.


A. Permitted Uses - The following uses may be permitted at the discretion of the governing body:


1. Recreational Vehicles, with one recreational vehicle permitted on each approved space or lot. No dwelling units of conventional construction and no manufactured housing shall be permitted in the resort except as allowed in 7-2-6A.2.


2. Manager's office and residence which may be of conventional construction.


3. Recreation and social centers, which may be used for dancing, crafts, hobbies, games, child care, meetings, banquets, theatrical performances, movie viewing and similar entertainment uses for the use of the residents within the park.


4. Outdoor recreation facilities, such as parks, swimming pools, playground equipment, shuffleboard and tennis courts, putting greens and similar recreational uses.


5. Coin operated laundry facilities, outdoor drying areas, maintenance building and/or facilities.


6. Security guard houses at park entrances.


7. Boat and recreational vehicle storage, including washing areas.


8. Recreation center parking lots and guest parking areas.


9. Covered carports, patio awnings and detached storage buildings.


10. Directional and information signs within the park and one (1) identification sign as provided in the City Sign Code.


11. Temporary construction buildings and yards necessary during the actual development of the park.


B. Development Standards: General - All PRVR's shall comply with the following general standards as well as the standards in Section 7-2-6C or Section 7-2-6D as appropriate.


1. A minimum setback of ten feet (10') is required from any portion of a recreational vehicle or related awnings to any exterior resort boundary.


2. A masonry wall six feet (6') in height and a landscaped strip ten feet (10') wide shall be required along all exterior resort property lines which abut public streets. The masonry wall shall be setback ten feet (10') from the property line and the required landscaping strip installed between the wall and property line. The developer/owner shall maintain all landscaping between the wall and the street. Additional masonry walls and/or landscaped strips along other exterior property lines may be provided by the developer, and/or required by the City of Grand Junction to insure compatibility between the resort and adjacent land uses.


3. Access to all recreational vehicle spaces shall be from the interior streets of the resort. There shall be no public streets within a recreational vehicle park except if required and/or determined necessary by the City. There shall be no individual access to any recreational vehicle space from any public right-of-way.


4. Sidewalks at least two feet (2') in width are required to provide for pedestrian safety and to serve as an edging on both sides of all private streets. Sidewalks shall be constructed of four inches (4") thick concrete and may be included in the required private street width if the finished grade of the sidewalk is flush with that of the adjacent asphalt street surface. Public streets shall meet City street standards.


5. A minimum of one (1) automobile parking space is required for each recreational vehicle space.


6. Visually opaque screening fences or walls surrounding three (3) sides of all canister type refuse collection facilities shall be provided.


7. Detached storage buildings not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet in area are permitted on each recreational vehicle space. All storage buildings shall be located in the rear one-half of the space. No setbacks are required.


8. All patio awnings or covered carports shall be regulated by the current Uniform Building Code.


C. Development standards for PRVR's containing unsubdivided rental or lease spaces.


1. A maximum density of twenty-two (22) recreational vehicle spaces per net acre after deduction of existing and/or proposed public rights-of-way.


2. Recreational vehicle spaces shall be at least one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet in area.


a. The minimum space width shall be at least twenty-eight feet (28').


b. The minimum space depth shall be at least forty feet (40').


3. A minimum setback of five feet (5') from any portion of the recreational vehicle, other than the trailer tongue, to the front space line, and a minimum setback of three feet (3') from any portion of the recreational vehicle or awning to any side or rear space line.


4. A minimum of seventy-five (75) square feet of recreational open space and/or recreational facilities is required for each recreational vehicle space. Public or private streets, vehicle storage areas and exterior boundary landscaping areas shall not be included in calculating recreational open space.


5. Private streets shall be at least twenty-six feet (26') in width from edge of pavement to edge of pavement. Streets shall be designed by a registered professional engineer and subject to approval by the City Engineering Department.


6. PRVR's shall provide for a full-time management staff to handle the daily enforcement and property management for the owner/owners. The owner/owners shall be responsible to insure that the PRVR is in current compliance with all city Code requirements.


D. Development Standards for PRVR's which are subdivided for individual lot ownership. These developments shall also meet the appropriate requirements of Chapter 6 of this Code.


1. A maximum density of fifteen (15) recreational vehicle lots per net acre after deduction of existing and/or proposed public rights-of-way.


2. Recreational vehicle lots shall be at least one thousand seven hundred fifty (1,750) square feet in area. The average lot size within the subdivision shall be at least two thousand (2,000) square feet in area.


a. The minimum lot width shall be at least thirty-five feet (35').


b. The minimum lot depth shall be at least fifty feet (50').


3. A minimum setback of seven feet (7') from any portion of the recreational vehicle, other than the trailer tongue, to the front lot line and a minimum setback of five feet (5') from any portion of the recreational vehicle or awning to any side or rear lot line.


4. A minimum of one hundred fifty (150) square feet of recreation open space and/or recreational facilities is required for each recreational vehicle lot. Public or private streets, vehicle storage areas and exterior boundary landscaping areas shall not be included in calculating recreational open space. A minimum of five percent (5%) of the required recreational square footage shall be enclosed within a recreation hall or building.


5. Private streets shall be at least twenty-eight feet (28') in width from edge of pavement to edge of pavement. Streets shall be designed by a registered professional engineer and subject to approval by the City Engineering Department.


6. A minimum of one (1) visitor parking space is required for each ten (10) recreational vehicle lots.


7. All PRVR subdivisions shall be required to have a property owner's association with a board of directors who shall administer and enforce the required covenants, conditions and restrictions. The board of directors shall provide for full-time management staff to handle the daily enforcement and property management for the association. The board of directors shall be responsible to ensure that the PRVR subdivision is in current compliance with all City Code requirements.


E. Development Standards for combined PRVR's.


1. Where a PRVR has facilities serving both subdivided lots and rental or lease spaces, the higher, or more restrictive, standards of 7-2-6C or 7-2-6D shall apply.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 5th day of February, 1986.




President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2265, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 15th day of January, 1986, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 6th day of February, 1986.


Neva B. Lockhart


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: January 17, 1986


Published: February 7, 1986


Effective: March 9, 1986