That the following sections of Chapter 32 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction be treated as follows:


1. Section 7-5-7 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:




If the owner(s) of property in a planned development has failed to meet the approved development schedule, or have failed to commence development within two years if no other development schedule has been approved, the department will initiate the following process:


A. The staff will contact the owner(s) of the project and request an update on the project's status. Based on the response to the request for update, the staff will take one of the following actions:


1. If the owner(s) indicate that the project will commence within 60 days from the date of contact, the staff will maintain the project in active status. The file shall be reviewed and the owner(s) will be required to update any applicable information or documents prior to commencing construction. If the project does not commence within the 60-day period, the staff shall automatically place the project on inactive status.


2. If the owner(s) indicate the project is no longer valid, staff shall arrange the reversion of the original project approval.


3. If the owner(s) indicate that the project may still be developed at some future date, the staff shall place the project on inactive status in accordance with 7-5-7B.


4. Projects on inactive status shall be reviewed every two years by staff. When conditions have changed to such a degree that the project may no longer be appropriate as originally approved, the staff will schedule the project for review before the original approving agency and may recommend that all or part of the approval be revoked. Where it appears that a project is still appropriate as originally approved, staff may automatically extend the inactive status for another two years.


During each review the owner(s) of the project will be contacted and asked if they wish to continue the inactive status of the project. If not, the provision of 7-5-7A.2 shall apply.


B. Projects placed on inactive status maintain their development approvals but development shall not occur and permits shall not be issued until the project is returned to active status. Reactivation may be accomplished through the following steps:


1. Written notification that the owner(s) wish to reactivate the project.


2. Staff review of project file and written notification to the owner(s) of information or documentation which requires updating.


3. Upon receipt of updated documents or information and assurance that the project meets applicable Code requirements, the staff shall notify the owners that the project is reactivated and development may commence.


C. Any changes proposed in the approved plan shall comply with the standards and requirements of 7-5-6.


2. Section 4-2 is amended by the addition of a Section 4-2-0 reading:


4-2-0 RSF-R (Residential Single-Family - Rural)


This zone is intended to provide for low density rural and agricultural uses which are annexed into the City. It is anticipated, but not required, that RSF-R areas will eventually develop into urban densities and uses. This zone allows the continuation of agricultural and other rural uses until more intensive development is proposed. Densities in this zone shall not exceed two dwelling units per acre.


Bulk requirements are as follows:


A. Minimum lot area 21,500 sq. ft.


B. Minimum street frontage 55 ft.


C. Maximum height of structures 32 ft.


D. Minimum lot width (at structure site for principal structure) 100 ft.


E. Minimum side yard setback


Principal structure 15 ft.


Accessory structures (on rear half of parcel) 3 ft.


F. Minimum rear yard setback


Principal structure 50 ft.


Accessory structures 3 ft.


G. Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)


Principal arterial 75 ft.


Minor arterial 75 ft.


Collector 55 ft.


Local 45 ft.


H. Maximum coverage of lot by structures 25%


I. Maximum units per gross acre 2


J. Also see - General Regulations for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Definitions, and USE/ZONE MATRIX. It is recommended that specific application of these regulations be discussed with the staff.


3. Section 5-10-3A is amended to read:


A. Agricultural animals shall be allowed in the Public Zone AND THE RSF-R ZONE.


4. Section 4-3-4 (Use/Zone Matrix) is amended to include the RSF-R zone with the following uses:


Allowed Uses


Home occupations


Single family residential


Bus/commuter stops




Service lines


Family foster homes


Residential group homes/receiving homes/care facilities


Produce stands


Farms/ranches and accessory uses


Special Uses


Residential sub-unit


Cultural/educational/recreational facilities


Fire/police stations/rescue/emergency services






Swimming pools


Transmission lines






Oil/gas drilling


Conditional Uses




Riding academies and/or other facilities


Nursery schools/preschools/day nurseries


Farmer's markets


Quarries/mining and processing


Sand and gravel extraction processing


Recreational campgrounds


Recreational uses


Outdoor or indoor events of a cultural/sporting/education/recreational nature




5. Section 4-2-9H is repealed.


6. Section 10-1-2A is amended to read as follows:


A. Composition


There is hereby created a Zoning and Development Code Board of Appeals. The Board shall consist of SEVEN voting members appointed by the City Council and SUCH advisory, non-voting members AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY 10-1-2A.1 AND 10-1-2A.2. Each member shall serve a term of three years. Initial first appointments shall be served as follows: three appointees shall serve three years, TWO shall serve two years, and TWO shall serve one year. Non-voting members shall have all powers, rights, duties and responsibilities of voting members except the right to cast a vote upon any motion before the Board. The non-voting members will provide information, alternatives and AFFECTS related to an application.


7. Section 10-1-2E is amended to read as follows:


E. Meetings


Public meetings of the Board shall be regularly scheduled at least once a month. Special meetings may be held as provided by rules of procedure adopted by the Board. The presence of FOUR voting members is necessary to constitute a quorum.


8. Section 4-3-4 (Use/Zone Matrix) is amended to change various uses from conditional (c) to special (s) in specific zones:


Use Zones to be changed from "C" to "S"


Fire/police/rescue/emergency services H.O.


Parks/lakes/reservoirs H.O.


Service lines H.O.


Transmission lines H.O.


Vo-Tech schools H.O.


Clinics B-2


Nursery schools/preschools/day nurseries H.O.


Financial institutions H.O., B-2


Neighborhood service offices H.O.


Professional/government offices H.O.


Barbershops/beauty shops/pharmacies H.O.


Self-service laundries H.O.


Cafes H.O.


Restaurants/cafeterias B-2, H.O.


Health/athletic clubs and services C-2, H.O.


Skating rinks C-2


Theaters C-2


Farmers' markets H.O.


Miniature golf courses C-2


Nurseries/greenhouses RMF-64, H.O.


Outside sale retail goods H.O.


Produce stands H.O.


Financial institutions (drive-up) H.O.


Laundry/dry cleaners (drive-up) H.O.


Photo processing (drive-up) H.O.


Bakeries C-1, H.O.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 4th day of June, 1986.




President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2292, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 21st day of May, 1986, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 5th day of June, 1986.


Neva B. Lockhart


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: May 23, 1986


Published: June 6, 1986


Effective: July 6, 1986