WHEREAS, the City Council has determined assessments on properties benefitted by improvements constructed in Improvement District No. ST-84, Phase B (7th Street and Horizon Drive); and


WHEREAS, the City Council believes the assessment roll should be altered for the following reasons:


1. Seventh Street is a major arterial which may affect the desirability of single-family residential ownership not in the type of development which considers the impact of such a street in its plan.


2. Seventh Street as a major arterial may limit the uses for which undeveloped abutting properties may be sold or developed which, in the present market for property in the City, may act unfavorably toward owners of undeveloped tracts of ground.




1. That the assessment roll for assessment of the improvements constructed in Improvement District No. ST-84, Phase B, as it appears in Ordinance No. 2293 is amended to reflect the following method of assessment of properties within the district:


a. Commercially zoned properties which are developed shall be assessed for one-half of a commercial street on a front footage basis.


b. Single-family zoned residential properties which are fully developed shall be assessed on a front footage basis for the installed costs for curb, gutter and sidewalk which is the minimum assessment amount for the district.


c. Undeveloped commercially zoned lands shall be assessed for one-half of a commercial street on a front footage basis; provided, however, that within thirty days of the final passage of this Ordinance owners of such lands may request in writing deferment of the assessment process, in which event the lands shall be assessed the minimum for the district on a front footage basis.


d. Undeveloped residentially zoned lands shall be assessed for one-third of a residential street on a front footage basis; provided, however, that within thirty days of the final passage of this Ordinance owners of such lands may request in writing deferment of the assessment process, in which event the lands shall be assessed the minimum for the district on a front footage basis.


e. Lands which develop at a later time will be charged a development fee under the zoning and development chapter (Chapter 32) of the City Code of Ordinances.


2. The assessments for the properties in Improvement District No. ST-84, Phase B, is amended to show the following amounts to be assessed against the various properties in accordance with the assessment procedures set out in paragraph 1, the amounts including six percent for costs of collection and other incidentals and including interest on the bonds of the district to the 23rd day of June, 1986:


(NOTE: Where two sets of dollar amounts appear after a particular property, the second amount indicates the assessment against the property to be made if the owner of the property elects to defer the assessment process on his lands until development.)









Beg SE Cor NE4SW4 Sec 2 1S 1W N 470 ft. W 367 ft. SWly to a Pt 430 ft. W + 450 ft. M-L N of Beg S 450 ft. M-L E 430 ft. to Beg Exc Pt. S of GV Cnl Exc. Rd in B-939 P-72 & Exc ROW in B-1507 P-690 & B-1528 P-483 Mesa County Records




NE4SE4SW4 N of Ind R Cnl & S of GV Cnl Sec 2 1S 1W Exc N 100 ft of E 395 ft & also Exc Rd ROW as Desc in B-1516 P-987 thru 989 Mesa County Records




That Pt of NE4SE4SW4 S of Wash Sec 2 1S 1W Exc Rd ROW as Desc in B-1506 P-44 thru 46 Mesa County Records

$9400.86 $4818.09



Beg 598 ft N of SE Cor SW4 Sec 2 1S 1W S 78 deg. min. W 132 ft S 51 deg. 20 min. W 225 ft S 54 ft NEly alg N Bdry Fairmount Hts 325.6 ft to E Li of SW4 N 104 ft to Beg & Lot A Fairmount Hts Sec 2




Beg 598 ft N of SE Cor SW4 Sec 2 1S 1W N 60.5 ft W 619 ft to Wash SWly along Wash to W Li SE4SW4 Sec 2 S to a Pt 157.8 ft N of SW Cor SE4SW4 E 412 ft to NW Cor Lot 10 Fairmount Hts to NEly alg N Lis of Lots 5-6-7-8-9 + 10 Fairmount Hts to NE Cor Lot 5 Sub N 54 ft to a Pt which is S 78 deg. 58 min. W 132 ft + S 51 deg. 20 min. W 225 ft fr Beg N 51 deg. 20 min. E 225 ft N 78 deg. 58 min. E 132 ft to Beg Exc Rd ROW on E as Desc in B-1493 P-294 & 295 Mesa County Records

$3207.15 $1051.99



Lot 1 PDC Sub Sec 2 1S 1W Exc W 5 ft for Rd ROW per B-1415 P-776 Mesa County Records




Lot 1 PDC Sub Fil No. 2 a Replat of Lot 1 and a Portion of Lots 2 & 3 Fairmount Hts Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

$5680.73 $1192.28



Lot 2 PDC Sub Fil No. 2 a Replat of Lot 1 and a portion of Lots 2 & 3 Fairmount Hts Sub Sec 2 1S 1W

$9865.17 $2070.52



Beg 315 ft N & 30 ft E of S4 Cor Sec 2 1S 1W N 140 ft E 160 ft S 140 ft W to Beg Exc ROW on W as Desc in B-1540 P-570 & 571 Mesa County Records




Beg 160 ft N & 30 ft E of S4 Cor Sec 2 1S 1W N 155 ft E 160 ft S 155 ft W to Beg Exc Rd ROW as Desc in B-1505 P-105 Mesa County Records




Beg S4 Cor Sec 2 1S 1W N 160 ft E 190 ft S 160 ft W 190 ft to Beg Exc Rd ROW as Desc in B-1505 P-921 Mesa County Records




Beg 455 ft N & 40 ft E of S4 Cor Sec 2 1S 1W E 100 ft N 151.75 ft to Sly ROW Co Rd W 100 ft S 151.75 ft to Beg




Beg 455 ft N & 140 ft E of S4 Cor Sec 2 1S 1W S 89 deg. 54 min. E 70.37 ft N 2 deg. 25 min. 54 sec. E 22.6 ft N 88 deg. 51 min. 06 sec. E 118.74 ft N to N Li SW4SW4SE4 N 89 deg. 56 min. W alg N Li SW4SW4SE4 to a Pt 185 ft E of W Li SE4 S 50 ft W 45 ft S 151.75 ft to Beg




N2SW4SE4 W of GV Mainline Cnl & S2NW4SE4 S & W of GV Mainline Cnl Sec 2 1S 1W Exc that Pt of the N2SW4SE4 Lyg South of N Li of Driveway as extended to the E & W property lines Exc County Rd & Exc 40 ft for Rd on W & also Exc ROWs as Desc in B-1489 P-547 thru 552 of Mesa County Records

$38418.57 $12340.73



That Pt of N2SW4SE4 Sec 2 1S 1W Lyg W of GV Mainline Cnl South of N Li of Driveway as extended to the E & W Property lines Exc ROW on W




That Pt of N2SW4SE4 Sec 2 1S 1W Lyg W of GV Mainline Cnl & South of N Li of Driveway as extended to the E & W Property lines Exc ROW on W




Lot 1 Walker Heights Sub Sec 2 1S 1W Exc S 10 ft as Recd B-1063 P-116 County Clerks Office




Lot 23 Walker Heights Sub Sec 2 1S 1W




Beg 286 ft E of N4 Cor Sec 11 1S 1W S 195.1 ft N 79 deg. 50 min. E 51 ft N 185 ft W 50 ft to Beg Exc N 50 ft for Rd as Desc in B-1501 P-438 thru 440 Mesa County Records

$3902.67 $819.09



Beg 363.1 ft S & N 63 deg. 50 min. E 215 ft fr N4 Cor Sec 11 1S 1W N 63 deg. 50 min. E 10 ft N 15 deg. 12 min. E 55.8 ft N 79 deg. 50 min E 119.8 f N 34 ft S 79 deg. 19 min. W 143 ft S 05 deg. 35 min. W 84.3 ft to Beg & Beg 215 ft E of N4 Cor S 05 deg. 33 min. W 256.3 ft Nly to a Pt 205 ft E of N4 Cor S 05 deg. 33 min. W 256.3 ft Nly to a Pt 205 ft E of N4 Cor E 10 ft to Beg Exc Beg 286 ft E of N4 Cor S 195.1 ft N 79 deg. 50 min. E 51 ft N 185 ft W 50 ft to Beg & also Exc N 30 ft for Rd as Desc in B-1501 P-438 thru 439 Mesa County Records

$6548.68 $1493.25



Beg N4 Cor Sec 11 1S 1W S 105 ft E 190 ft N 105 ft W to Beg Exc W & N 50 ft for ROW as Desc in B-1050 P-309 & B-1501 P-438 thru 440 Mesa County Records

$12195.06 $3087.88



Beg 340 ft E of N4 Cor Sec 11 1S 1W S 150 ft NEly 140 ft N 125 ft to N Bdry Li Sec 11 W to Beg Exc that Pt Beg 449 ft E of N4 Cor S 175 ft E 100 ft N 175 ft W 100 ft to Beg Exc N 50 ft for Rd ROW as Desc in B-1501 P-438 thru 440 Mesa County Records

$8898.09 $1867.53



3. The balance of Ordinance No. 2293 shall remain in full force and effect.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of September, 1986.




President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2304, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 6th day of August, 1986, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 4th day of September, 1986.


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: August 15, 1986


Published: September 5, 1986


Effective: October 5, 1986