That the Zoning Map, a part of Chapter 32 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction, be amended by changing the zoning of the following described land situated in the City of Grand Junction, County of Mesa, State of Colorado, to wit:


Tract 1


Beginning at the N4 Cor of Sec 11, T1S, R1W, Ute Meridian; thence S 576 ft; thence S 73 deg. 35 min. W 708 ft; thence S 54 deg. W 300 ft; thence N to the N li of said Sec 11; thence E to the point of beginning, LESS AND EXCEPT that tract of land conveyed to the County of Mesa, State of Colorado, described as follows, to wit:


Beginning at a point from which the N4 Cor of Sec 11, T1S, R1W, Ute Meridian, bears N 30 ft and E 546.20 ft, running thence W a distance of 382.58 ft to a pt on the W li of the tract of land which was conveyed by Mesa County Junior College District to Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth by deed dated October 22, 1946, recorded October 24, 1946, in Book 453 at Page 291, said point being 30 ft S of the NW Cor of said tract, running thence S along the W li of said tract a distance of 200 ft, thence E a distance of 252.80 ft, thence N 57 deg. 37 min. E a distance of 154.02 ft, thence N a distance of 117.9 ft to the point of beginning, encompassing area of 1.64 acres, SUBJECT TO that tract of land conveyed to Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, described as follows, to wit:


Beginning at a point from which the N4 Cor of Sec 11, T1S, R1W, Ute Meridian, bears N 30 ft and E 888.88 ft; running thence W a distance of 39.90 ft to a point of the W li of the tract of land which was conveyed by Mesa County Junior College District to Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth by Deed dated October 22, 1946, and recorded October 24, 1946, in Book 453 at Page 291; thence S along the W li of said tract a distance of 200 ft; thence E a distance of 39.90 ft; thence N a distance of 200 ft to the point of beginning;


Reserving unto First Party, however, an easement over the property hereby conveyed for purposes of ingress and egress to other property owned by First Party and used by the Health Department of Mesa County, lying east of the property hereby conveyed; SUBJECT TO a right-of-way easement for pipeline deeded to The Grand Valley Irrigation Company by instrument recorded October 1, 1946, in Book 453 at Page 215; AND SUBJECT TO any and all easements and rights-of-way previously acquired by the City of Grand Junction.


Tract 2


Beginning at a point 546 ft S of the NE Cor of the NW4 of Sec 11, T1S, R1W of the Ute Meridian; thence S 73 deg. 35 min. W 31.3 ft; thence S 7.3 ft; thence along the arc of a curve to the right with a 32-ft radius, the chord of which bears S 36 deg. 48 min. W 36.3 ft to a point on t he S li of the Princeton University tract as recorded in Book 306 at Page 498 of the records of the Mesa County, Colorado, which point is S 73 deg. 35 min. W 54 ft from the SE Cor of said tract; thence S 73 deg. 36 min. W 55 ft along the Southerly li of said tract; thence S 56 ft; thence E 230 ft to the W li of 7th Street in the City of Grand Junction; thence N 30 deg. 38 min. W 152 ft along the W li of 7th Street; thence S 73 deg. 35 min. W 50 ft to the point of beginning, AND SUBJECT TO any and all easements and rights-of-way previously acquired by the City of Grand Junction.


Tract 3


A part of the N2 of Sec 11, T1S, R1W of the Ute Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the N right-of-way li of Center Ave 390 ft N and 1163.4 ft E of the SW Cor of the S2 of the NE4 of the NW4 of Sec 11, T1S, R1W of the Ute Meridian; thence S 00 deg. 05 min. W 50 ft to the N li of Mesa Park Center Subdivision; thence N 89 deg. 55 min. W along said N li to a point that is 972.27 ft E and 340 ft N of the SW Cor of the NE4 of the NW4 of said Sec; thence Northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 50 ft a distance of 78.83 ft, the chord of which bears N 45 deg. 05 min. W 70.92 ft; thence N 00 deg. 15 min. W 273 ft to a point on the S li of a tract conveyed to the State of Colorado by Deed recorded in Book 306 at Page 498; thence N 73 deg. 35 min. E 303.8 ft, more or less, along said li to the W li of a parcel of property described in Book 710 at Page 119; thence S 56 ft; thence E 259.35 ft to the W right-of-way line of North 7th Street; thence S along said right-of-way a distance of 268.85 ft to the N li of Center Avenue; thence W a distance of 308.35 ft to the point of beginning, LESS AND EXCEPT that tract of land described as follows, to wit:


From the SW Cor of the S2NE4NW4 of Sec 11, T1S, R1W of the Ute Meridian; thence E 1050.5 ft, thence N 388.5 ft, thence S 89 deg. 55 min. E 386.3 ft, thence N 114.0 ft for the point of beginning, thence W 90.1 ft, thence N 154.85 ft, thence E 120.1 ft, more or less, to the W right-of-way li of North 7th Street in the City of Grand Junction, thence Southerly along said right-of-way line to a point 30.0 ft E of the point of beginning thence W 30 ft to the point of beginning; TOGETHER WITH an easement over property retained by Grantors, as described in instrument recorded in Book 895 at Page 321, Mesa County records, said easement extending over an existing driveway and parking area 40.9 ft W of the above-described property and 13.0 ft, more or less, S of the above-described property, said easement for parking and driveway purposes to be used in common by the parties hereto, their successors and assigns; SUBJECT TO an easement over the W 20 ft, and the S 23 ft of the property conveyed herein, to be used in common by the Grantee and Grantor, their successors and assigns, for parking and driveway purposes; AND SUBJECT TO any and all easements and rights-of-way previously acquired by the City of Grand Junction.


Tract 4


Lots 4 and 5 in MESA PARK CENTER, in the City of Grand Junction, AND SUBJECT TO any and all easements and rights-of-way of record.


Tract 5


Beginning at a point on the E li of Lot 16, Bookcliff Heights Subdivision in the City of Grand Junction, N 00 deg. 15 min. W 310.88 ft from the SE Cor of said Lot 16, running thence N 00 deg. 15 min. W 303.12 ft; thence S 75 deg. 02 min. W 294.6 ft; thence Southeasterly to the point of beginning, AND SUBJECT TO any and all easements and rights-of-way of record.


from RMF-64 (Residential Multi-Family - 64 units per acre) to PB (Planned Business) zone.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of September, 1986.




President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2308, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 20th day of August, 1986, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 4th day of September, 1986.


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: August 22, 1986


Published: September 5, 1986


Effective: October 5, 1986