That Chapter 25 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Junction be amended in the following manner:


1. Section 25-44(a) is amended by the addition of a section (18) reading as follows:


(a) Industrial Waste


(1) Industries which discharge a non-domestic wastewater, are not otherwise identified in Article IX Section 25-44, and are in compliance with federal, state and local limits shall be charged a rate that is equivalent to the actual cost to treat each 1000 gallons of non-domestic wastewater discharged to the system, such charge to be in addition to the domestic user rate of 0.05 for each employee.


(2) Industries such as food, beverage and meat processing, dairies and feed lots which exceed the established limit for BOD and TSS shall be charged at a rate calculated to represent the actual cost to treat a pound of BOD and TSS; this charge shall be in addition to the rate of 0.05 for each employee.


(3) In those instances when an industry may discharge a wastewater which exceeds the limit for BOD or TSS allowed that industry by other sections of this chapter, its basic rate would be calculated and an additional surcharge added to that calculated amount. Once the industry comes back into compliance, the surcharge would be dropped.


2. Section 25-58(q) is amended to read:


(q) Industrial user means any person or source that introduces or discharges wastewater from AN industrial OR COMMERCIAL PROCESS into the WWTW, SUCH AS EATING ESTABLISHMENTS, FOOD PROCESSORS AND FEED LOTS, AND WHO MAY BE SUBJECT TO A USERS CHARGE FOR EXCESS STRENGTH, NON-TOXIC WASTE.


3. Section 25-58 is amended by the addition of a section (q.1) reading as follows:


(q.1) Industrial user charges is an additional charge calculated either by the actual gallons of industrial or commercial wastewater discharged per 1000 gallons or by calculating the pounds of BOD and TSS being discharged in the process wastewater. This charge is in addition to the charge determined under Section 25-44(11) of this Chapter.


4. Section 25-58 is amended by the addition of a section (y.1) reading as follows:


(y.1) Potential contributor is an industrial user of the City/County wastewater collection, treatment and disposal system which:


1. Discharges into the system more than 25,000 gallons of material per work day on average, or


2. Discharges into the system materials prohibited by Section 25-33 of this Chapter, or


3. Is found by the City, Colorado Department of Health or EPA to have an adverse impact, separately or in combination with other industries, on the wastewater treatment system or the beneficial reuse of sludge, or to cause a toxic pass-through, or to interfere with the treatment process, or to have the potential, because of an accumulative effect, to cause a violation of the treatment plant's CDPS discharge permit. These may include users such as hospitals, laundries, auto repair shops and service stations.


5. Section 25-58(bb) is repealed and reenacted to read:


(bb) Significant industrial user is an industrial user discharging into the City/County wastewater collection, treatment and disposal system which is classified as a categorical industry and because of the nature of its wastewater discharge is governed by the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards. These may include users such as electroplaters and metal finishers.


6. Section 25-58 is amended by the addition of a section (ff.1) reading:


(ff.1) TSS-Total suspended solids.


7. Section 25-60 is amended by the addition of a section (1) reading as follows:


1. Right of Entry


(1) Right of Entry. The Director and/or his authorized representative upon the presentation of credentials, may


(a) Enter upon premises where an effluent or potential effluence source is located, or, in which any records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this Chapter and,


(b) At reasonable times, have access to and may copy any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this code or a discharge permit and may inspect any monitoring or sampling methods being used, and


(c) Enter upon the premises to reasonably investigate any actual, suspected, or potential source of uncommon water pollution, or any violation of this Chapter.


(2) The investigation may include, but is not limited to, the following: sampling of any discharge and/or process waters, the taking of photographs, interviewing of any person having any knowledge related to areas within the premises that may have any affect on the discharge or alleged violation.


8. Section 25-62(b)(5)(o) is amended to read:


(o) Agreement to pay additional costs of handling or treating any industrial wastewater discharges not authorized by this article or by any permit issued hereunder. NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE INTERPRETED TO ALLOW discharges WHICH include TOXIC or harmful contributions to the WWTW, INTERFERE with the WWTP facilities, equipment or receiving wastewaters OR which may otherwise create a hazard to life or which constitutes a public nuisance.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1988.


O.F. Ragsdale


President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2375, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 17th day of February, 1988, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 3rd day of March, 1988.


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: February 19, 1988


Published: March 4, 1988


Effective: April 3, 1988