AMENDING SECTIONS 2-2-2, 4-1-1, 4-1-3, 4-4-2, 4-4-4, 4-7-2; 5-1-2, 5-4-6, 5-6-13, 5-7-7, 6-7-2, 7-5-1 AND 9-3-2 OF THE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF GRAND JUNCTION.




Section 2-2-2C is amended so that the first two sentences shall read as follows:


1. The City Planning Commission shall hold regularly scheduled public hearings to receive and review public input on those items required by this Code. The Planning Commission shall be comprised of citizens representing the public interest of the City.


2. Section 2-2-2.D. is amended by substituting "City Council" for "Governing Body" and substituting "Community Development Department" for "Planning Department" or "Grand Junction Planning Department."


3. Section 2-2-2 is amended to read as follows:




City Council may, by the adoption of a Resolution, increase, decrease or otherwise modify any of the fees set forth. The fees shall be set in amounts sufficient to recover the costs of processing, publicizing, and reviewing development applications. The various application fees are as follows:


4. Section 4-1-1 is amended to read as follows:


The City is zoned and divided into districts. The purpose of establishing these districts is to:


5. Subsection A of Section 4-1-3 is deleted and re-lettering paragraphs B. and C. to A. and B., respectively.


6. Section 4-4-2C is amended to read as follows:


At the hearing, Planning Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of a petitioned zone change, either in whole or in part. The reasons for the action shall be stated.


7. Section 4-4-2E is amended to read as follows:


Within sixty days following the required hearing, the City Council shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the rezoning in whole or in part. The reasons for the action shall be stated.


8. Section 4-4-4F is amended to read as follows:


Is the proposal in conformance with the policies, intent and requirements of this Code, with the City Master Plan (Comprehensive Plan), and other adopted plans and policies?


9. Section 4-7-2E is amended to read as follows:


E. Any other material which may be needed to adequately review the project for compliance with the requirements of this Code, including but not limited to:


1. contour map(s);


2. hours of operation;


3. grading and drainage plan(s);


4. utility composite(s) (showing water, sewer, and drainage);


5. signage plan(s);


6. landscaping and irrigation plan(s) and irrigation water supply;


7. parking plan(s);


8. restoration or reclamation plan(s); and


9. written evidence from the Army Corps of Engineers that a Sec. 404 permit has been obtained or is not required, unless the Administrator allows the applicant to proceed pending the Corps of Engineers' review.


10. Subsection F. is deleted.


11. Section 5-1-2B is amended to read as follows:


Junk, junk vehicles, and salvage yards, (see Definitions) shall not be allowed except as provided for in the Use/Zone Matrix; except that a maximum of two vehicles intended for repair or restoration may be kept, but only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:


12. Subsections B.1, C. and E., Section 5-4-6, are amended to read as follows:


B.1. All residential uses: $225 per dwelling unit. City Council may, by resolution, increase, decrease or otherwise modify this fee.


C. Fees shall be paid at the time the plat is recorded, a building permit for construction of the first improvement on the property is issued, or commencement of use, whichever comes first.


E. The City Council may, after recommendation by the Planning Commission, waive or defer the provisions of this section (5-4-6). In considering such a waiver or deferment, the City Council shall use the criteria established in section 10-1-1B.2. The City Council may accept the dedication of public land(s), park(s), and/or open space(s) areas in lieu of payment. The fair market value of dedicated land(s) shall not be less than the payment that would be required under B. above. In addition, the developer shall dedicate such public site(s), trail(s), riverfront greenbelt(s), park(s), and/or open space(s) as designated on the officially adopted Master Plan of the City.


13. Section 5-6-13A is amended by the addition of a new subsection 6 to read:


utilities composite(s)


14. Section 5-6-13B is amended by changing subsections 1, 2, and 8 to read as follows:


B. Location and dimensions of all proposed changes to the site including:


1. Structures, fences, existing topography (2 ft. - 5 ft. contours), and existing drainage.


2. A grading and drainage plan prepared by an engineer.


8. Utilities composite(s) showing existing and proposed water, sewer, drainage, irrigation, fire hydrants and supply and all other utilities.


15. Section 5-7-7B is amended to read as follows:


2. Types allowed


b. A temporary street banner across a public right-of-way which announces an event sponsored by a local, state, or federal governmental unit(s), charitable organizations, or other non-profit organizations may be allowed, if the sponsoring entity obtains a permit from the Administrator which shall specify the time and limits of the banner, size in square footage, and exact location. Street banners shall be installed, removed, and maintained by the City. A street banner authorized by this section shall refer only to the event in question and shall not contain advertising for any private product or service offered for sale except a logo or logos of the sponsoring entity if the total area of the logo(s) does not exceed five percent of the banner area.


16. Section 6-7-2B.9.c is amended by the addition of a subparagraph to read:


4) Drainage calculations prepared by an engineer which show runoff calculations before and after development and which demonstrate the carrying capacity of the land to accommodate stormwater runoff from a ten year storm. The use of natural stormwater detention shall be encouraged through the use of wetlands, natural drainages, swales, detention ponds, and other acceptable forms to ensure that the runoff does not exceed historic runoff from the property.


17. Section 7-5-1 is amended to read as follows:


An applicant shall apply to the Administrator for approval of the PD. The application shall include an Outline Development Plan for the entire property or tract. The applicant may file a combined Outline Development Plan with a Preliminary Development Plan or Final Development Plan for a portion of the property, as determined applicable by the Administrator at a preapplication conference.


18. Amending Section 9-3-2 is amended by the addition of a subparagraph:


E. For all non-residential development(s) of more than 20,000 square feet of gross floor area and all multi-family developments, the following items shall be required for review prior to planning clearance approval:


1. a site plan showing all existing and proposed structures and a two foot contour map showing existing and proposed topography;


2. a grading and drainage plan showing storm water detention, as required in Section 6-7-2.B.9., prepared by an engineer;


3. a utilities composite prepared by an engineer;


4. a landscaping plan;


5. a signage plan.


PASSED and ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1991.


Conner W. Shepherd


President of the Council




Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2532, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 17th day of July, 1991, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 8th day of August, 1991.


Neva B. Lockhart


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: July 19, 1991


Published: August 9, 1991


Effective: September 8, 1991