That the following sums of money be appropriated from the sources indicated to the funds within the City of Grand Junction budget for the year 1991 for expenditure from such funds, all as follows (amounts in brackets represent reductions in appropriation):


100 General Fund $83,204

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $83,204


101 Enhanced 911 Revenue Fund $15,225

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $15,225


102 Visitors/Conventions Fund $31,269

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $31,269


103 Downtown Development Authority Fund $67,535

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $67,535


105 Park Land Expansion Fund $60,866

Source of funds:

From unappropriated fund balance $60,866


107 Golf Course Expansion Fund $60,309

Source of funds:

From unappropriated fund balance $60,309


108 Economic Development Fund {$600,000}


109 DDA Tax Increment Fund $10,000

Source of funds:

From unappropriated fund balance $10,000


201 Sales Tax Capital Improvement Fund $296,763

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $296,763


202 Federal Aid Urban Systems Fund {$6,173}


203 DDA TIF Capital Projects Fund {$85,000}


205 Horizon Drive/Patterson Road Fund {$2,560}


301 Water Fund {$48,001}


302 Refuse Removal Fund $1,037

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $1,037


303 Two Rivers Convention Center Fund $47,025

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $47,025


304 Swimming Pool Fund $642,764

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $642,764


305 Lincoln Park Golf Course Fund $21,295

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $21,295


306 Tiara Rado Golf Course Fund $37,005

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $37,005


307 Cemetery Fund $7,741

Source of funds:

From unappropriated fund balance $7,741


308 Parking Fund $15,246

Source of funds:

From unappropriated fund balance $15,246


710 General Debt Service Fund $910,480

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $910,480


711 Downtown Development Auth. Debt Service Fnd $14,000

Source of funds:

From unappropriated fund balance $14,000


902 Sewer Fund $141,038

Source of funds:

From additional revenues received $141,038


The appropriated amounts to the Data Processing Division shall be reduced by the following amount.


For Data Processing Division in the Administrative Services Department {$28,812}


The following sum shall be appropriated to the Equipment Division, said sum to be derived from charges for services to be charged the various departments of the City for use of said services from the appropriations of their respective departments.


For Equipment Division in the Public Works Department $183,676

Revenue from Equipment Fund $183,676


The following sum shall be appropriated to the Administrative Services Department, said sum to be derived from charges to various departments and other entities using materials stocked in "Stores Inventory" and having printing done by the City Printing Operation.


For Stores Fund $17,296

Revenue from Stores Fund $17,296


The appropriated amounts to the Personnel Division for Self Insurance shall be reduced by the following amount.


For Personnel Division in the Administrative Services Department {$1,323,694}


The following sum shall be appropriated to the Communications Center, said sum to be derived from communications charges to be charged to the various departments of the City and other governmental entities for use of said services from the appropriations of their respective departments and budgets.


For Communications Center in the Police Department $40,364

Revenue from Communications Center Fund $40,364


Passed and adopted this 6th day of November, 1991.




President of the Council






City Clerk


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2545, was introduced, read, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, at a regular meeting of said body held on the 16th day of October, 1991, and that the same was published in The Daily Sentinel, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said City, at least ten days before its final passage.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 7th day of November, 1991.


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC


Neva B. Lockhart, CMC

City Clerk


Published: October 20, 1991


Published: November 8, 1991


Effective: December 8, 1991