That the boundaries of the Grand Junction, Colorado, Downtown Development Authority, which was established by Ordinance No. 1669, are expanded to include the property situated in the City of Grand Junction, Mesa county, Colorado, included within all prior Resolutions concerning Petitions for Inclusions of the Grand Junction, Colorado, Downtown Development Authority and prior Ordinances Nos. 1669, 2045, 2116, 2382, 2400, 2425, and 2475.


 Additional property owners have petitioned for inclusion and those petitions have been approved by the Board of the Grand Junction, Colorado, Downtown Development Authority, and are hereby approved by this Council. Ordinance No. 1669, as amended, is amended hereby to include the additional properties as describe din Resolution No. 92-3 of the Authority. The boundaries of the Grand Junction, Colorado, Downtown Development Authority are hereby expanded to include all described properties.


 See attached Exhibit A


 This redescribed boundary shall supersede all previous amendments and redescriptions of such boundaries.


 All real property located within such boundaries, including property belonging to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, is hereafter entitled to all privileges and subject to all obligations of the Grand Junction, Colorado, Downtown Development Authority from this day forward.


 The ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form as permitted by Charter with appropriate notice being given by the City Clerk to advise of the availability of the Ordinance for public inspection.


 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of March, 1993.




Attest:              /s/ Reford C. Theobold

               President of the Council



/s/ Sandra Glaze

Acting City Clerk


Published: March 5, 1993

Published: March 19, 1993

Effective: April 18, 1993



1.  City property located at SE corner of Fifth Street and South Avenue. (245-143-43-941)


 Lots 1 through 14, both inclusive in Block 161 of the City of Grand Junction and the Southerly 5.27 feet of South Avenue adjoining the north line of Lots 1 through 14 Block 161 as set forth in instrument recorded March 4, 1947 in Book 462 at Page 45 and commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 1 Block 161 thence Easterly along the south line of Block 161 150.0 feet to the True Point of Beginning, thence Southerly at a right angle to the south line of Block 161 20 feet, thence Easterly 251.06 feet to the west line of Sixth Street, thence North along the west line of Sixth Street 20 feet, thence West along the south line of Block 161 251.03 feet to the True Point of Beginning,


 EXCEPT beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1 Block 161, thence North along the west line 92 feet, thence Southeasterly 92.4 feet to a point on the south line of Lot 1, thence West 9.1 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1 the Point of Beginning as granted to the Department of Highway by instrument recorded July 22, 1964 in Book 871 at Page 920.




2.  City property located at Pitkin and Second Street. (2945-143-36-941)


 Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Lot l3, Block l43 of the City of Grand Junction; thence South along the East line of said Lot l3 a distance of l26.45 feet; thence West along the South line of said Lot 13 a distance of 8.3 feet; thence N 40 36'18" W a distance of 166.55 feet to a point on the North line of Lot 17 of said block 143; thence East along the North line of Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 of said Block 143 a distance of 116.7 feet to the Point of Beginning.


3.  County property located at Eighth and Main Street. (2945-143-40-938)


 Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 and the East three (3) feet of Lot 26 in Block 106 in the City of Grand Junction.


4.  County property located at the SE corner of Pitkin and Sixth Street (Work Release). (2945-143-40-938)


 Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16 in Block 148 in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado.


5.  County property - Judicial Center.


 Pt of Lot 9 Blk 5 Mobley Sub beg 666.1 ft. S & 410 ft. W

 of NE cor SE4 Sec 15 1S 1W S 50 ft. for beg W 125 ft. S 30 ft. E 125 ft. N to beg.



 Beg W 535 ft. & S 666.1 ft. fr NE cor SE4 Sec 15 1S 1W N 89 Deg58' W 63.7 ft. S 0Deg01' E 125 ft. S 89Deg58' E 63.7 ft. N 0Deg01' W 37.5 ft. S 89Deg58' E 125 ft. N 0Deg01' W 7.5 ft. N 89Deg58' W 125 ft. N 0Deg01' W 80 ft. to POB exc row for Rice St. across W Bndry B-453 P-84


 Beg 753.6 ft. S & 410 ft. W of NE cor SE4 Sec 15 1S 1W W 125 ft. S 37.5 ft. E 125 ft. N to beg being a pt of blk 5 Mobley sub.


 Beg NE corner Lot 9 Block 5 Richard D. Mobley's first sub sec 15 1S 1W W 125 ft. S. 50 ft. E. 125 ft. N 50 ft. to Beginning.


 N 25 ft. of S 75 ft. of Lots 12 to 16 inc Blk 4 Mobley Sub sec 15 1S 1W exc W 15 ft. of SD Lot 12.


 Beg S 0Deg01' E 125 ft. & N 89Deg58' W 20 ft. fr city Monument at Spruce & Rood Sts. N 89Deg58' W 188.7 ft. S 0Deg01' E l9.45 ft. S 30 Deg E 28 ft. S 0Deg01' E 14.34 ft. N 89Deg28' E 174.7 ft. N 0Deg01' W 56.27 to beg.


 Lots 1 to 5 inc Blk 4 Mobley sub sec 15 1S 1W & that ptn of vac alley on N per ord No. 1777 as desc in B-1174 P-546 Mesa Co records exc W 15 ft. of SD Lot 5 for alley


 S 50 ft. of lots 12 to 16 inc blk 4 Mobley Sub sec 15 1S 1W & that ptn of vacated alley on S per ord no 1777 as desc in B-1174 P-546 Mesa Co records exc W 15 ft. of SD Lot 12.


 Parcel A: The East 26 feet of Tract 8 and all of Tract 9, Little Bookcliff Railroad Yards, Mesa County, Colorado, and a strip of land 14 feet in width, lying immediately East of said Tract 9; TOGETHER WITH an easement over and across a strip of land extending North from said property described as Parcel A to a line 3 feet North of and parallel to the North line or a railroad spur track, the center line of which coincides with the North boundary of said Parcel A; and SUBJECT to an easement between the center line of said railroad spur track and a line 3 feet South of and parallel to the South line of said railroad spur track granted to the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, a Delaware corporation.


 Parcel B: Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, and the East 24.70 feet of Lot 7, Block 5, MOBLEY'S FIRST SUBDIVISION, to the Town of Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado, and that part of Lot 9 in said Block 5, lying South of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Lot 9 which is South 0 01' East 181.27 feet and North 89 58' West 20 feet from the City Monument at Spruce and Rood Streets, City of Grand Junction, Colorado; running thence North 89 28' West 174.7 feet to a point on the West line said Lot 9, TOGETHER WITH an easement over and across a strip of land extending North from said portion of Lot 9 in Block 5 to a line 5 feet North of and parallel to the North line of a railroad spur track, the center line of which coincides with said North boundary line of said portion of Lot 9; and SUBJECT TO an easement between the center of said railroad spur track and a line 5 feet South of and parallel to the South line of said railroad spur track granted to The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, a Delaware corporation.


6.  Pufferbelly Station located at 337 South First Street. (2945-143-47-001)


 Lot 1 D & R GW Railroad sub flg 5 sec's 14 & 15 1S 1W


7.  Daily Sentinel property located at 734 South Seventh Street. (2945-231-00-046) and (2945-231-02-023) Lots 1-11


 132.8 ft. nely on a cve left a ch of 215.6 ft. N 52Deg30' E 47 ft. N 52Deg30' E 285 ft. to RR row swly alg RR row to beg sec 23 1S 1W & Beg inter of orig E Li 7th St. WI S LI RR row S 73Deg02; 2 15.62 ft. to pt on LI 15 ft. W of orig E LI 7th St. S 91.65 ft N 89Deg12'E 15 ft N 96 ft. to Beg exc that pt taken into DDA boundary per city ord 2400 B-1712 P-49


 Beg a pt on N LI 3rd Av 15 ft E opf SE cor lot 10 Blk 11 Milldale Sub N Alg A LI 15 ft. E & Para to W LI S. 8th St. 149.1 ft. to A LI bet SE cor Lot 4 Blk 11 & SW cor lot 4 Blk 12 S 86Deg25' E 65.1 ft. to SW cor lot 4 blk 12 cor being on E LI S 8th St. N Alg E LI & projection 292 ft. to A pt 16 ft. nwly rt ang fr N rail of RR Spur & As desc in B-1203 P-150 etc. then back to beg E 404.8 ft. & also beg inters of E LI 7th St. WI S LI RR Row S 96 ft. to loading track E.


8.  Ratekin Towers located at 875 Main Street. (2945-144-21-941)


 Lots 1 through 16 inclusive all in Block 114, City of Grand Junction.


9.  Los Reyes located at 811 South Seventh Street. (2945-231-00-026 & 027)


 Beg 175 ft. N of SW cor NW4NE4 Sec 23 1S 1W E 132 ft. N 25 ft. W 132 ft. S 25 ft. to beg & W 11.5 ft. strip of S 7th St. row adj SD parcel on E as desc in B-1685 P-222 & B-1687 P-613 of Mesa Co Recds.


 Beg 200 ft. N of SW cor NW4NE4 Sec 123 1S 1W E 132 ft. N 50 ft

 W 132 ft. S 50 ft. to beg & W 11.5 ft. strip of S 7th St. row adj SD parcel on E as desc in B-1685 P-222 & B-1687 P-613 of Mesa Co Recds.


10.  Heideman property located at South Fifth Street. (2945-143-40-008, 010,011)


 The North 50 feet of Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, in Block 148 of the City of Grand Junction.


 Lots 24 and 25 in Block 148 in the City of Grand Junction.


 Lots 26 and 27 in Block 148 in the City of Grand Junction.


11.  Big West Oil Company located at South Fifth Street. (2945-143-32-007)


 Lots 29, 30, 31, and 32 in Block 139 of the City of Grand Junction.


12.  Junction Deli located at 517 North First Street. (2945-151-00-107 and 00000-01141-90)


 Beginning 489 feet N of the SE cor of the NE 1/4 of Sec 15, Township 1 South, Range 1 W of the Ute Meridian, thence N 120 ft., thence W to the E LI of State Hwy, thence Southeasterly along said Hwy to a point due W of the point of beg, thence E to the point of beg; EXCEPT parcel conveyed to State of Colorado, Department of Highways by Deed recorded in Book 686 at Page 241. Together with the right of Highway access conveyed by an exchange of Deeds between J. Frank Mannix and W.R. Bray and the Colorado State Highway Dept. along the Westerly border of subject property.