Ordinance No. 2679_




 Ordinance amending or repealing various sections

      (4-4-3, 4-7-1, 4-7-2, 5-4-3, 5-6, 6-7-2,

       6-8-1, 6-8-2, 7-5-4-B, 8-2, 9-3)

 of the

 Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code by addition of various standards and required information for development submittals and

repealing some requirements concerning irrigation systems.







 The City Code, ordinances, policies, and manuals are provided as a service to the public. Similarly to building codes, development codes and improvement standards encourage consistency and quality of planning, design, and construction, so that the end owners/users and the public at-large may avoid adverse effects and increased expenses due to poor development practices, but may instead enjoy an increase in their quality of life.


 The Zoning and Development Code appropriately establishes City policy and regulations regarding development in order to serve the public, but can be improved by adding definition and clarity regarding development submittal standards and requirements. The goal is a separate document which presents in clear and concise terms the requirements for various development applications plus details what the review agencies expect in various plans, reports, and other required information. Such a document is most effective if it "decodes" the Code by explaining what is required in a "user-friendly" format thereby reducing uncertainty which may unnecessarily extend the review process.


 The existing Code provision, 5-4-3, has created confusion  about the question of what the City's role has been and should  be concerning irrigation water supply to developments. The  Council determines that this issue should be studied by the  staff with input from the public before the Council determines  to continue to regulate irrigation systems as it does other  utilities. The Council, at present, determines that the City  should not be reviewing details of irrigation systems, nor    should the City be in the position of enforcing rights to  irrigation water. The City may, in the future, regulate  irrigation water delivery and other aspects of irrigation  systems. It is not the intent of this Ordinance to amend Code  Section 6-7-2B(8)(c).





 1. The Submittal Standards for Improvements and Development (SSID), dated May, 1993, ("SSID") are hereby adopted and made a part of the City's Zoning and Development Code, specifically section 5-6 thereof. The SSID shall apply to all reviews and approvals and to all uses, developments, and subdivisions within the City.


 2. One copy shall be maintained by the City Clerk in her    office and shall be available for public inspection. In    addition, one copy shall be kept by the Director of Public    Works and the Director of Community Development in their    respective offices for public inspection.


 3. Pursuant to section 51 of the City Charter, SSID shall be  published in book or pamphlet form available for public  inspection.


 4. Section 5-4-3, titled "Irrigation System and Design" is    hereby repealed. [The City Clerk is directed to reserve this  section in the event that the Council determines to regulate  this subject matter in the future.]


 5. If provisions contained in the SSID conflict with provisions presented elsewhere in the Zoning and Development Code or other City ordinances, the provision in the ordinance, which is of the latest adoption date shall control. Existing sections to the extent inconsistent herewith, are amended:

 4-4-3, 4-7-1, 4-7-2, 6-7-2, 6-8-1, 6-8-2, 7-5-4-B, 8-2, 9-3.


 6. The provisions of Chapter Eleven of the Zoning and  Development Code, including but not limited to the Civil and  Criminal Penalties sections thereof, shall apply to the SSID  as though fully set forth herein.


 7. The provisions of Chapter One of the Zoning and  Development Code, including but not limited to sections 1-3,  1-5 and 1-6, shall apply as though fully set forth herein.




 Introduced on first reading this 19th day of May, 1993.




 PASSED and ADOPTED on second reading this 2nd day of

June, 1993.



















City Clerk

