ORDINANCE No. 2707


   Ordinance Zoning Property Located at the Northwest Corner    of 1st Street and Independant Ave.






 A rezoning has been requested on the subject property from B-2 and P (Parking) to Planned Residential with a maximum density of 23.7 units per acre. In evaluating the request in conformance with section 4-4-4 of the Zoning and Development Code the City Council determines that the request is in conformance with the adopted 1st Street Corridor guidelines, there has been a change in the neighborhood to warrant the rezoning, and adequate facilities exist to serve the project.


 After public notice and public hearing as required by the Zoning and Development Code, the Grand Junction Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning.


 The City Council finds that the requested rezoning is in conformance with the stated requirement of Section 4-4 of the Zoning and Development Code.




The attached described property is hereby zoned Planned Residential with a maximum density of 23.7 units per acre.


 Introduced on first reading this 15th day of September,




 PASSED and ADOPTED on second reading this 6th day of October, 1993.



                 /s/ Reford C. Theobold





/s/ Stephanie Nye

City Clerk








That certain tract of land situate in the NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 10 in Township 1 South, Range 1 West of the Ute Meridian, Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado, previously described at Book 1690, Pages 554-557 of the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder, and more particularly described as follows:


Commencing at a Mesa County brass cap for the S.E. Corner of said NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 10, from whence a Mesa County brass cap for the N.E. Corner of said NE1/4SE1/4 bears N01o39'48"E (in conformance with the bearing as determined by the City of Grand Junction Geographic Information System) 1311.55 feet; thence N88o02'16"W to the point of beginning; thence N88o02'16"W on the north right-of-way line of Independent Avenue 204.92 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line N01o39'48"E, parallel to the east line of said NE1/4SE1/4 Section 10, 180.00 feet; thence N88o02'16"W, parallel to the south line of said NE1/4SE1/4 Section 10, 361.00 feet; thence N01o39'48"E, parallel to said east line of the NE1/4SE1/4 Section 10, 148.60 feet to the south line of West Lake Park Annex (Second Amended Plat); thence S87o58'25"E on said subdivision line 601.00 feet to the west right-of-way line of First Street; thence S01o39'48"W 327.93 feet to said north right-of-way line of Independent Avenue; thence N88o02'16"W 35.08 feet to the beginning.


The perimeter of this description contains 3.04 acres, and this description was prepared for Robert Arcieri by Richard A. Mason, agent for Western Engineers, Inc., located at 2150 Highway 6 and 50, Grand Junction, CO 81505.