WHEREAS, the increase in the commercial and residential rates are required as a result of increases imposed on the City in tipping fees at the County landfill, and annual cost increase in goods and supplies to provide solid waste service.




1. Section 14-10(A) is amended by increasing the rates so that it shall read:



Sec. 14-10. FEES



(A)  COLLECTION AT GROUND LEVEL OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. The fees for collection and disposal of refuse placed for collec­tion at ground level of the right-of-way, and within 5 feet of the travelled portion of the right-of- way from which col­lection is made, shall be at the fol­lowing monthly rates, collected monthly with the wa­ter bill:



(1)  RESIDENTIAL RATE. The following rate shall apply for all residential uses:


(a)  Single-family dwellings: Eight dollars and seventy-five cents ($8.75) per month for weekly collection of all refuse. Residential rates shall apply to mobile homes, travel trailers, and equivalent structures or vehicles which are used as a residence.


(b)  Double or multifamily dwellings: the following monthly rates shall apply to weekly collection of all refuse at a single pickup point for each structure:


2 units......................................$14.01

3 units...................................... 19.35

4 units...................................... 24.67

5 units...................................... 30.09

6 units...................................... 35.42

7 units...................................... 40.74

8 units...................................... 46.06


(c)  Senior citizen rate: A person who is sixty-five (65) years of age or older and is a head of a household (as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) may certify as to such facts on forms to be supplied by the finance depart­ment of the city and, having so certified, is entitled to receive a reduction of one dollar ($1.00) per month from the ba­sic minimum rate applicable to the residence of such person for residential refuse removal.


 If a multifamily residential user has eight (8) or more units in one structure and one collection point, the superintendent may charge such owner, at the owners request, according to the commercial rate as set forth in paragraph (A)(2)(a) of this section.


   (d)  Residential recycling rate: for single family and multifamily of four or less units per structure which are not served by a solid waste tank (dumpster), one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per unit per month for monthly collection of recyclables



(2)  COMMERCIAL RATE: All non-residential, assembly, institu­tional, business and commercial uses shall be charged the commercial rate set forth below:


 (a)  The minimum charge shall be twelve dollars and forty-six cents ($12.46) per month for weekly collection of up to one hundred seventy-five (175) gallons of refuse. Rates for more frequent collection [based on five (5) thirty-five-gallon con­tainers being equal to one hun­dred seventy-five (175) gallons] per pickup shall be:


  Once a week service....................$12.46

   Twice a week service................... 21.58

   Three times a week service............. 30.85

   Four times a week service.............. 40.05

   Five times a week service.............. 49.32

   Six times a week service............... 58.56


For each additional thirty-five (35) gallons per pickup, or part thereof, an additional charge of two dollars and twenty-seven cents ($2.27) shall be added to the monthly rate.


(b)  The monthly rental and service charge for the collection of solid waste tanks (dumpsters) shall be as follows:




           Tank Size in Cubic Yards


      1 2 3 4 6 8 10

Rental/month    $ 3.26 $ 6.53 $ 7.83 $ 9.13 $11.75 $14.36 $18.26


First tank,

weekly pickup     15.13 30.39 40.45 50.86 69.15 87.41 101.36


Each collection twice

to six (6)     13.76 27.60 39.13 50.68 69.15 87.41 101.36


Additional tank,

weekly pickup   11.55 22.77 29.81 36.85 50.68 69.15 73.63


Each collection twice

to six (6)   10.31 20.74 28.83 36.85 50.68 69.15 73.63


Special Pickups     4.60 9.23   12.07  14.95 20.23 25.44 29.91


1.  The monthly service charge for handling compacted material placed in tanks, from stationary compactors, shall be three times the standard tank rate.


2.  The monthly service charge for handling and servicing portable compactors shall be based on the capacity of the unit and shall be three times the com­parable tank rate.


(3)  INDUSTRIAL RATE. All industrial users shall be charged the industrial rate.


(a)  The minimum charge shall be twenty four dol­lars and fifty one cents ($24.51) per month for weekly collection of up to one hundred seventy-five (175) gal­lons of refuse not to exceed a total of two hundred fifty (250) pounds in weight.


(b)  Additional service by frequency or volume may be pro­vided an industrial user on a cost basis determined by the solid waste superintendent based on the frequency, volume, weight, loading-out dif­ficulty and nature of material to be disposed of.


2. Section 14-10(A) as amended will be effective on January 1, 1994.


INTRODUCED this 3rd day of November, 1993.


PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of November, 1993.



Attest: Reford C. Theobold President of the Council


Stephanie Nye

City Clerk