Ordinance No. 2761







 The City of Grand Junction recognizes the adverse visual impacts and the hazards to pedestrian safety and vehicular circulation caused by large unbroken expanses of parking area. Currently, there are no provisions in the Zoning and Development Code which address such standards. This text amendment is proposed for that purpose.


 The Grand Junction Planning Commission at its June 7, 1994 hearing recommended approval of the text amendment.


 The City Council has duly considered the matter and the recommendation of the Planning Commission and finds that the amendments to the Zoning and Development Code are appropriate in order to define parking lot landscaping and lighting requirements.




1. Section 5-4-15G is adopted and shall read as follows:


G.  Landscaping in the Right-of-way


 Landscaping in the right-of-way does not count toward the required landscaping.


2. Section 5-4-15H is adopted and shall read as follows:


H.  Street Trees


 One (1) street tree shall be provided for every forty (40) feet of street frontage where none presently exist. Wherever practical, street trees shall be located between the sidewalk and street and shall be irrigated by a pressurized, underground irrigation system.


3. Section 5-5-1F is amended and shall read as follows:



The minimum landscaping requirements of this section are intended to alleviate adverse visual and environmental effects associated with parking facilities including climate modification. The application of these standards will serve to improve compatibility and the attractiveness of such facilities, provide relief from unshaded paved areas, and minimize glare and lights associated with parking areas. In addition, these requirements will improve pedestrian safety, and optimize traffic circulation patterns with better defined space. The use of native planting materials and xeriscape landscaping is encouraged.


1.  When a parking facility provides parking spaces for more than fifteen (15) cars but less than fifty (50) cars, at least five percent (5%) of the total area of the parking lot shall be used for landscaping. Part of this area may be required to include shade trees.


2.  The requirements of this section apply to all developments and uses which are required to provide surface parking facilities for more than fifty (50) cars and parking lots of fifty spaces or greater as allowed by Code. In case of redevelopment or partial expansion of a use, the provisions of Section 4-9 apply. The requirements of this section are in addition to other landscaping requirements in a particular zoning district, including Section 5-4-15G(1)&(2).


 a.  Street Frontage Landscaping: Landscaping shall include one (1) tree for each fifty (50) linear feet of frontage or fraction thereof. Required trees shall be placed between the abutting street right-of-way and the parking lot area and shall be planted in a planting area of at least twenty-five (25) square feet with a minimum depth of at least ten (10) feet. A landscape barrier to shield the parking lot from the street not to exceed three and one-half (3 1/2) feet at maturity but at least two and one-half (2 1/2) feet at the time of planting shall be placed along but not in the right-of-way. The height of the landscape barrier can be achieved either with plantings and/or berming.


 b.  Parking Area Perimeter Landscaping: The perimeter of parking areas abutting residential or commercial properties shall provide, at a minimum, a five foot landscaped strip, but no less than the required setback. All required landscape areas on the perimeter of a parking lot shall contain a least one (1) tree for each forty (40) linear feet or fraction thereof. At least forty (40%) of the landscaped area shall contain shrubs at full maturity as recognized by horticultural and landscape standards.


 c.  Parking Area Interior Landscaping:


   (1) Parking areas shall provide a minimum of five (5) percent of net interior area as landscaping. The interior area of a parking facility is defined as the perimeter of the curbs or the edge of paving. One (1) tree shall be provided for each 100 square feet or fraction thereof of interior. Such landscaped areas shall be located and designed in such a manner as to break up the expanse of paving and better define parking lot circulation. Where possible, existing large trees shall be maintained. Such required interior landscaping shall be in addition to required perimeter and street frontage landscaping as set forth in a. and b. above.


   (2) All landscaped areas shall be protected from vehicular encroachment by curbing as per City standards. Planting islands shall be wide enough to protect against trees and vegetation against bumper overhang and swinging doors. A two and one-half (2 1/2) foot paved overhang shall be provided on planting islands where vehicle or door overhang is anticipated. Paving materials to be used for overhang areas are limited to concrete or paver blocks; asphalt paving is not permitted.


   (3) Planting islands which parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 9 feet wide.


   (4) Planting islands between parking rows shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide.


   (5) Planting islands shall be provided at the end of all parking rows.


   (6) One (1) landscaped divider island designed to prevent high-speed diagonal movement and located parallel with parking islands shall be provided for no greater than every three parking aisles. The landscape divider shall have a minimum width of ten feet.


   (7) One (1) landscaped island encompassing the area of one (1) parking

   space shall be provided for every 20 parking spaces in rows which contain greater than 20 spaces. The landscaped island shall be located within the row of spaces to break up the expanse of paved area.


   (8) In instances where the strict interpretation of this section will seriously limit the function of the parking area or the use, the Administrator may permit a portion of the required landscaping to be located near the perimeter of the lot, or allow such other variation of the parking requirements or landscaping require­ments as he deems reasonable.


 d.  Percentage in Living Materials: Unless otherwise specified, any required landscape area shall consist of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) in ground covering by living grass or other plant material (e.g. shrubs) at full maturity as recognized by horticultural and landscape standards. The foliage crown of trees shall not be used in the 75% or other required percentage calculation. The remaining twenty-five percent (25%) of the required landscape area may be covered with bark, wood chips, rock, stone or similar materials.


 e.  Use of Landscape Paving Materials: Pedestrian crossing areas in parking lots (especially near building areas) shall be constructed of surface pavers, such as brick, stone blocks, interlocking brick pavers, stamped concrete or other materials as may be approved by the Administrator which form a smooth surface but contrast with asphalt.


 f.  Irrigation of Parking Area Landscaping: All street frontage, perimeter and interior parking area landscaping shall be provided with a pressurized, underground irrigation system.


 g.  Responsibility of Maintenance: The maintenance of all required landscaping, whether located on the property in question or on adjoining right-of-way shall be the responsibility of the property owner. The property owner is responsible for obtaining required permits for the location of landscaping in a public right of way.


 h.  Submittal Requirements: A Landscape Plan shall be submitted in conformance to the standards in the Submittal Standards for Improvements and Development (SSID) Manual. All plantings must meet the minimum size requirements in Section 15-4-15B.


 i.  Parking Lot Lighting Requirements: Adequate lighting shall be provided for surface parking facilities used at night. Lighting shall be installed and maintained in a manner not to cause glare or reflection into abutting or facing properties, nor to interfere with the safe operation of vehicles moving on or near the site.


   (1) Illumination Requirements: The minimum required lighting intensity to be provided in all parking areas is 0.6 footcandle. High activity areas such as near building entrances and pedestrian corridors shall be provided with a greater lighting intensity as may be required by the Administrator.


   (2) Lighting Height - Maximum: The maximum height of required lighting is twenty-five (25) feet. Lighting located near buildings and adjacent to sidewalks shall be provided with lower, pedestrian scale lighting not to exceed twelve (12) feet in height.


   (3) Lighting Location: Parking area lighting shall, where possible, be located in landscaped areas.


   (4) Submittal Requirements: A Lighting Plan shall be submitted which details the location and specifications of all lighting provided. An isofootcandle diagram shall also be provided to indicate the level and extent of proposed lighting.



4. Amend definition in Chapter 12 to read as follows:






 An area set aside from structures and parking which is developed with natural materials (lawns, trees, shrubs, vines, hedges, bedding plants, rock) and decorative features, including paving materials, walls, fences and street furniture.


5. Amend Chapter 12 to include the following definition which reads as follows:




 Landscape methods which conserve water through the use of drought-tolerant plants, planting and irrigation techniques.




 INTRODUCED on first reading this 6th day of July, 1994.


 PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 1994.




/s/ R.T. Mantlo

President of the Council






/s/ Stephanie Nye

City Clerk