1 Entity Providing City/County Department Agreement Date of Agree-ment Reason/ History/ Notes Purpose Other Partners Recommended Action City Link County File #
2 JOINT BOARDS                
3 City/County Administration Joint Pool Board for Orchard Mesa Pool 2014 Creating a pool board and restating and amending the IGA between the City, County and SD on the pool operation and maintenance - also listed below under shared facilities To detail the responsibilities of each entity and create an oversight board School District 51   CCON/3500  
4 City/County Public Works (PW)/Public Works Joint Board 5-2-1 Drainage Authority 2004 Creation - Agreements for permits and management listed separately under Services Address drainage issues regionally-stormwater management Town of Palisade, City of Fruita, Grand Junction Drainage District   CCON/913 MCM2008-19
5 County PW/ Building Dept. Joint Board - Building Code Board of Appeals, Appointed by the County/ Ratified by the City.   Created in International Building Code Considers exceptions to the building code, suggests amendments to the bldg code; adopts rules and regs based on the provisions of the bldg code; hears appeals from parties affected by the granting or refusal of a bldg permit        
6 City/County Administration Joint Board - Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority - City/County each appoint 3 members 1971 The City is a co-sponsor along with Mesa County on many FAA grant applications for capital improvements at the airport Airport Authority oversees the operation of the airport and applies for grants to fund capital improvements City & County each have 3 board members serving   HISTORY/760  
7 City/County Administration Joint Board - Riverview Technology Corporation 1997 Began as the Joint Utilization Commission Ownership of property at 2591 B 3/4 Rd (DOE Property) and Economic Development     RESDOC/1081 MCM99-153 MCM97-214
8 City/County PW/ Planning Joint Board - PDR Committee 2000 Creation - Cooperative planning areas and creation of committee - Help fund contractor and matching funds for PDR - data and tech support Land Use - Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) Buffer Zones •IGA creating PDR Committee and establishing buffers Town of Palisade, City of Fruita, Mesa Land Trust   CCON/1589 MCM2000-39
9 City/County Parks/Facilities & Parks Joint Board - Riverfront Commission 1987 Created by Joint resolution in the minutes of July 1987, funding agreement by Resolution No. 31-97 (RESDOC/989) $17,122 by the City and the County each   Town of Palisade, City of Fruita
CCMIN/2618 MCA-2011-009
10 City/County Fire/ Emergency Management Joint Board - Emergency Management -Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council 2004 Mesa County EMS Resolution Participate, coordinate, facilitate EMS Council     REF/10 MCM 2004-220-2
11 City/County Adm., Parks & Rec./Adm., Facilities Joint Board - Parks Improvement Advisory Board (PIAB) 2011 Cost share $14,000 each - City, County, District 51, CMU, & Grand Junction Baseball Inc. - Articles of Incorporation Amended in 2011 (POLPROEV/62) Improvements to parks and sports facilities School District #51, CMU, Grand Junction Baseball Inc.   POLPROEV/62  
12 County PW/ Regional Transportation Office Joint Board - Grand Valley Regional Transportation Committee (GVRTC) 2002 Creation and Funding •Transportation Planning •Capital improvements •Regional Planning (MPO) Town of Palisade, City of Fruita  
13 City/County Administration Joint Board -Grand Junction Economic Partnership Articles filed in 1984, name change in 2001 Orignally Mesa County Economic Development Corporation - formed in 1984 Economic Development     POLPROEV/164 Most recent Financial Agreement 5/30/2013
14 SERVICES                
PW 5-2-1 Drainage Authority - City to provide services starting 2010 - $200,000/year 2009 Address drainage issues regionally-stormwater management - formation of Authority under Joint Boards 5-2-1 Authorization to handle permitting Town of Palisade, City of Fruita, Grand Junction Drainage District
CCON/915 MCM2008-24
16 City Parks & Rec/Facilities & Parks Long Family Memorial Park Scheduling 2009, amended to 12/2012, new five year agreement in 2014 - $28,613/year •City manages rentals/uses for Rec Program •County pays City to manage rentals $28,613 Scheduling and programming for Long Family Memorial Park     CCON/3057 MCA-2009-019
17 County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Jail per State Statutes County operates - 2,544 jail bed days on municipal sentences in 2012       no written agreement  
18 County Clerk & Recorder's Elections Division Municipal Elections 2015 Conduct Elections Regular election in odd years - cost in 2015 $39,000 Bi-annual and as needed for special elections     CCON/3517  
19 County Clerk & Recorder Escrow Accounts with Clerk & Recorder 2009 Sets up escrow account and allows access to records of transactions       CCON/1578  
20 County City Attorney & Muni Court/ Sheriff Public Safety - Video arraignment 2004 With Mesa County Sheriff       CCON/1592  
21 County County Animal Services - MCAS Advisory Board - City appoints one & County appoints three Animal Services - County provides services - City provides municipal court services for animal control violations w/in City limits Renewed annually Animal control and sheltering services in Mesa County - City pays costs based on % of calls in city limits - City passes on all animal court fines collected-no administrative fee for court services is charged. Provide animal control services in City limits and provides spay/neuter vouchers to residents of City from grant dollars and joint veterinary partnership for donated service County provides services for other municipalities also   CCON/3852  
22 County Public Works Landfill trash service - City is a customer of the landfill, biosolids discount approved by Resolution •City uses Landfill for disposal of biosolids from Persigo •City trash service and household hazardous waste use Landfill for disposal •County provides proper disposal of biosolids per state requirements •County provides a very cost effective solid waste program at the Landfill     CCON/2427 MCM2007-151 (a)
23 City Parks & Rec./Facilities Art Program Assistance 2013 Arts and Culture Commission assists with rotating artwork at Old County Courthouse       CCON/2813  
24 County Clerk & Recorder's Motor Vehicle Division Sales Tax Collection on Motor Vehicles 1988 Vendor's Fee of 3.333% of tax collected is retained if paid by the 10th of the month following collection. (vendors fee apx $53,000 annually)       CCON/1660 MCA88-43
25 City Finance Department Sales Tax Information Disclosure 2008 Agreement to disclose confidential information in order to verify Mesa County's sales tax information Maintain confidentiality on disclosed sales tax information     CCON/2327  
26 County Treasurer Per State Statutes   County keeps 2% administration fee from revenues collected (apx $220,000) City property tax billing and collection County provides for other taxing jurisdictions   no written agreement  
27 City Police- 911 Communication Center/ Sheriff Public Safety - 911 Communication Center Operations 1997 IGA on mission and responsibilities of GJRCC - City operates. Dispatch services for public safety agencies - each agency pays its proprotionate share based on use Palisade, Fruita, Lower Valley FD, East Orchard Mesa FD, Central Orchard Mesa FD, Clifton FD   CCON/1464  
28 City Fleet/GVT MOU for Grand Valley Bus Repair and Mainentance Services - $49 per hour for services rendered 2013 City to service GVT buses that run on CNG and cutaway buses Maintenance and repair on GVT buses     CCON/2573  
29 GVT Administration /Finance Annual Funding Agreement (Resolution) 2014 (for 2015 - 2016) Agreement among entities regarding the annual funding for Grand Valley Transit funding of GVT City of Fruita, Town of Palisade   CCON/3468  
30 City Town of Palisade lifeguards, guest service representatives, swim instructors, and pool managers at Palisade Swimming Pool 2018 Six months April 1, 2018 through September 31, 2018 and may be extedned for an additional term upon mutual agreement Provide all required albor for the pool     CCON/4174  
31 County PW/ County Building Building Inspection Services Renewed every two years Perform building inspection on behalf of the City - Issues building permits and licenses contractors for the City - County retains all bldg permit/ licensing fees. Provide Building Inspection Services for Mesa County County provides services for other municipalities also   CCON/3550 BOCC 2015-64
32 MAINTENANCE                
33 County Parks & Rec/Facilities & Parks Colorado River Boat Ramp Operation & Maintenance 1977 County to Maintain       CCON/1656  
34 City/County Parks & Rec/Facilities & Parks Parks - Indian Wash Maintenance 1965 Const/Operation/ Cost share Vegetation control North Avenue to I-70 B U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Upper Grand Valley Soil Conservation District   CCON/2397  
35 City/County Parks & Rec/Facilities & Parks Riverfront Trail from Loma to Palisade 2011 Historically, Mesa County or the municipality within whose boundaries a portion of the trail system has been located, has informally accepted responsibility for operation, maintenance, law enforcement and liability for portions of the trail system within their geographic boundaries To clarify the responsibilities of the jurisdictions on the trail sections being constructed   Expired 2/14/2016 - Per Rob Schoeber 11/16/16 - The agreement was signed and returned to the county, however the commissioners then made a last minute revision, and we have elected not to re sign. I believe that it may be discussed in the future with both elected bodies. CCON/3  
36 City PW Buthorn Waste and Drainage Ditch Maintenance 1950     Grand Junction Drainage District   CCON/1336  
38 City Police & IT/Sheriff New World Aegis (CAD/RMS/ JMS) Integrated System 2010 Computer aided dispatch, record management systems, and Jail Management System, Project Charter - Interagency MOU listed separately - Software License agreement still in effect (CCON/1717) To share Public Safety Information County Wide using a single integrated system - the city hosts the system. IT staff from City and County support it. Costs are shared by City, County and other Public Safety agencies 21 Public Safety Agencies in Mesa County   CCON/2475  
39 City City PD/ Mesa Co. Sheriff's Office/ Communications Center Interagency Memorandum of Understanding for Shared Public Information 2016 (waiting for signatures) The project charter outlined the implementation of a county wide shared information system using Aegis software. This MOU details the way this system will continue to function. Defines responsibilities for the operation, maintenance and expansion of the shared information system amongst user agencies. City of Fruita, Town of Palisade, Town of DeBeque   CCON/3805  
40 City Police & IT/Sheriff Numerica 2016 Established as part of the State Colorado Information Sharing Consortium (CISC) To make Law Enforcement information available across the state - City Hosts the Western Slope Node - Shared Costs by City, County and Western Slope Agencies Part of State Wide Consortium for Law Enforcement Information Sharing - Currently 43 agencies participating   CCON/3965  
41 City/County Fire/Emergency Management High Plains 2005 Shared Fire/ EMS Records - City hosts City server, all others are on the County server Fire/EMS Incident Reporting All 11 Fire Districts      
42 SHARED FACILITIES                
43 City/County Administration/Parks & Rec/Facilities Operation and Maintenance of Orchard Mesa Pool 2014 Creating a pool board and restating and amending the IGA between the City, County and SD on the pool operation and maintenance - also listed under Joint Boards To detail the responsibilities of each entity and create an oversight board School District 51   CCON/3500  
44 County/City Facilities Public Safety Training IGA and created advisory board (Regional Public Safety Training Advisory Board) 11/29/2012 CMU owns property where the facility partners desire to construct a training facility for public safety and fire - creates an advisory board Construct several training facilities at Whitewater Hill -(currently there is a driving track and residential structures for law enforcement training. Installation of a domestic water line, septic system and storm water detention are under construction. Two modular buildings will be moved to the site for classrooms). Colorado Mesa University, 21st Judicial District Forfeiture Board   CCON/2553  
45 County/City Facilities Employee Parking Garage 2004 Operation and maintenance of employee parking garage
City Cost Share 40%     CCON/1651 MCA 2004-133
46 County Facilities Western Colorado Dragway 2011, updated 2016 Used by Fire Department to train for CDL driving Fire Department Driver Training     CCON/3964  
47 City/County Parks & Rec/Facilities & Parks Parks - Lower No Thoroughfare Trail 2008 Trail Improvement project, GOCO grant requires County have limited ownership interest, County funded construction, City maintains trail       CCON/1668 MCA2008-063
48 County Regional Transportation Office Transportation -GVT Transfer Station (Steamplant Property) 2007 Construction of a transfer station for Grand Valley Transit - City - property for transfer station, ongoing operations $419,885, design and project management of pullouts, sidewalks & F 1/8 Rd, CNG bus maintenance & fueling, installation/ removal of bus stop signs •County - initial investment - TANF funds •County - Ongoing operations $909,754 •County - Grants for pullouts, sidewalks, and F 1/8 Road •County - Bus maintenance & fueling •County - Installation/ removal of bus stop signs     CCON/1119 MCA2007-071
49 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - POST Academy 2006 Both the city and the county contribute to the academy, but the majority of the partnership is with the college - extensive training hours provided by City PD and County SO officers Cooperative agreement for peace officers academy CMU   CCON/3521  
50 LAND USE/PLANNING                
51 City/County PW/ Planning Persigo Wastewater Treatment Plant 1998 Growth policies with the 201 Sewer Services Area Persigo Annexation Agreement: City - Ownership of distribution system (IGA) - County - Joint ownership of treatment plant     CCON/1678  
52 County Regional Transportation Office Transportation -Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Regional Transportation Office (RTPO) 1998 Mechanism for consulting on transportation planning from a regional perspective   Town of Palisade, City of Fruita   CCON/1620  
53 HEALTH                
54 City/County Health Department MOA to Reduce PM10 in the Grand Valley 2010   An agreement with the Air Pollution Control Division of State Health to reduce particulates in the air Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment CURRENT AGREEMENT EXPIRED 2/28/2015 - Air Quality Committee considering new agreement CCON/2474 MCA 2010-005
55 SEWER SERVICE                
56 City/County PW (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Country Meadows in the 201 1995 Provide sewer service to property outside the 201 boundary
57 City/County PW (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Independence Valley 1998 Provide sewer service to property outside the 201 boundary       CCON/1482 MCA98-58
58 City/County PW (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Provide Sewer Service-Doug Jones 1996 Provide sewer service to property outside the 201 boundary and close to Orchard Mesa Sanitation District lines Excluding from 201     CCON/1568 MCA96-33
59 City/County PW (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Rosevale Sewer Extension 1996 Sewer Service Agreement and DOLA loan Sewer Service Colorado Dept. of Local Affairs   CCON/1055 MCA96-34
61 City/County Fire/Police/Sheriff Multi-Agency Fire Investigation Partnership 2014 Combine skills and expertise for arson investigations Fire Investigations Clifton Fire, Lower Valley Fire, Palisade Fire, Fruita Police, Palisade Police   CCON/3400  
62 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Western Colorado Auto Theft Task Force 2010   Combat Auto Theft Colorado State Patrol, Fruita Police Department, Mesa County District Attorney's Office   CCON/2429  
63 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Western Colorado Joint Drug Task Force 2008 •City has 4 employees •County has 7 employees + $350K grant from HIDTA (grant pays for two of SO employees, balance pays for OT, investigative funds for all members) - grant funds used for overtime Reduce Drug Use Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) liaison   CCON/2424  
64 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Mesa County DUI Task Force 2009 agreement continuous annually under the terms of the agreement Multi agency effort to apprehend DUI offenders - each agency pays for costs for their own officers Colorado State Patrol, City of Fruita, Town of Palisade, District Attorney of the 21st Judicial District   CCON/2428  
65 City/County Police, Fire, & Comm Ctr/Sheriff, Health Dept. & Emergency Management Public Safety - Incident Management 1998   All agencies to participate in standardized incident command system during a large scale event Lower Valley Fire Protection District, Colorado State Patrol, Clifton Fire Dept. Palisade Fire Dept. St. Mary's EMS Dept.   CCON/2425  
66 City Fire/ Emergency Management Emergency Management - DERA (HazMat) 2016 City provides county-wide HAZMAT response, County delegates DERA authority via annual contract in the amount of $52,546, DERA for Hazardous Materials and Emergency Response. Previously the City also provided Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act (SARA) services for the County.Currently the MC Emerg Manager completes the SARA reporting requirements. HazMat Response     CCON/3826 MCA-2012-057
67 City/County PW/ Emergency Management Emergency Management - Hazard Mitigation 2010, updated 2015 City participates in hazard mitigation planning and carries out projects •County maintains FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan Joint hazard mitigation plan - hazardous materials and emergency response City of Fruita, Town of Collbran, Town of Palisade, Lower Valley Fire Protection District, 5-2-1 Drainage Authority, Plateau Valley Fire Protection District, Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District   RESDOC/5212  
68 City/County Fire/ Emergency Management Emergency Management -Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 2004 EMS services in Ambulance Service Area some of which is in unincorporated Mesa County, per Resolution identifying Grand Junction Ambulance Service Area License ambulances in Mesa County, coordinate QA/QI probationary EMT, manage electronic medical records Palisade, Lower Valley, DeBeque, Plateau Valley, Central Orchard Mesa, Lands End, Gateway/ Unaweep   REF/10 MCM 2004-220-2
69 City/County Joint Information Center Committee PIOs city and county wide Memorandum of Understanding 2007 Agreement to cooperate when needed in emergency situations Emergency public information provision Hospitals, School District, BLM, DOW, Xcel   CCON/2579  
70 City/County Police Communication Center Agreement for Airport on Emergency Dispatch Services 2010         No agreement needed as they are a user agency as of 2010  
71 City/County Police/Sheriff/DHS/ Workforce Center Memorandum of Understanding for service to Domestic Violence Victims 2007     Hilltop, Gateway Youth and Family Services, 21st Judicial District Probation Dept. & DA, Homeward Bound, Western Colorado Area Health Education Center, Colorado Legal Services   CCON/2816 our copy is unsigned  
72 Western Slope Center for Children Police/Sheriff/DHS/ MC Sexual Assault Response Team MOU to establish policies for child abuse cases 2015 Agreement among entities regarding investigation, assessment, treatment, and prosecution of child abuse cases   21st Judicial District Attorney's Office, Fuita Police, Palisade Police   CCON/3803  
73 City/County Police/Sheriff 21st Judicial District Critical Incident Response Team Protocol 2012 To investigate incidents where a law enforcement officer uses deadly force and other special investigations or criminal incidents requiring unusual investigative resources.   DA, Town of Palisade, City of Fruita, CSP, CBI   CCON/2815  
74 MISCELLANEOUS                
75 City/County PW/GVT Bus Benches & Shelters Advertising 2004 Assigns the advertising contract with Outdoor Promotions to Colorado West Outdoor Advertising, For locations within the City limits       CCON/1121 MCM2001-147


  A B C D E F G H I J
1 Entity Providing City/County Department Agreement Date of Agree-ment Reason/ History/ Notes Purpose Other Partners Recommended Action City Link County File #
2 SERVICES                
3 City Clerk & Recorder Liquor License Training 1998 City trains applicants for County licenses          
4 County Public Works GPS System - surveying   County capitalized and maintains the GPS system that allows digital surveying equipment to be used in the County. This system services all entities and private surveyors in the County.          
5 County IT Aerial Photos   Coordinated aerial photos are done in order to gain efficiencies of one contract and one flight.          
6 City/County Public Works Specialty Equipment Sharing   To ensure that each entity does not duplicate low-use specialty equipment like vacuum trucks, sewer cameras, jet rodding vehicles, etc.          
7 City Public Works Traffic Signal Technical Support     Since the bulk of county's urban traffic control devices are City of GJ controlled, the County uses their technical support to assist with the design and appropriate maintenance of traffic signals.        
8 City Public Works Technical expertise sewer waste water conveyance   County has utilized Grand Junction waste water expertise in developing wastewater PIDS and sewer capital projects          
9 City/County Public Works     Emergency Management Support When emergencies or disasters occur, assist with equipment or other materials.        
10 City/County Public Works Coordination of Road & Bridge Maintenance Activities   To ensure road & bridge maintenance activities at jurisdictional boundaries are coordinated for efficiencies. Driven by annexation processes.          
11 City/County Public Works Coordinate Annual Overlay   Coordinate County overlay schedule with City of Grand Junction's utility maintenance and replacement schedules so as to minimize road cuts.          
12 City/County Public Works Coordinate Landfill rates   Coordinate adjusted rates for biosolid receipts for Persigo Water Treatment Plan          


  A B C D E F G H I J
1 Entity Providing City/County Department Agreement Date of Agree-ment Reason/ History/ Notes Purpose Other Partners Recommended Action City Link County File #
2 SERVICES                
3 County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Jail per State Statutes 2,544 jail bed days on municipal sentences in 2012 - County operates       no written agreement  
4 County Clerk & Recorder's Elections Division Municipal Elections 2013 Conduct Elections - cost in 2015 $39,000 Bi-annual and as needed for special elections     CCON/3517  
5 County Clerk & Recorder Escrow Accounts with Clerk & Recorder 2009 Sets up escrow account and allows access to records of transactions       CCON/1578  
6 County City Attorney & Muni Court/ Sheriff Public Safety - Video arraignment 2004 With Mesa County Sheriff       CCON/1592  
7 County Public Works Landfill trash service - City is a customer of the landfill, biosolids discount approved by Resolution •City uses Landfill for disposal of biosolids from Persigo •City trash service and household hazardous waste use Landfill for disposal •County provides proper disposal of biosolids per state requirements •County provides a very cost effective solid waste program at the Landfill       CCON/2427 MCM2007-151 (a)
8 City Parks & Rec./Facilities Art Program Assistance 2013 Arts and Culture Commission assists with rotating artwork at Old County Courthouse       CCON/2813  
9 County Clerk & Recorder's Motor Vehicle Division Sales Tax Collection on Motor Vehicles 1988 Vendor's Fee of 3.333% of tax collected is retained if paid by the 10th of the month following collection. (vendors fee $53,000 annually)       CCON/1660 MCA88-43
10 City Finance Department Sales Tax Information Disclosure 2008 Agreement to disclose confidential information in order to verify Mesa County's sales tax information Maintain confidentiality on disclosed sales tax information     CCON/2327  
11 County Treasurer Per State Statutes   County keeps 2% administra-tion fee from revenues collected ($220,000) City property tax billing and collection County provides for other taxing jurisdictions   no written agreement  
12 City Police- 911 Communica-tion Center/ Sheriff Public Safety - 911 Communication Center Operations 1997 IGA on mission and responsibilities of GJRCC - City operates. $2.4 M (2012) dispatch services for public safety agencies - each agency pays its proprotionate share based on use Palisade, Fruita, Lower Valley FD, East Orchard Mesa FD, Central Orchard Mesa FD, Clifton FD   CCON/1464  
13 City Fleet/GVT MOU for Grand Valley Bus Repair and Maintenance Services - $49 per hour for services rendered 2013 City to service GVT buses that run on CNG and cutaway buses Maintenance and repair on GVT buses     CCON/3550  
14 County PW&U/ County Building Building Inspection Services Renewed every two years Perform building inspection on behalf of the City - Issues building permits and licenses contractors for the City and County retains all bldg permit/ licensing fees. (permit fees for City projects = $314,000 annually or 50% of all bldg permit fees in Mesa County) Provide Building Inspection Services for Mesa County County provides services for other municipalities also   CCON/3550 MCM 2012-108
15 MAINTENANCE                
16 County Parks & Rec/Facilities & Parks Colorado River Boat Ramp Operation & Maintenance 1977 County to Maintain       CCON/1656  
17 City/County Parks & Rec/Facilities & Parks Parks - Indian Wash Maintenance 1965 Const/Operation/ Cost share Vegetation control North Avenue to I-70 B U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Upper Grand Valley Soil Conservation District   CCON/2397  
18 City/County Parks & Rec/Facilities & Parks Riverfront Trail from Loma to Palisade 2011 historically, Mesa County or the municipality within whose boundaries a portion of the trail system has been located, has informally accepted responsibility for operation, maintenance, law enforcement and liability for portions of the trail system within their geographic boundaries to clarify the responsibilities of the jurisdictions on the trail being constructed     CCON/3  
19 City PW&U Buthorn Waste and Drainage Ditch Maintenance 1950     Grand Junction Drainage District   CCON/1336  
21 City Police & IT/Sheriff New World Aegis (CAD/RMS/ JMS) Integrated System 2010 Computer aided dispatch, record management systems, and Jail Management System, Project Charter (MOU in draft stage) To share Public Safety Information County Wide using a single integrated system - City Hosts the Application. IT staff from City and County provide support - Shared Costs by City, County and Public Safety Agencies 21 Public Safety Agencies in Mesa County   CCON/2475  
22 City City PD/ Mesa Co. Sheriff's Office/ Communications Center Interagency Memorandum of Understanding for Shared Public Information 2016 (waiting for signatures) The project charter outlined the implementation of a county wide shared information system using Aegis software. This MOU details the way this system will continue to function. Defines responsibilities for the operation, maintenance and expansion of the shared information system amongst user agencies. City of Fruita, Town of Palisade, Town of DeBeque   CCON/3805  
23 City Police & IT/Sheriff COPLink 2008 Established as part of the State Colorado Information Sharing Consortium (CISC) - City Hosts the Western Slope Node To make Law Enforcement Information Available across the state - Shared Costs by City, County and Western Slope Agencies Part of State Wide Consortium for Law Enforcement Information Sharing - Currently 90 agencies participating   CCON/2118  
24 County IT/Emergency Management Emergency Management - 900 MHz Antenna - Located at Human Srevices Building - 510 29 1/2 Road 2008 •City utilizes 900 MHz system •County hosts antenna site       CCON/1665 MCA 2008-081
25 SHARED FACILITIES                
26 County/City Facilities Employee Parking Garage 2004 Operation and maintenance of employee parking garage
City Cost Share 40%     CCON/1651 MCA 2004-133
27 County Facilities Use of CDL Pad at Whitewater Hill Regional Training Facility at no cost 2011 used by Fire Department to train for CDL driving Fire Department Driver Training     CCON/2432  
28 City/County Administration/Parks & Rec/Facilities Operation and Maintenance of Orchard Mesa Pool 2014 Creating a pool board and restating and amending the IGA between the City, County and SD on the pool operation and maintenance to detail the responsibilities of each entity and create an oversight board School District 51   CCON/3500  
29 City/County Parks & Rec/Facilities & Parks Parks - Lower No Thoroughfare Trail 2008 Trail Improvement project, GOCO grant requires County have limited ownership interest, County funded construction, City maintains trail       CCON/1668 MCA2008-063
30 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - POST Academy 2006, revised in 2015 Both the city and the county contribute to the academy, but the majority of the partnership is with the college Cooperative agreement for peace officers academy CMU   CCON/3521  
31 City/County   Land Use - Housing Strategy complete in 2009 the product of a public-private initiative.   The Committee continues the work of the Strategy by keeping the data up-to-date and implementing the plan recommendations. to create long-term, sustainable solutions for housing challenges in the Grand Valley CHFA, Grand Junction Housing Authority, Mesa County, City of Fruita, Town of Palisade, Housing Resources of Western Colorado, Colorado Housing and Finance Ass., as well as private sector community members   no written agreement  
32 County Regional Transportation Office Transportation -Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Regional Transportation Office (RTPO 1998 Mechanism for consulting on transportation planning from a regional perspective   Town of Palisade, City of Fruita   CCON/1620  
33 HEALTH                
34 City/County Health Department MOA to Reduce PM10 in the Grand Valley 2010   An agreement with the Air Pollution Control Divison of State Health to reduce particulates in the air Colorado Dept. of Health and Environment   CCON/2474 MCA 2010-005
35 County Health Department Mosquito Control   West Nile-briquettes       CCON/1607 MCM2004-061 MCA2005-068
36 SEWER SERVICE                
37 City/County PW&U (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Country Meadows in the 201 1995 provide sewer service to property outside the 201 boundary
38 City/County PW&U (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Independence Valley 1998 Provide sewer service to property outside the 201 boundary       CCON/1482 MCA98-58
39 City/County PW&U (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Orchard Mesa Sanitation District 2004 Total service agreement Transfers operation and assets to the City as manager of Persigo Orchard Mesa Sanitation District to be dissolved in 2014 CCON/1089 MCA2004-028 MCA2004-030
40 CCON/1724
41 City/County PW&U (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Provide Sewer Service-Doug Jones 1996 Provide sewer service to property outside the 201 boundary and close to Orchard Mesa Sanitation District lines Excluding from 201     CCON/1568 MCA96-33
42 City/County PW&U (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Rosevale Sewer Extension 1996 Sewer Service Agreement and DOLA loan Sewer Service Colorado Dept. of Local Affairs   CCON/1055 MCA96-34
43 PUBLIC SAFETY                
44 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Colorado West Mental Health (Detox/ Hospital) 2012 •Detox - FY 11- GJPD brought 89 out of 659 admits/Sheriff brought 43 out of 659 admits •Psych Hospital - FY 11 - GJPD brought 180 out of 1,284 adults /Sheriff brought 39 out of 1,284 admits •County - $300,000 capital construction •County - $300K to $350K annual operations - not addressed in agreement Collaboration with HOT Team for intoxicated individuals Colorado West Regional Mental Health now MindSprings   CCON/2814  
45 City/County Fire/Police/ Sheriff Multi-Agency Fire Investigation Partnership 2014 Combine skills and expertise for arson investigations Fire Investigations Clifton fire, Lower Valley Fire, Palisade Fire, Fruita Police, Palisade Police   CCON/3400  
46 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Western Colorado Auto Theft Task Force 2010   Combat Auto Theft Colorado State Patrol, Fruita Police Department, Mesa County District Attorney's Office   CCON/2429  
47 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Western Colorado Joint Drug Task Force 2008 •City has 4 employees •County has 7 employees + $350K grant from HIDTA (grant pays for two of SO employees, balance pays for OT, investigative funds for all members) - grant funds used for overtime Reduce Drug Use Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) liaison   CCON/2424  
48 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Mesa County DUI Task Force 2009 agreement continuous annually under the terms of the agreement multi agency effort to apprehend DUI offenders - each agency pays for costs for their own officers Colorado State Patrol, City of Fruita, Town of Palisade, District Attorney of the 21st Judicial District   CCON/2428  
49 City/County Police, Fire, & Comm Ctr/Sheriff, Health Dept. & Emergency Management Public Safety - Incident Management 1998   all agencies to participant in standardized incident command system during a large scale event Lower Valley Fire Protection District, Colorado State Patrol, Clifton Fire Dept. Palisade Fire Dept. St. Mary's EMS Dept.   CCON/2425  
50 City Fire/ Emergency Management Emergency Management - DERA (HazMat) 2016 City provides county-wide HAZMAT response, County delegates DERA authority via annual contract in the amount of $52,546, DERA for Hazardous Materials and Emergency Response. Previously the City also provided Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act (SARA) services for the County.Currently the MC Emerg Manager completes the SARA reporting requirements. HazMat Response     CCON/3826 MCA-2012-057
51 City/County PW&U/ Emergency Management Emergency Management - Hazard Mitigation 2010, updated in 2015 •City participates in hazard mitigation planning and carries out projects •County maintains FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan Joint hazard mitigation plan - hazardous materials and emergency response City of Fruita, Town of Collbran, Town of Palisade, Lower Valley Fire Protection District, 5-2-1 Drainage Authority, Plateau Valley Fire Protection District, Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District   RESDOC/5212 MCR2009-029 MCM2009-225
52 City/County Joint Information Center Committee PIOs city and county wide Memorandum of Understanding 2007 Agreement to cooperate when needed in emergency situations Emergency public information provision Hospitals, School District, BLM. DOW, Xcel   CCON/2579  
53 City/County Police/Sheriff/DHS/Workforce Center Memorandum of Understanding for service to Domestic Violence Victims 2007     Hilltop, Gateway Youth and Family Serivces, 21st Judicial District Probation Dept. & DA, Homeward Bound, Western Colorado Area Health Education Center, Colorado Legal Services   CCON/2816 our copy is unsigned  
54 City/County Police Communication Center Agreement for Airport on Emergency Dispatch Services 2010         No agreement needed as they are a user agency as of 2010  
55 City Fire/ Emergency Management Emergency Management - DERA (HazMat) 2016 City provides county-wide HAZMAT response, County delegates DERA authority via annual contract in the amount of $52,546, DERA for Hazardous Materials and Emergency Response. Previously the City also provided Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act (SARA) services for the County.Currently the MC Emerg Manager completes the SARA reporting requirements. HazMat Response     CCON/3826 MCA-2012-057
56 City/County Fire/ Emergency Management Emergency Management -Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 2004 EMS services in Ambulance Service Area some of which is in unincorporated Mesa County, per Resolution identifying Grand Junction Ambulance Service Area License ambulances in Mesa County, coordinate QA/QI probationary EMT, manage electronic medical records Palisade, Lower Valley, DeBeque, Plateau Valley, Central Orchard Mesa, Lands End, Gateway/ Unaweep   REF/10 MCM 2004-220-2
57 City/County Police/Sheriff 21st Judicial District Critical Incident Response Team Protocol 2012 to investigate incidents where a law enforcement officer uses deadly force and other special investigations or criminal incidents requiring unusual investigative resources.   DA, Town of Palisade, City of Fruita, CSP, CBI   CCON/2815  
58 City/County PW&U/GVT Bus Benches & Shelters Advertising 2004 Assigns the advertising contract with Outdoor Promotions to Colorado West Outdoor Advertising, For locations within the City limits       CCON/1121 MCM2001-147


  A B C D E F G H I J
1 Entity Providing City/County Department Agreement Date of Agree-ment Reason/ History/ Notes Purpose Other Partners Recommended Action City Link County File #
3 JOINT BOARDS                
4 City/County Police/Sheriff Joint Board - 21st Judicial District Leadership Committee now called Criminal Justice Leadership 2009 Took on the duties of the Offender Management Group - Evidence Based Decision Making - City has limited involvement but membership should be maintained To ensure that Mesa County has the best criminal justice system possible, to respond to issues of concern and act as a forum DA, DOC, DYC, Public Defender/ Criminal Defense Bar, City of Fruita, Town of Palisade Project Completed and group no longer meets per Sue Gormley 11/28/16    
6 City/County Public Works Highway 50 and US 6 West Access Control 2009 Jointly funded Access control plan for a portion of Highway 50     CCON/1072 MCM2009-1-019
7 City/County Public Works Highway 6 (and State Highway 139) Access Control Plan 2011 Jointly funded Access control plan from Loma to 24 Road City of Fruita   CCON/2458  
8 LAND USE/PLANNING                
9 City/County   Land Use - Housing Strategy complete in 2009 the product of a public-private initiative.   The Committee continues the work of the Strategy by keeping the data up-to-date and implementing the plan recommendations. to create long-term, sustainable solutions for housing challenges in the Grand Valley CHFA, Grand Junction Housing Authority, Mesa County, City of Fruita, Town of Palisade, Housing Resources of Western Colorado, Colorado Housing and Finance Ass., as well as private sector community members   no written agreement  
10 City/County Planning Land Use - Comprehensive Plan 2008 MOU for cost share in 2008 Jointly adopted Comp Plan (City Council/County Planning Commission) Contract with Winston Associates in 2008   CCON/1666  
11 SEWER SERVICE                
12 City/County PW&U (Persigo)/Public Works Persigo - Central Grand Valley Sanitation District 2004 Transfers operation and assets to the City as manager of Persigo Sets forth relationship with City and County Central Grand Valley Sanitation District District dissolved 12/31/12
13 City/County PW (Persigo)/ Public Works Persigo - Orchard Mesa Sanitation District 2004 Total service agreement Transfers operation and assets to the City as manager of Persigo Orchard Mesa Sanitation District
Dissolved in 2015
14 ENERGY CONSERVATION              
15 City Public Works (Neighbor-hood Services) Energy Conservation 2010 •Energy efficiency and conservation block grant •New Energy Communities Initiative Cost sharing on outreach and audit program     CCON/2171 MCM2011-032
17 City/County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Colorado West Mental Health (Detox/ Hospital) 2012 - Agreement is between GJPD on behalf of the HOT Team, there is no written agreement with the Mesa County Sheriff's Office •Detox - FY 11- GJPD brought 89 out of 659 admits/Sheriff brought 43 out of 659 admits •Psych Hospital - FY 11 - GJPD brought 180 out of 1,284 adults /Sheriff brought 39 out of 1,284 admits •County - $300,000 capital construction •County - $300K to $350K annual operations - not addressed in agreement Collaboration with HOT Team for intoxicated individuals Colorado West Regional Mental Health now called MindSprings no longer active, put in abeyance, per Chief Camper CCON/2814  
18 County IT/Emergency Management Emergency Management - 900 MHz Antenna - 510 29 1/2 Road 2008 •City utilizes 900 MHz system •County hosts antenna site at the Human Services building     EXPIRED 12/31/13, per Jim F on 11/22, equipment was removed so the site is no longer being used CCON/1665 MCA 2008-081
19 City/County Police/Sheriff/DHS/ Workforce Center Memorandum of Understanding for service to Domestic Violence Victims 2007     Hilltop, Gateway Youth and Family Services, 21st Judicial District Probation Dept. & DA, Homeward Bound, Western Colorado Area Health Education Center, Colorado Legal Services appears to be an old, inactive program per Chief Camper CCON/2816 our copy is unsigned  
20 County Police/Sheriff Public Safety - Graffiti Abatement 2011 $5,000 paid by City Uses work-ender program participants to abate graffiti   TERM ENDED MARCH 1, 2015 CCON/2426  
22 City Police & IT/Sheriff COPLink 2008 Established as part of the State Colorado Information Sharing Consortium (CISC) To make Law Enforcement information available across the state - City Hosts the Western Slope Node - Shared Costs by City, County and Western Slope Agencies Part of State Wide Consortium for Law Enforcement Information Sharing - Currently 90 agencies participating changed systems in 2016 CCON/2118  
23 SERVICES                
24 City Purchasing Purchasing Cooperation 2014 City Purchasing provides procurement expertise to Mesa County for $65,000/year       CCON/3174 BOCC 2014-26

Inactive or Complete