Ordinance Zoning the Interstate Addition Enclave Annexation





 The following property has been annexed to the City of Grand Junction as the Interstate Addition Enclave Annexation and requires a City zoning designation be applied to the property.


 After public notice and public hearing as required by the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code, the Grand Junction Planning Commission recommended approval of the following zone of annexation.


 The City Council finds that the requested zoning is in conformance with the stated criteria of section 4-4-4 and section 4-11 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.




The following described property be zoned Heavy Commercial (C-2):


   Lot 2, A Replat of the First Addition to Interstate Commercial Park County of Mesa, State of Colorado, also described as:

   A parcel of land situate in the NW 1\4 of the SW 1\4 of Section 32, Township 1 North, Range 1 West of the Ute Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:

   Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 32, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, thence along the west line of the SW 1\4 SW 1\4 of said Section 32 ( said west line also being the centerline of 23 Road ) N 00°00'00" E, 1319.66 feet to the southwest corner of the NW 1\4 SW 1\4 of said Section 32; thence along the south line of said NW 1\4 SW 1\4 and crossing the east 1\2 of said 23 Road N 89°59'47" E, 40.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the parcel described herein; thence continuing along the south line of said NW 1\4 SW 1\4 ( said south line also being the south line of Lot 2, A Replat of the First Addition to Interstate Commercial Park as recorded in Plat Book 13 at Page 344 of the records of the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder ) N 89°59'47" E, 1279.81 feet to the southeast corner of said NW 1\4 SW 1\4 ( said southeast corner also being the southeast corner of said Lot 2 ); thence along the east line of said NW 1\4 SW 1\4 ( said east line also being the east line of said Lot 2 ) N 00°00'44" E, 463.07 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence along the north line of said Lot 2 the following 3 courses:

   1) S 89°58'41" W, 299.52 feet;

   2) S 00°01'19" E, 103.69 feet;

   3) S 89°58'41" W, 980.43 feet to a point on the east Right-of-Way line of said 23 Road; thence along said east Right-of-Way line S 00°00'00" W, 358.97 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Parcel contains 11.27 acres more or less.



Introduced on first reading this 19th day of April, 1995.


PASSED and ADOPTED on second reading this 3rd day of May, 1995.





             /s/ Ron Maupin







/s/ Stephanie Nye

City Clerk