Ordinance No. 2844









 The common planning definition of Bulk Requirements or Bulk Regulations is as follows (The New Illustrated Book of Development Definitions, Center for Urban Policy Research, 1993):


 Standards and controls that establish the maximum size of buildings and structures on a lot and the buildable area within which the building can be located, including coverage, setbacks, height, floor area ratio, and yard requirements.


 The intent of bulk requirements is to define the three-dimensional space within which a structure may lawfully be built on a lot. Generally, other standards such as minimum lot area, landscaping requirements, and design guidelines are not defined as a part of bulk requirements.


 The Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code currently includes minimum lot area and other standards under the general heading of "bulk requirements" for each zone district. The primary concern with the current Code is that the Board of Appeals may "hear and decide appeals for variance of the bulk requirements for the zoning districts in this Code" which includes variances to minimum lot area. Over time, the consideration and granting of variances for minimum lot area could compromise the intent of the density differences among the various zoning districts. Such a variance is, in effect, a rezoning. Density is one of the most basic tenants of zoning. Density should be changed if at all, via a rezoning and public hearing by the Planning Commission and City Council rather than through a variance process.


 The Grand Junction Planning Commission, at its March 7, 1995 hearing, recommended approval of this text amendment.




TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 2







DWELLING UNIT PER 5 ACRES. This zone provides for low density single family and agricultural uses adjacent to urban areas. It allows for the continuation of agricultural operations and rural uses and provides for the larger acreage more appropriate to the keeping of agricultural animals.


A.  Minimum lot area  5 acres


B.  Maximum dwelling units per five (5) acres  1


C.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Minimum street frontage  50 feet


 2.  Maximum height of structures  32 feet


 3.  Minimum lot width (at structure site for principal structure)  150 feet


 4.  Minimum side yard setback

     Principal structure  50 feet

     Accessory structure (on rear half of parcel)  50 feet


 5.  Minimum rear yard setback

     Principal structure  50 feet

     Accessory structure  50 feet


 6.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  80 feet

     Minor arterial  80 feet

     Collector  60 feet

     Local  50 feet


 7.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  25%



D.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 3



4-2-2 RSF-1 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) - NOT TO EXCEED ONE DWELLING UNIT PER ACRE. This zone provides for low density single family and agricultural uses within or adjacent to urban areas. It allows for the continuation of light intensity agricultural operations and suburban uses and provides for the larger lot sizes more appropriate to the keeping of agricultural animals.


A.  Minimum lot area  1 acre


B.  Maximum units per gross acre  1


C.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Minimum street frontage  50 feet


 2.  Maximum height of structures  32 feet


 3.  Minimum lot width (at structure site for principal structure)  100 feet


 4.  Minimum side yard setback

     Principal structure  15 feet

     Accessory structure (on rear half of parcel)  3 feet


 5.  Minimum rear yard setback

     Principal structure  30 feet

     Accessory structure  3 feet


 6.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal  75 feet

     Minor arterial  75 feet

     Collector  55 feet

     Local  45 feet


 7.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  25%



D.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.


TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 4



4-2-3 RSF-2 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) - NOT TO EXCEED TWO DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. This zone provides for low density single family uses with associated limited agricultural uses generally for hobby purposes. It allows for the continuation of rural uses in annexed areas with the expectation that larger parcels will develop into urban or suburban densities.


A.  Minimum lot area  21,500 sq. ft.


B.  Maximum units per gross acre  2


C.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Minimum street frontage  50 feet


 2.  Maximum height of structures  32 feet


 3.  Minimum lot width (at structure site for principal structure)  100 feet


 4.  Minimum side yard setback

     Principal structure  15 feet

     Accessory structure (on rear half of parcel)  3 feet


 5.  Minimum rear yard setback

     Principal structure  30 feet

     Accessory structure  3 feet


 6.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way) (see also

   Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  75 feet

     Minor arterial  75 feet

     Collector  55 feet

     Local  45 feet


 7.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  25%



D.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.


TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 5



4-2-4 RSF-4 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) - NOT TO EXCEED FOUR DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. This zone provides for low density single family development within urban areas. Developments of this density shall be provided with complete urban services and facilities, e.g. water, sewer, streets, and other utilities.


A.  Minimum lot area  8,500 sq. ft.


B.  Maximum units per gross acre  4


C.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Minimum street frontage  20 feet


 2.  Maximum height of structures  32 feet


 3.  Minimum lot width (at structure site for principal structure)  75 feet


 4.  Minimum side yard setback

     Principal structure  7 feet

     Accessory structure (on rear half of parcel)  3 feet


 5.  Minimum rear yard setback

     Principal structure  30 feet

     Accessory structure  10 feet


 6.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  75 feet

     Minor arterial  65 feet

     Collector  50 feet

     Local  45 feet


 7.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  35%



D.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 6



4-2-5 RSF-5 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) - NOT TO EXCEED FIVE DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. This zone provides for medium density single family development within urban areas. Development of this density shall be provided with complete urban services and facilities, e.g. as per RSF-4.


A.  Minimum lot area  6,500 sq. ft.


B.  Maximum units per gross acre  5


C.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Minimum street frontage  20 feet


 2.  Maximum height of structures  32 feet


 3.  Minimum lot width (at structure site for principal structure)  60 feet


 4.  Minimum side yard setback

     Principal structure  5 feet

     Accessory structure (on rear half of parcel)  3 feet


 5.  Minimum rear yard setback

     Principal structure  25 feet

     Accessory structure  10 feet


 6.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  75 feet

     Minor arterial  65 feet

     Collector  50 feet

     Local  45 feet


 7.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  35%



D.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 7



4-2-6 RSF-8 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) - NOT TO EXCEED EIGHT DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. This zone provides a high density single family urban development. Common open areas are encouraged to provide functional and aesthetic relief. Development of this density shall be provided with complete urban services and facilities, e.g. as per RSF-4.


A.  Minimum lot area  4,000 sq. ft.


B.  Maximum units per gross acre  8


C.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Minimum street frontage  15 feet


 2.  Maximum height of structures  32 feet


 3.  Minimum lot width (at structure site for principal structure)  40 feet


 4.  Minimum side yard setback

     Principal structure  5 feet

     Accessory structure (on rear half of parcel)  3 feet


 5.  Minimum rear yard setback

     Principal structure  15 feet

     Accessory structure  3 feet


 6.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  75 feet

     Minor arterial  65 feet

     Collector  50 feet

     Local  45 feet


 7.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  45%



D.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific application of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 8



4-2-7 RMF-16 (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY) - NOT TO EXCEED 16 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. This zone provides for medium density multi-family developments. Areas in which this zone might be considered shall be reviewed for ade­quate services and facilities to accommodate the anticipated densities.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments must meet all bulk stan­dards and may not exceed the per acre density indicated.


B.  Maximum units per gross acre  16


C.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  36 feet


 2.  Minimum side yard setback

     Principal structure  10 feet

     Accessory structure (on rear half of parcel)  3 feet


 3.  Minimum rear yard setback

     Principal structure  20 feet

     Accessory structure  10 feet


 4.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  75 feet

     Minor arterial  65 feet

     Collector  50 feet

     Local  45 feet


 5.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  50%



D.  A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the gross land area shall be landscaped.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 9



4-2-8 RMF-32 (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY) - NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY-TWO DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. This zone provides for high density multi-family develop­ments. Areas in which this zone might be considered shall be reviewed for adequate services and facilities to accommodate the anticipated densities.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards and shall not exceed the per acre density indicated.


B.  Maximum units per gross acre  32


C.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  36 feet


 2.  Minimum side yard setback

     Principal structure  10 feet

     Accessory structure (on rear half of parcel)  3 feet


 3.  Minimum rear yard setback

     Principal structure  20 feet

     Accessory structure  10 feet


 4.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  75 feet

     Minor arterial  65 feet

     Collector  50 feet

     Local  45 feet


 5.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  60%



D.  A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the gross land area shall be landscaped.


E.  Limitations - Not more than four dwelling units per structure shall be constructed or maintained.


F.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 10



4-2-9 RMF-64 (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY) - NOT TO EXCEED SIXTY-FOUR DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. This zone provides for high density multi-family developments.


A.  There is no minimum lot area, but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards and shall not exceed the per acre density indicated.


B.  Maximum units per gross acre  64


C.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  36 feet


 2.  Minimum side yard setback

     Principal structure  10 feet

     Accessory structure (on rear half of parcel)  3 feet


 3.  Minimum rear yard setback

     Principal structure  20 feet

     Accessory structure  3 feet


 4.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  75 feet

     Minor arterial  65 feet

     Collector  50 feet

     Local  45 feet


 5.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  60%



D.  A minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the gross land area shall be landscaped.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 11



4-2-10 B-1 (LIMITED BUSINESS) This zone provides a transitional or buffer zone of

light business uses between residential areas and heavier business uses as authorized in the Use/Zone Matrix. Development adjacent to residential uses should respect the scale and appearance of the neighborhood. Screening, landscaping, or other features will be required to assure compatibility.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  40 feet


 2.  Minimum side and rear yard setback  0 feet

   (if abutting a residential zone or existing residential use)  10 feet


 3.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  65 feet

     Minor arterial  55 feet

     Collector  45 feet

     Local  40 feet


 4.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  60%


C.  A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the gross land area shall be landscaped.


D.  Limitations


 1.  Business uses shall be constructed and operated so as not to increase curb parking in front of abutting residential areas, i.e. on-site parking shall be provided.


 2.  All uses in this district shall cease operation and turn off illuminated signs not later than 11:00 p.m. daily.


 3.  Service entrances and service yards shall be located only in the rear or side yard of the business use. Service yards shall be screened from an adjacent residential zone or use by the installa­tion and maintenance of a solid wall or fence having a height of not less than four feet nor more than six feet.


 4.  Residential uses in the B-1 zone shall not exceed 16 units per acre.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 12



4-2-11 B-2 (NEIGHBORHOOD CONVENIENCE BUSINESS) This zone provides for

light business uses in residential areas which have no nearby shopping facilities. The type of businesses operated in this zone shall be strictly neighborhood service-oriented to provide retail merchandise or services which are frequently needed in the home. The B-2 zone is not intended to provide major shopping or services facilities such as in a neighborhood shopping node. Development in this zone shall be compatible in scale and appearance with the neighboring residential areas.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  40 feet


 2.  Minimum side and rear yard setback  0 feet

   (if abutting a residential zone or existing residential use)  10 feet


 3.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  65 feet

     Minor arterial  55 feet

     Collector  45 feet

     Local  40 feet


 4.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  60%


C.  A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the gross land area shall be landscaped.


D.  Limitations - Uses in this zone district will be permitted only sub­ject to all of the following conditions and limitations:


 1.  Must be located at the intersection of two principal and/or minor arterial streets; and


 2.  Must be located at least eight-tenths of a mile from another Business, Commercial, Industrial zone district or existing use in which retail sales are an allowed use. The distance is measured between the closest boundaries of the two (existing and proposed) trade zone districts; and


 3.  Can be located only if the proposed use and existing uses will occupy not more than two quadrants of one of the intersecting streets (see Figure F4-2-10); and


 4.  Maximum land area permitted is 50,000 square feet on a corner. The shorter dimension of this zone district on either corner shall not be less than fifty percent (50%) of the longer dimension; and



TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 13



 5.  Business uses must be constructed and operated so as not to in­crease curb parking in front of abutting residential areas, i.e. on-site parking shall be provided; and


 6.  All business uses in this district shall cease operation and turn off illuminated signs not later than 11:00 p.m. daily; and


 7.  Service entrances and service yards shall be located only in the rear and side yard of the business use. Service yards shall be screened from adjacent residential zones and uses by the installa­tion and maintenance of a solid wall or fence having a height of not less than four feet nor more than six feet.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.























 (Figure F4-2-11)





TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 14



4-2-12 B-3 (RETAIL BUSINESS) This zone is primarily for areas of concentrated indoor

retail and service business uses but not for major shopping centers or large outdoor sales areas. These areas shall be organized and developed to provide for pedestrian circulation among the uses from common parking areas. The formation of "parking districts" within adjoining areas is encouraged.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  40 feet


 2.  Minimum side and rear yard setback  0 feet

   (if abutting a residential zone or existing residential use)  10 feet


 3.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  65 feet

     Minor arterial  45 feet

     Collector  35 feet

     Local  25 feet


C.  A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the required front yard setback shall be land­scaped. On any street where the required setback is less than five feet, the landscaping requirement shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the first five feet along that street. The Administrator may allow landscaping to be located in areas other than the setback, or first five feet, so long as the total required square footage is provided and the intents of this Code are met.


D.  Limitations - Service entrances and service yards shall be located only in the rear or side yard of the business use. Service yards shall be screened from adjacent residentially zoned or used property by the installation and maintenance of a solid wall or fence having a height of six feet. When the B-3 zone district abuts a single family zone district directly, without the intervention of a street or high­way (but not including an alleyway or easement), the boundary between the B-3 zone district and the single family zone district shall be fenced as required above.


 1.  Residential uses approved through the conditional use process shall not exceed a maximum density of 64 units per acre.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 15



4-2-13 C-1 (LIGHT COMMERCIAL) This zone is primarily for retail and service

businesses requiring direct access onto a major street system. This may include major shopping centers as well as outdoor sales and motels.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  40 feet


 2.  Minimum side and rear yard setback  0 feet

   (if abutting a residential zone or existing residential use)  10 feet


 3.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  55 feet

     Minor arterial  45 feet

     Collector  40 feet

     Local  25 feet


C.  A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the required front yard setback shall be land­scaped. On any street where the required setback is less than five feet, the landscaping requirement shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the first five feet along that street. The Administrator may allow landscaping to be located in areas other than the setback, or first five feet, so long as the total required square footage is provided and the intents of this Code are met.


D.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 16



4-2-14 C-2 (HEAVY COMMERCIAL) This zone provides for the establishment of areas

of heavy commercial activity such as wholesale businesses, ware­housing, and some light fabrication uses. It is anticipated that most uses in this zone will be oriented towards truck or rail traffic.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  40 feet


 2.  Minimum side and rear yard setback  0 feet


 3.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  55 feet

     Minor arterial  45 feet

     Collector  40 feet

     Local  25 feet


C.  A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the required front yard setback shall be land­scaped. On any street where the required setback is less than five feet, the landscaping requirement shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the first five feet along that street. The Administrator may allow landscaping to be located in areas other than the setback, or first five feet, so long as the total required square footage is provided and the intents of this Code are met.


D.  Limitations - Rezoning to the C-2 zone shall not be permitted adjacent to any residential zone.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 17



4-2-15 I-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) This zone allows for light manufacturing uses as well

as heavy warehousing and high impact uses. It is anticipated that most uses in this zone will be oriented towards heavy truck or rail traffic.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  65 feet


 2.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  55 feet

     Minor arterial  45 feet

     Collector  35 feet

     Local  25 feet


C.  Along arterial and collector roadways, a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the required front yard setback shall be landscaped. On any street where the required setback is less than five feet, the landscaping requirement shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the first five feet along that street. The Administrator may approve the landscaping being located in areas other than the setback, or first five feet, so long as the total required square footage is provided and the intents of this Code are met.


D.  Limitations - Rezoning to the I-1 zone shall not be permitted adjacent to any residential zone.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.


TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 18



4-2-16 I-2 (HEAVY INDUSTRIAL) This zone provides for areas of heavy and

concentrated fabrication, manufacturing and industrial uses including outdoor industrial storage. It is anticipated that most uses in this zone will be oriented towards heavy truck or rail traffic.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  65 feet


 2.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  55 feet

     Minor arterial  45 feet

     Collector  35 feet

     Local  25 feet


C.  Limitations - Rezoning to the I-2 zone shall not be permitted adjacent to any residential zone.


D.  Along arterial and collector roadways, a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the required front yard setback shall be landscaped. On any street where the required setback is less than five feet, the landscaping requirement shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the first five feet along that street. The Administrator may allow for landscaping to be located in areas other than the set­back, or first five feet, so long as the total required square footage is provided and the intents of this Code are met.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 19



4-2-17 P (PARKING, OFF-STREET) This zone provides for areas of off-street employee

or customer parking for business, commercial or industrial uses where these uses adjoin residential areas, without extending those zones into residential areas. The proper location of this zone should aid in reducing on-street congestion caused by certain uses, with a minimum impact on abutting residential areas.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structure  12 feet


 2.  Minimum setbacks (front, rear and side yard) Same as required for each abutting residential zone district.


C.  A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total gross land area shall be landscaped.


D.  Limitations - This zone district may be permitted and used only sub­ject to all of the following limitations which provide that the parking lot:


 1.  Is properly graded for drainage; surfaced with concrete, asphaltic concrete, asphalt, or any other dust-free surfacing; and main­tained in good condition, free of weeds, dust, trash or debris; and


 2.  Is provided with entrances and exits so located as to minimize traffic congestion and the effects of headlights at night in accordance with all City regulations.


 3.  Is provided with wheel or bumper guards so located and arranged that no part of any parked vehicle will extend beyond the bounda­ries of the parking lot; and


 4.  Is provided with a solid fence on each boundary of the parking lot which abuts a residential zone if the business, commercial or industrial use is operated after 10:00 p.m. The purpose of this fence is to obscure from abutting residential uses or zone the direct light from automobile headlights. The fence shall be maintained in a good condition and shall not be used as a support for any signs; and


 5.  Is provided with a solid fence at least four feet but not over five feet high installed parallel to the entire front property line in cases where the "P" zone is across a street from any residential zone. The erection of this fence shall not constitute a traffic or fire hazard; and


 6.  Is provided with lighting facilities for safety and has lighting facilities directed away from residential property, and direct light beams are confined to the lighted property by appropriate directional hooding; and


TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 20



 7.  Has not more than one shelter building, not exceeding fifty (50) square feet of floor area, for an attendant; and


 8.  The maximum permitted area of the "P" zone shall be no greater than sixty percent (60%) of an adjacent B-2 zone area.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the staff.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 21



4-2-18 HO (HIGHWAY-ORIENTED) This zone is intended to provide for areas of

business and commercial development along arterials in the City urban area, as defined by the Metropolitan Planning Organization. The HO zone will normally not be located more than 500 feet from a major road or highway.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


These guidelines are desirable to further the intents of this zone and are not absolutes. Planning Commission and/or the City Council may allow variations of these guidelines when specific projects can show that no adverse impacts will result, or if it is determined by the Planning Commission or City Council that stricter requirements are necessary due to specific project impacts.


 1.  Maximum height of structures  65 feet


 2.  Maximum coverage of lot by structures  35%


 3.  Minimum side and rear yard setback  15 feet


 4.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  65 feet

     Minor arterial  65 feet

     Collector  55 feet

     Local  45 feet


C.  A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of required front yard setback shall be landscaped. In addition, where a use in this zone adjoins a residential zone, the required setback area from adjoining lot lines shall be used only as a landscaped screening strip and not used for parking. This landscaping is in addition to required boundary fences.


D.  Limitations:


 1.  The location, size, number, and alignment of driveways shall be so arranged as to prevent traffic hazards and conflicts. The City Engineer may require common driveways, acceleration and deceleration lanes, and frontage roads.


 2.  Additions or alterations to approved HO development plans shall require resubmittal and reprocessing. The Administrator may approve minor changes in the site plan and requirements, in accordance with Section 7-5-6.





TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 22



E.  The following criteria shall be used in consideration of the placement of this zone and the type and arrangement of uses within it.


 1.  The zone and its uses shall provide for the orderly development and concentration of business and commercial uses serving both local and long distance travelers.



 2.  Major transportation corridors and access points to these corri­dors shall be aesthetically acceptable and present a favorable image of the community.


 3.  Pedestrian and vehicular conflicts shall be minimized by providing for adequate separation and channeling of these movements.


 4.  Appropriate space and site design shall be provided to satisfy the needs of modern commercial developments where access is primarily dependent upon vehicles.


F.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.

TAC 95-1.1 / April 13, 1995 / page 23



4-2-19 PZ (PUBLIC ZONE) This zone provides for uses and facilities in the ownership

or control of federal, state, and local govern­ments or political subdivisions. The managing agency may initiate a rezone at the time the use of newly acquired land is determined. The purpose of a public zone is to provide identification of public ownership, uses and facilities to protect public investment and interest. Adjacent land uses and development approvals shall be compatible with that public investment and interest.


A.  No minimum lot area is required but developments shall meet all bulk stan­dards.


B.  Bulk Requirements


 1.  Maximum height of structures  65 feet


 2.  Minimum side and rear yard setback  0 feet

   (if adjacent to a residential zone or existing residential use)  10 feet


 3.  Minimum front yard setback (from centerline of right-of-way)

   (see also Section 5-1-7)

     Principal arterial  65 feet

     Minor arterial  65 feet

     Collector  55 feet

     Local  40 feet


C.  A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of required front yard setback shall be landscaped.


D.  Limitations - Service entrances and service yards shall be located only in the rear and side yards. Service yards shall be screened from adjacent residentially-zoned property or uses by the installation and maintenance of a six foot high solid wall or fence.


E.  Also see Chapter Five for regulations applicable in all Zone Districts, Chapter Twelve, and Section 4-3-4. It is recommended that specific appli­cation of these regulations be discussed with the Administrator.




INTRODUCED for FIRST READING and PUBLICATION this 19th day of April, 1995.


PASSED on SECOND READING this 3rd day of May, 1995.





/s/ Stephanie Nye   /s/ Ron Maupin  

City Clerk          President of Council