Ordinance Zoning the 3D Systems Annexation





 The following property has been annexed to the City of Grand Junction as the 3D Systems Annexation and requires a City zoning designation be applied to the property.


 After public notice and public hearing as required by the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code, the Grand Junction Planning Commission recommended approval of Light Industrial (I-1) zoning.


 After public notice and public hearing before the Grand Junction City Council, City Council finds that the Light Industrial (I-1) zone district not be established, but instead a Planned Industrial (PI) zone district with specific uses and site requirements be established.


 The area North of H Road and between 27 1/4 Road and airport lands is an excellent location for clean and high tech manufacturing. The Mesa County Economic Development Council has expressed a desire to see this area develop into a high tech industrial park.


 The City Council finds that the Planned Industrial (PI) zoning is in conformance with the stated criteria of section 4-4-4 and section 4-11 of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.





The following described property be zoned Planned Industrial (PI) with the following approved land uses categories and site requirements and conditions:



A parcel of land situate in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 25, Township 1 North, Range 1 West of the Ute Meridian, County of Mesa, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:


 Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 25, Township 1 North, Range 1 West of the Ute Meridian, thence N 01057'20" E along the east line of the southeast 1/4 of said Section 25 a distance of 1317.39 feet to the northeast corner of a parcel of land as described in Book 2182 at Page 559 of the records of the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder; thence N 52054'21" W along the north line of said parcel of land a distance of 713.66 feet to the northwest corner of said parcel of land; thence S 01057'20" W along the west line of said parcel of land a distance of 1698.33 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel of land; thence crossing H Road S 01057'20" W a distance of 60.00 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line for said H Road; thence S 88003'49" E along said south right-of-way line a distance of 583.60 feet to a point; thence leaving said south right-of-way line and crossing the south 1/2 of said H Road N 01057'20" E a distance of 30.00 feet to the point of beginning.



 The list of allowed uses within this Planned Industrial (PI) zone shall include as follows:



 1) Advanced Composites Manufacture

 2) Medical Technologies Manufacture

 3) Information Technologies Manufacture

 4) Optical Science, Engineering & Instrumentation        manufacture

 5) Aviation parts Manufacture

 6) Software Development

 7) Metal Plating

 8) Electronic Fabrication

 9) Machine Shops

 10) Fabric Fabrication and Processing

 11) Glass Manufacture

 12) Pottery/Porcelain/Ceramic Manufacture

 13) Vocational/Technical Schools

 14) Industrial Printing and Publishing Establishments

 15) Helipads

 16) Bottling Works

 17) Canning

 18) Processing and Distribution of Dairy and Food Products

 19) Agribusiness (associated with land uses allowed in the    zone district)

 20) Health Clubs

 21) Cabinet Making

 22) Bus and Taxi Storage Buildings

 23) Commercial/Industrial Rental, Sales and/or Service      (associated with land uses allowed in this zone        district)

 24) Glass Fabrication and Installation (associated with      land uses allowed in this zone district)

 25) Sheet Metal Shops

 26) Sign Painting Shops

 27) Wholesale Business (associated with land uses allowed      in the Zone district)

 28) Any additional industrial, manufacturing, research or      commercial use or process which is demonstrated to be      based upon recently - developed or developing        technology or technologies, and which may advance the      level of scientific or technological understanding or      achievement generally or in any particular useful      application.



The following conditions shall apply to this PI zone district:




   Front Yard = 35 feet and shall remain free of        buildings and structures, open storage, and loading      and parking areas. Truck loading and receiving areas      shall not be permitted in the Front Yard unless so      screened as to not be visible from a public street.

   Side Yard = 15 feet and no buildings or structures      shall be permitted.

   Rear Yards = 25 feet and no buildings or structures      shall be permitted.

   Contiguous parcels may be combined and planned as an      integrated architectural unit.




No fence or wall (other than a retaining wall) shall be permitted to be constructed within the Front Yard or Side Yards except when approved by the Architectural Control Committee and when its location does not conflict with the appropriate vehicular sight distance triangle as defined by City code. Fences and walls are allowed within the Rear Yard subject to Architectural Control Committee approval and when they don’t conflict with the sight distance triangle.




1.) Adequate off-street parking shall be provided by each owner and tenant for customers and employees. The minimum standards shall be the total of the following:

a) One (1) Parking Space for each employee based on the largest shift.

b) Ten (10) percent of the total employee stalls for visitor parking and One (1) Parking Space for each vehicle used in the business.

2.) Adequate circulation of traffic in parking areas and access roads to parking shall be provided.

3.) Adequate off-street loading and maneuvering space shall be provided for every use.

4.) All off-street parking, access drives and loading areas shall be paved and properly graded to assure proper drainage.

5.) All parking areas shall be landscaped in conformance to parking lot landscaping regulations of the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.




   Landscaping shall include adequate screening of parking areas. A landscaping plan shall require approval by the City. All landscaping shall conform to the Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code.




1.) Directional signs of two (2) square feet or less may be erected as needed.

2.) One (1) name plate sign identifying the permitted use shall be permitted on each building site.

3.) One (1) advertising sign identifying the product or service provided by the business shall be permitted.

4.) The total square footage of sign space permitted under subparagraphs 2 and 3 above on any one (1) building site shall not exceed a total of thirty (30) square feet.

5.) Flashing or moving signs shall not be permitted.

6.) Maximum height of any attached sign shall not exceed the actual height of the building. The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall not exceed four (4) feet.

7.) All signs shall require a City sign permit and be obtained by a licensed sign contractor.



1.) All building site improvements are subject to the municipal code of the City of Grand Junction as it may be amended from time to time.

2.) All materials stored outside shall be screened.




   All land uses within the approved land use categories shall require submittal and review through the City’s Planned Development Review process requiring a public hearing and approval by Planning Commission. Appeals to Planning Commission decisions shall be heard by City Council. Each development must receive approval prior to commencement of any development activity.



Introduced on first reading this 21st day of August, 1996.


PASSED and ADOPTED on second reading this 16th day of October, 1996.




              /s/ Linda Afman






/s/ Stephanie Nye

City Clerk